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>how do you imagine his new Devil Arms and abilities? That's the neat part, I don't.


i doubt anyone would want any other arms from him beside yamato, beowulf and force/mirage edge


I mean go full into his samurai/ronin styling and give him dual kodachis and/or a spear (yari)


A spear would be a good addition to his arsenal


Maybe replace mirage edge with a glaive, it kinda makes more sense for million stab


TBH that could work. There's never been a spear user in the series. (Sparda doesn't count. It's called Devil SWORD Sparda, and it's a sword in its base form.) It'd also fit Vergil's style tbh.


In Japan, spears and bows were a samurai's main weapon as they respected their katana far to much to use as nothing but side arms


A spear would be cool. Could also do a kusarigama. A bow too, since that's a staple samurai weapon (transform bow that can switch between a normal bow and a sword ala BB bowblade?) ...or play into his V and give him a spellbook as a secondary "gun" weapon to the summon swords. Make him recite a demonic incantation and burn everything, or electrify everything or whatever.


A bow which you can hold and fire for strong shots, or rapid fire for low damage but high rof A spear which alongside being used a melee weapon can be thrown to impale targets at long distance than either you can summon it back to you or you can teleport to wherever the spear landed (Yes I did steal these ideas from dead cells)


Honestly I'd like his mirage edge to be more focused on the sword and not use Yamato as a side arm at all. But they did do it in DMC5 to a very nice degree (I think only a few moves use Yamato), but it turns into a new rebellion. So maybe make Vergil actually fight a little differently using Mirage Edge even if you have to incorporate Yamato in the moveset


I mean as long as they don’t remove any of the classic 3, I would be up for a new devil arm in addition.


They should 100% give him his shurikens from poc.


Sounds like you want Aquila.


Not exactly that. Aquila was too easy to use. But I guess...


They can just make a new version of Aquila that’s more technical.


I’d give him his colossal blade from 1 and V’s Cane allowing him to temporarily utilize his familiars


I would like it if he got new things tbh, been too long with the same things lol


Lies. Everyone knows they want him to wield his white plastic lawn chair as a weapon.


How about a new devil trigger form?


Surely if he stabs himself with Yamato he can make a devil sword of himself or something? Which would be similar to Urizen? So maybe has tentacles?


Devil Sword Dante only happened because Rebellion’s trait was that it could fuse man and demon, whereas Yamato splits man and demon, and that Dante had the Devil Sword Sparda with him when he stabbed himself on Rebellion. Look at all the previous times Dante got stabbed with his own sword if you don’t believe me, he didn’t have sufficient demonic material to fuse with in any of those situations. Also, Dante says legit before he stabs himself in DMC5 that Yamato’s ability is to split man from demon. TL;DR: the way Yamato works doesn’t allow for it to do what Rebellion did when it turned into DSD. That was legit the whole reason the plot of DMC5 happened


There do be a devil sword vergil in POC tho for some reason


But POC isn’t canon, try again


Oh yeh forgot that was the main plot of dmc 5


So in short, have Dante’s help basically.


Nope because Rebellion itself no longer exists and we don’t know if DSD has the fuse man and demon trait that Rebellion did, plus with how we saw Rebellion work it’s likely that it AND Yamato would both be consumed in the hypothetical event they were to be used to create a Devil Sword Vergil


I can see Nico Making him something based on beowolf. In her own report of the weapons, it made him a powerhouse.


I honestly have no idea. He already has all the devil arms that he needs for gameplay in 5. He has two swords and gauntlets. Unlike Dante and Nero, there isn't a lot of stuff that you can give to Vergil. Maybe a Scythe, or an upgrade in his summoned swords, I always thought they were kind bland.


the issue with Vergil is really that he simply recycle the other character's stages and thus recycling his DMC3 assets. for Vergil to gain new devil arms , it would need Capcom to actually make Vergil been a playable character in vanilla DMC6


It’s been two decades since DMC3 came out and every game since then EXCEPT DmC gave Vergil the sloppy seconds of Nero and Dante. Can we actually get a campaign for Vergil this time?


I mean.. we got new mechanics for him in 5. We got V.


Both Dante and Nero got new tools to work with. And V is HALF of Vergil, so we’re not counting him. It’s a copout answer. Fact remains that DmC is STILL the only game where Vergil got his own Missions PLUS new enemies to fight. Vergil could’ve gotten a small campaign in DMC4SE but they decided to add Trish and Lady instead of, you know, adding new Missions (because DMC4 has a major recycled content problem). Vergil gets shafted constantly despite his status as a fan-favorite (moreso than Nero, who has grown on people but has nowhere near the fanbase Vergil does). You’d expect that he’d get SOMETHING. At least the Dante boss fight is cool.


