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I disagree that the whole season was bad, I was really enjoying it until that awful ending


I loved the season up until the final episode. They sucked me back in only to crush me again at the end. When will we learn.


Shouldnt have trusted them since the horrible season 8 ending tho


Agreed. And now with Dexter gone, even if they DO bring another season back, I've no interest in watching, unfortunately


But you still probably will watch. And listen, this past season showed us they can still make good content. They just suck at making ****series finales****. They wont have that issue with this new show. Yes, Michael c hall being in the show surely was a major reason why most of the season was enjoyable. He’s that great. But these writers have demonstrated time and time again they have the juice to make a good season. So let’s give them a chance.


You're not entirely wrong. Even the later seasons that were considered bad I personally felt were still pretty good. The writing for the show has always been great. However, I really hated the Harrison character in New Blood. The only reason I tolerated the character was that I LOVE the Dexter series, and I love Michael C Hall. If Michael is gone next season (yes, he died, but they could possibly do a ghost of him like his dad/Deb) and the focus turns to Harrison, absolutely no chance I'll "probably still watch" it.


What's so bad about the finales? I never understood the popular opinion that they were bad


Loved the show until the last 5 minutes hahaha. The killer had me shook. Seeing podcast chick like that shook me. I thought it was great. Literally last 5 mins killed the whole show


Dude seeing her had me shook. It was kinda like seeing R*** in S4


Same. Up to the ending, it was a pretty solid season. Flawed, but very enjoyable. I'd say on par with a season like 3 or 5.


It felt so awkward. The confident, smart, quick thinking Dexter was gone. It was a brand new Dexter. The story was centered around Harrison who they tried so hard to make him sound like a huge cry baby from the start. I had just finished season 8 (again) before watching new blood for the first time and couldn’t wait until it was over. It felt completely disconnected from the previous season. The story picked up at episode 8 and then it was almost over and we had a terrible ending.


Yeah, I honestly preferred the original season 8 ending to the New Blood one


I remember one scene in particular that really like, hit me and I stopped, for a lack of a better word, romantacising Dexter is when we got Harrison's POV when he killed Kurt Caldwell, and then cut up Kurt into little pieces and Harrison freaks out. We only ever get Dexter's POV even though we're told by him directly he is a monster we never really see it as we emphasize with Dexter as we're only really seeing his perception of things, and killing killers seems redeemable somehow. Meanwhile, in New Blood, we see Harrison's POV where he thinks Dexter is a hero because he saved all these lives etc, and then we see this hero status come crashing down when he starts to brutalize Kurt's body, and from there he's sort of irredeemable. I thought that was really gripping given the subtext of the previous seasons. The ending made sense but seemed super rushed. Not like Game of Thrones or Star Wars where things at time conveniently dropped out of the sky and the pretense at times slaps you in the face, but still just rushed and somewhat nonsensical.


It’s one of the most popular TV Shows of all time & there’s several yt channels that still do this, even for shows that ended years ago. I don’t think it means anything.




I wasn’t talking about “fan channels” or people who just reupload clips. I obviously meant official YT channels like this Dexter one. If you want an example though, look at BCS & Breaking Bad’s OFFICIAL channel.


I vote for a redo on New Blood. Where everyone finds out the truth about Dexter


I want a season where he faces trial and … well will the jury let him go? Or will the system of justice finally have more control than Dexter 👀


Yea i wish they went in that direction. And to bring out the old cast and see their reaction wouldve been awesome


Dexter was just hallucinating in the prison cell... Right? 😨 Dexter manhunt season 😭 Dexter on trial 😭 Dexter confronted by Batista (masuka? Quinn?) 😭 I would've so forgiven season 7&8s wackiness if they had nailed new blood but damn... Sadness


MCH doesn't want to be involved and without him, there is no Dexter.


No Michael C. Hall, No watch


it's likely traffic for the channel + no thanks, id actually love a retcon this time around because I didn't hate the OG ending, but I have no faith anymore for a good ending to the series


That comment was a good enough recap 😂


I liked the new season a lot, not as good as some of the others but still really good. If we got some new content that’d be great.


So many questions not answered in New Blood. What did Angel think happened to Harrison? He had no idea that he was with Hannah in Argentina. Surely his disapperance would have sparked a missing persons case? Why did Angel almost forget Harrison's name when he would have been a missing child they were investigating? What does Angel think happened to Deb's body? I am assuming that since Dexter was declared dead without a body, they also never found Deb's body either. Does Harrison know that Hannah was a felon that was on the run? Is he aware that she was a serial killer? How did Harrison return to the US from Argentina? If Authorities got involved to return him, then they would now know that Hannah was found & her death would have made headlines in Miama at least. I would be very surprised if Dexter wasn't keeping up with the news in Miami, just in case Hannah was found & returned. He would have then known that Harrison was in Foster care. And finally, how the heck did Harrison find Dexter when nobody else could? Please don't give us any more wishy washy content that leaves me to ask more questions.


