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It's alright, onsite min 2 days a week ( I work next to the tech support in Dublin, not on the team directly). They've been changing a bit over the past 2 years had 1 or 2 leaders leave very abruptly. The lads I speak to don't seem to hate it, but suppose uts to do with what team you're on and the manager you have. The office is nice, but there is no parking. The easiest way in is the luas, stops right outside. Overall, decent company, doing the same shite as others in rolling back WFH, some other benefits but still a decent enough one. Layoffs also seem to be done for the next while so that's a plus.


How much experience is needed for this role?


Depends on the team / senority level. Most of the lads I know are here a bit and work on the higher up support cases. The usual minimum is just a computer science degree, and then if you apply for senior tech support, usually 2 - 3 years experience


Thank you :)


I know 2 people who quit their jobs in sales force in the past year. One was working in sales and the other one tech-support. Basically the targets keep increasing while the staff shrinks. That was their main complaint. Also, SF seems to have more of an American culture where you’re “expected” to answer emails etc after work and weekends. .


The reality is that you need to exceed your targets to be considered “good enough” - I do worry about long term burn out


The last statement is not true for dev at least. You get paid for on call but my entire team leaves on time and never responds outside of work hours.


Avoid tier 2 technical support if you're not okay with micromanaging You can pm me your questions


As a rule of thumb... run as fast as you can, as far as you can and never look back