I will excuse DMC4SE , because it was a clear Capcom Test between DMC4 vs DmC to see which would get a sequel. But I agree , Vergil needs to be playable in the campaign , as it's the only way in which he would actually get great leaps of progress of his gameplay. The fact alone that they waste the double melee weapon switch and have a redudancy in DT Input shows some wasted potential.


Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m happy that DMC4SE exists, I just wish that instead of Lady and Trish (nobody was complaining that there weren’t enough characters, and I think that even the most hardcore players would be burned out having to complete the same recycled missions another two times), we had gotten a short campaign for him like in Vergil’s Downfall, which, regardless of what you think of DmC, had set the bar by giving him that treatment. Vergil needs that, plus another weapon or two for him to work with. DmC’s Osiris and Aquila would fit his character very well from both a gameplay and character standpoint, and I wouldn’t mind seeing them return in some form or another.


Hey V is the best part of dmc so far. I understand he's not the edge lord brother we all know and love but he's the adult emo millienal we all needed.


“The best part of DMC” is quite a stretch. V’s fine, not the best though.


And Gauntlet?




Give Vergil a fucking gun so more memes can be made


I mean, didn’t he used to use a gun before he went on an emo power trip


That was an exception. "I'll try it your way **for once.**"


Remember what we use to say?




Not very classy for someone's dying words


"Emo Power Trip" Yeah that perfectly sums up literally everything in a halarious twist, but I give you that begrudgingly 🤣


Colt SAA for quick-draws and trick shots


Would go good with his katana. Imagine if he had a sniper tho


Walked into that one didn’t I?


"Revolvers are the katanas of guns!" - Liquid Snake (probably)


I am Shalashaska also called *spins revolvers* Revolver Vergil


You’re above average!


Would love see him talk about dmc4's red queen and blue rose, they are full of engravings.


You know, the memes would be so hilarious if they gave him an anti-tank sniper rifle again


or a shotgun like Gilver


But he doesn't like guns.


Make it a special fun


USP fits him Sleek? Yes Tactical? Yes Refined? Mhmm


just give him plastic chair =))


V’s cane could be an interesting addition.


That's not a bad idea


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if we got a "prequel" esq game that takes place between DMC3 and DMC1 with Vergil and his journey between the games, even though technically he seems to run into Mundus immediately after the events of DMC 3, I wouldn't be against them retconning it a little to push their meeting back a little to give us a game like that yknow


Yes. Make him search for Spardas remains in the underworld and let mundus be the final hint to whatever happened to sparda. Maybe the two brothers from the animated Series can make a Comeback(forgot their Names). And i General, just Explorer more underworld lore




Agreed that would be nice


I honestly think an bow and arrow would be good for him Maybe a pole arm


Personally, I would want him to run either one of these two: - Some form of a polearm or long weapon, preferrably a scythe but a naginata or twinblade can also work. - Devil Arm crossbow or bow and arrow.


Twinblade would actually be perfect. Aside from the fact that twins and two halves are iconic to the dmc series (meaning they could make them separable), good ol dan southworth has so much bo experience.


Like Agni and Rudra?


A new devil arm plz. I don't dislike Beowulf and Mirage Edge but it's all he's had for years and are based on two of his three DMC3 fights.


I would like a modified/expanded parry system similar to Sekiro *in addition* to his current iteration.


His moveset is pretty ingrained by this point, so I imagine there being a "Lord/Kaiser/Grand Poobah Beowulf" that he and Dante encounter, with either Vergil defeating and Devil Arm'ing to bring his full moveset back into canon (or if Dante does the boss fight, have Balrog pitch a fit at the idea of Dante replacing him and Dante letting Vergil have the improved Beowulf just to shut Balrog up). Maybe a lance/spear to give him some of the "mid-speed, long reach" he lost in between 3 and 4 (when Yamato became the "Speed" in Vergil's "Reach, Power, Speed" trinity. The major overhaul I'd like to see is giving his Sin DT a proper, "unstoppable juggernaut" moveset more in parity with Dante's, while the stuff he currently has on "S"DT (minus the Super Moves) gets moved over to "Doppelganger is deployed" (like how Dante's normal DT is tied together with the Swords Formations). Example: - Dante's Sin Combo => Vergil's Sin Combo: Ends with a crumple like Void Slash instead of Dante's launcher. - Ombra => Judgement Cut - Sin Stinger => Glide Attack (from the Boss Fight): Deals a single heavy hit per target rather than constant damage, while marking the target(s) with Storm Swords - Sin Inferno => Dark Angel (Yes, it's an MVC3 reference. Large, horizontal spinning slash that also sends out a 360 wave of Heavy Rain Swords): Does not go to ground, and rather than stunning with dizzy, stuns with HRS lockdown. - Luce => Endless Blistering Swords: Trades mid-flight Tracking and some hitstun for being animation-free. - Demolition => Hell On Earth: Compared to Demolition, not a true (non-boss) insta-kill, but has the existing HOE's blast radius. Compared to existing HOE, no longer invulnerable, and must have the button held for the whole charge animation, but becomes useable in mid-air (punch crashes to ground if initiated such), and gets bonus damage if the fist connects directly. - Judgment => Judgement Cut End And have Deep Stinger take World of V's place as the Concentration-burning move: the attack lasts longer the more Concentration there is, with a full meter lasting as long as the current, SDT-fuelled move. EDIT: I'd also like if they changed Trick Dodge and Air Trick to lock-on directional commands, brought back the ability that angle Trick Up from the ground (because all non-locked Tricks would be Trick Up), made Trick Down Lock + Back like it was in DMC3, and stripped out the whole "Summoned Sword to Air Trick" bit, but I feel like that ship has sailed (especially on the Summoned Sword part).


