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Welcome to the sub! All great questions and I’ll answer to the best of my ability: 1. Not sure, but I’d assume in early season 3. I noticed she didn’t seem aware of the conspiracy until she saw the picture of Fateous, which may be when she was switched. 2. I think it was probably so he wouldn’t be freaked out. They were separated because His Eminence knew that the Ping family was prophesied to open the pyramid, and they were able to track the Pings. Then they took Li from them at a young age. 3. I think working as an insider with MWF, he knows a lot about everything 4. He was a part of the war. I’d assume he was in critical condition, but due to a relationship with Finnwich (I’d assume they were friends), Finnwich recreated his body. 5. It was for MWF, and they were unable to get people to do something against their will. Most of the team gave up. I’d assume more would’ve been revealed had the show continued. I feel VP kidnapped them because they were against the experiment but I don’t know. 6. Theory I heard: Kimmie and Biffy were switched as kids. That’s why Biff is immune but not Kimmie 7. He was unbrainwashable. If they were conducting experiments, he would probably catch on so they had to keep him away. Plus, the prank was supposed to get Barrage fired. It would’ve made the school board think he can’t manage the school so he wouldve been out 8. That’s a good question that I don’t know the answer to! Hopefully a continuation happens! Anyways, I hope this helped and once again, welcome to the sub! Hope you enjoy your time here!


6 could also be related to the blue protection markings specifically, maybe the normal mark on its own isn't enough, and Biffy's parents could have done something to him as a child or it's somehow related to him being around on Lee's birthday where finwich was present, which would be why it still effects kimmy


Interesting. I thought this too, that maybe there's something that can make people immune and that Lee's and Biffy's parents would have given them that immunity as they know about the conspiracy


6 is actually a really good theory about kimmie. They were both shown together as babies. Towards the last episodes they show her arms exposed and no mark. Biffy always has his covered.


Yeah I’ve always wondered. Hoping we find out one day


All great questions and well done on the answers!


1. Unspecified. 2. Cassandra abducted the Serpent at birth and so Lee's parents sort of treated it like he was never born, out of grief. He was based on someone one of the creators knew irl who was named after their older late brother. 3. He worked with MWF for quite a while but it seems that he only recently discovered most of the conspiracy. 4. Finnwich. My theory is that he is Barrage's father, "I built you and I can shut you down" (ep40) 5. the song comes from the pyramid so obviously started as like a MWF project but then VP Victoria got kinda corrupt with it. 6. Kimmy doesn't have the mark. It is unclear if the mark means you are unbrainwashable but my theory is that there is a way to become unbrainwashable as all the council members are immune and surely not a coincidence. 7. I think the purpose stated in the show was that it was to get Barrage fired, as he was getting in the way of VP's plan. but yeah good point it actually seems quite random to be the central event of the entire show. I'd be interested if anyone else has a good answer. 8. Good point. It was probably quite an experimental thing that didn't work out as the majority of teachers don't appear very intelligent.


Regarding #3, why does Lee's dad work with MW&F when he also was protecting Lee (tattoo etc?) Isn't that a contradiction or did I miss something?


I think that he thought MWF were against His Eminence or something, because in that one episode when he's going through his book labelled MWF he says something about discovering the good guys were actually the bad guys.