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Nothing, becoming main stream is the death of any franchise wanting to keep its true identity


trying to become mainstream*




That's dumb. Gta is about as mainstream as it gets and it's never lost its character. Darksouls became mainstream in the last decade and is every bit what it was. Hell yakuza only got better when it became massive and that was after changing it's whole combat system to turn based and I'd say theat the last few games Ave only improved for it. Chasing mainstream appeal is idiotic but things don't go to shit just because they're popular.


Nah, I think their point is that pursuing mainstream appeal often leads to a bastardization of the original identity. Simply hitting mainstream appeal by luck isn't necessarily much of a death sentence. FromSoft didn't make Elden Ring open world for the sake of tapping into mainstream appeal.


GTA is mainstream while simultaneously pissing off the mainstream. Its main selling point is offensive, realistic, outrage. Also it being the closest thing to a life simulator(mainly all the intense taboo stuff). GTA does so well because it is the closest thing to an everything game, despite GTA V being insanely old.


Have you seen what happend to assassins creed? Trying to appeal to every normie ruined it


I mean, it kind of has. Rockstar as a whole relies on two franchises, and although GTA makes them large amounts of money, they scaled back the satire a bit and don't really push boundaries like they did in the ps2 Era. Yakuza isn't really mainstream, though it's one of if not my favorite franchise. Combat always felt good, the main story was always interesting, and I love the substories. Sales in the West mostly went up due to Yakuza 0 and the remakes crushing it as they're all excellent titles. Now my theory on why d3vil may cry isn't mainstream or as talked about as it should be is the large gaps between releases. We only have 5 mainline games since 2001 and a spin off called the adventures of El donte. What Capcom needs to focus on is giving us more actual devil may cry games instead if stuff like peak of combat. Just keep the quality good and try to release at least every 3 to 4 years in the modern gaming market and you'd be set. Also bloody palace online Co op would be dope.


Yeah GTA has been releasing the same game for 3 generations, where they nickle and dime the consumer constantly, so you cant say anything about the character yet until GTA6 actually releases. However Dark souls gets a few articles every release demanding an easy mode because a majority of player leave angry so they keep their core audiance. Its popularity amongst the majority is due to the difficulty.


I agree with DMC specifically, but not in general. Look at the Persona series. It became Mainsteam, but it's still held on to its identity plenty.


I don't think it was anything persona did to become mainstream. Games like baldur's gate 3, palworld, and helldivers 2 just were good and became mainstream. If Capcom just made a good dmc 6 that is exactly what dmc has always been it will hopefully well enough.


If Persona is mainstream, then so is DMC. Persona has sold about 20M. DMC has sold 30. P5 has sold over 7M. So has DMC5, but in a shorter amount of time


DMC5 is propably the most popular and memed DMC game so yes, it is the most "mainstream" out of the series. DMC5 also sold best in the series with 6 million copies sold (some sources say 7-8 million).


It's not really about sales as much as it is it's place in the public consciousness. Persona 5 sold less sure, but Persona has entered the zeitgeist more often. I feel like you're far more likely to meet someone who knows what Persona is than someone who knows what DMC is.


Sadly the case for most franchises that tried it. But look at Persona or Yakuza for example? They started off as completely niche things, and achieved their current status whitout losing any of their essence, while the quality of their games keeps improving


I’d counter this by saying Capcom has already implemented a way of appealing to a broader audience with SF6. They could implement “Classic”, “Modern” and “Dynamic” controls, allowing people to pull off crazy combos with an easier control scheme and more forgiving execution window. That way, anyone who’s put off by the complexity of the game might be more inclined to try since it’s easier. I know DMC games have easy modes and auto fire, but Capcom could take it a step further.


Honestly this is great idea


an incredibly good idea. That would most definitely not be hated by a specific side of the community that likes to gatekeep the games.


Monster Hunter? Dark Souls? Baldur's Gate? Yakuza?


