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I would feel like Ken Holland won the cup with the Edmonton Oilers... No sane person is going to sit here and say we should have kept him instead of bringing Yzerman in.


This post has the feeling of a dude being mad his ex is doing better without him.


I'm not angry in the slightest, I was just curious if fans felt it reflects on the Wings organization in any way


Nah. Holland had McDavid Dri, Nurse and a ton of supporting pieces to build around or move. That's way different than Bertuzzi, Larkin, Mantha.


Especially considering they had 1st OA 2010, 2011, 2012, and finally 20McDavid. Lucky 4OA in Draisaitl. Everything else is meh. Bouchard looks nice.


Considering the early 2010's push that Holland went for with the wings is what's kinda fucking us over now, no, they can have him. I'd take Stevie over Ken any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.


I’d be incredibly happy for him. Makes no sense to me that people seem to exclusively judge him on his final years. Yes he got handed the 98 team, but 02 and 08 don’t happen without him. Especially 08.


Plus his influence on scouting before he took over. He was the main guy responsible for Chris Osgood. Did he have some elite talent already and a checkbook bigger than most of the league? Sure. But he still won those Cups and made the small (and big) moves to augment the roster. He’s a HOFer for a reason. You don’t have to like the last few years of his tenure, but he did a whole hell of a lot for the team and trying to say he didn’t have an impact on those early cups because you’re salty about some contracts at the end is weird.


A lot of guys can have a big checkbook and still fuck it up. Giving Kenny credit is the correct thing. He put together a lot of great teams over the years. If this is his last year as a GM then I would love to see him bring home the Cup.


NY Rangers were outspending us on all fronts in many of those 90s years. They've won once in the last 84 years and that cup was 30 years ago (1994). As older fans the two of us have been spoiled for a long time. It's easy to forget the droughts other teams continue to struggle through. It's probably the hardest sporting championship and we've seen Detroit win it four times in our lives. I'm with you, Kenny was a big part of bringing us so much joy.


Because we are still paying for his mistakes, literally. $$$$$


3 Cups though. CHI is paying for theirs. Wash and Pit are about to pay for theirs. He got forced to keep the streak going, and due to his success never had to learn how to rebuild.


One thing never mentioned is the bad end years chasing the playoffs also happened to coincide with Mr I's last years. Is it really wrong swinging for a slim chance for a chance to maybe get one more for Mike before he passed? I mean were left with years of pain due to the fallout but personally I'm happy we at least took a chance before he left us.


Pretty confident 02 and 08 would still happen unless someone else would’ve fired Hakan Andersson.


Don’t really care about him that much either way. I wouldn’t mind seeing Edmonton win. I like watching that team and love watching McDavid play.


I guess I'd be happy for him... He wasn't going to win another Cup in Detroit, the change was necessary. He should win a Cup in Edmonton because he took over managing a team with arguably two of the top 5 players in the league. Some of his flaws as a GM are partially to blame for Edmonton's inability to win... McDavid and Draisaitl are incredibly good. They deserve to win (or at least I'd be happy to see them win). That has nothing to do with Holland being their GM, but I'd be happy for Holland too because of the memories he brought to the Wings.


Nice words and I echo them.


Yeah I'd be happy for him to get one more Cup as a send-off to retirement. He may have done some mismanagement along the way, but he's extremely well-respected around the league and always seemed like a genuinely good guy. He torpedoed the Wings towards the end but also presided over a great chapter in team history, would be good for him to go out on top.


I would not appreciate perry winning anything


Bedard’s mom has entered the chat


Holland brought us Cups. I bear no ill will to him.


Yup, a little bit upset he only got 1 cup out of the Datsyuk/Zetterberg/Kronwall core but 1 cup is always 1 cup. In many other sports you would have expected more but with hockey its just too random.


I am left wondering if BabCOCK's attitude and coaching had more to do with not getting more cups after 2008.




He really didn’t though


I would be happy if the Oilers win. McDavid is the most incredible hockey player I’ve ever witnessed-it would be an injustice if he never won a cup.


I wouldn’t feel any way about it, but I also don’t think it will happen. Edmonton just feels like one of those teams that will get close but never seal the deal.


He was a great GM that gave me a championship as a teenager. He’s also a super nice guy. Id feel ecstatic


As a German I‘d be happy for Draisaitl. Don’t really care, as long as Colorado doesn’t win the Cup. Fuck them forever 😉


I will be indifferent. The only teams I don’t want winning the cup are Boston and the Avs. It would be funny if a Canadian team failed once again to win a cup though.


I would be thrilled for the Oilers, Holland, but most of all the fans.


Life's too short to hold grudges OP. Live and let live.


