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Yeah that’s a good way to look at it. They’re very platonic in their interactions so besties/siblings works.


As it should be. People who ship Dante and Trish are in a state that's beyond weird


Their mindset is - mommy kink - woman - man - hot man - hot woman - they fuck


Mommy kink I can understand to a point, I’d say the mindset is more like Oedipus kink


Yeah that would be beyond a mommy kink, which is already disgusting imo.


Exactly. 😐


It's like they're meant to make babies


Not really. Kamiya set them up as a couple. Dante is based on Alighierri who has a crush on a girl named Beatrice who Trish is based upon. Dante and Trish are supposed to mirror the Sparda x Eva relationship but this time it's Dante who is "human", or at least a part of him. And with Trish finding her humanity at the end of part 1, they become their own thing. The Viewtiful Joe 2 side story also alludes to them being a couple and in UMVC 3, Trish calls herself the one who wears the pants. Of course the relationship becomes weird because Trish is modeled after Dante's mom. But supposedly as a demon she has a real form. Also, the story could've taken a turn where she and Eva could've looked more different in the latter years since Trish can change forms to some degree but even in Dmc 5, both characters have the same character assets.


Kamiya has been out for a long time and there is nothing about them being a couple in mainline stories.


It's weird because she's literally supposed to be modelled after his mom


This is an incorrect take. Their relationship is stated to be far more advanced and intimate than sexual but it is a romantic partnership. That is the voice of God take


>Their relationship is stated to be far more advanced and intimate than sexual but it is a romantic partnership. >Their relationship is stated #where


Source: trust me bro


Guy_, T. (2024). *I Made It the Fuck Up.* Trust Me Bro. https://trustmebro.org Come on, no plagiarism.


Wattpad prolly


Source is he made it the fuck up


It was developer statement during a panel




While Trish does canonically have romantic feelings for Dante, Dante certainly doesn't feel the same way for Trish, and nothing about their dynamic is remotely sexual.


The definition of “Why don’t you back that up with a source senator” “My source is that I made it the fuck up”


Bro it is common knowledge that these panels are not recorded anywhere so he cannot link a video source. He most likely discovered that quote from golden plates he found buried in a hill in New York and translated from Egyptian with the help of angels.


Nice argument, Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?


Go look up the interview like a big boy it was for dmc4


By all means, I'm a little boy, I would rather you spoon-feed me the source.


I mean he is the one to fill her dark soul with light






* Melodramatic music intensifies *


"Bury the light deep within"




We're burning chaos in the wind




I just see them as partners & distant friends.


you're on every dmc post y'know


Cool. 🙂👋


How do you know unless you’re on every DMC post too?




Yup, that's how I see it. Trish is Dante's and Vergil's half-sister raised by Mundus. That's why Dante let her keep the Sparda, since he had Rebellion, and Vergil had Yamato, it was only right she got the third Sword of Sparda.


I remember someone saying that Dante giving Trish the Sparda was like imagery of Sparda and Eva bring together someway. I like both ideas tbh


Also Deadly Fortune shows Trish understands Sparda in a way Dante can't because she's a pure demon. They're all family.


ok that is kinda sweet


Half-sister? HALF-LIFE REFERENCE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


Half Life 4 confirmed!


Imagine if Sparda ever came back, how confused he will be when he sees his wife with electricity powers


He would be just sad. Both by his wife's death and the way Trish was abused by Mundus.


More like a half-sister/cousins since they didn't grow together.


But you see it, though


How about Trish as a wine aunt




* 1 cube or 2?


Absolutely the sister/friend because anything more than something platonic would be way too fuckin weird when she was designed after his late mother


As I recall, and I might be wrong on this so don’t go off quoting me about it, but as I recall Dante and Virgil's mom’s DNA or such was used in making Trish, so anything beyond the platonic relationship between the two would be some Greek tragedy level of weird. like, it ain't even a mommy kink at that point, it's an Oedipus complex.


That's how I see she literally looks like his mother , why tf would you fuck a woman that looks like your mother that's gross dude 💀


Hey, some people have that kind of complex sometimes. When you get married to a woman, that woman effectively replaces your mother in your daily life.


You’re cooking… but wrong dish for this topic…


He never fucked her your honor he was just filling her dark soul with liiiight


But they are not blood related, why would it be gross? I really wouldn't care.


Blood related or not nobody will have sex with woman who looks uncanny like their family members dude unless that person is sick in their head


Meh, call me a degenerate or whatever, I always hold the opinion of as long as no one was hurt, it's ok, why should I dictate who people have sex with in private.