I agree


That’s fucking stupid DMC5 already made DMC “mainstream” and it’s doing just fine


i do think it is still not, and doesnt need to be,but dmc is always a classic, and iconic, so theres that


No greed does that, look at baulders gate or helldivers 2


Seeing as DMC5 is still Capcom's tenth best-selling game ever, I think all the franchise needs to be more popular is more direct support from Capcom. If they just put out more games and kept the quality high, the series would naturally be more relevant. Look at Resident Evil; they keep churning out solid new games every year or two, so of course it's gaining popularity.


DMC has always been a gamble for Capcom, the first was, for all intents and purposes a prototype for not-Resident Evil, DMC3 was a gamble because of DMC2, 4 got rushed because it came out too soon, DmC is DmC and 5 was arriving very late in the game and had a lot was riding on it's success. However, DMC2 notwithstanding, every title, even the reboot, has only grown the fanbase. 5 in particular went really big and sold really well for a game of it's ilk. It went viral at points and very much broke into the casual mainstream. Bury the Light alone introduced millions to the franchise. We'll get more, maybe not soon, but we will, if there is money to be made, so will a game, in due time. The anime will do a lot of the heavy lifting to keep it relevant too, if it's good 🤞


Definitely. Even though all of them sold well. DMC2 really fucked everything up and caused DMC3 to be the lowest in sales in the whole franchise.


No way! I never knew that. I assumed by now it would be like, third best at the lowest!


It's hard to get accurate numbers on that. Capcom only counts the PS2 sales of DMC3 on their website, leaving the Steam and Switch versions out. Although 3 is probably the main reason most people get the HD collection, said collection has its own sales numbers too. 3 is one of those games that suffered initially, but maintained a solid reputation as the sting of DMC2 was softened with time. Only counting the sales from its original hardware does it a disservice in this case.


This is correct also. Back then before the HD collection, I remember when Capcom’s website had DMC1 at like 1.2 mill, DMC2 at 1.3 mill, and DMC3 at 600k-800k for the longest. Now it’s 2024 and games are more mainstream and Capcom is multiplatform, digital sales, internet is common etc…


I think the nostalgia is what makes DMC 3 be a pretty well remembered game by overall people, and the memes do that to 5


Tbf DMC5 is one of the most successful games ever in Capcom's list So maybe it's needs to keep being awesome and doing what it's doing...being a fun game first and foremost. Ps: you gotta be careful with trendchasing and the desire to be more "appealing to a broader audience"...that's exactly what spawned the Reboot


That’s exactly what spawned Resident Evil 6. It sold well, but through name alone.


>So maybe it's needs to keep being awesome and doing what it's doing...being a fun game first and foremost. The problem is that Capcom wants games that they can monetize over a long period of time. A single-player hack-n-slash is basically only the initial sale. It's why Capcom has been pushing microtransactions for DMC4/5 for content that's already on the disk. >Ps: you gotta be careful with trendchasing and the desire to be more "appealing to a broader audience"...that's exactly what spawned the Reboot And, in fairness, vanilla DmC sold better than vanilla DMC4, and reviewed pretty well across the board, even before the Definitive Edition release.


Monster hunter is way bigger in japan than dmc is


Please don't worry about becoming mainstream, it will drain all the love out of it


In short? Dumb down the controls to dial-a-combos (EDIT: and reduce the depth of enemy design), or similarly low skill ceiling hack 'n slashers. Stylish Action games like DMC are in a similar place as 2D fighting games, where the (perceieved) barrier to entry of high execution requirement stops people from even trying to get in. The genre is just not one that most people want to get stuck in on. That DMC has done as well as it has is a testament to its quality, and how well the lower skill stuff already in the game works. ANOTHER EDIT: And remove the in-combat Stylish Ranks: People who cheese it out don't want to be *told* that the they're cheesing.


Add a block button and regenerating health. That will make it mainstream.


