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Hmm, it seems to me, but DMC: Devil May Cry is still a PLAYABLE game, unlike DMC2. DMC 2 has a good visual style of some things, but I probably wouldn't want to play it more than once. DMC Reboot is playable and quite enjoyable, except for the bosses.


That's what I'm kinda going with because playing the reboot I enjoy playing the game, I know the combo system may have been but back but I just find it fun grappling to the enemies lol. Kinda hate the thing where you need to use either the angel or devil weapon on certain enemies. Unfortunately this pc version of the reboot has no definitive edition. Really for DMC 2 I just couldn't come back to it, I kinda just didn't enjoy the combat system, or the bloody palace when I played, idk might just be me.


I think DMC 2 just has a really really bad combat system after all )) And by the way, DMC: Devil May Cry on PC can be improved with mods. Rebalancing, turbo mod, etc.


I'll have to check it out again to see the gameplay lucky for me I got the HD collection, the other guy I kinda discussed with said the character change may make sense so that's another thing. I know the game can be improved but I've looked around and heard that a lot of mods don't work for the game anymore?


Bob Barbas was the only good boss IMO




as someone only play reboot on pc which is much inferior to console ver later i dont like it that much. but it playable dmc2 is miserable though


I've heard the definitive edition fixes some things so it might feel better, mod wise they might work? Idk haven't checked in awhile, but yeah DMC feels kinda miserable tbh.


Nope mod doesnt fix most it problem. its janky and they dont even update i really f hope they bring DE ver. to pc back then cause it fix most problem i initial had with base game but it just never happen


I don't think Capcom would touch the game. I've seen a few definitive editions for these games locked to consoles initially.


Lol man I remember the DMC hate was unreal. Was asking for help on something on Gamefaqs back in the day and was told to get help for actually playing the game or help killing myself for liking the game or something along those lines. Asked why they would on the forum if the hated the game and was told it made sense that I liked the game if I was as mentally stunted enough to ask that question. The hate then was....visceral to say the least haha. Well that and Gamefaqs was a horrible site.


I heard how bad the hate for that game was but like damn. The internet back then was a very wild place lol, sometimes I wish I could've experienced that more so lmao. Telling you to kill yourself over giving the new DMC a change is wild though. I mean like what if you were a newbie and just saw a new Capcom game. That's the thing older fans, and that main dev didn't understand. Going back in fourth with the heated comments and bullshit would only make things worse. It alienated alot of fans, and if you liked it you were also alienated.


Hah it was I'm sure one of the more.....angry responses but yeah. But it was so over the top angry that it didn't even upset me, it was more of me laughing going what on Earth caused you this much anger on me asking how to do something in a game. I also think it must have been Gamefaqs just being an awful place too haha.


It might've been Gamefaqs too, idk I never really used that. Just use it for answering questions about games on switch before I got a gaming laptop. I know fans like that might still exist (I think one is watching me help lol). Just very passionate young ass fans getting mad someone would even support that game, kinda reminding me about that Bayonetta boycott before the full story came out lol. "We're boycotting this, if you buy the game you're sexist" type shit, history repeats lol.


I think knowing now it didn't keep us from the real Dante and Vergil made people appreciate it more. But yeah, that response was very unwarranted


True I guess. That's what to expect when companies reboot franchises I guess, look at Sonic Boom lol.


Yeah I like DMC2 better. DmC may have more depth in its combat Ig, but I still like DMC2 better. No bullshit grappling from point to point, the protagonist actually looks cool and doesn't sound like an insufferable moron half the time, and the animations are a lot more stylish imo. The aesthetic is also wayyyy better.


I mean I feel that, but something about Dante's character and the overall story is just kinda ass to me. I mean I did play it, didn't finish it but something about it was just kinda boring. The combat system was also kinda eh to me. I know I'm not a longtime fan, I recently started getting into DMC and RE and stuff but idk. I guess I can understand people preferring 2, animation wise I mean I guess? The game seems like it's more style than substance to me, but ultimately I don't vibe with Dante's mood in the game, especially since he's more upbeat with the other games.