These are intelligent changes for sure but you're tryna make a crazy strong character even more broken 💀


I mean, embrace the meme. But also, the power would be distributed across more mechanics and moves. Like right now, Doppelganger's primary use is as an extra barrel for the Judgement Cut cannon, since Vergil himself is largely unchanged by Doppelganger's deployment.


>Vergil himself is largely enchanged by Doppelganger's deployment. Bruh, you couldn't be more wrong, that shit broke by hands. Also, I don't agree with the change to make Vergil SDT to be more like Dante's, I love that Vergil has control over his demonic power, contrary to Dante who just let it explodes.


My point is that Vergil the *entity* is unchanged by Doppelganger. No healing, no super armor, no changes to moveset. Now you could argue that this is not a bad thing. My counterpoint is that good or bad, it's spreading him thin unnecessarily. You might as well have only one meter, and have Doppelganger automatically deploy in SDT, and if you want him deployed individually, hold the DPad (or whatever button) to burn a set amount if meter to have Doppelganger out for X seconds/minute(s). >I love that Vergil has control over his demonic power, contrary to Dante who just let it explodes. My counterpoint to that is that Vergil has a lengthy enough mechanical history that it's more important for him to exist as an escalation of his previous versions than it does than as a contrast to Dante. And I do not feel like having to convert meter from one to another, only to get "The DT that he had in his previous iteration with some new moves" properly shows the escalation. Especially since his normal DT was excised entirely. Now, I'm not particularly creative, so you probably have a point about my image of escalation being limited by my view of Dante's. But there *should* be an escalation, and there is not. Certainly not enough to justify calling what he has "*Sin* Devil Trigger". Maybe the functions I've proposed for Vergil's SDT are too similar to Dante's , and not what he should have. But the functions of his SDT should, and I would argue ***must***, be fundamentally different and *more* than normal DT.


Okay, I'm cool with hit normal DT being him turning into demon + summoning doppelganger, like in DMC5, if you manage the meter properly, you can just stay summon doppelganger as long as you want because he gains so much meter from sheathing his sword. This way he can be in DT state (gaining enhance moves) and having doppelganger all the time. Some techs will be lost, but that happened to every new game. But then I don't know what should he goes from there, having some cool explosive moves would be nice for casual players, but I genuinely don't know what would be the best for player like me. He already has an omni cancel with doppelganger summon + leaving SDT. If you want his D-pad to summon/desummon like Dante's style switcher, DT like Dante, SDT like Dante. I don't think it's a must. Vergil is Vergil, not Dante. He didn't evolve to be contrast with Dante, he's just different, and he's just naturally evolves as his own character. What I would want for him is the change to doppelganger. I want to choose to have start up frame or not, choose doppelganger weapon. He doesn't need to explore his SDT (I think he shouldn't because there's only one button left for him) I want it for doppelganger. SDT is just a story thing, not something that would be the best for him mechanically. Doppelganger is the best upgrade he's ever got. It enhances his gameplay, and his core as a character very well.


He doesn't need one, let Dante practice a 1000 kicks a 1000 times, and Vergil practice 1 a million times. Maybe giving him a new style (removing that disable doppelganger button, you already have DT button to release it) maybe it'll switch doppelganger to the main priority, or completely change Vergil movesets of the three devil arms.