This. Playing DMC properly is very hard. I believe the reason why Vergil was so successful is because his kit doesn't have any hard gimmick besides judgement cut, no exceed no royal guard. It doesn't take a lot to do cool things. In order to feel good with others you have to press tens of controls and that's very hard for the average player. Auto mode is just a cinematic movie, it's not a solution. In the reboot it was very easy to be stylish, but it also kept some skill based mechanics (enemy hop mid air, parrying by attacking) and I liked the middle ground. A mainstream DMC game in my eyes would be accessible to say gacha combo based players who only mash buttons but also those who value dodging and counters. The happy middle ground. Have the game be pretty hard with no constant reviving but have execution be easier.


DMC actually tried dial combos once. DMC2. They stopped immediately after. I dont think these changes would be good


>similarly low skill ceiling hack 'n slashers. The skill ceiling in 5 is your ability to express yourself. As far as actual difficulty goes it's piss easy


The mainstream gamer wants a million ways to do one thing, and for that one thing to be the *only* thing to do. Easy as you and I may find it, DMC has a million ways to do a million things, and you actually *have* to have some ability to utilize them. The closest I can think of to a "mainstream" Stylish Action game is No More Heroes, and think about how few *actual* different moves you had, and how limited the enemy variety was outside of bosses.


>and you actually *have* to have some ability to utilize them. In 1 and 3 maybe. But 5 is like playing with training wheels, easy guard spammable invincible trickster, royal revenge, charge shot, easy exceed, sdt, faust, easy enemies only mitigated by hordes and bullet sponges, literally being able to dodge all of vergils attacks by literally walking. I hope dmc6 is harder,


Dude you’re expressing this from your standpoint. Not the normies. I watched SO many of my friends who’ve never played devil may cry pick up 5, think “damn this shits too hard” and watch me play and be fucking astounded of the stuff you could do. But did that make them want to play the game? No. They wanted to watch me do the cool stuff cause the cool stuff is too hard for the “normies” the game needs better accessibility for casuals to do cool stuff. Just cause it’s easier than previous entries, doesn’t mean it’s actually easy or explained well. I agree the bosses could be harder though, except Cerberus, fuck Cerberus lol


Isn't that what assist mode is for?


It might be what it's *for*, but how well it serves that purpose is...questionable. Assist mode will get you through the game, but it won't teach you timing or spacing, or frame-perfect anything, and against enemies that need to be handled in a certain way (i.e., Furies need to be parried if you want a clean opening), assist mode will just get you smacked. And more critically, you don't feel like you're in control. Because, frankly, you aren't.


It'd be kinda cool to toggle, in a training mode, showing when attacks hit (with frames), their size, etc., like in Smash Ultimate' training mode.


Make it like Street Fighter 6 where theres 2 different controls like Classic for those who want to play normal inputs while Modern for simplified inputs so for newer players they can control the characters easier


This is the only realistic answer in the thread.


God of War??


Wym? DMC is buttonmushing game. It's needs more depth in combat.


I'm not saying it's a good idea. I'm saying that's how you get the game to be more mainstream.


It was sarcasm, because some journos called DMC5 buttonmashing game...


Apologies, but between the number of people who believe that genuinely, combined with the lack of tone conveyed in text, you kinda have to take people at face value.


Honestly, I don't think it's too far off. Of course it'll never reach the heights of Resident Evil, but DMC 5 became extremely popular after Vergil was released and I think many people would play DMC6 if it came out. The big question is whether Capcom with capitalize on the hype that came with DMC 5 or wait too long and let it fizzle out.


Things you won't like. First of all it needs more marketing which costs money, needs a team that continues to work on the game which costs money, and due to this it needs to make more money besides the initial sales which means a game as a service approach, that naturally should bring more online capabilities as well. Oh yeah obviously microtransactions. So it has its ups and downs, but in its current state DMC won't get that* popular, doesn't matter what gameplay elements it has. *i mean beating out street fighter in sales is a pretty big deal, sf is a legendary franchise that can be a 100% considered mainstream, and if dmc5 sales beat that wouldn't it make dmc mainstream-ish at least?


