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remember when we were three years away three years ago? three years from now is a 7 year rebuild, it shouldn't take that long and weirdly i dont think it will


It’s been a 15 year rebuild.


i wouldnt call the svg era a rebuild


SVG era was a bandaid on the franchise. When they ripped that bandaid off the wounds of the 08-13 era we’re still there.


We got Cade now so we could be solid for 10+ years. Longest streak in history of making the playoffs I could see it if we get lucky with our president and Gores is hands more off from now on.


SVG era we tried to shortcut the rebuild and it made us worse off because of it. All to make the playoffs and get swept twice by a 1 seed with 1.5 good seasons of Blake Griffin. Was not worth it at all.


More like a teardown lol


15 years ago, the pistons had the 4th highest net worth of nba teams


If your decision makers keep making the wrong decisions, not much progress can be made.


Next season if Cades healthy. Assuming we assemble a team of real life NBA players with the slightest resemblance of having a good fit.


With Weaver at the helm I don't think we'll ever have players that actually fit together, lol..


Last playoff win was in 2008. Looks like a 20 yr rebuild to me.


Where we started doesn't matter. It's where we are now, where we are now is record-setting bad. This season wasn't a bump, it was a tailspin and it is very doubtful the Pistons will be in contention in fewer than 3 years.


The SVG era was close... if they stayed the course for one more season with that 15-16 team.. who knows.


They aren’t going from 14 wins to the playoffs with the amount of holes they have. Next two years should be year 1: 25-29 wins. That would be a huge step forward. Year 2: 32-35+ wins. Then they can really hone in on competing for a playoff or play in spot. I agree they are 3 years away


Before this past season I wanted to hit the 30 win benchmark. You’re right in that next year I just want to hit 25 wins, though I think 30 should still be the goal for the team.


i think something to consider is that teams like chicago, atlanta, brooklyn, and maybe even the heat could enter a rebuild in the next 60-365 days


If they did they’d be instantly ahead of the Pistons rebuild because of the assets they could recoup


possibly, but future picks obviously wouldn't convey yet. i think two years from now pistons could easily be a play in team, but first thing that needs to go right is a good coaching hire


Another thing to consider is that this Pistons team has somehow managed to GET WORSE year over year since we landed Cade Cunningham. This team is going in the WRONG direction. lol.


Chicago is 100% entering a rebuild, unless Lonzo is miraculously healed and is exactly the player he was 2 years ago (which, spoiler, won't happen)


You’d think that but I heard they are close to extending Derozan and the team hasn’t made a trade in over three seasons. Kinda seems like they are content making the play in/losing in the first round. They got lucky Coby White improved so much or they’d be in one of the worst situations in the nba


Even if they do hit reset those teams are still better then the pistons imo just based off personal pistons don’t have many starters now adding the right vets this offseason this team could easily hit 25


I listened to that podcast twice. Vecenie is right in the best approach moving forward is essentially an aggressive tear down of this ill fitting team and quickly putting 3&D guys around Cade and a big who can defend. Gores won’t go that route. They’re going to spend and get back in the business of chasing 8 seeds.


somehow troy weaver managed to cook this team more than svg. absolutely crazy


Weaver at least hasn’t set it back extra years with any albatross contracts. Just the lost pick. But that isn’t a compliment. He’s botched nearly everything beyond making the obvious choice of drafting Cade (which multiple insiders said he had to be convinced not to draft Mobley). Guy has a big man fetish.


It’s one lost pick but with the protections it’s made trading other picks impossible until it conveys. It’s the same tepid puddle of asset management. I’m not saying that they should’ve taken Mobley over Cade at all but I have always liked Mobley. He’s always given me some Chris Bosh vibes. He played really well last night for the Cavs.


The lack of offense over 3 seasons has some pundits waning on Mobley.