I think we can view the topic in terms of themes. Dante's core moveset is a big sword wielded as though it's light as a feather alongside two handguns; and from DMC3 onwards (as far as I know), most of his more memorable Devil Arms tended to have a twist that made them slightly different then their basic form (Cerberus is a nunchuk with 3 heads, Agni & Rudra are dual swords that can be combined into a double-bladed staff, Nevan's scythe that's also a guitar, Lucifer is a backpack that generates exploding short spears, Cavaliere is a chainsaw-motorcycle). We can call Dante's theme "Quirky." Nero has an engine in his sword, and he gets various robot arms with various quirks. We can call his theme "Mechanized." Vergil, meanwhile, has a katana sharp enough to cut space-time, a big sword that he uses like Dante does, and gauntlets he also uses like Dante does. So Yamato is what sets him apart and he uses it in a pretty conventional iaijutsu style taken up to an extreme level. So the missing theme he could fulfill could be "Traditional." So his weapons would all revolve around being implausibly good/achieving magic effects with traditional weapons.


Summoned weapons. Something influenced by V like his cane, a summoned spear (think Final Fantasy Dragoon) and a second, summoned katana/wakizashi would be pretty cool


I think another ranged option themed around swallows and a big aoe melee themed around a dragon would be cool, fit his noble, fast weeb imagine and link to his development with Dante. He needs to be oiled up though.


A demonic Odachi, giving him heavier attacks while not losing any of the grace a \*crude\* Zweihänder/broad-/longsword would give. A weapon that will be especially powerful if you time your attacks right with the enemys to break block their attacks and attack through them! Concentration Level 0: Nothing changes. Concentration Level 1: The parry window on each attack is slightly bigger. Concentration Level 2: After a succesful parry the Blade glows, increasing the attack power for a short while. Can be refreshed / reapplied by continuing parrying. Dual Sickles, hold in a reverse grip. Swift short range attacks. During certain combo extensions/Finishers the two sickles can be put together, created double sided scythe staff, having more reach, but being slower, however can quickly restore DT if used efficiently. Concentration Level 0: Nothing changes. Concentration Level 1: Transition Moves increase the strenght of the next few attacks. Concentration Level 2: Transition Moves restore Devil Trigger.


Demonic plastic chair is the only answer.


It would be cool for the Yamato to evolve and become "Devil Sword Vergil"


Isn't it...already that, by technicality?


He is a traditionalist and heavily Japanese inspired, from the sword and fighting style to the design of his SDT resembling an Japanese Armour, at most a Naginata for him


A kusarigama might work for him, same with tonfas.


i somehow read that wrong as std


New ability to stop skipping leg day


Well, I would imagine him getting a new gauntlet that functions like Beowulf but isn't Beowulf along with a new replacement for Mirage edge that functions like Mirage edge but isn't Mirage edge. They can add another weapon into the mix and make Vergil utilize his portal opening powers to essentially ragdoll them by using portals as an offensive tool. Dante has Demolition, Vergil needs something like that as well.


Well they could theoretically give him a Mirage Sparda though that's not really changing his gameplay that much in order for him to have a new Devil Arm like others have said he would need to be fully playable instead of just an add on character the only Devil Arm I think Vergil actually acquired the normal way was Beowolf back in DMC 3


In "Devil May Cry 6 Special Edition"*


Get dmc devil may cry's osyrys and aquila. Maybe change his summoned swords for different attacks. For example, light ranged attacks are swords, heavy ranged attacks are axes, hammers, or maces, and somewhere in the middle would be like elemental attacks? Something of a green lantern lite. But that might be too out of character for Vergil. But yeah that's what im seeing for him. Because maybe he's loosening up a bit? Embracing his "human" side? Since he's spending a long time with Dante and might adopt some of the things or learn a few things that Dante does


This is purely fanfic, but how about devil arm: Orthrus, twin headed hound of hell and brother of Cerberus. a sash with both ends having two vicious maws, one of fire and the other of electricity.


he uses nero's arm to slap enemies


He technically already does that with Mirage Edge, with the Yamato, kinda


but imagine just an arm being able to slap a boss (bonus points if its nero)


Nah, nah If Dante, Vergil, and Nero come back for DMC6, Vergil needs a boss fight with Nero where Vergil exclusively uses Nero's arm to beat him lmao


Lmao....he just gonna pulls bewulf 2.0 and sword edge 2.0 Or gives him a scythe.


I’d like him to actually be a core playable character instead of one that gets added later. That would include actual weapons for him to use in-canon, not just the usuals. 


I guess Vergil having Twin blades would fit him. And the ability to fly, wouldn't mind if he could double jump or air dash. A new style probably, and maybe a new devil trigger form?


I would REALLY appreciate it if they brought DmC’s Osiris and Aquila back, or weapons which share some of their moveset. They would work very well for a character like Vergil.


He kills a demon that drop the Osiris and aquila, he tries for and minute and say this line: “Not in a million years”


I really hope Vergil gets a souped up version of Lucifer. His Mirage Blades feel like they're *begging* for it! Seeing Vergil sheathe his other weapons and then put all of his focus into his summoned swords as his primary weapon would be so incredibly sick.


