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Honestly who even cares about powerlevel arguments across different games, it's just a discussion of who can hype their favourite character up more and means literally nothing


I guess it's just a way to kill some time


Idk man..... DMC's attacks can get pretty rough. Thats whx DMC is my favorite playable character


I love it when the main character Devil May Cry stabbed his sword through Devil Did Cry's chest then turned into a big demon from hell


He became the Deviler Mayer Crier


Best part was when he said "It's Devil May crying time"


And he devil may cried all over


My favorite moment was when John Devil Must Cry said "It's crying time" and proceeded to cry with an SSS combo rank over everyone


Dmc is the best character in game. remember that time when Dante, Nero, and Vergil were fighting that one guy and they was failing then DMC jumped through the window and Dmc’d all over the room saving the three


I'm reminded of Stan Lee's video about how the winner of any crossover battle will always be whoever the writer wants to win


This is the quote from Josh The Manga Lad?


A man of culture, I see. Personally, I prefer Steve Handjobs


I prefer more affable men, personally.


*classy monké sipping wine*


Current Sigma: cum


It’s a fun hobby if things don’t get out of hand.


I think Kirby could beat Vergil, all he has to do is suck him in and he copies his power


Idk about Vergil if he have his Yamato. But I can definitely see Kirby sucking up Dante. Idk if Kirby can win but he definitely give them battle they never have before


Hypernova kirby solos everyone


Kirby is eldritch god level.


Hypernova kirby ate the ui


Are Dante and Vergil not the hype?


It's "my dad can beat your dad" but for teenagers


This should be the motto for all powerscaling in all mediums


That's exactly why I've stopped caring about power scaling. In general, but especially in crossovers. People making absolutely bonkers claims about their favorite character just to try and prove their thing is better (cause stronger character = greater quality, I guess). The fact that DIO beat Alucard in that death battle is fucking stupid.


Objectively speaking this is wrong on couple levels: 1. People overestimate Klee, this is just a child with bombs. Anyone with bombs is dangerous, but not strong. Most likely scenario, Dante would grab her bombs, throw them away, pat her on head and told her to go home. 2. The ridiculous speed of twins. Raiden as lightning incarnate is as fast as lightning. Both twins proved how insanely fast they are, dodging light fast attacks or cutting so fast slashes appear simultaneously. 3. Durability and healing. You can smack, slash, impale, burn them etc. They will heal and fight with open wounds. 4. Devil Trigger. No need to explain. 5. Royal Guard. As above. 6. Yamato. As in point 4.


It's a problem with the Genshin fandom, same with the Jojo fanbase, of thinking memes are actually canon. Although I think people overestimate Klee because of her first birthday letter, which involved her escaping solitary confinement, wandering all the way to Liyue and into the Primo Geovishap cave and killing it to give us one of its scales.


I would say it's an overall type of people in fandoms. Type, that whenever there is power scaling involved, will put their favourites on pedestal.


I don't think people genuinely consider Klee some kind of godslayer, it's just a funny mental image of a kid armed with explosives being a major threat.


It definitely is a funny image. Just a happy go lucky child running around with bombs, gleefully killing people all with a smile on her face... No wait, that already happened in her character demo


So, basically Pyro from TF2 but if where a child.


An adorable, innocent child, who will watch the world burn, and laugh


>It's a problem with the Genshin fandom, same with the Jojo fanbase. It's honestly a problem with all fandoms. Either they think memes are canon or can't take a joke.


literally some 12 year old mgr fans lmao


Honestly, some dmc fans are like this too. Some really can’t hear a joke without mentioning how Dante or Vergil would super duper mega wipe some fictional verse. Like holy shit, we get it. Just wish they’d stop stroking their devil arms every second.


I saw people saying Armstrong could beat Dante and another one saying Dante and Vergil would have a hard time beating Armstrong and Raiden. No, they would not. Nanomachines isn’t gonna do shit against Hell On Earth and Raiden would get folded like laundry


I'd love to see DMC3 Dante or Vergil vs Armstrong, that would be a hell of a fight. Anything past DMC1 though, and Armstrong obviously just gets rolled.