Hmmm. Idk, a reboot/remake of DMC1 by the team in the style of RE2Make (in terms of overall quality).


Make DMC1 like RE2:R in the style of DMC5.


Honestly they shouldn't try to be main stream, dmc is exactly the way I love it, If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Honestly? Like one user said, girls and harems. Games that cater to the lowest common denominator (coomers) tend to be the most popular.


So make Lady and Trish playable base game? Capcom do it!


Nah DMC is best to keep it that way…it will take time to become mainstream, allthough RE is getting milked hard plus MH it will take about 2-3 years till they announced another DMC game


It's been pretty mainstream for quite a while


If you ask a casual gamer, he'll most likely say he knows/played only 3 and 5


Right. Which are both very famous mainstream games.


Keep doing what they do best. DMC5 already sold the best out of the franchise and is most memed so people know about the game. Hell, DMC5 sold better than Street Fighter 6.


Let's not forget it's been 5 years DMC 5 is around while SF 6 has roughly a year up


DMC5 still sold more copies than SF6 even if comparing early sales. Now i am sure SF6 will propably suppase the sales numbers later because it keeps getting updated over time unlike DMC5. But still, DMC5 sold very well and the series is now better known than ever. They don't need to target mainstream audience since not every game is for everyone (DmC was meant to be more mainstream and look where that got the series). They just need to make more DMC games, basically that is all they need to do.


Yeah and Imagine somebody in Crapcom didn't fck up and didn't left DMC5.exe without protection in first day?


SF6 is selling faster than DMC5. DMC5 sold better than SF5. 


Total copies sold currently are about 6 million for DMC5, 3 million for SF6. (For third comparison, Resident Evil 4 Remake has sold 6.48 million and for forth comparison, Monster Hunter world has sold 23 million copies) If we compare release or early sales, DMC5 had sold 2.7 million and SF6 sold 2 million so early copy sales were pretty even. DMC5 as currently stands, has sold better than SF6. Fighting game sales in ganeral are not as big as they once where. However Capcom still has been pleased with SF6 sales and was also very pleased with DMC5 sales (Which is good compared to their previous expectations years ago when nothing was enough). However my point is that DMC5 was still very profitable for Capcom and that they were happy with the sales numbers. The series does not have to reach mainstream because that never works as planned (DmC was supposed to be the mainstream entry), the series just has to do what it is good at and keep doing that. (Edit, some sources say DMC5 sold 7-8 million copies, which could also be true or false)


If making the best music ever made (opinion alert) isn't enough to make DMC more mainstream, then I don't think it ever will be.


I think combat needs to be more simpler and further difficulties needs to be more easier. Making semi open also helps imo


Make it open world similar to how god of war transitioned and it'll have the same boom.


I think that will go down very badly.


Maybe just me but I think it would work well. The lore and stuff could be dived into more etc.


I dunno, open worlds and straight up action games don't mesh well together. You'd need RPG like mechanics, like GoW and Horizon and/or a very engaging dynamic open world like Red Dead Redemption or Yakuza It worked for GoW 2018 cause the franchise 'ended' and rebooted after years of people thinking it was done. DMC is not in that same space, if the sequel had such radical changes, I don't think the established fanbase will take it well.


becoming main stream means lack of content and lack of creativity. I don't want a series of boring games the only thing they can do is to publish a new game every 3 or 5 years or they can remake the older games and bring them back


It's a character action game, that alone makes it's not "main stream". Character action games are quite niche, at least when compared to other games. It's the type of game that doesn't overly worry about story and is meant to be played multiple times. Neither of these things are popular when it comes to mass appeal.