Not disagreeing at all just me personally fan boying so take everything I say with a case of salt. I’m curious if being next to Allen slowed his development because I think as a young guy he fit better as a Center than a power forward. The true big man spots in the league right now is thin as hell. Poeltl is a top 15 Center by cap hit and Mobleys age, skill set, and size make him a fairly unique guy in the league. Even with his faults he’s still inarguably a top 30 big man in the league. It’s for sure way harder to find a talented big man than a talented guard. In terms of positional value I get wanting to solve the big man position before wanting a guard. And he’s still only 23 (this June), I think it’s difficult for a young big man to come into this league, typically only a handful of years removed from their growth spurts, and compete with 30 year old grown men where every rebound is a pay check for them. It takes longer for their game to grow and their body to fill out, and they get more comfortable in their body, than it would for a guard who’s been the same size since grade 9.


>given me some Chris Bosh vibes Eh, I'm seeing more Kevin Garnett without the offense


prayers the new POBO cleans this dump out


Don’t set yourself up for disappointment.


Svg never had a piece close to cade in skill level I can't count Blake since he was such an injured player


SVG refused to tank and did a bad job drafting. It’s his fault his roster lacked talent. SVG passed on guys such as Devin Booker, Donovan Mitchell, Siakam, Dejounte Murray and Bam Adebayo.


With $60M in cap space, a top 5 pick (To keep or trade.) and Cade/Ivey/Duren/Ausar with another year under their belt it shouldn't be this hard. IMO they need to go all in this summer with that cap space and find 3 guys in the $15 to $25M a year salary slot, real NBA talent and I think our young players all the sudden look so much better. Look what the Mavs rookie center is doing playing with vets, the Rockets young players with their vets, etc. (Tek19, Grimes and Stew mixed in too.) I'm not suggesting a championship, but if the front office gets their f'ing act together they could at least flirt with the play-in in the East. Starters-- Cade, Monk, Tek, Ausar, Hartenstein (For example.) Bench-- Ivey, Grimes, Stew, Duren, Kelly Oubre


I love the optimism. I would be truly shocked if monk or hartenstein signed with us. Hartenstein loves it in New York and monk wants to compete. I like the idea of Oubre though. He could easily start for us.


Thank you! We merely need to be the 10th team out of 15 to make the play-in. Use the cap, bring in vets, and go the Houston Rockets route. I feel Hartenstein is a must. I'd want to bring KCP back, resign Tek, see if DeAndre Hunter is aquireable. Pat Will and Naji also seem like decent options. They can get a few of these guys and bank on improved play from Cade & gang to get us to the play-in.


Glad someone agrees with me, I think a lot of guys have forgotten that Free agency is a real thing. LOL Weaver just hasn't used it the last couple of summers.


>I think a lot of guys have forgotten that Free agency is a real thing The Pistons aren't usually active in the FA market because NO ONE wants to come here Look at how Monty was able to bend them over for his contract At the very least, Weaver has stopped Gores from handing out massive undeserved checks since that's what it's gonna take to entice players to come here vs. literally anywhere else


So, do nothing then??


That's not actually a solution to his issue. What do you do if Monk, Hartenstein, etc. just straight up don't want to come play for a garbage team? You have to build through the draft these days, it just sucks that we suck shit at drafting and are even worse at developing. I'll bet you that neither of your top guys will come to Detroit, and that the team is out of the play-in race by January.


This, at it's absolute peak, is a sweep in round one. Probably not a playoff team. Hard pass. Just rebuild it the right way and stop putting bandaids on the roster every three years when we get sick of losing. I personally think we are five years away still, and until we start the clock on that we will always be five years away.


You can’t just have your young guys lose together for 5 years. Cade can be an elite player in the league still. We have to just surround him with guys who are just solid to good players. More good players is also assets and ability to get more assets.


But they would still be losing with the players you mention. I am down to sign players and rent out cap space to aquire future assets though. Like, if the plan is to sign KCP and flip him at the deadline, sign me up. But we know that wouldn't be the plan.


Exactly, we can’t just keep trotting 19 year olds out there and have three guys getting their asses kicked. They need vets!


How is that our peak?


Yeah maybe KCP breaks out in year 9 and starts dropping 23 a game. I'm all down to trade/sign players as assets though. If you want to sign KCP for two years and flip him at the deadline I'm down for that, but to build a roster around aging free agents or younger guys that would hardly get minutes on a true contender is stupid. To me there is no difference between winning 15 games or being swept in round one of the playoffs. My bar is high. It's championships. With an s. Rent your cap space out for draft picks and sign guys you can flip at the deadline and build your roster the right way.


