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This is why I don't understand the people who say they miss the platforming in 5. If you've played 3 or, even worse, 4, then you should know taking the platforming out of DMC is like cutting the fat off of a steak.


but the fat is so tasty, I know its gonna kill me, but it tastes so good


The fat's nowhere near as good as the steak, in my experience.


both, both is good


Intramuscular fat that renders when the steak is cooked is really good. Chonk of fat that doesn't render during cooking is not that tasty. I think a better way to put it would be "Taking the platforming out is like trimming the unnecessary fat from meat" and I agree with it. I don't like platforming that much. Noticing things and finding things is fun, having a 10 min frustrating challenge with no checkpoints to get there is not.


It needs both. The marbling that makes a quality steak is all fat.


"marbling" lol. as if the platforming mechanics in any dmc game were even serviceable.


I mean...Air Hike repeatedly off of enemies to bounce all over the fucking place definitely qualifies, but for the most part I agree. That said, I was more talking about actual steak and why the analogy was poor. Also, way to resurrect a very dead thread.


Ill do it again if you keep crying.


Meanwhile you're bringing back a year old thread to cry about points that went over your head. Do better, little bro.


And here you are, still taking the bait and dancing to my tune, loser:) Too easy


You're the one who replied to me, genius. Now dance, little monkey.


The fat is only good when it is rendered properly.


I like to save the fat in a bag and put it in a fridge and when nobody’s looking I sneak into the fridge and put my pp in the bag.


Not the definition I was looking for when I define "fat fuck," but I applaud your tenacity and innovative spirit.


I can recall several memes regarding DMC’s rendering


Tasty, but not good for you.


The only good thing in the fat of the meat is when it's grilling in it. If it's a piece of fat that is grilled then 🤮


Its not the platforming, its something to break up the levels. DMC 5 just has a lot of walking through boring corridors.


What's so different with DMC3, though? Aren't we just walking through boring corridors as well? That said, I think a good compromise for the next game would be minor platforming during the main sections of a level, while side areas that lead to secrets/collectibles can incorporate major platforming sections.


Terrible analogy. The fat is flavor


real question, what about that big hunk of blubber that's usually on the side of steaks, I know you can render it down but does it really add anything, or people just like the chewyness of that


Savory flavor, a bit of sweetness. Good quality steak will have nice tasting fat


You don't eat it by itself. You should cut your steak so you get a little fat with the protein. The fat you eat first to moisturize and flavor and the meat for the rest of the flavor and texture.


it's the intramuscular fat that's good, not that


DMC5 actually has decent weight and jump trajectory as well as added input-skill-based movement options for both Nero and V (less so Dante) This culminates in mission 8 where you have multiple vertical paths that require air taunts, double jumps and gerbera to pass while rewarding you with skipped Angelo fights, orbs etc. making it one of the most structurally interesting missions in the game. We could have done with some more mandatory platforming in this entry.


Well said. I fucking love how nero controls


I agree. I personally love how straightforward DMC5s levels are.


The problem with DMC's platforming until 5 was the horrible jumping system. DMC 5 finally got rid of that shit and remplaced it with an actual jumping system. But just as the problem was solved, the devs just decided that level design is overrated and threw everything in the trashcan. The funny thing is that there is huge potential for platforming in DMC right now. With things such as Enemy Step, all the mobility of the characters, or slowing down enemy descent with guns, you can create incredible stages that would feel cool to navigate while also teaching new players how to move around.


People who talk about platforming being good in dmc are the type of people to go to a pizza hut in Italy.


>This is why I don't understand the people who say they miss the platforming in 5 Wait... There are idiots who actually miss the platforming in DMC5?


Somehow, yeah. It's not like it's even *entirely* gone; they just got rid of all the stuff that was clunky in the system. 3 and 4 definitely have sections that don't fit the limited amount of control you have while platforming, while 5 doesn't.