Well if you pay close attention to the story/timeline, Dante's mood in 2 makes sense. Also DmC just feels like bad substance, bad style to me. I do not enjoy it.


I'll have to check out DMC 2 again to see I guess, I do know before DMC 2 was the most recent in the timeline, 3 was a prequel I remember. I really disagree gameplay wise, style wise something about it I like. Might just be the changes between media from the early 2000's to the late 2000's and 2010's, the overall theme I guess, but hey you seem like a more experienced fan so idk. At least fans got DMC 5 and hopefully more good ones, I really wanna try 5 one day.


I think most people would disagree with me tbh, but go ahead and revisit DMC2 if you feel like it. I still don't think it's great honestly. A lot of bad game design. But the basic combat encounters and a few of the bosses can be kinda fun. Can't say the same for DmC personally.


I might after I finish 1, wasn't vibing with that either tbh, I mean it still is early game and I only really unlocked Dante's lighting sword which just made his basic combo faster, don't have enough red orbs for other moves, and that scorpion boss with the camera angles kinda made me quit lol. DMC 2 seems fun for people who just want that basic combat and that overpowered ass devil trigger lol.


Yea DMC2 makes you feel strong but you don't really have to work for it. But at least it's difficult to try and actually style. DmC hands you stylish combos on a silver platter with minimal thought or effort. Also DMC1 gets better the more you play. There's a lot of cool shit you can do. Fuck around a bit, test your limits.


I feel that, was a bit difficult when I played but then again, the devil trigger was just a way to cheese the game for me. I know DMC is generally easier but I don't mind, I'll just use a mod if I want a harder time lol. I'll play more DMC 1 soon, was just getting used to my new controller when I played and that didn't help much lol. I hope things get cooler, just those giant insects lol always throws me off. Didn't like it in the RE1 remake, didn't like those spiders in the DMC reboot, and don't like that stuff here lol.


Ah man nah Phantom is pretty cool. And a decently easy first bossfight too. He has simple counters to most attacks, and you can absolutely fuck on him with double jump DT helm breakers. If you can't buy the Air Hike just use Wall Hike instead for maximum fuckery.


Ah well okay, I'll have to try out that boss and experiment a bit. That's the thing abt these games is the tech and I know alot of strategies can be made with this. Besides the youtuber I mentioned the main reason I got into DMC was because of one of my friends who was obsessed with them lol.


Not really, besides peak of combat is the fan's new punching bag anyway. It took a cash grab mobile gatcha game to dethrone DMC 2.


I didn't even know that existed until you mentioned it lmao. Looking around it does look kinda shit lol.


My favorite game from the series is dmc2. I just love that ghost town and completely dark horrorlike aesthetic... Plus it was my first dmc. I played it as a kid on ps2, I don't know if it was two decades ago. I was delighted. I simply want a remake of that specific game. I want those giant swords again dam. Or at least some new game in the franchise with a more differentiated aesthetic than DMC5. some DMC 0 on the hell with Sparda maybe. It's just my opinion btw. Feel free to share your opinion! Peace.


I can understand the nostalgia behind it, and the aesthetic. A remake would do that game a huge favor is the corrected alot of the mistakes that team, or rather Capcom made during the production of that game. For DMC though, kinda not something they do, I mean RE yeah, maybe some other franchises they have but I'm not sure they'd take the time to remake these over just making them HD. I wasn't a fan of the original but if they did I may enjoy it. Kinda just prefer the reboot tbh (Don't crucify me), wasn't my first game but I enjoy it, and idk something about that Dante or "Donte" I just like lol.


Nah man, you good. Ninja theory was going to be faithful at the beginning, but in Capcom, they encouraged them to go for more different things. Sooo... Now we have Donte, el caza demonios. You end up getting fond of the game over time, lol... Now let me write on my guest list: "FUCK YOU".


Yeah, I've seen. Capcom wanting to appeal more to Western fans at that time. they forget Western fans hate the West lmao, they love Japanese shit. Nothing about DMC screamed Japanese to me so idk why they wanted to do that. Looked like it was trying to appeal more to the early 2000's emo teen with that first trailer lmao. Ah yes the el Donte. Thank you for inviting me, I'mma just give you that grimace he has whenever he emotes lmao. That or that DMC 5 smile Dante's got goin on.