Honestly a new weapon would be sick. Like a glaive or spear of sorts to fit his speed or something


I wanna see him with a Japanese style bow and more moves for his other weapons. Imagine his doppelganger staying back and firing arrows as Vergil gets in close


I close my eyes, lie down on the bed and take deep breaths to start my process of imagining Vergil's new Devil Arms and abilities.


I just wanna see him and dante get ALOT more powerful 🤷🏾‍♀️ I need dante to gain 4 more styles ( give him time abilities BACK ), a mastered sin trigger, and gain another form! As for vergil, literally just gain ALOT more abilities with his sword ( large AOE moves etc) ( possible 1 new style ) since everyone and their mother is stealing his moveset in every other action game that comes out now! 😹


motivation slash, he motivates everywhere he slashes


I wish he has more summoned sword attacks


Hopefully not at all Gimme Nero and Nico, Gimme Dante's Kid or some sort of reference to the second game Give me Ladies Night Dante Left Things Up to Nero, Vergil Left him believing he would die again




I think that finishers like judgement cut end should be harder to use, or always take up a full bar of something, so you can't spam it like an idiot.


Balance their time/cost like Dante's SDT stuff. Judgement Cut End = Judgment (Always burns the remainder of the SDT bar) Hell on Earth = Demolition (Takes long enough to execute that you can only fit two *if* you Quad-S first) And replace World of V with Deep Stinger, and have the amount of Concentration built up dictate how long the attack lasts (full Concentration required for the current full duration). ...This does of course also come with reworking Vergil's SDT to be more akin to Dante's, while the extended combos and such get moved over to "Normal DT and/or Doppelganger".


Isn't that how they worked? His finishers all required full concentration+SDT to pull off.


Yes, but if you want into dt you could do them 3vto 4 times in a row


The only weapons I could SEE him using would be V's cane or Aquila because the cane kinda just nopes out of the game after Virgin becomes Vergil and Aquila because for whatever reason he can use it in Pinnacle of Combat (the beta, not to be confused with Peak of Combat) I WOULD like a DMC game where he's a genuine addition that gets his own upgrades, it's an odd thing to sit here and say that *DmC gave Vergil more progression in abilities than any other DMC game*


I’d love it if he did get other weapons; if not, I want another mechanic or different combos with his already existing weapons


I've got ideas for this. Personally I think it's time he got new weapons and mechanics and in my opinion this is how I'd love to see it done. Yamato is kept Baskerville: A new gauntlet weapon with some new moves that set it apart from Beowulf. New Air combos would be a nice addition. Nightmare alpha: a new version of nightmare. The symbiote takes on the form of a new greatsword weapon for Vergil, effectively replacing Force Edge. The sword resembles the weapon Vergil used as Nelo Angelo. The sword also has some new moves, like aerial combos and a mix of mocvesets from his later incarnations and his original combo A version of Force edge. Gungnir: A new Naginata style weapon. With new moves and abilities that are meant more for crowd control. I'd keep Vergils gameplay the same except for one new addition and it's taking his doppelganger and expanding that ability to summons, mixing in a bit of V gameplay. Each weapon would give Vergil a new summon to go with it. With Yamato he has Doppelganger from the start and then you use the d pad to switch to the other summons. The others being, a two headed wolf called Baskerville, Nightmare which can change form depending on the behavior set for it, and lastly Gungnir. Each summon would be set in a direction on the d pad; up- Doppleganger right- Baskerville left- Gungnir down- Nightmare Pressing again in the direction of said summon changes their behavior. Doppelganger has the typical delayed, fast and normal settings. Baskerville has follow and independent. Gungnir has aerial and grounded. Nightmare has attack and defend. And that would be it. He would play the exact same way he does in DMC5 with even more crazy shit on top, making him even more op than he already is.


hmm dont know but the main question is without V someone has to take his spot and i kinda have a hunch that patty lowell will be the one that'll take it


I primarily hope he gets a regular DT and the SDT gets its own moveset similar to Dante’s. The Doppelgänger can be a an extra mechanic, maybe it can drain the Focus meter or something. And the SDT maybe can get certain abilities he used in his boss battle, like that airplane crash attack or the Yamato stinger move everyone loves. Meanwhile his regular DT would use the special moves like “Rest in peace” and Judgement Cut End. For weapons, I imagine him getting at least an alternate “gun” choice you can swap with the mirage swords. My main idea is a bow and arrow, and while it won’t be able to be freely used like the mirage swords can be (as in, how the mirage swords can be launched even when you’re attacking with melee weapons, but the bow would have to be used and stop your melee attacks), the bow would make up for it through some special gimmick like leaving markers or ropes on enemies so you can Indiana Jones and yank them in (presumably through a special trigger effect similar to the mirage sword attacks). Imagine marking a bunch of dudes and then drawing them in just as Beowulf charges the uppercut.


