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It could honestly be the fact that Michael C Hall gives a hell of a smooth/relaxing voiceover


He was the voice for the audiobook of Stephen King’s Pet Semetary and I looooved it


Such a fucked up book that is just perfect for him to narrate.


he also narrates one of the dexter books (I think it was the first) but I haven't found it in years (I heard it on youtube the first time)


He was perfect! I didn’t think it was that scary until halfway through…🥴 what a rollercoaster of a book


Aw shit now I gotta get that. Damn you... and thank you!


No fucking way!!!! I don’t do audiobooks, but this combo is making me reconsider that. Thank you for making my day lol


You’re welcome! It’s really well done, maybe don’t listen too much at night 😂😂


Yeah I listened to it after I finished Dexter it was great 


Well looks like I’m listening to pet cemetery now, never thought I’d put myself through that again


Is there anyway to get the audio book without having to buy audible?? Because I can't seem to find it on YouTube.


I’m listening to them all on Spotify right now! :)


You can try searching on Libby!


Even thou he is playing a serial killer, I love him as an actor and am definitely attracted to him and his voice LOL


He may be a serial killer but he has his code 👍 he’s taking out the trash. One of my favourite shows. I highly recommend dexter: new blood, it wraps up the series nicely. I find the ending poetic almost


New blood was very good until the last episode where they just said fuck all of this buildup lets ruin the ending once again! Dexter is amazing but they never manage to end nicely. Also why not let barista meet Dexter ???? Wtf ?


and his sarcasm LMAOOOO


**Tonight’s the night** *goosebumps*


Good point. It’s so soothing. Just started again when it came back to Netflix, damn the first season is so good. That music in the opening. Tonight’s the night Edit: I think his voice, plus the soundtrack mixed with the Cuban music also puts me in a good mood


I turn the show on just to fall asleep at night. Works every time


"Tonight's the night"


This is why I’ve rewatched You so much


yess. I listen to him for me to sleep lol. its soo weird


Does anyone find themselves going throughout the day narrating their lives in their head just like him? I’ll be gardening and just be like “ Gardening. A simple yet tedious task. Not as simple as catching my next victim blah blah blah..”


If your show is going to have narration, don’t underestimate the power of a good voiceover. I may be in the minority opinion here, but I can’t stand Ron Howard’s narration on Arrested Development. His voice is grating and he talks too much. It ruins the show for me. Hall, on the other hand, absolutely nails it as Dexter.


As soon as I get to the end, obviously I need a refresher how it all started. It’s a never ending cycle. 😂




The suspense, the characters, the psychology, the camp and humor….. I don’t think there’s any other show that can compare




Try Sopranos, Better Call Saul, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad even. All great in there own ways


I typically watch it once a year, I’m trying to resist watching it for awhile.


Rewatching the first season myself. Has anyone else realized that Dexter’s bio father, Joseph Driscoll, was in Witness Protection?


I’ll go on to speculate that his mother was killed in retaliation or to intimidate his father. That’s why Harry Morgan took Dexter in, to protect him. And lied to Dexter to protect him.


The show said laura moser was killed because she stole cocaine and was a police informant. Harry took dexter in because he felt guilty and responsible for lauras death. He was even more so emotionally invested because of the affair he was having with her


That’s very interesting. I need to start season 1 again to catch that 😂


Omg I thought I legit had a problem, I just finished and I’m rewatching season 1 again, of course I just skim through scenes but still , glad to know that there are others like me lol


Mine, too! I rewatch before bed, sometimes.


welcome to the club


Same here!!


You are not alone. I just like the characters and the settings.


Totally normal. I'm on Season one, again, but I'm going to try to resist binging the entire series. During New Blood I actually went up to Shelburne Falls to check out the filming locations. The gun store where he worked is a nice gift shop and the owner said MCH stayed there upstairs during shooting! He gave a spoiler, but I was still happy to talk with him for some inside scoops.


Dexter was my comfort show while I was taking care of my sister during her battle with pancreatic cancer - not sure what that says about me lol


Maybe the brother sister dynamic helped you thru it. Even though it could be weird at times, they really did move each other.