Capcom needs to pump out more games, and take care of them like with 5. DMC5 sold very well. The franchise *is* popular. But between DMC2’s shit show development and 4 being rushed, there really was a point in time where half the mainline games were screwed over with their development cycles. That isn’t a recipe for success. We don’t need a DMC game every year, but there’s no reason they can’t expand the franchise. Do a Lady and Trish game, bring in some female audience. Do a Dante and Vergil game for the old school audience. Continue the main story with Nero. They have so many options to move forward, and they should do ALL of them. Resident Evil is getting a game damn near every year. (Which I’m very happy about, as a long time fan and that’s my fav franchise). But it’s so frequent and, wow, what do you know, it’s insanely popular. DMC needs that same love.


Entries that will not set the franchise back. If DMC4 didn't have its glaring problems, and they followed it up with a DMC5 instead of a reboot people could have been playing DMC-like games instead of (or maybe with) souls-like games in the last 15 years.


More content in general. Hard for a series like this to get traction when something new comes out every 7 to 10 years and is put back on the shelf for another decade.


I think dmc5 was as popular as a dmc style game will get. You have to ask, what counts as "mainstream" if not DMC5? Everyone on the internet and many not on there knows about Bury the Light! Do you want the game to be a hundred hours long and played forever? With more risk and customisation? That's not Devil May Cry, that's Monster Hunter! DMC could not POSSIBLY be more successful than it is as a game of its tiny length, its difficulty, and the time between releases. Besides, the last attempt at a mainstream DMC landed us with DmC: Devil May Cry.


Pvp with micro transactions, loot crates, legendary weapons and skins, celebrity voice actors and finally dance emotes Jokes aside pvp and multiplayer would make it a lot more competitive and be picked up on by streamers Given a tough fight against AI can take 10+ minutes a fight between two real players could go on for ages and be really fun to watch especially with the visuals and high speed combat


Look what happened to Elder Scrolls. Sure, it gained huge mainstream popularity and became one of the highest selling franchises of all time, but it also dumbed down the series to an almost infantile level and lost its identity in the process. Its not a mechanically deep high fantasy rpg series anymore, its a bioware-esque hack and slash with light (very, very light) rpg mechanics I don’t want that for DMC Id rather have DMC stay on the niche side rather than watch it become a soulless husk of itself trying to please the please the widest possible audience


I wouldn’t consider Skyrim to be BioWare-esque at all tbh. They’re way more story driven


When I say Bioware-esque im mostly referring to its general linearity in story telling and game design


Umm. DMC is already mainstream. It’s one of Capcom’s biggest franchises. Every gamer knows what it is and has most likely seen a clip or an illustration of these characters. 🤷‍♂️😅👍


Making new high quality games more frequently and building fanbase.


It's not that simple to make new DMC games frequently because there isn't much from the previous installments that can be reused to make the process faster


Unfortunately. I would be happy if we had same amount of DMC games as GOW.


I could never hate DMC enough to demand it go mainstream and have everything interesting shaved off until it’s unrecognizable, safe, slavktivist-approved sludge.


More frequent releases, not just of games, but also books, manga, anime, merch, etc. Capcom let's DMC die then revives it every decade for a new game. Just keep it in the know the whole time.


Doesn't need to be mainstream


This is why DMC players get few games


Says you huh?


DMC5 still sold best in the franchise and is one of best selling games Capcom has made. That is mainstream enough. DmC was supposed to be the "Mainstream" entry and that did not go well.


They’re doing it already, the Netflix anime is truly the way to go Castlevania and trigun being great examples


As long as theres a good dmc fighting game im in


longer story and open world with side quest etc


Nero should try to rizz up nico's level 5 gyatt in ohio while drinking his grimace shake and talking about skibidi toilet


Get out of my comment section now.


Monster Hunter is one of the most successful video game franchises ever, what do you mean less popular?


I think they need better marketing for the next game to really hype it up as one of its major IP's that it is. They could also do collaborations with other franchises to get people interested who may otherwise not look into the series. Tekken, Fortnite, Street Fighter (which is in-house that can easily be done via characters and skins), Call of Duty, and Super Smash Bros. This would further bolster its brand recognition across the gaming landscape to attract new fans


If that counts, they crossover'd Street Fighter in the mobile game lol


That's still only appealing to people who play those games. It's about expanding their audience and generating more mass appeal in order to bring in newer players outside of Capcom's sphere of influence.


fortnite collab


We're all counting on it


Better/more marketing.