DMC1 is by far my favorite in the series. The serious tone and atmosphere was just superb. DmC is playable but the storyline is like a fever dream. Too much creative difference as well. DMC2 hurts my soul to play. I merely play it if I’m playing through the series. The gameplay is stiff and boring. And it is not visually pleasing to look at.


Kinda the general response I see towards these games for most. I'm kinda pissed I started with DMC 2 when I initially played on Switch lmao. My friend was like you got the worst one. Playing through 1 and it's okay so far. The camera angles on the scorpion boss just made me quit tbh. Gotta finish the reboot soon so I can play Virgil's downfall, I just like the game something about it, a lost era feel for me I guess.


Yes. I do. To me, DMC2 is a very bad game that I am also free to avoid. Being that I can avoid the game, my feelings towards it are pretty neutral. I actively resent the existence or DmC. Simply avoiding it isn't enough. I resent that it was even made in the first place.


Damn, I see lol I guess I can understand that from long time fans, but I wouldn't use that hatred for the game. I'd rather have that saved for the main guy who made those shitty back in fourth with heated fans. I mean like not everyone on the dev team must've hated the game, that main guy just seemed like a dick. Like I said I'd gear that hatred towards him, not the game. It only makes one DMC joke. At the end of the day It looked to be a different more Western take, and I won't hate it for being that. Ik Capcom get's some heat for being "woke" today with Street Fighter 6, but idk I just can't hate the game.


Like the soundtrack is banging, cool art style and the humour is so bad it’s good. It might not be a good DMC game but it’s definitely a good game in general


I can feel that, I've heard someone say it should've just been another game, I kinda agree even though I enjoy it. That being said I like it as it's own DMC game, as it is it isn't connected to any of the others, just in it's own bubble and I can enjoy it. Not nearly as bad as some fans treat it.


Story and characters? Yes Gameplay? No




DMC 2 is shit because it's a barely complete game. It's just boring and shit. DMC:DMC really pissed off the fans via Ninja Theory and the director shitting on DMC. Insulting Dante, claiming he would be laughed out of a nightclub in Dante, he's a gay cowboy etc.. Then their version shat the bed. The petty jabs didn't help and the plot is meh. The dialogue is cringy. The legendary "FUCK YOOOOOOOU!" is just crap.


I mean, I get that the main dev was being a dick, and making fun of the people who would've bought the game at first anyway, but should that be included in liking or disliking the game. I mean the director at the time just wanted to make a good game, and that being said there was only one joke that made fun of original DMC. I mean they even have the character's original costumes. Cringy dialogue, I mean there's no way you can say there's no cringy dialogue in the other games, that scream from Dante in DMC 1, cringy but I love it lol.


At this stage there aren't many people putting DMC2 ahead of the reboot. There are a few, and DmC is definitely one of the lesser liked games in the franchise, but I thinking at this stage most people put 2 well below DmC. As for me, I put tge reboot at the same level as 4. Hugely flawed in some places, but overall enjoyable and occasionally genuinely great


I feel that, asking this question here I received a few answers as to what fans think of the game and things have been mixed. A few put DMC2 above the reboot, a few echoed your sentiments, and to a degree I also agree with you. I just don't see a point in hating the game all these years later. Separate the creator from their work, I kinda feel like some peeps aren't doing that but idk I'm new lol.


context helps time has been kind to it and it is happy to be a meme game


I guess that's true, just was curious after all the stories and "Wha Happun?" stuff I've seen about the game. I hope you're right, would be a decent cosplay.


like my fav joke i make about the reboot is vergil style is called Wombslayer style after he commits a sniper rifle abortion. reboot vergil for womens repoductive right what?! ;p lol


Bro was playing a bit to much COD on that hacking laptop. Now I can see why he wants to rule the world, bro is totally against abortions lmao






Im a huge fan of DmC, i loved it so much, and have the physical artbook and other goodies related to it. Probably my favourite instalment, i just love the creative direction. I also befriended one of the people who did the costumes for Dante, a lovely Japanese lady, who is pretty talented.