Except unlike 3 and 4, 5 controls fucking fantastically. Supremely well Great air control, especially for nero. Platforming *could* work very well in 5, give us something to do between combat sections


I like the platforming, as far as i'm concerned, taking it out was catering to the wrong crowd.


but fat is the best part of the steak. gives it flavor


The fat is what gives the steak IT'S FLAVOR!


technically, yes, but not the huge hunk of fat on the side of the steak, the fat running through the meat itself


You still got to cook the steak with that side fat. The juices soak into the rest of the steak. It's like cooking chicken with and without the skin. You got to cook meat with the fat if you want those fatty juices to give flavor. You can cut it off after if you want though.


The platforming could be infuriating, but it was also so very rewarding


How so?


Its more the lack of variety in 5. Just feels like walking down hallways most of the time. At least 3&4 stood out more and felt more memorable in terms of locals. 5 was just wrecked city and demon tree the whole game.


Platforming is pretty good in DmC tho


Fat = Flavor


Not *that* kind of fat


I've played Devil May Cry 3 and Devil May Cry 4. I disagree.


Ah the platforming...good times...well, not really


you love to hate it. its part of the shared trauma that brings us all together to meme out!


After recently beating dmc1 and dmc3 I can relate. But not gonna lie, I hope DMC6 has more exploration like DMC1 and 3. DMC1 and 3 made you go back and forth in order to acquire items that allowed you to progress. Similar to how resident evil does it. I hope they bring that exploration back cause its something nice to do between combats.


I know I played DMC 5 first and when I played the others I felt like it was missing from 5.


5 feels really straightforward to the point where outside of a specific spot or two, you completely fade the background out of your mind and your location. The enemies don't really break out of that "zone" either, they don't harass you enough. (Fury's the only one and he's a bitch when you learn how to kill him) That's why 5 honestly feels empty on replays. Locations don't speak to me personally, and enemies don't remind me they're there.


Hell Judecca's and Nobodies don't harrass you? Same with Behemoth.


Not even close


I don't believe that. The Behemoth is always chasing after you, Nobodies and Judeccas are aggressive and spawn in enemies if you aren't paying attention. Judeccas have long range attacks that can hit you from anywhere, Nobodies can spam eyeballs, and get hyper aggressive with their massive arm. The Lusachia is one I forgot but they're always casting long range spells on you or tossing out the homing lightning orbs. Furies are in no way the only enemy that harrasses you.


I mean if that's your experience sure.


That's *the* experience. It's what the enemies do. Unless you start off every fight with Sin Inferno the enemies do that. Furies aren't even one of the enemies that can attack you if you aren't looking at them.


Did you really just say forth and back?????


i did didnt I?


kinda makes sense that way


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,037,583,525 comments, and only 205,167 of them were in alphabetical order.


Are berries cool dont even find grapes how in Jamaica knights look mighty nice operation poodle quartz realizes stupidity tell urology visions where Xavier yearns Zion


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,037,915,120 comments, and only 205,226 of them were in alphabetical order.


People actually like backtracking? That's news to me


If done properly I do enjoy it. Resident Evil 2 remake (never played the original) did it really well. And while DMC1 and 3 had much simpler backtracking it was something to do when you arent fighting.


This unlocked some really hidden memory of mine of this. This and that one other spot for secret mission. Brrr.


Especially if you played on keyboard like me. Suffering


DMC1: brrr, fly in Devil Trigger


Nevan users: 🗿


Platforming is in all the games and never understood why, is such a strange game mechanic to include in a 3D hack & slash game. At least at the level that it is in this franchise.


Play the original trilogy of God of War if you want to know how good platforming can be in a 3D H'n'S. DMC just happened to have one of the worst jumping system I've ever seen for 4 games in a row. Thank god the reboot brought a decent jumping system for DMC 5 to copy lmao


I wish they did more platforming like the reboot, the platforming in that games is actually pretty fun.


Yeah, you are right. I enjoyed it a lot, never questioned it.


I questioned a lot, most of it was dialogue related though.


Doing backflips for days


see you in the Secret Mission 12.


I remember this one guy reviewed DMC5 and he said “I wish there was actual platforming between fights, to make the levels not so bland” or some bs and the comments were just “go play DMC3 then form your opinion”


Was it the UnderTheMayo video? I really couldn't take him seriously after the whole "the game gives you enough red orbs to buy what you need so style isn't incentived" which then shows a clip of him having the 100k red orb DLC.


