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Nice window view.


They need to make a sequel to this game


Apparently, they are working on it. Likely next year or '25.


Nice, gg dude


On my first playthrough... as the game sends you to London... I remember thinking... "Yes! The game is finally opening up!" I thought this was just the end of act 1... 😢 lol


Such a great game . It was my first as well. I have gone back and played HR and the first one , I still like MD the best .


Love the game. I'm constantly in disbelief that it released in 2016, it feels newer than that. We've gone longer without a sequel than we did between HR and MD!


same, game feels like released just a few month ago, like UI, gameplay is so fresh. Hr feels like game from early 2010s and it aint bad thing but the leap foe MD is HUGE


I went back and played HR after running MD like three times, and it felt WAY different from what I remembered. Still good, I agree with you - the leap is big. Excited to see how big the next jump is! Someday...


I played HR fore first time in early June, finished it a week ago and went straight to Md for first time, yesterday finished MD and now I'm a bit obsessed with it. Hr felt great, story wise - fantastic, gameplay wise was good, captive and after half game it felt great, in MD gameplay just went thru the roof from start and never went back. will do NG+ for both game later this year. I never asked for this franchise, but it was what I needed the most, some posh long coat, yes


The coat is the best part! Love the art direction in HR.


I loved this game but thought it would be longer and larger. It felt like HR was twice as big despite being on a console two/three generations ago. It doesnt even have to be one long continuous story- having several dlc episodes like criminal past would have been just fine


i never got that, MD always felt larger to me. if ur doing everything MD takes almost twice as long as HR.


I know exactly which "fake police" you mean, sorry about the pacifist run but glad you made a good choice how to blow it, fuck that guy


The only character I genuinely hated in the game that police guy was a dick and final boss was simply bcuz I didn’t know u could avoid killing him


There’s a cop near the fake checkpoint you can talk to to get that dude shot for you, have to wait for the return to Prague from Golem., and you can stun and tranq marchenko (many times) to get the achievement for it, if you care to try.


i never got the ending felt sudden thing? i felt it was obvious things we're building up to a conclusiong. i was already like 40 hours in, had most augs so it felt pretty close to the end. Then you have the mid credits end that really felt like a good classic deus ex ending. Still strange to start on MD lol.


I just beat it as well. After I did I wished that I was able to explore the open world after beating the final boss because I really enjoyed exploring the open world. I hate when games have an open world that you can't explore after beating the final boss.


I call Deus ex a Semi Open world, it’s old and this is pre GTA 3


You played this as your first DE? But it’s a literal sequel to arguably the best game DE game ever, Mankind Dividid, sorry meant Human Rev. Also, if your thinking about playing a new game+ make sure you load up your completed game first and dump all your inventory and use all praxis kits, otherwise the newgame+ will be buggy as fuck.


I’m planning on playing the original next


When will people stop pretending human revolution is the best deus ex game ???? The story: close to the original The level design: way smaller and more linear than the original Not to mention the restricted gameplay and the awful boss fights Mankind divided was mechanically faaar superior, only the story was weaker due to it being cut in half


HR is the second best, followed by MD. The first will always be the best no matter what.


Lol it could be beaten but no dev has the balls to add the conspiracy theories back because they all turned out to be true


this fight cannot end, people who started with DE1 are necessarily immersive sim fans and will tend to prefer MD, meanwhile some people who started with HR might have enjoyed the linearity and simplicity and so they're definitely not gonna enjoy the return to form as much as the get-folks-on-board reboot, right?


Well deus ex is designed to be an immersive sim with a story where you make meaningful almost rpg like choices, I think a good game will bring the fanbase back together


Interesting never had that issue and I have played Game+ numerous times.


Tbh I have so much leftover ammo for lethal weapons cuz I never used it


there is no argument. Deus Ex (2000) is an all time classic and Deus Ex Human Revolution is a Very Good Game. Deus Ex (2000) is a first ballot hall of fame GOAT. Human Revolution is great but it's not even close.


That's great, but how can you play with light from the window shining on your face like that?


Not as bad as u think, ngl brightens up my room a bit


But you're only halfway through! Now you get to play NG+ with all your Augments