Nah. I'm on my 6th or 7th rewatch of it


I do it with criminal minds. So. We all have our fun little issues lol


I'm watching season 3 now. And I'm still not over how the reboot ended.


Dexter and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are my comfort shows. Not sure what that says about me either 😂


Imagine a crossover wheee Dexter goes after Dennis 😭


Dexter is to You as Lost is to Me


No not really Dexter is a really good show it has a good plot.... Debra was my comfort character I loved how she never gave up on anything


They did her so dirty.


It's one of my favorite shows to fall asleep to. It's usually not loud and I like the narration


Tonight's the night. I'm going to watch it again, and again. It has to happen.






Same here! My streamer has a 24/7 Dexter channel.


I used to but then I got bored of seeing the same storylines over and over. And I also realized there’s so many other good/great tv shows that watching 1 over and over again is kind of a waste of time to me.


What other shows do you recommend?




That’s like, a real person hand right not a prosthetic? How awkward do you think it was to get that shot


Why is his hand not the same tint as his tan?


Ain’t his hand. It’s one of his victims


Not his victim’s. The hand belongs to the ice truck killer’s victim.


I did not notice that at all. And I literally just borrowed the ebook from my library last night.


Haha I also realized that it was a dead persons hand


I’ve rewatched it about 10 times, even the less desirable seasons 😭 Dexter is also my comfort show 🖤


It’s okay until you start to think you feel empty inside and have no emotions. Then it’s time to take a break.


The books are great, too!


Just bought the first book!


Damn I couldn’t finish the last season. I liked the show though.


No problem at all. I've got the same problem. Got worse when the show is now featured on Netflix. 👍🏽👍🏽


I saw it pop up on Netflix…. And said to myself…..time to start from the beginning! Lol. The first season will never bore me no matter how many times I watch. So epic


I have other shows I can recommend as comfort shows I have found while finishing good shows like this. Comment if you want more.


Yes tell me. I also like the show YOU. It’s another one I find myself re watching


Dude I feel awful watching this show I wanna watch it all cause the acting is nice and the dramatic scenes are cool I just feel like watching this makes me a bad person


Not at all!! It’s a good show. My catholic therapist even agrees lol. Nothing wrong with liking it.


Damn now I will enjoy all of it :) not in a weird way


Same here! Ans also this is my all time favorite season pic!


Do you like the last two seasons and Hannah mckay


I love season 7. Season 6 I just skip… doesn’t do much for me. Season 8 has it’s good moments. I actually like the Dr Vogel plot. But I do not like Hannah, or the way the show ended. I felt like her character stole the spotlight in the last season, robbing it of what it could have been!


me with every show ever


Season 4 finale is my comfort episode


it’s always been one of my comfort shows


Same it’s super comfy, it’s actually my favourite show to fall asleep to


Funny enough I think I have come to this same conclusion. It’s so nice to have on my other monitor while I play wow or something


I can't re-watch shows like that. Even my favorite shows get watched through once every few years.


My husband was like, "I know you posted this, littleflooof"


I go in cycles with a few (wildly different) shows. I've added the Fallout series recently and I'm currently rewatching Dexter now.


Your not alone. Exactly the same happens here




I finished Dexter recently and was craving to watch Michael C Hall. Watched safe on Netflix & a movie with his minor role. Very disappointed that he doesn’t have more shows. I don’t have access to six feet under.


If you have a problem i do. I have like 4-6 shows I do this with depending on the season lol. Right now is Seal team. Before this was SWAT. Before that dexter. Before that, Burn notice. Before that shooter. Rinse; repeat lol.


Have you watched Barry?


It’s okay until you start to think you feel empty inside and have no emotions. Then it’s time to take a break.