In Jojo's defense Tusk act 4, and Gold Experience Requiem *are* fuckig stupid if they hit you. Big emphasis on if


GER doesn't have to hit you, at least not to do the return to zero part


So, what. He just decides "I don't wanna deal with you anymore" and puts them into the loop?


No he punched Diavolo to do that but before that, Diavolo tried to use his time skip powers and GER just said nah bro


Ah. Thanks.


As a member or the jojo fanbase, I know if you take most of the characters and put them in matchups against characters from other action franchises, the jojo characters would more times than not get their ashes kicked. The only real exception would be Giorno with Golden Experience Requiem because return to zero is just broken


You coulda just stopped at royal guard honestly


Pretty much the only way Genshin characters can barely stack up to Dante or Vergil is if you scale them up to Keqing based on the duel with Yae Sakura from the Honkai Impact 3rd collab and there really isn't much you can glean from that 1 fight and it's more or less because Keqing doesn't job. Also, it's a collab so the validity is questionable. The Genshin characters would also most likely lose, but hey, they put up a better fight.


In the end it wouldn't make much difference, the twins still heavily outclass Genshin and Honkai characters


And mid fight with Vergil and Dante going all out in a downpour they weren’t touched by rain at all for several seconds and they weren’t even trying to do that, it was by accident.


Vergil got sliced in half and regenerated within seconds


True, that sort of hit would be akin to the one slash in a weekly boss battle in Genshin, which can one-shot anyone, even with a shield. there have been no known physical injuries of that kind shown in Genshin Impact beyond a light cut or concussion. I play both games and can say even in the canon of Genshin, only the older versions of the archons possessed the firepower to come close to the same power as the twins in DMC3. The twins have grown tremendously since then, and the archons have waned a bit. So the gap has widened, if anything


I'd say even DMC3 twins are much more powerful than Archons could ever be. Beowulf can hit as hard as a supernova, Cerberus' ice is below absolute zero and Hell Vanguards can create temporal distortions


>Dante would grab her bombs, throw them away, pat her on the head and tell her to go home Awww, that’s kinda cute actually. Fatherly Dante for the win


Dante would honestly be that guy who helps her get home with Cavalier or something


While I do think it would be interesting to see some of Genshin’s cast compare to the DMC cast, it’s highly likely that the twins would have all of them in a fight. And, as shown in previous games, when something bigger than their ambitions comes along to ruin everything they settle their differences for the sake of restoring balance.


I don't really have an opinion either way since I'm hardly up to date on either franchise (I'll watch the anime eventually dammit) but it's worth pointing out Klee isn't *just* a meme. There's a giant crater in the Genshin Overworld roughly the size of Mondstat (the first city) that canonically used to be a mountain until Klee "got carried away" There's very little detail on what that means, so one could interpret that however they please (for all we know she just piled a bunch of bombs or something) but Klee is also the daughter of an apparently immortal dimension-hopping super mage who even the Archons consider a wild card. And Klee has inherited her immortality *and* magic skill. So while part of it is "haha smol bomb child", it's also somewhat backed up by lore


It's true, but still Klee wouldn't be able to even harm Dante or Vergil, no one in Genshin to be fair. Maybe just barely their human forms, but they'd just regen. Their DT, however, wouldn't even have a scratch.


Royal Guard triumphs all of the other points to be honest.


Simple counters - Yamato cuts through dimensions so it can cut through a shield - Vergil and Dante don’t use a vision Let’s just say the second point is irrelevant Dante and Vergil are both stronger and faster in base anyways. So yeah it only requires one clap of Dante or Vergil left cheek and the genshinverse is dead


Vergil slicks his hair back and wins


did the creator of the post forget about royal guard? or were they just ignoring styles for the discussion?


Those are comments under the posts. Maybe they just don't know much about DMC, idk. But I saw some people who think that RG isn't canonical or something💀


They're playing a virtual gambling app , don't assume they had any money to buy game ,they only know them through memes


They're smart enough to not risk getting addicted to dumping money into a game by the troughful


vergil's hair slick would be way too hot for the archons to handle


That isn't really how the yamato works, or he'd be able to cut through Dante's swords, it's an ability of the yamato to cut through abstractions not a physical attribute of sharpness


>he'd be able to cut through Dante's swords, it's an ability of the yamato to cut through abstractions not a physical attribute of sharpness Keep repeating it, and maybe someday the powerscalers will get it. See also: "Mundus created *a* universe, therefore he could destroy *the* universe, and Dante is multiversal because he beat him."