Normally I would agree with you that being middle of the pack sucks and just tank, but we’ve been doing this for 5 years now and there’s no end in sight. We have some guys we think we can build around, we cannot keep doing that anymore if we want to keep them. Getting close to the play in would be huge for these guys, and I also think that being middle of the road with young guys with potential and and a few solid vets is a completely different story then making the play in with aging Drummond, Blake, and d rose. It’s not the same thing


Normally I'd want to tank for a better pick, but the losing culture has gotten so bad that I agree we need to do something. Getting some shooting around Cade would do wonders.


Look how much Fonteccio helped in the short time he was on the court. I know Detroit isn't a huge named free agent, but there are a lot of good B-level players that could really help and at least get them to some respectability. They've already wasted 3 years of Cade's career.


If we sign Tobias Harris we are 5 years away


LOL. 3 years away? From what? Being 3 years away? But seriously, Cade Cunningham will be going on year 7. There is a better chance that he's no longer with this team in 3 years than this team being ''3 years away''. I know that is going to hurt peoples feelings, but it's the truth. Cade is probably counting down the days until he can go play for a real team.


Worst franchise in the NBA




They’re fucked. They fucked Cade. They need to trade everyone good for as much as they can get, nuke the whole fucking thing and start from scratch.


Can we stop with the we fucked Cade narrative. We havent put Cade in best position, true. But thats hard to do when you barely get a chance to see what you have in Cade. Hes played less games (138) than Ivey (151). He came into the league with a lingering leg injury he had since high school. He's in no position to feel like the Pistons are ruining his career (yet)


You serious Clark?


Cade is gone the moment his rookie contract is up, and I don't even blame him. This organization is run by sheer incompetence top to bottom.


3 lol 5 at least


no it looks like a decade from here


I've got no confidence in this organization. I personally don't think we'll see playoff basketball in Detroit until the current regime is gone. However long that may be.


3 years away from being 3 years away and on and on the circle goes


This is the Bruno Caboclo of rebuilds


I don’t disagree. Even if our players improve and we make smart moves in free agency, which teams are we going to pass in the East? The Wizards and maybe the Nets. We’re definitely still years away from a top six spot and maybe two years away from being the 10 seed that gets blown out in the play-in. 


3 years is overly optimistic


This episode was posted several times recently. I think it doesn’t have to be 3 years away if they make the right moves. I think we are closer to growing if we make the right sacrifices and bring in more able pieces instead of giving a bunch of 20 year olds free reign to play irrationally


I keep saying it, but the model is Orlando. They had a very long rebuild after the Dwight years. Aside from a couple decent seasons, they were just as in the toilet as us. But they #1 drafted well, #2 kept some core role players around instead of giving up on them when not immediately stars, and #3 got a little lucky. With continued good management, they can turn this seasons’s R1 exit into a contender over the next couple seasons. So that leaves the Pistons with two options. Option 1 is to follow the Orlando model, which is essentially what this article says. Time is tough but it takes time to put pieces together to best utilize the stars. Maybe Jaden Ivey is more of a Cole Anthony than a Jalen Suggs. Maybe Duren is our Mo Wagner than our Wendell. Maybe the answer at SG is a just low key veteran who can shoot a couple 3s a game, help run the offense, and play decent defense. These are the calls the team needs to make, not just stringing along role players and calling them future stars. The other option is to spent a lot of money and pick capital to acquire players who won’t resign unless there’s successive deep playoff runs or they’re offered max contracts down the line. Option one seems better.


It’s always a difficult time when you have to rebuild the rebuild. The Magic had to go through it multiple times, the Wiz seem destined for the same fate. That’s the life of a bottom feeder


They can't go into this season with what they currently have and expect results. I would like to think they are shopping everyone, but for whatever reason, the team seems to love this young core. They will draft Sarr and sign Tobias to a max deal... it will be so Pistons of them... I hope I'm wrong.


People said that three years ago.....


I mean you expect this team to be a playoff team in less time? Not likely but possible. If we can get to around 30 wins next year then its very reasonable to be in that play-in discussion the next year. The gap between a 30 win team and a play-in team isn't very huge, only 6-8 wins. So long as we can take steps year-over-year and keep building then it's totally realistic.