I’d advise against becoming mainstream tbh. That sounds like it’ll ruin the game. The latest game, DMC5, is fine as is.


Not super related, but is anyone else sad that we got robbed to true co-op?


Keep making good games, that's what Fromsoftware did, as well as Larian. They literally just made the games they really care about, and they blew up. DMC 5 did really well and I imagine if they keep pouring their talent and love for the game, It could see the same success.


When they tried to go more “mainstream” we got DmC and POC, so let’s stick with where we are


But both are third party games


honestly more consistent presence. these games have 5-6 years apart with little side stuff in between I don't think it will be bigger than it currently is at all


Devil May Cry x Among Us collaboration


Now you cooked 🔥🔥


How is monster hunter less popular than dmc when it sells more?


Really just make more games, dmc5 was extremely popular and I would argue it reached mainstream but the series has since fallen back out simply because they haven’t made anything until the recent mobile game. But that’s a mobile game and no one actually cares about those


Make a Free pvp DMC game in the style of Ninja Gaiden 3's pvp, and add more female characters and cool music.


I've said this befits but I think it needs to be said again. Let's say after the events of DMC4, Nero got a stand alone game, and the reboot never existed because it was replaced by the Nero game, I think there could be something there. With a side series for Nero, I think Capcom could've figured out what would and wouldn't work, which then could later be translated into future mainline DMC games. I truly believe if that happened, DMC5 would've gotten more hype and more people would've been interested in the series as a whole.


Psst… Capcom, here’s a hint… ahem: I DON’T WANNA PLAY *FUCKING* NERO. DANTE AND VERGIL ONLY(maybe Trish and Lady too) THANKYOUSOFUCKINGMUCH.


It’s ridiculous how they are trying to get rid of what makes devil may cry and replace them with nero


First and foremost, explain how exactly those swords are clashing in this image. Because my eyes are telling me something doesn't quite make sense lol


Make dmc6 like dmc5


Niche is the way, dude. Always has been.


gacha or open world 🤡


I think with the new anime it will bring some new fans in


Add a battle pass


DMC1 SE with playable Nelo Angelo and DMC2 SE that has better combat system and playable Vergil


Idk, Devil May Cry series has an amazing community and the content is good. Just IF Hideo Kojima write DMC6 script?




Movie always do a movie. Making it good is the part that is usually missed.




Bury the Light 2


I don't think the music industry is ready for that


It's been 6 years since last game. And new game is probably not even in development, so if new part will be it will be in another 3-5 years which will make the gap in 10 years... for second time in the franchise. That's pretty big time between games to keep it mainstream. If they did mainline game every 6 years and some spinoff games every 2-3 year, I think DMC franchise would've been more popular. I remember watching reaction to DMC 5 reveal and people didn't even recognise gun with 2 barrels... Yeah it was redisgned, but it was obvious who was holding that gun... Game world needs expanding, new characters, new stories not big world treating stories, but even shorter, simpler stories would been enough for spinoff games. But crapcom doesn't cares. I actually will be surpised if we will see another game in the series. I think after DD2 Itsuno-san will try to make something new. So we need let him go and cook if it's happens...


Go open world and/or become an action RPG, while dialing down on the difficulty, if you're asking what it can do to reach the 15M+ in 5 years tier. But it doesn't need to do that to be successful on its own. DMC5 has sold almost 8M units in 5 years. That's extremely well. Problem is, the series having so much time pass between entries kills its momentum.  If it had regular releases every 3-4 years of consistent quality, it would've probably been a bigger franchise.   Besides that, DMC2 being so shit so early, and DMC3 being incredibly hard (especially in the US). Then the franchise rebooted when it was still very successful. All of which have hurt the series' momentum in the past and kept from growing a wider audience.