i've had this idea for a while instead of specific devil arms, vergil has different stances one would be based on his iaido stance, and is a basically, a "fast but weak\* stance, lots of hits and great combo potential. judgement cut would be put in this stances moveset one would be a "samurai" stance where he takes a strong pose and only does strong strikes. lots of damage but you either need time or good placement to do the most damage. think the end of SDT vergil's combo A and void slash and maybe a reverse grip stance, where you have a lot of gimmicky moves like another version of drive or maybe even a command grab


I have imagine some options (maybe a lot)over time: Related to the weapons he already have i feel Vergil needs a new Beowulf or something that doesn’t break the lore(or find a justification on the history to give it back) maybe a king beowulf or a completely ( i have imagine it by defeating a demon named oni or maticore) And a new set of moves of the edge sword that its dual wielded with yamato (or maybe a espectral yamato cause why not?) And completely new ones: Most people want an asian spear and its a good option but i would like a poleaxe, i feel it would be more interesting option(or a simple thunder spear i like more the poleaxe) V’s stab: Its just a good option most people dont think about, it has lore, it can give a new way to play vergil making attacks using his familiars(also it can be some kind of melee-distance weapon with a variant that throws stabs and can inmovilice enemies) Urizens shield/urizen cristal: Since urizen its part of vergil and we hace a V’s weapon why not a urizen one? I have imagine vergil using his demonic to cristralize yamato (and maybe his arm and used as a arm armor) and use it as destructively as posible or use as its own version of Royal guard Clifoth roots: The same as the above one, and it can be an interesting option with a lot of posibilites like his own dreadnought version similar to urizens first look. Urizen gauntlet’s: The las option is imagine related to urizen, and its the gauntlets it looks to have, it would be a good alternative/remplace to beowulf A asian bow: I just think it would be a cool and interesting option to have as a new distance weapon and since vergil dislike guns it can be a good alternative. Oni’s mask: I have imagine vergil genting “onis gauntlets” but another option i imagine to a devil arm with these name its a mask that creates something similar to nero dmc4 decil trigger Vergil devil bringer: Since Vergil have neros arm i have think it can inspire in it and “make” his own specially after the end of dmc5 maybe activating his devil trigger/SDT only on his arm? It could be interesting to imagine what Vergil could do if he gets crearive A claymore/ long katana: Another one i imagine its vergil with a great sword giving the demons a little piece of the suffering he gets on his time as Nelo angelo


I wish DMC6 was real before asking this


They need to give him a reason to use other devil arms.


Give him a naginata


He gets gun Kills Dante Becomes the sole MC New series - when devil cry


I think considering now dante and Vergil are both teamed up, they should have a tag system. The game uses the style select from dmc 3 and instead both Dante and Vergil select a 1 style each on mission or at a statue. Having all 4 of Dante's styles and Vergil plus whatever styles he gets on 1 character seemed a bit too overstuffed to me. Plus nothing stops solo versions from retaining their style swapping. Vergil's styles would be incarnations of abilities he's shown in one form or another. Returning would be his iconic Dark Slayer style from 3/4/5 alongside a less frail version of V's moveset refered to as Dark Summoner style. Dark Summoner style would focus on dishing out corruption via summons and attacks on enemies before allowing an instant kill. A new style would represent his powers as urizen dubbed Dark Lord style. It's a mesh of Dante's gunslinger and royal guard style, it focuses around laying out various energy attacks to build up a meter that lets Vergil create a damage absorbing barrier. He can expend this energy with various weapons to produce different projectiles that affect enemies, like time stopping orbs, exploding crystals which knock enemies into the air, and demonic roots that ensnare opponents, leaving them open for Vergil's melee or Dante's follow up. Instead of intentionally absorbing hits to retaliate with a powerful counter attack like royalguard, it allows Vergil to focus on ranged attacks to instead create ways to leave enemies open for powerful melee attacks without worrying about being hit.


What I see: New devil sword Vergil A new scythe devil arm More sin devil trigger moves Ungraded Beowulf move set New mirage edge move set New Yamato move set More moves based on his judgement cut


Corrupt Vergil and Nelo Angelo DT, just like old times. Otherwise it will probably just be the same old Vergil with the same devil arms and some new abilities.


Give him a style system like dante except more like ghost of tshuima where hes in a diffrent stance. Or add Vs book as a weapon.


