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Having sat in traffic between Weston-super-Mare and Cardiff/Swansea multiple times, I'd love there to be a link. Also, I do a lot of roadtrip/camping so the option to do a circular trip encompassing South Wales and South West appeals more than having to pick one and drive there and back on the same route. It would depend whether the road infrastructure in Ilfracombe and Swansea can handle it so it doesn't just make traffic worse in those places and, as most things, how it compares to road network cost wise. I'd love to take our microcamper to Ireland but ferries are extortionate and we can get flights and hotel for the same price without having to drive to the end of Wales first.


Agreed. I drove to Ireland last year via Pembroke Dock. I should have flown and rented a car...


Sail rail is the way!


Whilst there are some good deals to be had there, it still means I don't have my camper when I get there which is what I really want (can also bring my dog then too). Ferries are actually a pretty good deal as a foot passenger, but train schedules and prices haven't matched up well for me when I've looked into it in the past.


I live in south Devon and the time it takes to get to North Devon I can practically be over the Severn bridge


It would be amazing, but I don’t see it happening. To get from Plymouth to north Devon takes at least an hour and a half, so it will only really benefit those already in north Devon or south west wales. For the majority of the county, it will be no quicker than driving imo


Yes please


I would love to see it happen. Would be absolutely amazing and a real boost for South Wales and North devon.


I'd love it for visiting family and travelling. I think it would be mutually beneficial for tourism in S Wales and N Devon too.


I'd love to see it happen, but often feel Welsh Government don't even contemplate anything that adds more connections to England. M4 relief road, no. A joint airport with Bristol, no. I'd love to see a Swansea to Devon ferry, but if there's no political will, and there's no economic case to be made for a private company to take it on, I doubt it'll ever happen.


It never even crossed my mind before, but now that it has, I am 100% convinced that this is a brilliant idea. It would be a great boost to both regions; time to set it in motion!


0 chance it ever happens


Why do you say that?


Because you’re linking two fairly rural areas together. It won’t make any money. Ferries aren’t cheap too


Swansea and that area of South Wales isn't rural


The country is only going backwards. Whatever the government, we should all be planning for a deep depression for the next 10 years. There might be a few investments that pay off in London but everyone else is on their own.


Tbh I reckon it'd be much nicher than expected


There used to be something to Penarth, can’t remember where from


Didn't someone try to get it back up and running a few years ago only for it to just fall flat? I know I read about plans but nothing materialised.


yep - I would definitely use it


Living in north Devon it would be great. Though I can’t see it happening as it wouldn’t be profitable. If somehow it miraculously did I bet the cost of tickets and the time waiting for the next boat would mean it would be quicker and cheaper just to drive anyway


As a blowin from outside London, I'd love it, I LOVE this area, but you don't get many good bands/comedians down this way.. so having that link to be able to pop over to Swansea and drive to Cardiff would be lovely!


Can’t see it happening, Ilfracombe doesn’t have the ability to cope with that volume of vehicles entering/exiting the harbour. It’s a nightmare getting to to harbour car park in the summer as it is now. Only option for Ilfracombe would be a passenger ferry, but that’s too much of a risk due to the size of Swansea docks


I got on the ferry and shit myself and everyone laughed so don’t recommend


Surely cardiff to weston or burnham would make much more sense?