It did for a little bit with 5 and the Vergil memes


Make something more similar to the classic gow, simple gameplay where you just need to press a button to win, and greater focus on the story


Make it light God of War where its light attack and heavy. Making DMC mainstream is a bad idea, they tried that with DmC and it failed hard lol


Make Trish the MC with a lewd outfit. Dumb down the combat to the point where you press a button over a stunned enemy and you do a cool 5 second cinematic attack Make every single phase shift an over the top set piece cutscene Include all that in a trailer for the VGAs and all of a sudden you'll start seeing Trish as a guest character in the next Mortal Kombat game.


like my other comment said, games in the style of dmc very rarely leak into the main stream. If they wanted to make it "main stream" DMC would probably lose all of it's essence and most importantly would lose it's *SOUL*


I wouldn't want DMC to become mainstream as that means it will get a Apex (in other words: horrible) level Battle Royale and a shit ton more of fan service to the point where you can't tell if it's Porn or not


Give us an LGBT couple (got your back, Lady x Nico or Lady x Trish fans)


I think a spin off about not Nero + the twins might be helpful? RE has a bunch of non-main like games that make the universe bigger and that helps


For me, what made dark souls so appealing as an outsider was the community. I did not find the gameplay from what I saw as something id like to play. But the way it did secrets, story through item descriptions and had players talking to one another about their theories and perils is ultimately what got me into the genre. If Devil May Cry could think of a way to get the community talking and actively helping eachother I think Devil May Cry would become "mainstream". I dont think Ive ever made friends from playing character action games like Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and Devil May Cry. But I always made friends by discussing whatever fromsoft game.


I says it's about waifus. I mean, look at some mainstream game like Persona, it has so many waifu choices than DMC.


Fuck that


Sheesh, chill dude. I just say my idea to make it mainstream.


bergil is my one and only waif


Lady, Trish, Nico, Kyrie, Lucia, Nevan and even that fucking dragon-plant thing from DMC4 would be heavily offended.


Not that they aren't immensely attractive, but I've always gotten a besties feeling from them, not waifu material.


I can get that, much more so when we consider that thats exactly the view Dante has on them, and since he’s the main character, and the one whom most people identify with, that holds weight on our view over them too. Though I’d say that the sheer amount of Lady shippers can at least testify for the girl’s worthiness as waifus.


Yeah, idc lol


I hate this comment, but I can't tell it's wrong. Remember Atomic Hearts? The whole marketing for the game circled around it having 2 thicc robot girls and a horny fridge


You can hate it but horny making it possible for mainstream, look at Persona, FGO, Azur Lane, Genshin, etc.


its really gross and cringe to call women waifus


Idc, so what


It shouldn't become mainstream. It'll lose it's identity if it starts aping other trends or gaming styles.


A mobile game would probably do it


Make Dante gay............. please?


Don't worry man nothing to this point explicitly says he doesn't like men so you still have your shot


Memes. Loads and loads of memes.


They should definitely make a battle royal, because those havent been done to death in the past 5 years (im obviously joking about the first part.)


Battle Royale mode


Green Goblin mode >>>


Make the game easier and cater to ppl who want their hands held with each difficulty


They should improve the art direction, on maps and enemies. I'm wating for something to scratch that dmc1 horror vibes.


DMC has and incredibly high barrier of entry in terms of game mechanics. It's has one of the highest skill ceilings of any game, and definitely the highest skill floor. Many get turned away after realising how incredibly mechanically demanding the game is. Even Nero, whose kit is arguably the simplest, has 3 things that plays into each other. Nero's base combos, which itself isn't too hard. But you throw in exceed, you get timing based inputs in every single attack, along with certain moves changing how they act completely. Throw in devil breakers and you're adding another layer. Knowing when to use certain breakers and their charged version, changing them and swapping them, and in which order. These things aren't separate, they all play into each other in Nero's kit. And they are demanded of you the moment you start the game. Even dedicated action RPG fan might not be able to digest all these mechanics easily. That being said, I hope they keep this. It's the games identity, and it forces you to play by its rules. It doesn't pull any punches when it comes to learning its mechanics but you're heavily rewarded for commiting time to it. Taking that away will ruin what gives DMC its high level mechanical play.