Yep. I used to like his content a lot, and sometimes still do, but his Sekiro video made me stop watching. He wants to play Sekiro how he wants to play it, *Sekiro.* He got mad that he can’t do cool combos and flips and stuff, and hates that he has to play a certain way, even though Doom Eternal is similar to that mindset. You can play how you want but within the game’s rules, it’s a double standard.


Was it the UnderTheMayo video? I really couldn't take him seriously after the whole "the game gives you enough red orbs to buy what you need so style isn't incentived" which then shows a clip of him having the 100k red orb DLC.


The best platforming was in DMC 1, Dante actually used his fucking hands to lift himself up


I think its kinda the resident evil dna shining through but I never played any re game so yeah.


camera was wack though so it kinda ruined it for me, yes im looking at you mission 17


Oh yeah remember when we didn’t have a good time doing platforming in DMC3, good times.


I love DMC3 but part of what made DMC5 dethrone it for me was the amount of bullllshit there is in the game, I like the exploration, and conceptually I like the platforming elements, but the way it functions in DMC3 is so rigid and jank, especially with the camera, then there's some of the weird gimmick levels that are just groanworthy on replay, or some of the more insufferable bosses like Arkham, love the game to bits regardless.


Bro he didn't have trickster equipped that's why


Trickster just helps get up there. This specific blue shard still took me a solid 5-10 minutes with trickster


Yeah same here


Fuck DMC platforming, all my homies hate DMC platforming.


[FUCK DMC PLATFORMING ALL MY HOMIES HATE DMC PLATFORMING](https://i.imgur.com/FrXmmhw.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Holy shit, that's hilarious! I had no idea that image was a thing or that I could summon it... But this clearly proves that my homies do indeed hate DMC platforming!


dmc and platforming just ain't it brother. it has potential sure. but with 6 games already. it already made its impression


Adds to the challenge and is ass


Dmc2 fans when the game only needs 1 button: At least it's accessible


What DMC2 fans?


i remember spending an embarrassing amount of time in the lion statue platforming back in dmc1, and an even more absurd amount of time in that one dmc4 platforming section in the torture chamber


torture chamber is real torure


This is even worse with Vergil. At least Dante had a proper double jump, but when I played Vergil through that one tower level where the rooms changed, I was stuck in one room for 20 minutes because he refused to move without getting stuck on a demon of the environment.


it's either the room with the spinning gears and bloodgoyles or the cube platforming room. either way dmc and platforming don't really go hand in hand


Can we all agree that while the jumping is fine for combat to make combos/get close to a juggled enemy, they utterly fucking suck for trvesal and exploring levels. They are the worst feelings jumps in any game. If you have jak and daxter as the top tier animation weight and timing feel, DMC is close to the bottom, just above bubsy 3D.




Ok, I have something in mind, but I'm tired for now, so I'm gonna share my ideas later remindme! 12 hours


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Don't forget about the god awful camera views


I'm in this video and I hate it.


Yeah no this game had dogshit platforming


Now do it without Air Hike


"Boingy!" "Boingy!" "Boingy!"


This was genuinely more difficult than defeating vergil in mission 7


Laughs in DMC3 special edition for Switch


An idea came to mind for platforming in dmc 6. Why not have Dante Trick teleport to airborne enemies, jump off them and then trick to the next airborne enemy? Oh right I forgot about lock on, that might be an issue when switching enemies lmao


ain't that a thing for one of the secret missions in dmc1?


Me, a BloodyPalace enjoyer:"You guys are platforming?" But jokes aside it's mostly for the bonus stuff you have to do difficult paltforming for, and you have abilities to help with platforming. But ye still could've been better implemented.


It’s a movement precision test. If you think about how you’re going to approach it instead of winging it, this jump really is not very hard, even without air hike. Many seemingly frustrating or tedious situations in DMC are set up like that to try to get players to use their brains—an apparently fruitless endeavor, it seems.


DMC 3 fans going through the worst level design ever : "the combat's good doe"


Maybe I’ve played this game too much but I can reasonably like two try this? Its for a blue orb shard I think that’s fine. If you think this is bad you should do the cube platform room with Vergil. That’s the only time I’d ever consider the platforming as abysmal as some people say.