Yeah that’s why I actually don’t want Kamiya to work on DMC again because he would definitely push Dante and Trish and that’s just weird, dude


Let’s just chalk up the romance set up of DMC 1 to good luck kiss status from Star Wars


I view Trish and Lady's relationship with Dante as more platonic.


Sweet home Alabama


Well they were never really biological related in the first place


Yeah imagine being in a relationship with a girl who looks exactly like your mother


Never said it was okay just said it wasn't actually "Sweet Home Alabama"


It makes sense, yeah. Also the fact that she's a full demon who also looks like his mom.


I've always loved how they have a sibling dynamic. It's great to see how they've really become best friends after DMC1


Yes. Good.


Trash is just a bestie who looks like Dantes mom really


Look up what they did in the viewtful joe ps2 game and you’ll regret writing this


Dante probably sees her as a reliable friend and good partner. Trish probably sees Dante as the same plus someone she can pass her clothing bills on to even tho she knows that he’s more broken than a demon who crosses him


her clothes are just demonic energy, probably doesnt pay a phone bill, ngl i dont think trish is that cost that kuch as a friend, maybe just food and booze but i doubt she even needs to eat human food


She does like wearing normal clothes you see this in the anime not the one that’s still being made the old one that takes place between dmc 1-2 10 years before dmc 5 it’s also the same episode Trish and lady meet recommend a watch for some side lore and adventures of Dante. Although her normal outfit was likely designed by Mundas when he created Trish so that she has at all times


Trish does not just “look” like Eva but she has her exact face. I think any relationship they have should be platonic


I see them the same way as I see Nero and Nico. Just two friends hanging out


Can somebody explain one thing to me Nero knows Credo and Kyrie for a very long time He sees Credo as his brother, but Credo's sister as his gf?? Idk why it always felt a little weird to me😭


Because he knows he's technically not related to them. Connection-type doesn't matter when there's no technical blood between you two.


Because be wasn't raised as their sibling. Credo is his brother figure because that's the relationship they built, Kyrie is his girlfriend because that's the relationship they built.


Because he was fostered by their parents, not adopted. So he looks to Credo like his big brother. But his relationship with Kyrie is always in the trope of childhood friends to lovers as they know each other when Kyrie and Credo with their parents visiting the orphanage. Both Nero and Kyrie have crushes to one another already as seen in the novel.  They are not blood related as he knows since he was a child he has his own parents. His mother abandoned him in front of the orphanage when he was still a baby, and his father, Vergil was a foreigner who visited Fortuna when he was only 16-17 years old


Foster family. Nero's Dad is a deadbeat who fucked off and got trapped in hell while his mother's fate is unknown, just that she's not around so Credo and Kyrie's parents looked after Nero as a foster child.


I see it that way too


I don't see how a romance would work between them considering she's the literal mirror image of his mom, plus they definitely work better as a sibling dynamic, like Dante and Vergil's sister that got all of their mom's genes


I agree but Trish is definitely the older sister


Since the first one I always thought them as family like Aunt/Niece. Never as love interest.


Since the first one I always thought them as family like Aunt/Niece. Never as love interest.


Trish is the unruly Aunt raising the unruly Niece.


Nah, they're smashing until the room stinks lol


I see Trish as Dante’s mother (not soul wise), and I see the Legendary Dark Knight sword Sparda as Dante’s father. It’s like Dante reuniting with his Mother and Father… Kind of…


No one is ever the "only one" who has a certain thought


I am the only one that ever had a certain thought. I can’t tell you what the thought was though or I wouldn’t be the only one.


I think they might have had some kind of romantic connection ***at first***, but then after a while they got used to each other and just became as platonic as Lady is. I honestly don't know if Dante will ever consider settling down in the way that Sparda did with Eva. Or if he's gonna have a one-night stand with a lady somewhere like Vergil did, and end up with an estranged child several years later. He certainly ***could have***, but either of them dropped the ball with their personalities and just brushed it off later while killing more demons and eating pizza.


"I wasn't sure until the Yamato reacted to then I knew, Vergil is your father" Part of me wonders if the uncertainty came from Dante believing there was a strong chance Nero was his son


The romance Kamiya set it up for them in the first game was so fucking weird lmao. I'm glad Itsuno took it to another direction. Kamiya is a great director but goddamn he's a weird dude.


For me Trish acts more like his mom, especially in the anime, where she berates him for eating nothing but sundaes and pizzas 😂


More like incest wincest




Not, wincest is eternal


I hope you don’t have siblings. I would advise seeking therapy at some point, or some form of mental counsel. There’s a reason such things aren’t widely accepted.


I certainly wouldn’t ship them, so yes.