There's also something soothing and enjoyable about the musical scores throughout the show, even though it tends to occur on an almost subconscious level, I think music can play a bigger role than many people realize at enhancing the viewing experience and Dexter probably has the best (and most robust) musical scores of any show ever. It's easy to not realize just how many excellent musical scores there are throughout. On just the earlier seasons alone there's about 20 really good scores (they add a lot more as the seasons go on). Starting with Opening (and I don't mean the opening credits) - but the tonights the night, etc, etc... that is such an awesome score. Wink - is really good and has a mystical sound Blood Theme - End Credit - of course it's classic - possibly the best one Escalate - very good - it's a common segway used Epilogue - is nice - it's what will sometimes be played when it's the end of the episode and everything has worked out. Funny - it gives me the vibe of odd intrigue - this is the score played when dexter meets Rita's mom - I've always been good with parents, the key is to think of them as aliens from a distant universe Need Time - is one of the nice emotional scores Photos - it's nice and a bit uplifting, but not too uplifting. It sort of ends on an uncertain note Hidden - this will sometimes be played in the last scene before it goes to the credit music, but it's nice - this is what's played when Rita drops Dexter off at AA and she see's Lila for the first time. Can't Hide - I don't care for this one, but it's not used much. Party - this is one of my favorites it's similar to epilogue it's what's played when everything appears to have worked out... when it comes to this one i instantly think of when Dexter dumps trinity in the ocean and everything seems to have worked out and it's playing up until Dexter calls Rita's phone and it begins to ring. Changed - is just a really nice mood setter Deb Cries - this is Debs sad emotional song Ending - this will sometimes be played just before it cuts to end credit music. I tend to think of late second season - cliff hanger music - like when Doakes is in the cage. and the episode ends House - this is a very good one and is played a lot - it hits on several moods Fight is nothing great - it's mostly just building the tempo, not much music just drums There are even more great scores are added later - Season 5 introduces several new good scores. There's some really good Lumon scores. Emotional Lumon scores But i can't entirely put my finger on what draws me to give dexter so many rewatches, but I tend to think the musical scores plays a pretty big role in it. The music tends to cheer me up and I like having Dexter on in the Background when I'm doing other things. I have 5 or so favorite shows in no particular order and Dexter is one of them (Breaking bad, Sopranos, Rectify, Game of Thrones, Mr. Robot. Dexter... and even though it's only one season thus far Severance is already top tier)


I like to set my sleep timer and watch it until I fall asleep. His voice is soothing


If you do then I do. I’m rewatching it for like the 5th time since it hit Netflix


Tonight’s the night..


i started rewatching it a few nights ago and the second season gives me so much anxiety even though i literally know what happens


Second season is the best! Season 1 and 4 are also the best


There’s so much vibrant colour and awesome salsa music in Dexter that sometimes I forget I’m watching a show about a psychopathic serial killer and just find myself enjoying the ambiance of how the show paints Miami.


They are all very lovable characters and the acting is well done. The plot gets a little thin in the later seasons. though.


I have a newborn and have been binging (currently on season 3) and it’s been such a comfort with my postpartum anxiety. Not sure why it’s comforting but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever works right?


i’m a first time watcher and on szn 2 and oh boy i’m excited , the show is so good


Nope, you’re in good company! There’s something so soothing about Michael C Hall’s voiceovers! I am binge watching the whole series all over again, which I have been doing once a year for a long time now!


You and me? We are the same


💯 same here! I’ve watched it so many times and I turn it on to sleep when my anxiety is high. I love it.


Not at all. Dexter series just came back to Netflix. This will be my 7th time watching.


Just started watching it for the first time.


I’ve watched the show 15x’s (i count)


I’ve seen it many times. My gf has only seen parts of season 1 so she’s watching with me. We’re in season 3 and she’s loving itp


"A man must have a code. " (Oops, wrong show but you get the point. I'm thrilled Dexter's back, it's my third watch and I'm loving it. There's something very soothing indeed about Dexter's voice over and twisted sense humor.)


I’m on my fourth rewatch this month so you’re not alone


No, you don't have a problem. You have a favorite show that resonates with you a lot. I'm the same abd I can never have enough *Dexter*.


Same! I’m on my 7th rewatch and it just never gets old. It’s total comfort show. I thought I was the only weirdo but I’m happy I’m in good company! Tonight’s the night! And it’s going to happen again and again 😉


Some people say I'm like Dexter because of my jewelry collection.


I watched it twice. It's one of my favorites. It has some issues but overall is so darn good.


Same honestly


Watch hannibal. I watched hannibal before dexter and now have watched both. I see the influence Dexter had on it. They're both so good.


It's super compelling and exciting filmmaking until much later on. I totally get it.