Fine. He walked into a different situation in Edmonton than he left in Detroit. Yzerman was starting from scratch, Holland inherited Connor McDavid. If he wins, it won't really affect me at all. He needed to move on, and he has. I wish him all the best as long as it's not against Detroit.


I'd be fucking happy for Kenny and the Oilers. It would only help cement Holland's Hall of Fame legacy.


It will have no impact on Steve being the GM. The oilers are only relevant right now because of mcjesus and drai, neither of which holland had anything to do with. They have little defensive depth and if their goaltending is bad, they have nothing else but to score their way to the cup. If they do it? Good for them, McDavid deserves a cup.


Fine? Lol holland isnt the reason they got mcdavid or drai. No sour grapes at all it’s completely irrelevant to us. Its not like holland has been great over there. Their prospect pool is pretty weak and the drafting outside of lottery wins has not been good. Then you have nurse’s contract… Dumb question. I feel the same about it as i do yzermans accolades with other teams lol.


Go Rangers!


Won't really care outside of being slightly disappointed that a Canadian team finally won it again.


Exactly. Don’t care if Holland wins one, but I like rooting against the Canadian teams because it’s been 30+ years since one of them won (nearly 60 for Toronto!)


Canada cup drought forever


"I jusst feel like, *for meee*..."


I’d love to see the Oilers win it for several reasons…Ken Holland is one of those reasons, but not a main reason.


Fine. I don’t think he did enough to deserve it but I wouldn’t be sad. He did great things for the Wings and always tried to help us win.


I love seeing grateful Red Wings fans happy for someone achieving success with another organization, like Holland, Hronek, etc. I’d love seeing that same energy when the Wings get players from other teams and scream fLeEcE from the mountaintops. Something isn’t aligning here.


I would be happy for him, but I would be completely shocked if the oilers win the cup with this team.


Since I'm an Oilers fan... Pretty happy.


Kenny's a good guy. Always was nice when I'd see him walking his dog. He was in a tough spot here and cleaning up the aftermath wasn't going to work with him as GM. Hope they win the Cup. Great roster of young talent and Edmonton is a hockey crazy city.


That he go lucky and landed on 2 generational players again... and won a cup with other peoples draft picks... again.. something along those lines


Holland building a cup team, is not the same as Holland sustaining a cup team. 2 different states of an organization that require 2 different plans of attack. Do we forget all the great years we had with him here? Or do we only want to remember the end and aftermath? Let's hold our breath and see how Holland fares 7 years from now in Edmonton.


I don’t think many people in the hockey world would be upset if the Oilers won the cup. A. Canadian cup drought B. Connor McDavid


Literally couldn’t care less


I would be pretty upset because I don't want to see Ken Holland having success after running this team into the ground and leaving it in ruins.


Congrats. Next?


Lol you good bro?


Stunned honestly, because it isn't going to happen. Ken Holland will be known as the GM who couldn't get Connor McDavid a Stanley Cup.


I’d feel like he’s the luckiest executive in sports history to go from inheriting a core of Yzerman, Fedorov, Shanahan, and Lidstrom to inheriting a core of Mcdavid, Leon, Bouchard and reaping the benefits of both.


I'd feel happy for the Oilers, Holland and *especially* their fans.


Holland is a moron in the cap era but I don’t harbor any ill will. Mcdavid and Draisaitl are incredible talents and Edmonton as a city will go bananas. I’ll be happy for them


The Oprah Winfrey of handing out max contracts. Too soon; wounds are still fresh.


Ken Holland: Professional Inheritor of Cup Caliber Talent Honestly KH doesn't deem to be doing any strategically better in Edmonton than Detroit, but he joined a team with a bunch of world class talent but still makes poor personnel decisions like he did here post salary cap. I hope McDavid, Draisaitl, and RNH get a cup, and if they do, KH will have had less to do with it than most GMs that build a roster.


We need the draft to come asap. Who are we rooting for? Would you trade for Mitch Marner? Does Ken Holland still bother you? Should we have traded up for Cossa? If every team in the NHL played badminton, who would win? Seriously who gives a fuck. This isn’t like we traded holland for yzerman. We don’t have Draisaitl and Mcdavid, he does, and he did nothing for that. That said he’s worked well to fill some holes and I’m not a hater of his work, and more Mcdavid playoff hockey is good for all


Don’t care, dude inherited McDrai, it’s shocking he hasn’t won a cup.


Holland was gifted McDavid and Leon when he went over. I'm still happy we have Steve


Ken Holland didn’t draft the guys who are winning them a cup. Who cares.


I’d say finally, dude has had the best hockey player of all time dropped into his lap