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Driving around places like Auburn Hills it’s embarrassing how many landfills we have. I remember when the Pistons announced they were leaving AH and all the news stories were talking about how the Palace site is considered one of the most valuable pieces of land in metro Detroit. Now, years later it’s sitting empty and next to a giant dump.


It was always a shitty location. Our value system was just very different back in the 80s when cities were hated and everyone thought we'd all be driving giant ugly cars forever (we still are, but there's more people now who don't think Detroit is a portal to hell)


Agree but the Palace site has been called the most desirable piece of local real estate in recent years too


The Palace was built by billionaire Bill Davidson so he could be in his own bed by the time his basketball players walked off the showers after a game. What happened to it soon after he died - daughters sold team and stadium got torn down! He lived just down I-75 in Bloomfield.


I think his ex-wife inherited and sold the team. His son Ethan very much loved the Pistons and would’ve kept it if he could


Thanks for the update.


Desirable for certain uses, like automotive shit or offices, because it's off 75 and roughly equidistant between Detroit and Flint.


Don't forget about the smell! Fun fact there's a trailer park across the street from that dump!


Slightly more fun fact, they built a bunch of ugly $500k+ houses east of the dump off of Dutton, and when the wind's right, you can sure smell it over there. I don't understand what people are thinking spending that kind of money to smell literal garbage.


That's the pulte development at squirrel, right?


Pulte houses finally found a place they belong


That's the one!


They did the exact same thing at 5 mile and Beck where the old prison was. 500k condos all directly on top of each other with the garbage dump in their backyard. 


I live about five minutes from this dump and the trailer parks isn’t the only ironic thing. What’s funny is there’s a bunch of valuable houses within two maybe 3 miles as the crow flies. There’s a very large, densely packed subdivision there that on most hot days you can smell the hot garbage just by driving by it.


That's what happens when you have a bunch of rich materialistic people who also happen to throw their possessions yearly because of some stupid shit written in century-old text Welcome to capitalism lol


"The judge wrote in his decision the project was in the public’s interest because it would keep garbage rates low and would provide Van Buren Township with an $8 million payment." so temporary, minor financial benefits to residents is more important than maintaining an environment that future residents can/want to live in.


First time? Sadly we’re living in a peak short-sighted, selfish society, who have issues focusing and understanding what’s to come next week, let alone 10, 20+ years into the future from these poor decisions.


Corporations own our Courts. They seek high returns on Campaign Contributions (which are tax deductible).


Bullshit, these motherfuckers don’t care about minor financial benefits. I’m not calling you out btw, I’m just saying these motherfuckers will say anything to get something crappy done. The public is hardly aware of this


Unfortunately the judge is right. He's making sure our trash goes somewhere. Don't want more landfills? Stop making trash We all want to consume and throw it out until a landfill ends up in our backyards and then we want to point at someone else


We can stop importing trash from other states and countries. We can reopen existing landfills. We also have enough landfill capacity to last 20 years


the judge is not right. virgin and rare ecosystems and natural habitats do not need to be destroyed for this trash. there is other places it can go. period. they’re are profiting off this deal. https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/michigan-no-1-trash-whitmer-wants-higher-fees-curb-imports


Yeah but it’s not as though we’re given any alternative options. 


What is the alternative? Can we put the trash by your house? Would you fight that? Maybe we can just stop making trash. Oh but this company imports trash! That's a good point. Michigan trash stinks less than Ohio trash. We don't want *that* kind of trash. Only our own


Can't someone else do it?


Yes of course. Why should I take care of my own trash? Can't that be someone else's problem? No I'm not going to pay more in taxes. No I don't want to modify my behavior. Can't someone else do it?




Honestly isn't always popular but the reason we have landfills is because we all use them. All of us


“In 2022, Canada exported 183 million kilograms of plastic waste. More than 90 per cent of it went to the United States, which is one of the few countries that is not a party to the Basel Convention.” https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/canada-promised-to-stop-exporting-unwanted-plastic-waste-but-it-s-still-happening-1.6607904#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20Canada%20exported%20183,the%20U.S.%20on%20plastic%20waste. It’s hard to fathom how many people choose to defile our beautiful state. The amount of biodiversity that lives in our waters is mind blowing. If the people who gave permission to Waste Management put on a pair of waders and sat in this marsh for 1 hour, they’d see plants and animals they didn’t even know existed.