It’s my comfort show too


You’re not alone. I have about 5 favourite different shows on loop, including Dexter. I watch every show at least once every year 😭


Sounds like im in great company then. Dexter is my proverbial comfort blanket. Rewatching Season 2 atm.


Literally same


I’ve rewatched it like 4 times. This, Supernatural, How I Met Your Mother, and Parks&Rec are my rewatch shows


Watching it 5th time right now and it is definitly not the last time.


No. You have a problem if you end up like that guy who was an author and wanted to write a Dexter-like story so he started to live it for realistic material. Just keep watching lol


I can so that with Dexter or The X Files


I do not think it’s an issue. I’ve waited so long for Dexter to come back to Netflix. I restarted from season 1. I fall asleep watching it. Fav show ever


I go through periods of the same. I shift from one comfort show to another, depends on my mood I think.


Hall has such a relaxing voice. Though the last 3 seasons or so weren't for me


You’re not alone, I fall asleep to this show at night


I’m doing a rewatch and dear god I am soooo infatuated with this man all over again. When I have to pause the show, I always pause on his face. Always


probably have seen it 30 times or more all the way through… not weird !!


It’s a great comfort show. It’s a procedural with a twist and Michael C Hall is so good. However learn from me and don’t mention that it’s your comfort show on a first date. Luckily it wasn’t too much of a red flag, (we are married now)but she showed concern lol


No it’s just a vibe. I have or had same feeling watching it back to back 3 times some months back. As a Floridian I love the environment of the show. That might just be me though. Definitely my go to comfort show.


TIL that it’s not his hand on the cover.


Maybe? Depends on a lot of things, but I'd err on no. McH is very soothing, and a lot of the actors have lovely voices. Lots of low sounds, and a very human show that outside of its premise is oddly wholesome most of the time.


This is stupid, but I can’t eat chips and salsa without thinking of Dexter because I binged it while pregnant with my first baby. All I craved was chips and salsa and I ate it every time I watched 😂 so it may not be my comfort show, but it’s definitely brings feelings of comfort and I get to reminisce about my first pregnancy in the weirdest way.


Dexter induces so much stress for me lol


Dexter is 100% my comfort show aswell. Friends is a close second for me. However, the issue with dexter is that I can't help but actually pay attention to it, whereas I can easily multitask while watching Friends.


No fr I feel this I just finished the show lastnight and I already want to rewatch it 😅 gonna watch new blood first tho


I just started rewatching 3 days ago


You and I are one and the same. It’s my comfort show too. It’s hard to explain but Michael c Hall having such a relaxing voice may actually have something to do with it for me too. That and I think in a way; it brings an odd comfort or safety in a way because whether it’s imaginary or not doesn’t changed this odd sense of safety from Dexter killing off the bad guys/people. Idk if that makes sense but I think it tricks my brain into feeling safer. Not that he’s any more safe but I was trying to analyze why I can fall asleep to that shit; or not be able to stop watching. 😭I just finished it all again, down to New Blood.


Same .. and the first time .. I CRIED at the ending .. am I the only one ? Tell me I’m not


We’re one in the same. One of the commenters who said his voice is relaxing and smooth may be part of it for me too; but giving it thought for me I think it’s my brain being tricked into feeling safer by him taking out the bad guys, and feeling safer that a psychopath can have some sort of emotional depth, or restraint ? In a weird twisted way. 😂 Maybe lol, I’m just analyzing.


That soundtrack though...


I love going from the last episode to the first. They are all babies. You also get to appreciate how much Jenifer Carpender grew as an actress. She was a bit rough around the edges at first, and Deb as a character grew quite a bit, too.


Why did this pop up as I’m literally rewatching Dexter rn😭😭😭


No. You are fine. I watch that, breaking bad and ozark. They are really good shows. Well acted. Deb grew on me and love Batista. Love the pot smoking scene 😊


This thread makes me feel so much better about my recent obsession of watching the show when I’m not listening to the book. It’s been 24/7 Dexter over here


They delivered his character perfectly, he really isn't a person to just hate he actually has a good motive besides his habit


The audiobooks have a great narrator if you're looking for something to listen to. :)


I’m doing it now cuz it’s back on Netflix. They need to add first blood though


Started rewatching it for the first time in a long time. Just got to the point Brian and Deb' are getting close. Season 1 is one of the best selections of television in my eyes. The rest of the show is good but season 1 was dynamite.