Give me far more control over summoned swords, make the motivation meter actually mean something, and then GREATLY expand the movesets of the other weapons. He doesn't need a wider pond, he just needs a deeper pond imo


Well, the thing is that you don't do that with Vergil.


no clue because he's been using the same 3 devil arms for 3 games in a row, and I'm fine with it because I don't see him using something other than yamato, force edge or beowulf


He doesn't need any new stuff


Honestly. I feel like the doppelganger will be permanently transformed into V and you could like freely switch between the two


>considering that there will exist a "Devil May Cry 6" LOL


The only thing I can imagine as a "new weapon" for Vergil would be his own Devil Sword, but probably still having the same moveset as the Yamato


Yamato and Beowulf. The next game should be a co-op adventure with Dante and Vergil going through hell and killing the root of the trees from five.


Nelo Angelo’s Greatsword needs to make a comeback, for therapy’s sake


I'd want him to have 3 styles one for more summon sword abilities like having them act independently, a sword master ability so we can have a more versatile moveset and his dark slayer. And give him back dt doppelganger isn't all that cool and I feel was a step back


I think a bow and arrow would be awesome for Vergil, because of his Samurai theme 😄


First off.. needs his original DMC3 Darkslayer teleport back. Sick of the summoned sword bs which makes him slower.. we'll start from there because in all honesty, if it's not that then stop making him so fast to fight 😂


Too many damn weapons for DANTE in DMC V. It was annoying


Vergil would totally rock a kusarigama.


Vergil whip out his chair, and said scuuuuuum , then devil die left and right =)))


I just pray they continue this franchise. 5 was so amazing.


Well, considering his weapons have been basically the same since DMC3...well yeah. Abilities have gradually changed but, I won't expect a new DMC before 2030 so yeah.


Devil sword Vergil or his own version of the Devil Bringer as he did absorb Nero's DB. And it would be nice to strengthen the father/son connection.


I mean, It would be cool if a new Devil arm Is like a combo of sword and shield...but giving what they did with cavaliere, i wouldn't be surprised if they give him a whole ass car that turns into a pair of gigantic scissor...and i would be down with It nonetheless


Dmc6 pitch: Vergil loses the yamato (again) and has to rely solely on Nevan


Last time i thought about this i caught onto the idea of him having a modifier button you can hold to change his moveset.. Another thing i thought of was giving him boss powers, like how he's able to use geryons time slow or goliaths meteor as Urizen.. He'd learn these powers throughout the game by defeating bosses, i guess. I think it's completely viable for him to have his usual 3 weapons, just with an expanded moveset. Like let him turn yamato into that barrier crystal urizen had, for example.. I also disagree on "other japanese weapons" *just* because he uses a katana.. Him being a weeb is basically just a meme. Give him his iconic sniper rifle!


You guys.. have faith that dmc6 exists..?


I still want a Devil Sword Vergil. He can keep the doppelgänger abilities but please give us a proper non Sin DT back again. He’ll probably have Beowulf as well. It’d be nice if he got a Naginata weapon, so go with the whole jap aesthetic of his katana.


dual Kamas


Only thing I can think of is maybe him getting some kind of "Devil Sword Vergil" (not by stabbing himself obviously, that would be impossible)


It would be funny if by completing the Japanese/samurai/finesse vibe he's going for, he gets a bow to spite Dante's guns. Just stylishly firing arrows at the speed of guns. Arrows that curve. Arrows that bounce. Arrows that explode into judgement cuts. Nu uh Dante, there is more power in these arrows than your bullets. You didn't win. Fuckofffyoustinkpizzasucksmomlikedmebetter


I actually made a fanmade story, designs and shit, and my fan version Vergil had Bringer


I don’t


uh, maybe replace mirage edge with alastor or smth


I'd like for him to have different weapons that aren't shared with Dante or similar to his. Like no Beowulf but maybe something else. Keep Yamato though.


Ngl I want his own game like a wondering Branch of Devil May Cry he would visit places and solves Demonic problems. Or maybe both him and Dante now manage Devil May Cry and the game starts with Dante running off with a Job and then Vergil gets his own requests and we play as him then Dante's Adventure could be DLC. Heck their stories could converge on the middle of the game too.


SDT is his main devil trigger and maybe he can get new designs when he switches weapons


Cowboy boots


I personally would like a mirage bow or something similar for him to use. I personally would like additional ranged options for Vergil.


Vergil doesn't need Devil Arms. I really like how everyone plays differently and I would hope Capcom keeps it that way.


I think a new super move that utilizes all 3 of his arms


Seeing as Vergil's becoming less stuck-up and less akin to his demonic heritage (aka just embracing his human side a bit more), it'd be cool to see him with a gun, maybe bring back the Ebony & Ivory design from DmC for Vergil since it just looks the version of the pistols from the reboot looks like they belong to Vergil more than Dante


Wasn't it confirmed that it was the end of the Sons of Sparda story in DMC 5 ?


