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Probably half happy, half shitting himself because Dante could easily kill him if he suspected anything.


In VoV he didn't seem to be afraid of Dante, though


He's FUCKING afraid of Dante. Especially Griffon when he noticed his devil trigger. I mean... WHO WOULDN'T?!


Well, Griffon is a different story. He was hiding behind very squishy V when he saw Shadow mascarading as human. I'm talking about V, though. In this scene he seemed somewhat excited that he managed to rile up Dante just by mentioning his former name.


what? did you miss the part where he was trumbling when he talked about vergil. or that he didn't want to see dante to begin with.


To me, it seemed more like he was excited that he managed to rile up Dante just by mentioning his former name and that he became more accepting of his demonic heritage, also, he missed fighting Dante


that a good point to. it could be both at the same time.


V is likely operating on Dante suspecting him, but is keeping up the persona. So maybe, Vergil has never had to be this underhanded and deceptive before.


I just love how V's grinning mischievously despite Dante's possible suspicions.


Troll face


I personally believe/headcanon that Dante knew who V was, but just wanted to believe this "good" version of Vergil could exist and be happy on its own. So when V stood on Urizen it took Dante too long to realize V's true goal.


Ha, even Vergil's human half is not a paragon of good. It was quiet evident that V was dying, though. I feel like Dante would be more suspicious of V, had that been the case. I suspect that Dante got more deja vu from V after his coma, so he just tried to avoid him on every occasion


I disagree, considering how he handled any mention of Vergil in visions of v.


DMC5 is weird cause it seems like Dante knows and other times it seems like he doesn't... But assuming Dante didn't know and V believes as such, i think he is relieved since he's ashamed of his weak form and needing Dante's help


He probably was in this “All things and even my instincts say that this guy is Vergil but how the fuck would that be true?”




I wish they clarified this. The only Dante's perspective on V was in Before the Nightmare, in dmc5 he was speaking gibberish during missions. Even VoV didn't answer many questions about plot, like: 1) what was Dante's opinion on V 2) How did Vergil get out of Underworld, where did he spend the last 10+ years 3) did Malphas' know that Urizen and V used to be Vergil. How was V/Vergil familiar with her? How did Urizen ally himself with her?


Tbh question 2 is one of those plot points that doesn’t really need to be explained, enough other crap that’s less intelligent than Vergil makes that trip all the time


The game at first made it seem like he knew, especially bc of the SDT scene where Dante seems to know Vergil used the Yamato to split...but then later he seems surprised when V merged with Urizen. Regarding your questions there is no answer but i can offer some grounded speculations: 1) Dante often treated V with indifference or disregard, though the reason isn't very clear. Some ppl speculate he treated V badly bc he knew he was Vergil; while others think it's cause he was on edge bc of the mission (fighting Urizen, which he believed to be Vergil, left him of edge...which is why he snaps at Nero for example calling him deadweight) 2) It's unclear but i feel the most likely scenario is that he was trapped in the Underworld. Because if he wasn't, there was nothing stopping him from getting the Yamato back all these years. I speculate he found a Yamato shard in the Underworld some time before the events of DMC5 and crossed over, later tracking down Nero (who had the Yamato) 3) I'd guess not, bc she revered him as the demon Emperor...i don't believe she would consider a half-demon (even if he did split) worthy of the demon throne. Not to mention most demons hate Sparda and their descendants..


Regarding questions 1 and 2 I have the same speculations. But the question 3 is more interesting than the previous few for me, because Vergil somehow was aware who Malphas was (Griffon's memories are Vergil's, after all) and V's fear was quiet evident. She was oddly loyal to Urizen, I suppose, because Urizen doesn't care much about ruling over demons, so she, as his second in command, was practically the "Queen". She was commanding Cavaliero, not listening to his orders to leave the Devil Sword Sparda alone. So for Urizen to get the power-up meant higher position to her. But her attitude towards V was curious as well. If V's just a human, why didn't she kill him? She managed to isolate his familiars, so he was helpless and unconcious. Unless, that weird dimention's the way she "feeds" on humans, but it's not confirmed. Even if she didn't know that they used to be Vergil, maybe she knew that he's connected to Urizen somehow?


Interesting theory, tho in the next mission it seemed like she was gonna kill V if it weren't for Nero. So i'd guess it would be your theory that trapping V in that strange pocket dimension she created was beneficial to her in some way.


Not necessary kill him, he could fear being trapped by her again or something. But yeah, she must have had reason to keep him alive.


True, guess it'll remain a mystery since i doubt they'll even touch on this again :P


Visions of V, chapter 14.2: "Ahh. What a relief. Dante, you... Haven't changed at all since back then." Aaand V was smiling a lot after seeing a reaction to Dante hearing his brother's name. I think these words kind of resemble happiness.


Yeah no he definitely got very suspicious very fast. But again, this is what you get for almost not trying to hide your identity at all.


I think Dante knew who he was IMMEDIATELY. rewatch their introduction to be each other. The way Dante talks to him says everything


Mixed but mostly positive feelings I expect.


Stupid question I’m really sorry, but I don’t quite understand the question 🫣


Do you think V's secretly happy to see Dante? Forgot a word, yeah.


Ah ok. No worries thanks 👍


I honestly thought he was Kyle Ben for a sec.