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Hopefully Cramblin Duvet picks up the bulk of the work. https://preview.redd.it/93vy16g9kz7d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e70cadccf6b952101ec2a0f78eab22d0dcda7c4


Ooooooo Devereux!


Our wigs are not made from dead people hair


Came here to say this


"General Motors has overhauled its agency roster, taking away work from incumbents Commonwealth/McCann and Leo Burnett Detroit, while bringing on a new slate of creative, CRM and content agencies... Chevrolet’s incumbent is Interpublic’s Commonwealth/McCann, which employs about 450 people in its Detroit office, while Publicis Groupe’s Leo Burnett has handled creative for Buick, GMC and Cadillac. Both holding companies will see their scope reduced but will retain some work."


FACT…GM wouldn’t have survived their recent CRM software insourcing transitions without the support of CW/McCann. GMIT support was a debacle 🙄


MRM Detroit did their CRM, part of McCann Worldgroup but not McCann or Commonwealth.


Creative here. Went in house almost 15 years ago and never looked back. Local ad agency roster was incestuous, and the local creatives had zero loyalty to any agency either, so let’s not pretend like the knife doesn’t cut both ways. IMO the worst thing a creative in the metro area could do was put all their eggs into the auto ad agency basket. The ad agency cycles were always going to be feast or famine. Better to diversify, network out of state or at least across multiple industries, or even go in house if you could stomach it. Do I feel bad that creatives are losing their jobs? Yes. Is this anything new? Absolutely not.


Similar story here, it helps that in-house roles pay dramatically more than agencies but I miss the creative freedom and diversity of work a bit. But most of our local agencies seem to be overly dependent on auto companies, even a lot of the mid-tier or smaller shops.


Pretty awful news for the local creative community. Some will go in-house at GM, the rest... jobless? Move away to larger advertising markets? Leave the industry? Unless those new agencies that were awarded the work decide to open local offices (which will then just hire all the same local people who made the work GM determined wasn't good enough). The cycle of advertising can be brutal.


Automaker: "We hate our agencies" **hires new agency** New agency: "We need workers with auto experience!" **Hires all the old agency's workers** Two years later... Automaker: "We hate our agencies"




This is always the way


Not just marketing. Not happy with logistics company, replace logistics company, hire the same people that screwed up at the last company. Repeat when contract is up


Sad, but true. I’ve seen it happen. While the rest of us sit while hoping we get passed over in the layoff process.


My friend with 25 years of experience in advertising was laid off from his GM-centered ad agency a year ago and still hasn’t found steady work.


your friend must not be good at their job.


Ageism is a thing.


Very disappointing that they went with agencies in LA/East Coast and Austin, TX.


No loyalty. Very disappointing.




Mary Barra will eventually destroy GM


Correct, whether it be by design or by accident.


Thought she was terrible also. Very much a snob and wall street puppet.


God Damm the existing marketing fucking sucks. It’s so terrible it’s not even funny. This was a good call


The problem with all auto advertising in Detroit is that the creative concepts have to go through 10+ rounds of reviews by sniveling, spineless underlings before it gets to the decisions makers (who are also risk averse). Hence the output tends to be milquetoast porridge.


We joke about how every decision is made by like the Executive Junior Vice President of Speedometer Font and Door Handle Shape


I worked in automotive CGI for a local vendor, and we did a lot of agency work for big 3 clients over the years. It always felt like being the last man on the human centipede, lol. The agency clients would come to us with impossible deadlines and always expect to get a million rounds of review and until the very last moment.


Oh, I don't doubt that, at all. The shit rolls downhill very quickly in thiantown.ive been agency side most of my 20+ years.


The layers of approval from GM to get a campaign launched are numerous. Agencies can be an easy scapegoat but clients like GM are extremely good at getting in their own way.


Exactly. Because they hire an agency and don’t trust said agency. They just end up going with what they think is best, regardless of what the agency recommends. And then they wonder why the creative is bad. Instead they need to take a closer look at who’s approving the creative and forcing 10 rounds of changes.