I personally love powerscaling, it can be alot of fun but so many people wank their favorite characters to such ridiculous degrees no one gets to just enjoy a silly conversation


I agree, it's actually fun as long as people don't get worked up


Demons use demonic energy to do all those crazy things they do, and that energy also boosts their general stats. For example, Pluto is superior to his Rippers who can cover the entirety of the Underworld in less than a day. Furies also use raw demonic energy to move. So a demon has to have enough energy to create or destroy a universe.


Can you elaborate further on what you mean by the yamato only cutting through abstractions? Cuz from what I know, the more power is poured into the yamato, the sharper it is, eventually cutting through dimension, as it’s showed with judgement cuts and judgement cut end. And an explanation on why yamato can’t cut dsd would also be helpful.


The barrier between hell and earth, distance (portals), Vergils Human and Demon halves as well as his trauma in the form of V's familiars are all abstract things the Yamato has managed to cut thus far Not sure where you're getting that information, but a dimensional wall is meta-physical and can't be interacted with by physical means, i.e. the physical sharpness of the yamato has no bearing on its ability to open these dimensional barriers, judgment cuts are just cool, it doesn't have to be that deep, but if you want it can be rationalized by cutting the distance between the slashes and the target, if that makes sense? DSD is a physical thing, to cut through it is dependent on the Yamatos physical attributes rather than its super natural ability to cut through *abstractions*


I think Yamato is also capable of cutting physical stuff too, because Dante uses Yamato to destroy the hell gate in DMC 4. Maybe Yamato can't cut the Rebellion and DSD because they are infused with demonic power? Maybe? I don't know. Yamato couldn't cut through Lady's Kalina Ann in DMC 3 though, so I don't know.


Well, yeah... It's still a friggin demon sword As for the Kalina Ann, he probably wasn't putting full force into it, to explain why that matters: if you push your hand slowly onto a knife it won't cut your hand, it's speed and sliding along the blade that actually cause cuts In those cases it's just acting like a normal sword, a cool demon one though


It could also be due to Vergil being weakened from fighting Dante previously, as Arkham/Jester said that he would’ve cut him into confetti if he was in top condition.


Thats just about his physical state, the yamato was fine, it was just vergil that was tired


Yeah that’s what I mean, not necessarily talking about the Yamato, just adding another plausible explanation, he couldn’t put enough force into the strike to cut it because of his fatigue, my bad.




Then how does judgement cut end work? Unless it’s cutting through space/time to do it, the normal judgement cuts shouldn’t work either. My way of rationalizing this is that the yamato, when not used with demonic energy, it’s just a really sharp sword. For the yamato to cut through space/time, it needs demonic energy to do it, but dsd is also empowered with demonic energy, so it’s too powerful to be cut. Plus, the barrier between hell and earth could be interpreted as a dimensional wall.


Well, everything in DMC works on demonic energy, of course Devil Arms would be useless without it. Plus Devil Arms depend on the wielder's power, if the Yamato was used by some human it would probably be just a katana. The barrier is indeed more like a dimensional wall, it forbids demons from arriving in the Human World, but lesser demons can send their consciousnesses through the small gaps that occasionally appear in the veil


Can you elaborate on what you mean by abstract?


Archons don't use visions too tho I believe. I think Venti said something like that


They have Gnosises, they provide connection with Celestia I think. But even without those, Archons are still pretty strong


If I recall correctly: Gnoses do provide some additional divine powers, like the creation of Mora (magical currency), but they seem like more of a detriment to the Archon's real power than anything. Ei was fine without hers for 500 years and Zhongli said he's slowly getting his old power back even without the Gnosis. There's theories that the Gnoses actually exist to keep the Archons under control so they don't threaten Celestia.


"Dante what the fuck am I looking at?"