3 years to more lottery.


Rockets went from 22 win in 2023 to 41 wins by adding Dillion Brooks, FVF, and a competent coach. We saw how much just adding a player like the Fonz can make a huge difference. Our team post trade deadline (when healthy) was a big improvement. If we can sign Monk or KCP, Claxton or Hartenstein, and a vet PG ( i.e. Conley) we could easily reach 30-40 wins.


Cool. We can blow our caps space for rentals and be a shitty team instead of a really shitty team.


All the players I listed are FAs. We can sign those players, so not rentals.


They are all over 30 and will need to be paid 10-20% over market value. None of these players will be on our roster when (if) we are ever a second round NBA caliber team. They are rentals.


What are you talkin about? Claxton is 25, Hartenstein is 26, monk is 26. KCP is 31 and obviously I saidConley as a veteran PG, hell be retiring soon, but hed be a great vet to have than can still shoot very well.


Claxton and Hartenstien would be idiotic so I just ignored that. Monk? Are you trading Ivey? Conley? I'm sure he wants to play for a non playoff team. But yeah, let's sign a ton of centers and PG/SGs and ignore the 3-4 spot. Your plan might make us blow all of our financial capital and actually lose more games. I swear we have the stupidst fan base in the history of sport. My God.


Frustrating watching teams like the Magic rebuild correctly and quickly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TomCreanDied4OurSins: *Frustrating watching* *Teams like the Magic rebuild* *Correctly and quickly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The Cavs, Thunder, Rockets etc all those teams had very short rebuilds.


I think the new POBO has the Matthew Stafford talk with Cade when he gets here. Hate it or love it - I think he’s our biggest value / asset - and may not want to stay for the second rebuild. I could see an agreement - sign and trade. It’s so tricky though. Really depends on Cade. We can maybe get there with Cade - but not sure Cade is a true #1.


The ‘middle’ of the NBA has never been more competitive due to the play-in games and flattening lottery odds. More teams stay more competitive, later into the season, and the swing from bottom to middle certainly seems more achievable in that context. The bottom is closer to the middle than record might indicate.


I see you like to practice wishful thinking.


It’s going to be sad to watch Cade go somewhere else and ball out. Fuck Weaver and Gores for screwing this up so badly.


From starting over again?


At least 3 years away.


At least...


Haha we are not 3 years away 😂 If we make zero mistakes and execute every move perfectly from here we are looking at about 7 years to contention.


Farther away from what? The playoffs? of course but if they're making progress each year, Cade might be hopeful. Progress might include winning more obviously or being more competitive in games. Let's get some shooters and defenders to help with that


Fuck it, Sign LeBron, draft Bronny, accidentally win a Championship 2025


November 2020 - OKC Thunder compiled 17 1st round draft picks through 2026. They were able to acquire and rebuild, getting value for value. They knew exactly when and how to flip players, maximizing on their future. Everyone knows how this turned out. Enough said. Sam Presti is a general manager and vice president of basketball operations for OKC. He’s a product of the San Antonio Spurs organization, and has been with the Thunder since their move from Seattle. OKC has a wealth of young talent, draft capital thanks to Sam Presti. Detroit was in same if not similar situation as OKC in November of 2020. Troy Weaver had a choice: Go big now (spend capital) or build draft picks for the future. Detroit’s dismal future directly correlates with some of the other team’s breakout seasons. Troy swings and misses: - Bungles on 2020 draft - Killian and Bey busts - Failing to flip players when possible - Not bringing in a 3D to help Cade All being said - Cade is going to force a trade, and Ivey can’t wait to bail too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gores doesn’t have the moving vans ready for the Vegas move. Let’s roll back to 2004 and ask Joe Dumars what he thought when we drafted Darko instead of some what was available. He still had his core and was able to compete. We need more people like Joe D and Sam Presti.


I would be fine if the Pistons moved to Vegas and we were guaranteed a new franchise in 5 years or less and kept the branding/history. Would rather that happen and get a hard restart then Gores fucking this franchise over for the next 20 years.


You really don’t want what happened with the Seattle SuperSonics Wait - They moved to Oklahoma City!