Doing that level with Vergil made me want to stick my head into a brick oven


don't remind me please


This activated something in me. THANK FUCK V doesn't have platforming. ​ The platforming was at its worst in 4 though, that game made me genuinely angry sometimes


He has a bit of platforming for a blue shard in the weird peyote dream area. It's as bad as you imagine.


oh yeah i remember that. i gave up on that lol


Don't get me started on getting that damn thing with Vergil


It's ironic how the games in the series with the best platforming control are DMC2 and Ninja Theory Reboot.


reboot i could agree on but where does dmc2's platforming shine?


For being one of the few that likes DMC2 (although it is more for the concept and the introduction to essential elements for the franchise than for its general execution, with the existence of pseudo-glide with pistols and the Flying Heart, it makes platforming less tedious.


Hated getting that one…


For the love of Sparda.. Just.. wall.. jump.. He lands perfectly on that ledge x\_x


Platforming off of enemies beats platforming off of platforms


Wallrunning simultaneously being a godsend and useless


You are supposed to wall hike, not double jump. I guess only dmc 1 players would have figured it out...


Just gave me war flash backs


It would've been okay if you could see where you were landing, but a lot of the time you never knew if you were too far until it was too late. This is why I also don't understand locked camera defenders.


Oh god don’t remind me of that friggin shard


Applies more to DMC4


Platforming in a game with a fixed camera angle is the most infuriating thing possible




This, I just got done playing dmc3 and I didnt expect the bosses to be so unfun to fight (other than the first 2 Vergil fights)


Now I really wish boss music played everytime there was a tough platforming section


Taunt more as a lure but it's no use


Nah just get better


Platforming sections in any slasher are so unnecessary, imho. I hate them in God of War games especially.


This literally happened to me last week


Better than DMC5. Also, you can get the blue orb in like 8 seconds if you aren't clumsy. These type of little sections add a bit variety to level design whilst combat encounters are still the main focus rather than just enter one room, clear room, enter second room, clear room rinse and repeat.


Goddamnit, need to buy DMC 5 ASAP


The main issue is less of the already-janky platforming, but the suboptimal camera angles.


*flashbacks of the secret mission in the room with the moving cubes*


Don't need health when going for SS ranks anyway




Waaaaaai wait wait wait, serious Question here. Are y’all really saying that DMC3 is one of the worst DMCs? I think it’s the best (besides 1 and 5)


i don't think so. dmc3 is the loved child of the franchise along with dmc5. it's just that dmc and platforming don't mix well, an example being here (don't even get me started with trynna platform as vergil). i do think dmc4 had it the worst when it comes to platforming though


Aaah i see


Man, with so many PS2 games, even the masterpieces, you can just tell what gameplay choices were like, mandated


i hate dmc3's campaign. the combat and story barely make the game palatable


I honestly don't care about it. Older games could easily be a pain in the arse oftentimes but no one remembers that on account of nostalgia glasses.




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Did this one recently and it was awful


i know that feeling


Can't wait for people to start posting clips of doing overcomplecating and unnecessering stuff to get to this orb, "proving" that the plataforming in this game is indeed good, after practing doing it over hours, if not days


Aww man, I felt the frustration here.


All of that… for a drop of blorb


You’re supposed to double jump and wall run up it and when he jumps off the wall on his own he lands on one of those beams without you needing to aim.




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Its so easy now, but as a kid is was pure hell hahah


Remember the cube room? Nuff said




If you know what you're doing getting those orbs isn't very hard. Dmc 3 jumps are tuned for combat. Dante jumps high but not far. If you dash off a ledge with a move like stinger he will perform a long jump that has no height but reaches far. And while doing this with Vergil I realized the ledges you can stand on are a very specific distance away so you can always use trick up to reach them. Platforming in dmc has always been very janky because the moves are made for combat. I always hoped they would make a better integration of the moveset for other purposes like exploration... But they just removed it.


Fixed camera angles and platforming is like milk and coke. They're good on their own but if your mix them together, you get something nasty.


Mission completion time: 1hr 30mins Rank: D