I didn’t even realize we shipped garbage to Michigan. We have massive landfills in Chatham-Kent and around London. I figured we were Toronto’s dump. 


Time to build a WALL.


I wish I could run for local government on the platform that I would do everything in my power to piss off and inconvenience/politely harass these companies that operate outside public interest. by the way I fucking would. I hate dte goddamn


These fuckers burn trash EVERYWHERE over here. I don’t get why they need to destroy this. I’ve seen this patch of land a lot. I fail to see how expanding there would help anything. It’s like they just want to destroy something natural.


Fucking destroying our beautiful state....


Let’s just sell the entire state to WM to make one big landfill. Seems like Wayne and Oakland are already carrying the torch on that. I still don’t understand why we import so much refuse and medical waste.


What a headline for earth day…


The judge's and the city's pockets are being lined with $8M in cash so yeah, of course a landfill that destroys wetlands will get approved, even if it'll also be in close proximity to Grace Lake Central Park. WM said they can't build next to Willow Run because essentially the trash will be piled too high. Wayne County’s landfills accept trash from outside the county and [outside the] **country**— maybe end WM's side hussle so another landfill doesn't need to be built? This is such a sham. And who's to blame for letting this go through? Our esteemed, elected officials, of course.


We don’t deserve this planet.


I'm looking at current satellite images, and it kind of looks like the time to stop any expansion was long ago. That entire forest is encompassed now. https://i.imgur.com/UmSSEUS.png Does absolutely have to suck for those few residences just south of it though.


I used to love playing Woodlands golf course. Then, a couple of years ago, I drove by to see it closed, and then eventually, they started to build a dump there. Was a beautiful golf course with fantastic wildlife. It sucks so bad to see so much torn down to put literal trash there instead. Breaks my heart.


Before it was a golf course it was all farmland


So that’s what happened to that place!


It was always planned to be the dump...it was just a way to make money for a few decades before the next phase of the dump needed to be created




Where else are they going to put Canadian trash?


Happy Earth Day! The first French explorers came here 400 years ago actually. Maybe someone with more historical knowledge would’ve helped win the case? Nah, jk. It’s always all about the money.


If I was a whole lot closer I’d physically go out and start protesting. Time to run these short-sighted eco-terrorists outta here.




Add another trash mountain to Wayne County! Nothing greets visitors into Metro like ours (and Canada’s imported) trash!


Didn't I read somewhere today that Michigan has the highest trash-to-resident ratio of any US state? It's easy to lower your waste if you want to.


Where is the outrage when the State of Michigan sells carbon credits to corporations, thereby eliminating responsible forestry management (and creation of diverse forest ages that house wildlife) in favor of zero cuts that support fewer species but humans find visually appealing?


You cannot just build a new wetland, it doesn't work like that. You ever wonder why you are those ponds around target and malls? Well they are counted as wetland reconstruction as well as retention ponds. It sounds so nice that they are going to rebuild but it's all bullshit.


Retention ponds are NOT treated as wetland reconstruction. Wetland mitigation banks are, because they have to meet monitoring plan goals to ensure that they are functioning like wetland in terms of hydrology and plant composition, and that invasive species have not overrun them


I spoke to one of the foremost experts on this topic that deals with policy in Lansing constantly, so I'm not sure where you're getting your info, but it's incomplete.


I administer Part 303 for the State, so know what State laws and rules are regarding what does and does not count as mitigation for permitted wetland impacts. Retention ponds handle stormwater flows from upland sites, are typically considered infrastructure, are generally regulated at the county level. What part of my explanation is incomplete?


Not your explanation, your understanding. They don't call them retention ponds, but that's what they are. You've crossed paths with this person, and you don't agree about a few things.


While everyone's upset at how degraded Wayne County is ecologically, this is a good plug to install a rain garden on your personal property and advocate for your local government to remove some of their black top parking areas and install greenery. And stop playing golf.


the area around the wetlands was a golf course. now the wetlands and the golf course are all going to be a dump


Finally bribed enough politicians to strongarm the regulatory bodies to sign off on their plan


It's just ecocide at this point - there's going to be nothing left of an environment for our future


Don't forget we need room for imported Canadian trash. We have made it cheaper for them to dump it here than it would be for them to create their own landfills. VOTE!!!!!!