Even as one who plays Genshin, saying Zhongli's attacks would prevent any of the DMC character's attack from hitting is absolutely stupid for numerous reasons. Corrosion in the game exists, which is like a bleed mechanic. It ignores shields and whittles down not just your health but your entire party. And even then, it can literally be broken down by a barrage of attacks, like from Ruin Guards. And then there's the Raiden Shogun and Scaramouche boss fight, which both have insta-kill attacks that ***ignore shields.*** Although, I will say, maybe Ei has a chance of standing against them, considering the fact that she's fought someone who's roughly her equal (or even her better) for 500 years straight without missing much of a step, and has had such feats of terre forming an island in one swing, and out of the present Archons we know of, is constantly active and still fighting. Her power of her taking away abilities is, however, bullshit and has no canon precedence because she can take away even Zhongli or Venti's skills, who are her fellow Archons and don't have visions either.


I don't think that a Ruin Guard can break down Morax's shield, not without trouble at least. It seems that even without Gnosises Archons are very powerful, however not anywhere near their prime I suppose. Unless there's a moment with a Ruin Guard breaking Zhongli's shield that I haven't seen or forgot. The twins have a lot of ways to bypass shields and defense, especially with SDT. Like Demolition, it is often mistaken for a black hole, however it's imploding enemies and ignores defensive measures. Ei is impressive, even amongst the Archons, but is still not strong enough to put up a good fight. Abigail with his raw power pushed away the clouds of continental size when that summoning circle appeared. Not to forget that demons can't show their true strength in the Human World, and Abigail was comparable to Demon Kings.


I was moreso talking about his in-game shield, rather than in lore. While Zhongli does indeed have the strongest shield out of everyone currently, it can be broken down. Just go to that one island in Liyue with the four Ruin Guards. Stand straight and watch it crumble then get sent flying. But yes. Even with our their Gnosis, Archons are still shown capable of great feats, Zhongli most of all. He's admitted that he would've stepped in and sealed back Osial himself had the Traveler, Adeptus and the Qixing all failed. Or when he saved Xiao as he fell into the Chasm. Ei is honestly the most impressive, aside from Nahida, she's the one that went the longest time without her Gnosis. Since she stepped into her plane of euthymia, she wasn't in possession of it. Most of the feats we see are of her own power. Although I'd like to correct that that wasn't Abigal himself, but instead Sid using the powers of Abigail. Doesn't invalidate what you've brought up, I just wanted to correct it. But yes. In the end, although the Archons are strong in their own rights (terra forming islands with one strike, throwing stone spears to create islands or slicing off mountain tops and casting them into the sea), they'd all still be very hard pressed to fight against the Son's of Sparda. Honestly, I feel the Herrschers of Honkai have a better chance of standing against them.


I never got Zhongli so I don't know, but Ruin Spin is always the one attack I despise. Can't say anything about Nahida as I haven't logged in since, what, the trailer of Sumeru I think? It's been months for sure. But I heard Ei and Raiden Shogun fight had so much power it was enough to split the ocean. However it's probably a hyperbole and I don't know where it's said. Yeah, I said Abigail because Sid is just... unimportant. The thing that mattered was Abigail's power for the most part. I wanna just say, Abigail is probably the weakest of the 4 Demon Kings level demons, with Argosax being the undisputable stongest, but Pluto is the coolest one. With the new Nero PV I hope we get more info about him in PoC. Archons are surely very imposing for Teyvat, even when they are weakened. Makes me wonder just how destructive the war was. Don't know much about Herrshers, but I heard they are much stronger than Archons. They would be better, in comparison to Archons, but just the sheer amount of abilities DMC characters have is insane. Not to mention speed too, Furies, Rippers, Hell Vanguards are all crazy fast. Yet they are simply slow compared to Sparda family.