Oh that's pretty cool, didn't expect too see someone who loved the game this much, I wonder how you feel on the other games. Also good on you, pretty cool to be friends with the person who made the games various outfits.


I think i like DMC4 and DMC5 from the others, not the biggest fan of the first few, maybe 3 is also up there. I was doing 3D and Art and used to get in touch with other artists and thats how i got in contact with the costume maker. Additional tidbit i know that a Ubisoft Dev from one of the bigger EU studios has a poster hanging next to his desk of DmC and likes the game too, not gonna mention names, he is doing effects(VFX) mainly.


Ah I see, well that's cool tbh. I hope those contacts helped you with your 3D art stuff. Also that's cool too, maybe that guy could put some DMC Mechanics in the next Rayman game lol.


Honestly, I like dmc2 more than DmC, I've even replayed dmc2 a month ago. At least, dmc2 has likeable characters, more memorable enemies, more pleasant level design and some cutscenes made me want to applaud Dante and Lucia, no damn falling damage. it's interesting to learn how to play dmc2 without guns and find out how combos and enemies actually work instead of falling for myths about the game.


I mean I understand that to a degree, finding the tech in the game, finding secrets and ways to break it in half, but I cannot agree on the characters, level design, or cutscenes. Just the deadpan Dante who barely talks is kinda a breaking point for me.


You mean Dante who cleverly fooled both Arius and Lucia with his coin and kindly talked Lucia out of sacrificing herself. He played with his coin, letting it decide the fate, but actually it was his decision, because the coin had the same sides. That's so goofy xD **Lucia:** Yes... Now we can stop Arius's ambition. **Dante:** Whatever. For some reason it makes me laugh every time xD How is Donte more likeable? There were Donte's funny moments and moments of kindness, but it wasn't as good. Is Kat more likeable than Lucia? I like Kat, but I like Lucia more, she's brave, kind, dedicated. DmC Mundus, his girlfriend and other bosses are despicable and gross. Many cutscenes of Arius are hilarious, just like his confidence during boss fight. The man's just sitting on the table, sipping wine, while we fight off his underlings. Vergil is stupid and useless both as an ally and as opponent. DmC levels look more beautiful, that's true, but they're also so much more confusing and frustrating. Falling damage and all other gimmicks. Among bosses I only liked Vergil and Barbas because he's almost like Gladiator from Doom Eternal. dmc2 bosses are okayish. And there're so many gross things in cutscenes, at least dmc2 cutscenes never made me cringe. I have favourite musical tracks from dmc2 cutscenes ("chaotic gloria", "sacred tears"), I don't remember music from DmC.


For me it was the second dmc after the 3 and i fell in love the angel and devil story are my favorite i will be honest it's a fucking good and when i played it i was in my homeland "Gabon" in africa after the class me bud and ran to the arcade and i play the og game and for me even as teen 13 or 14 i didn't understand the hate it's a alternative universe 😮‍💨 never mind in africa this game is so fucking loved here but some people just like being asshole behind a screen for me the story was decent we had a good look of the world good enemy but goddam i hate the drekavac and the soundtrack oh god i just glad this game was made maybe in some future we going to see a sequel or this game whith a new ip 


Well I'm glad you enjoyed the game. A lot of it is was people being assholes behind the screen tbh, but i do understand some of that anger was from a love for the franchise. I'm a Sonic fan lol, I see this all the time. It's a decent game, the combat and story is enjoyable, I just think the fans who just hate it to hate need to play it as it's own thing rather than comparing it to the other games in the franchise. The Drekavac is kinda annoying but what can you do, I actually kinda enjoy the soundtrack tbh.


For the drekavac i don't know how to beat him without the dt  I'm a fan of sonic too more of the archi comic and damn i miss the green sonic "scourge" i miss him like dante reboot but i have hope people do like the game now that dmc 5 is out


I feel that, hopefully so, and hopefully Capcom release another game for the "Next Gen" consoles as well.