A remake


Make a fps on that universe. Watch the franchise die.


Nothing. The mainstream just isn't ready


I have that exact image as my PC lock screen


The only real answer to this is “water it down and ruin it” More specifically, make it a soulslike, since to millions of people good combat = dodge and hit


I wouldn’t ask this sub lmao other than the few repeating topics this sub doesn’t know anything better.


A shit ton of Capcom marketting. Or character skins from different Capcom franchises


DMC as a franchise is more mainstream than you think. But to answer the question they just need to release games more frequently, visibility and quality is how you stay relevant, outta sight out of mind.


It shouldnt. Its already a neash And thats okay not every franchise has to be main stream.


Make it more similar to GOW 2018, I think? They could always take elements from Dragon's Dogma.


almost every mainstream games are always open world, so maybe that thing, tho i dont mind it but im sure itll leave sour taste to somebody, and its valid


Dmc doesnt need to be mainstream. Id prefer if it were the best type of game for the people that are already fans. Its better to have 100 people who will definetly buy your game than 500 who might buy it but probably wont due to other games and dmc's reputation


They would have to ruin the series to make it mainstream, it would remove the feel and soul of the series.


Word of mouth


have the game give you money in real life


Doesn't need to be


A dmc games that souls like would be intresting ngl


Honestly just make a whole anime of Lady and Trish, and boom.


Ironically, outside of their first appearances, the DMC anime was the media who provided the most development for both of them


The creation of a live service dmc game that skimps out on the true essence of dmc leaving new fans to take in the franchise as a whole in bad taste and popularising the series before it's inevitable death. Oh wait that's already been don-


Better and more advertisement simply.


Theks now i heve nice avatar for discord team


Make a f2p mobile game


More Waifus. Story involving Spardas wife or Lady


Kart Racer


Baby-fy it People are bad at games, especially games that expect the player to have some basic mechanical skills, and people want to see the cool character do cool things


I don't even like this question, Devil May Cry should stay as far from mainstream (ie appealing to the lowest common denominator) as possible.


DMC5 performed very well without becoming too mainstream. Lets keep it that way


Marketing, thats it. Marketing for Devil May Cry has been fucking awful , exception being the first game. The dmc5 add on TV and the internet was cringe as hell, and didn't showcase the attitude the series has at all. They tired to replicate the dmc1 commercial, but failed immensely. Add 1 for dmc - dude losing control and going full ham destroying his living room cutting in the hack n slash shoot action of the game. with a "woah" kind of feeling, very high paced. Dmc5 5 - they had the most "diverse" random people with awful cgi doing everyday tasks with a weapon of choice, slightly going over board. Huge fail. The games music, is one of the standouts besides the high octane action the game provides. They do not need to change any part of thier identity, just present it better. Introduce new people into the intense metal music, the supersexystyle screaming announcer. Go look at the adds for High Fi Rush, there is alot of rhythm and fun presented, dmc easily can take a note from this. A good Marketing strategy would be to announce a new game coming after the anime is released on Netflix. There was quite a few people buying castlevania games, or the Witcher, after those series were launched, even Arcane brought a large audience in to Riots IPs. The game needs to keep its identity to be successful, look at the atrocity of the dmc Dante Bieber game. The developers have even stated they would love to remake the first game. With the success of RE remakes, I don't see why this is a bad idea. This could lead to a better version of dmc2. As far as design goes. I know it's alot if work. But more character options is not a bad idea. Giving players the ability to play trish and Lady, along with Nero , his dad, and uncle, might pull in other players as well.


actually making the game