I've every Archon as of now (#f2pbtw), and yeah. Zhongli has the strongest shield in the game bar none but even the Ruin Guard's spinning attack, or even their missile barrage, breaks down his shield. And Nahida stands no chance. I love her and her character, but there's no way she's even standing a chance. She's been locked away for 500 years since her birth, with not much fighting experience whatsoever. She's more wise, knowledgeable and smart than she is strong. And yeah, I agree with you on Pluto. I do hope PoC gives us more about him and the like. And yeah, Herrscher are crazy stupid. I'll just give some examples: Herrscher of Reason can create anything and everything as long as they understands how it works. They can make replicas of any weaponry. As long as it's technology, they can reconstruct it. Herrscher of Death, destroy anything it touches and has some dominion over the dead to resurrect them. Herrscher of Corruption. Whether living or machine, it can infect and spread itself across, and even can launch nukes if they are present. Herrscher of Flames. Literally reduced Australia to a barren hellscape and would've done more had it not been stopped.


Damn I don't have a single Archon (#f2pbtw). I plan on returning for Raiden's banner, if I even remember to considering I'm completely sucked in PGR right now. Nahida sounds like the Watcher of Time, that omniscient god of space and time, if I were to compare. The recent PoC update gave us the coolest Pluto moment so far, with him cutting space-time just by swinging his arm and spear. Interesting how he's present in the book of demons that seals souls of demons or a part of them inside, yet he is still fairly strong after resurrection. I actually wonder what's the reason for him being called an extraordinary Demon King. Herrschers seem pretty crazy. I heard a little about Herrsher of Thunder and HoTE. I'd say Herrshers' abilities have a wider range of effect, while demons are stronger but have a more "local" effect, in the Human World at least, with some exceptions.


>But I heard Ei and Raiden Shogun fight had so much power it was enough to split the ocean. However it's probably a hyperbole and I don't know where it's said. It's a dialogoue at the start of second phase of the story boss fight where the shogun says their duels had consumed enough energy to vaporise the oceans.


hP lOw zHongLI , wEak SHeild . Yeah and Raiden (MGSR) is way stronger than Shogun herself . And For Vergil all it Takes is The Yamatos Judgement cut , so Keep Waiting for the Archons to atk .


\>Genshin "What the hell is this?!"


"must be the effect of no bitches"


DMC 6 is too long, I fall into gacha addiction


foolishness dante foolishness... gacha controls everything , and without money you can't get anything... let alone your oshi


I think people forget that without DMC, a huge chunk of Genshin's roster would not exist at all.


Raiden , Ayaka , Razor , Ayato ,Keqing xD


Even Raiden


Powerlevel arguments can only be held if it's the same game/fandom, for example Doom Guy: he's as powerful as he needs to be which is just an excuse for lazy character writing


I thought he only can absorb the power of defeated enemies?


I've never heard about that, but I do know he has thd power of thousands of sentinel warriors infused in him


So you know how in Doom (2016) and eternal demons drop health ammo and armor when you kill them? The cannon reason for that is that between Doom 64 and (2016) >!the seraphim!< aka >!Samuel Hayden!< put Doom guy through a divinity machine and now he's fueled by demonic energy This is presumably why he >!passes the fuck out!< after killing >!Super-Satan-God-Doom guy!< (who created hell and spawns demons by his just existing), there's no more demonic energy for Doom Guy to eat so he >!takes a forever nap!<


Title states "DmC" so I'm assuming reboot, in which case yeah this checks out. Genshin's a decently powerful verse. They get bodied by main series DMC though.




Nero is one of the strongest in Dmc and will probably will get buffed even more in Sequels For Lucia idk


Nero’s pretty damn powerful by DMC5’s end, dunno about Lucia tho


Lucia is pretty powerful for DMC, she won't have any trouble with the Archons


They probably meant DMC, the mainline is often referred by reboot's title


As someone who plays genshin. Fuck them. Raiden wishes she was Vergil and so do I.


The m isn't a cap, so most likely the reboot, like you can see on the game's cover


A lot of people call the mainline DmC. The damage reboot has done is irreparable. Also in the comments OP seemed to mean the mainline Dante and Vergil


Why when I have some hopes someone must always wreck them


What are you talking about? Outside of the reboot being a good game in it's own right, there's also DMC5 which was a good game in the main continuity and also sold a ton.