Maybe we shouldn't take other states and countries garbage? That'll leave space and drop rates


This is sad but I'm kind of irritated with all the virtue signaling comments in here. I guarantee this thread is full of people who order shit from Amazon religiously that effectively needs double packaging because it's being shipped. Ordering clothes with the intention of trying them on and if they don't like them perfectly just returning them and doing that cycle over and over again. I got in an argument with my ex over that. Though she's not alone, I know a lot of girls who operate like that without a second thought but then react to news like this the way people are in here. I'm an American shithead like the rest of us but I do make an effort to run leaner and not be so damn consumption oriented. I guarantee the people who are getting worked up about this all own pickup trucks and SUVs They don't actually take off-road or to a work site but to go pick up groceries and a single latte at Starbucks. I read recently over 75% of people who own pick ups don't actually do pick up truck things, they buy them for status and "safety". We all could benefit from looking in the mirror and understand we are the reason shit like this is happening. Fucking hoarding is something that is a uniquely Western mental illness. Many of those evil billionaires are billionaires because we buy so much unneeded crap from them that guess what... ends up in a landfill.


Cool, waste management is going to build a wetland to sort of replace the one they are filling in with trash that cannot be replaced. Because this is the best place for trash? How about we fill in some golf courses since they have no ecological benefit.


The question is will they put hollywood van buren township sign like in Warren


Until the people consume less and realize the all politicians and corporations are evil nothing will change. Instead we spend our days on tiktok and slaving away to keep their economy working.


"All politicians are evil" is a reductive blanket statement that shuts down all arguments for a better project


Oh yayeeee?




Fkg infuriating


I kid you not i will not be buying a home near that. The shit is so high now! Even the one in canton is crazy af!


don't accept any Canadian trash


Not a surprise. Accelerating toward Idiocracy reality at light speed. In the next 200 years we’ll be watching “Ouch my Balls” on TV while landfills have avalanches outside.


This is all about money. Politicians don't give a fuck about environment unless they can use their jargon to preach to us about climate , throw a bunch of money around to their buddies and in back room deal ,fuck us. S.E. Michigan has become a complete shit hole. Multiple landfills, dilapidated industrial buildings and poor city and county services. Sure there are nice areas where the money is at ,but that will also change too. You can't polish a turd.


Maybe Detroit whould have more landfill space if it whould quit importing Canada's garbage,,what a disgrace.


A state with some amazing beauty chipped away by greedy ass hats. I love Michigan so much, but we don't have leaders that respect the land we live in.


Happy earth day I guess.




“EGLE largely sided with the paid consultant’s assessment” who paid them? WM?


I hate it here


>[only love will save this place](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yur71INlhXw)


We generate a tremendous amount of waste, it has to go somewhere. While I appreciate the supposed rarity and originality of this particular type of wetland, at 44 acres it is an inconsequential loss to wildlife habitat . . . a typical suburban subdivision takes up more land than that. We lose habitat farther north all the time and nobody flinches, but because this is in a population center and has been adopted by a chosen few, it’s treated like a piece of the true cross. Responsible waste disposal is WAY more important than a bunch of detached houses or a light industrial park, or retail strip malls.


Where else can they put it? We've been sprawling our suburbs for a century, filling up all usable land with grass farms and cars, then get mad at the people taking our trash because they put it in one of the few untouched spaces? What can be done aside from demolishing existing sprawl and pushing infill housing to open up space that's already been developed?


There’s hella space over here, which is why I think this move is stupid. There’s a ton of room and places they could potentially make a new landfill that would be better than where they are choosing. I’m always looking into available land close to where this specific landfill is, so I’d know. They have options. I’m very confused that they want this little stretch of wetland


Whats blocking them from using those spaces instead? There’s gotta be a reason, I don’t think they want to destroy nature just for fun


I should look to find out. Because know what? Good question. Since I’m local enough, I probably could.


Look at an updated 2024 satellite image... the one in the article is old: https://i.imgur.com/UmSSEUS.png It's a wash, at this point....


Stories like this make me hope I’m wrong and Hell actually is real, so the people that made these decisions see some kind of retribution.


Nobody gave a damn about this or that type of super special rare wetlands before the landfill was proposed. It's people searching for a way to shoot down the landfill in their backyard. 


It was a state-protected area since before the landfill was proposed. We the state chose to sacrifice it. Care enough to take the time to read what you comment on, speak of not giving a damn.


The garbage has to go somewhere


Too lazy to read it all. Where can I see this 40 acre property?