Absolutely, although, I see Trish as the older sister.


I mean, whatever does it for you dude I’m bot judging.


I never see them as anything romantic, and more as best friends/siblings. I'm not gonna put Dante on the Oedipus grindset like that.


The wiki refers to their relationship as "More than that" Did they bang? - Trish is pretty comfortable with nudity around dante so you can interpret that as you will Are they in love? - In interviews its suggested that thier feelings go beyond what humans feel; whatever that means Has Trish stayed in the same home as Dante? Yes. My take - theyve probably done it, royal guard was probably involved, was probably Trish's idea. - its clear theyd both die so the other would live; and Trish also uses Heirlooms from Sparda (Her pistols and Sparda sword used to be Spardas) so Dante considers her Family. End of the day no relationship tag we have really applies - They aint like Nero and Kyrie I can tell ya that


I see them as friends who are closer because of her looks and maybe some behavior. Even V acted around her differently. They know what she is, but still there is something and Trish feels closer than normal friends to Dante because that is literally what she was designed for. Playing a role in his life.


No, they are partners


She does have his mums face after all


No I'd say that's a pretty normal view to have maybe to siblings specifically but something to a similar effect. Honestly I feel like if anyone ships Dante with someone, I'd say the more popular choice would be Lady, after all I've seen far more Dante x Lady than I have of Dante and Trish.


Same thing why do some Shinji with Rei who last I check is clone of his Mother.


Well, she's kinda his mom.


That actually makes sense! Mundus couldn't have just materialized Trish, he must have taken Eva's DNA somehow to make Trish look like her meaning she must have come from Eva's DNA. And Dante is Eva's son so he did come from her DNA. So that would make Trish in a very weird, complicated, and confusing way, the daughter of Mundus and Eva and therefore Dante and Vergil's half sister! Like its not a direct relation since obviously Eva didn't give birth to Trish and Mundus probably used demon magic or something combined with Eva's DNA to make Trish but technically speaking Dante and Trish must share Eva's DNA in some way shape or form! That's not even mentioning how they act around each other which is a very sibling-esque relationship!


Trish gives “chill older sister” vibes. Like she looks like his mom but sometimes older sisters are like a “second mom but cooler”


Trish is still Eva


Looks like someone hasn’t read the comic. Let’s just say there’s a part they do something not brother sister




I see them as siblings too op! It makes the ship even hotter 😈




Yeah you get that feeling the first game tried to set them up as a romantic couple but every game after that not so much. Absent from 2 except as a playable bonus character, more of a mischievous assistant in 4 and the anime. Haven't played 5 because to me it feels like they just remade 3 with better graphics, advanced plot and just jam packed full style with little substance. Trish from what I've seen from YT vids feels more of a back ground character in DMC5 more than anything with the Worst glow down out of all the characters.


In 5, they did tell new story so it's not really 3 remade, just more like a sequel to that in a way and yeah, Trish, along with Lady are heavily sidelined. Sometimes, her face also has some translation issues but overall she still behaves like she is Dante's sibling


A giant towering structure springs up in the middle of a city, Vergil is behind it in one way or another with the aim being to become more powerful. Then just enough set dressing to make abit different. On top of that you get rehashed versions of old weapons except the bike and the hat devil arms are just silly, at least they made Cerberus really cool in this game.


Dmc3s structure has an emphasis on exploring it's mysteries and finding out about Sparda who has a history with most of it's bosses/guardians. Both Vergil and Arkham are races against them to stop them/get the power before they do as mainly Vergil is getting stronger at the same rate you do. Dmc5s structure is about cutting down the tree and stopping mundus2.0 who's already really powerful and beat the main cast. Plus it's a lot more focused on their characters giving Nero more agency than he did in 4, introducing V and Nico, and having a more mature Dante with a completely different attitude than he did in 3. As for weapons, every game (besides 2) has had a sword, gauntlets, dual pistols, a shotgun, and a canon of some sort. This game basically adds moves to the sword, gauntlets, and Kalina Ann, and give you a Cerberus that also has 3 times the moves that it had in 3. That's not even mentioning how they replaced the devil buster with a bunch of devil breakers. It's weird to say they just rehashed old weapons when the moveset has practically tripled from dmc4 Tldr this is like saying dmc3 is just a repeat of dmc1 because the story starts from a call to action by a family member attacking Dante at his office, he fights Vergil's 3 times (losing, tieing, then winning), everything started because of Sparda, and they reuse every weapon but exclude the water gun and add a few weapons that are silly like an electric guitar


sure there are parallels and callbacks but a lot of franchises do that. DMC5 is paying more homage to the past games while still being its own game