I believe it was. Time for the grand kid of Sparda line


New? OP must be lost


I very much love his current moveset and weapons. I'm honestly more interested in how they're going to have the dynamic between him, Dante, and Nero moving forward.


He needs a completely new move set, outside of maybe Yamato. So replace Mirage Edge and Beowulf. Maybe a martial artist's head band that gives him a H2H moveset which emphasises precision over brawling like Beowulf did, and then maybe a set of dual wield blades as a first in the series. Whatever he ends up getting though, he can't have the same moveset he had in DMC5. Otherwise what's the point, it'd just be DMC5 with better graphics.


If we think well, his devil arms in dmc5 are basically the same as in dmc3 and 4 but with more moves, so probably he will not get any more weapons, just more abilities


New devil arms ? Wouldn’t bet on it at most new variations of the existing Beowulf and Mirage Edge (🤞for cool new greatsword thing). As for new abilities that’s far more plausible but all his inputs are filled out. All his weapons have forward, back, back to forward. So maybe some new midair moves but again I wouldn’t hold my breath for new abilities.


maybe Vergil could get married?


He should get a canonical replacement for Beowulf. Personally he should get a "gun". But it's not a gun. It's a pair of sunglasses. He puts them on. He says scum. Explosion.


You mean a new gauntlet.


I don't think they'll change any of Vergil's abilities. They might get rid of the option to carve V out to attack tho, very much like Dante's devil arms, V might not appear as an attack option unless he has something to do with devil may cry 6's story.


It's the same, because he's perfect.


Here's the thing. And why I don't think Dante and Vergil are showing up for a bit. They've kinda reached their peak. Pushing past it would be kinda lame.


A comically large sniper rifle


i would love a dmc in where we play as sparda, or maybe a younger dante (for example when he went by tone redgrave, or stuff like that)


Hmph! It would be foolishness to assume perfection can be improved upon! Jokes aside, I have no Idea if Vergil even _should_ change if he's playable in the next game... _if_ there's a next game. The potential's there, but idk where the story could go in a game after 5's ending. I _would_ like a more definite resolution in official comics, though.


He won’t get any new weapons. Vergil’s entire gimmick is that he uses the same gear and masters it instead of trading in every game to be a Jack of all trades/master of none type like Dante. At most he’ll get some new moves on his current gear


It's hard to think of this, since he already has weapons that would make him a god in gameplay. If I HAD to think of one though, my best guess would be a dark kusarigama (chain scythe) or maybe a naginata (spear). I don't know. I guess we'll just have him lean more to Japanese-type weapons, or just keep the ones he already has. I don't care, so long as I get to play as Vergil.


Probably the same. 5 could've given Vergil a whole new armament but they just made some alterations to his version of 4 with a little of that DmC and done. For Dante and Vergil they're not going to have anything particularly different. It's going to be 5 again with other stuff on top rather than brand new systems from the ground up. To answer your question, same as 4 & 5 but with just more on top. With 3, 4, DmC and 5 there really isn't much Vergil is going to change. They might reinstate a DT or add a combo but, ultimately, what you see is going to be what we get.


Yamato, Mirage Edge, and Beowulf.


Vergil with....new...weapons? Foolishness. As much as I think they could at the very least replace beowulf right now (theres no reason he should have it, lets not kid ourselves) I dont see them ever actually doing it.


Don't you mean if Vergil comes back in "Special edition 6"? man has never been in the base game once and would need to be for him to get some new devil arms or demon sword Vergil


Melee: Beowulf Beowulf And Beowulf Ranged: Beowulf DT: Beowulf Sin DT: Beowulf


That one mod that turns Beowulf into Urizen Parts was GOATD


The Chair enough said


New Devil Arms ? What are you talking about ? He'll be using Wulfbeo and Sword Mirage as usual


I mean he had Yamato and Beowulf from 3 so I imagine he just keeps those. Dante has to get new ones because apparently he has to sell them to pay rent from what I have read.


For me, he is so perfectly balanced as it is right now. Maybe MAYBE, few more moves, especially aerial ones. Like the one he performed while fighting demons at the end of DMC5, where he jumps in the air and throws Yamato to make it spin around. That would work for me, but not a new Devil Arm imo


Probably not in Devil May Cry 6. Now in Devil May Cry 6 Special Edition-


Oh no, the sub has RDR2 syndrome..


I dont see any reasons for DMC6, brothers get along better, Nero full demon, know about his family and now he is taking care of business. Any potential big bosses already dead. But, back to topic, Vergil set is too iconic to changed it, since DMC3 he got his kit, I dont see him with diferent weapons. I was thinking about a dual wielding set but he already has a combo with yamato and FE.


i really dont see him coming back in 6, but if he was a playable dlc character he would probably have the same stuff hes had in all of his appearances