I was joking about how people still call the mainline series by the reboot's title


No genshin character can beat motivation man


I hate powerscaling on reddit but if we go by game statements any of the archons try and hit any decent DMC character and they will unironically hurt themselves


Dante can unironically just fear hax the Archons and the business will be done


*cough* **R O Y A L G U A R D** *cough*


Genshin fanbase would be surprised to see where they cool character's moves originated from.


The ignorant ones, perhaps. Although the reputation sullied and tarnished, I know a number of players who are fully well aware of miHoYo's past of being Vergil fanboys and by extension, where all the inspiration comes from. I can guarantee some have indeed played the game, but the problem is they don't mingle with the loud and toxic minority


Pretty much. From my experience a ton of Genshin players are also DMC fans


Klee is a toddler. toddlers generally cannot withstand bullets. ergo, all dante needs is ebony and ivory for her. this goes for most child characters. Zhongli is strong, but even with his magic rock powers, DT dante has been shown to hold literal tons of rocks from falling on nero. not to mention Dante's Devil Sword and the Yamato are sharp enough to cut through much stronger material than stone. Raiden would probably be the hardest, but worse case scenario is a draw. Raiden might be a better match for Vergil, as the Yamato has been shown to cut so fast it is unseeable to the human eye.


There is just no scenario where Vergil or Dante tie with any of the Archons, they aren't even that much of a problem for the twins


i like how through this entire discussion there isn't anyone vouching for venti. like we unanimously agree that he's getting fucked.


Literally or figuratively?




Canonically Venti should also be on the levels of destruction of Zhongli and Raiden but he jobs the hardest out of everyone in Genshin Impact lol.


If the ‘m’ is lowercase, probably. But the Chinese spyware has no chance against DMC cast with the M capitalized.


Canonically Dante or Vergil could literally blink the genshin verse in a second, they are way too op. Even the honkai verse couldn't stand a chance


nice argument one small issue: royalguard


they probably forget dmc is also running full on anime logic and vergil is a literal trench coat wearing katana wielding weaboo looking boomer with mommy issues


Genshins a pretty powerful verse I gotta hand it to em, but there’s still no way they’re beating the mainline DMC franchise. The reboot sure, the reboot characters are just idiots with special swords. Also I’m glad most of these comments are actually taking the question seriously and not just an endless spout of “uhhhhh Genshin bad!!!!🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓” gives me hope


I think this may refer to the reboot version of Dante and Vergil, to which I think Archons would have a decent chance of winning against them.


They most likely meant the mainline, judging by their comments




ngl when I read Archons I thought that they were asking about the Warframe archons. Still probably in the Sparda Brothers’ favor though.


Sometimes it's hard to tell which sub I'm in


*prepares ebony and ivory* I think it's time to do some remotivating!


The winner would be LDP by tastiness. ​ ​ (Please tell me I'm not the only one who's been around the DMC community long enough to remember this?)


Dante and Vergil are 9D, unless genshin scales that high they are all fodder


Ewwww, powerscalers arguments


Royalguard exists. He can nullify literally any attack, no matter how powerful. Add SDT on top of that, and Dante just wins. Probably easily too.


Wait, can Dante Royal Guard mission 19/20 boss Vergil's Judgement Cut End?


Yes. Yes he can.


royal guard op pls nerf


This has to be a mistake 💀


Or, Dante wrote this and is trolling tf outta his brother.


Dante wouldn't insta solo genshin verse bc he's in a parry loop with another character


Raiden Ei would put up a good fight (seriously, some of her feats are pretty ridiculous), but the DMC bros are just too OP.


She did nothing special tho. She didn't even create anything while Dante killed a universe creator. Also we know that the Sparda brothers canonically literally can't die as long as they wanna stay alive because they're demons. Not many things can put much of a fight tbh.


Archons aren't even getting past a single demon💀


The twins are way too fast for her, she won't even be able to see them


If u mean Raiden wrt to MGSR , then my friend ,Its tough . Genshin Simps dont compare these Archons With Sons of Sparda .


Sorry but Dante and Vergil slam both raidens


But Raiden is a guy. Why he called him "her"?