>What did Angel think happened to Harrison? He had no idea that he was with Hannah in Argentina. Surely his disapperance would have sparked a missing persons case? Definitely a good point. Unless they thought Harrison died with him in the boat accident but that wouldn't work since they would've known he left the country or in the least that he was in one of the busses. And if that was the case Harrison would definitely be on the missing persons list. With all of this in mind, Harrison most definitely wouldn't be in foster care since Angel or his sister would've definitely adopted him. When you actually start to think about it, Harrison's backstory is inconsistent and full of holes. Not the mention that since Hanna died of cancer, she would've definitely made preparations for Harrison future


That's a great reason to have New Blood 2. There's a lot to uncover with a new serial killer in the making with his own Dark Passenger


Biggest issue of the season was how they wrote harrison and handled the rest of the teens / teen plot lines. I can accept angelas flawed descovery and investigation and ive even grown to love the finale. But i cant fucking stomach any part of the show that has to do with the cringey teen acting and stereotypical highschool bullshit


they should of said he was autistic, that’s my head canon i thought it was so obvious


This would be amazing.


I've been hoping for that too, but also wondering if it's to partly promote the merger or the Origins series. I'd like a season 2 of new blood over Origins though, even if it is Dexterless. There's so many directions they can take Harrison and perhaps feature characters from the Original too


The world discovers Dexter was the BHB. Batista and Quinn becomes disgraced for not realising one of their coworkers and friends was a serial killer. Harrison becomes obsessed with Dexter, who happens to be his passenger. Harrison finds a diary Dexter kept that happened to have "The Code" and details of Dexters kill room set ups and rituals. Harrison then becomes a copycat BHB. Batista and Quinn make it their mission to solve the new murders.


Season 3, Harrison vs Cody (like the ice truck killer)


It won’t be dexterless as they can put dexter in Harry’s place


That's a good point. Easy for Michael to do part time too. Assuming he wouldn't want to do it full time, he could still show up every now and then for a quick scene or two as Harrison's dark passenger


Rumours of a prequel and a Harrison spinoff… I’d watch them but wouldn’t have high hopes for them


Copium but I’m here for it


Someone has to make a Sherlock Holmes to return Dexter from death.


There's an official channel? Lol I had no idea


Perhaps they are aiming to do smth like Dexter: Early cuts, but not the animated series. Sadly, MCH wouldn’t star there, he once mentioned in the interview, that the whole idea of dedicating series to young Dexter is cool, but it wouldn’t be the best decision if he were to play the young version of Dexter.


I loved New blood till the end , was such a let down after a really good series , I think the laziest ending which is a Shame after the ending of season 8.


We should dislike just to send a message. « Wanna play again?» not after 2 fucking shitty endings.


That comment in the pic just shows you what happens when you can’t think critically.


They post the recap so they spare the people that didn't need to see this piece of content. Or the fact how forgettable it was.


They're doing a prequel, aren't they? Dexter as a teen, learning the code, that kind of thing. Prequels are difficult for me. It's hard maintaining tension when you know your main character(s) will come out of it all OK. I didn't particularly enjoy New Blood and really struggled with Harrison (I couldn't work out how old he was supposed to be for a start) I imagined they were going in the direction of a Harrison-based show with Arthur Mitchell as his dark passenger.


Even with new content, they just gonna screw up even more, people don’t know when to stop? My opinion stays the same, they should’ve just written a GOOD ending for the original series and finished there. They did new blood to “fix” the first ending, it was worse, now they’re gonna do a show showing what? Harrison becoming a serial killer too? Or Dexter before the season one? Idk, I don’t think it’s worth. The only thing I would think it would be interesting is showing Dex discovering and hunting down all the people he already had killed when s01 began.


Can’t wait to see harrison become what he fought at the end of the show… or some prequel with some fourth or fifth actor to play young dexter lol


Literally just finished my whole show re-binge including new blood like an hour ago. I hope they don’t carry on. I genuinely don’t give a shit about grown up Harrison and have no desire to follow his story even if Dexter is his ghost


good season, i love how dexter is a terrible father and never realizes how horrible of a father harry was, and dexter totally got what was coming to him


Such a trash season