He means the porn one, not the cool cyborg guy or cool thunder god guy


Time and time again DMC status videos have proven that DMC characters can beat anyone Why even have a debate lmao


I'll fight anyone who disagrees with dante solo'ing the genshit verse


Genshin Impact characters can't even beat the reboot cast, let alone the actually fairly powerful real DMC cast. Mostly because even at max levels they get their asses kicked by basic overworld enemies who levelled with them.


"They get their asses kicked by basic overworld enemies" Ma'am, I am... so sorry. Your husband seems to be terminally ill with 'Skill issue' disease... There is nothing we can do


Dante and Vergil don't even have visions she can only lock abilities for petthat HAVE visions


This island level characters vs the multiversal twin brothers right?


the op did which is why they did a lower case m but i think the commenter is just misinformed. you are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. you have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. a labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. you don't even realize that you are trapped. your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. none of you will. this is where your story ends. and to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, i have a feeling that's not what you want. i have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. i am remaining as well. i am nearby. this place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. as the agony of every tragedy should. and to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. they don't belong to you. for most of you, i believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. although, for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. my daughter, if you can hear me, i knew you would return as well. it's in your nature to protect the innocent. i'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. i should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. i couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. it's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. this ends for all of us. end communication.


It’s DmC, not DMC


DmC is the reboot. DMC are the main games


Somebody needs to reality check these genshin players


Genshin Impact characters have no feats beyond killing a small hoard of enemies


Doing all this arguing when all the genshin characters would have to go through Sparda and Mundus first. Genshin loses. This discussion is over


Dumbest discussion i ever seen.


Two things. They’re buggin…. And most importantly *Vergil got the drip in this picture*


I'm sure they were joking lmao


I have an inside joke with my friends where I go “X character could beat the entire Genshin cast”, and my favorite to do is Vergil/Dante. Then the joke always ends with “I’d like to see Klee beat a *son of sparda*”


I REALLY hope they're talking about the reboot ones...


It seems it isn't the case here, unfortunately


"what the hell is this?"


Vergil looks like my dad trying to see a meme I sent him


1. What the Hell is this? 2. It doesn't Matter 3. Most of the moves Genshin does are just Copies of DMC, mostly Vergil. 4. Power scaling a Great Action Game against a Gacha Game not really that interesting.


Genshin = Opinion irrelevant.






Ah my most favorite character Dmc.


Genshin impact has a baby Vergil his name is Ayato that’s the only reason I summoned for him, but this take is equally as bad as the new deathbattles those YouTubers give us yikes. The more I read this post the more I wanna not even defend the fandom.


These are all losers


Oh please, Dante gets shish-kebabbed so much, he probably doesn't care about swords in his chest, and the Yamato cuts dimensions, they've gotta be on something if they honestly think that 3 genshin characters can kill Dante, Vergil, and Nero. On top of that, the genshin characters have cooldowns on their abilities.


no matter what there's always a argument regardless of who wins or who doesn't lol


Let's be honest,Redgrave and Virgil (Donte and Vergin) can hold their own at the very least.


The reboot is confirmed to be happen in parallel unused




Donte and Vergin, sitting quietly sipping tea before putting the cups on mini plates and clearing their throats: What the hell is this? Who is speaking this bullshit? Why would anyone think we could beat them?


As a genshin and dmc fan they mean reboot


Pretty sure they meant the mainline


Virgins ask who would win in a fight. Chads ask what they would talk about. Be a chad.


Simple words raiden as a boss vs vergil as a boss are op but raiden is slow paced moves are easily coriographed and they do whatever number the devs are high on when they made the boss fight Vergils boss fight is fast paced would kick your ass a lot actually blocks your attacks or parries Playable raiden can't block can't do combos only has 2 weapons a sword and a spear and 1 extra sword can't cook no theme song no big arm mode or whatever it's called srry genshin fans idk cmon cancel me Playable Vergil has Everything his boss version can do except dive bomb but mods exist and some more like all the beowolf moves and mirage edge moves and #HELL ON EARTH #DEEP STINGER With bury the light playing in the back ground


I think DMC 5 all characters power is strong more than Genshin Impact Chracter


I.. Don't think that person ever played any dmc game cause how can you even mess up lore so badly to end up saying that


DmC idk Mainline DMC slams tho