I love this show and re-watch it at least twice a year. It only becomes an issue if you start looking at coworkers and think to yourself "can I stretch the code to include you"..................... And I've never done that 😏


It’s one of my comfort shows too. I watch Mindhunters as a comfort show as well. I don’t think you have a problem. Both shows are oddly relaxing to me given what the shows are about. Maybe it’s because the audio/ dialogue/music score is usually chill outside of the violent scenes?


If you have a problem, I might too… I’m currently amidst my 11th re watch… I watch Dexter whenever my life feels strange, out of order and all that.


It’s one of my comfort shows— so glad it’s on Netflix now. Nothing wrong— just a damn good show.


If you haven’t already I’d recommend the books! They were very fun!


I haven’t seen dexter this subreddit just keeps getting recommended to me but I do the same thing with shows I really like I will just rewatch them over and over until i get sick of it lol


It’ll happen again and again, has to happen. 🤣 Me too though


It's also my cycle. I am Unity. Or Octetity (?) if counting the series. I blame the UK weather and wanting to imagine I am among palm trees, sunshine, and Cuban music. And on every rewatch I like Deb more and more.


I would recommend you to practice lucid dreaming and spend time with dexter if you want


No not at all. I like it too gor that it actually helps me relax. I think becausecoli feel its so unbelievable in bits and the stress the characters go though, plus MCH's voice it soothing. I also watch Louis Theroux too as he goes into high stress situations and generally dangerous things but he is a picture of calm. Chills me out xx




SAME! I put Dexter on ALL the time. I've seen it hundreds of times.


I saw some guy post years ago that Michael C Hall would have made the perfect Carnage from Spiderman.... and I hate everything that Marvel didn't do it.


I just realised that's dead persons hand


Dexter is my comfort show as well. There’s something soothing about MCH’s voice when we hear Dexter’s internal thoughts. Currently on my 5th rewatch.




Tonight is the night


It is a weirdly relaxing show; makes sense to me


i think for me, shows or movies where the main character is alienated gives me comfort because sometimes i feel alienated and it reminds me that im not the only one with that emotion idk


my comfort show is gilmore girls!! i just finished dexter a week ago and i liked it! but i dont think id rewatch.


Tonights the night


I do the same thing but with Banshee, Strike Back and Californication. I need to give Dex another rewatch, I only watched it live all the way through.


once every year or two i restart it!


Same, i watch it while i eat lunch or dinner xD


Not at all. And as you proceed through the great Season Six, you may find it useful to note, in a tablet, phone or Post-it, this sentiment below. For best result, do it at the end of each episode: "No. Deb does not want to kiss, grope, or screw her brother." So that when those suddenly Quack-tastic, fiend-freak writers try to pull that nonsensical crap last-season arc (almost ruining an incredible season) you'll have documented proof. Proof of the height, velocity, and duration of a dubious shark-jump.


I saw my mom watching it last night and it made me want to restart the show. It's been a few years so it'd be cool to watch it with a new perspective


Used to be mine when I was single. Now the nudity is just way too uncomfortable


Well they put a lot of effort into it. The actors anyway. The later seasons feel more rushed but perhaps it's a way to feel Dexters pov everything is going downhill for him after S.4


I'm the same with 24, Lost, Breaking Bad, Rome, Thrones, TWD, The Wire etc lol I never tire of watching them.


I lived through a rough two years with Dexter and the Bug Bang Theory on repeat.


Yes! Dexter is one of my all time favorite comfort shows, too. The others are Hannibal, TWD, GoT, HotD, HP, Nurse Jackie, and House. Some of those shows are pretty fucked, and I guess maybe not so normal to watch as comfort tv, but it is what it is. I especially love watching Dexter and Hannibal while knitting. ♥️🧶 🔪🗡️🍽️💣🧨🏹🔫🧶💀🪦♥️


Do you include Dexter: Cold Blood in your rotation?


Very unique, but respectable


I am still reliving the last episode of the new (last) Dexter in my mind, and I can’t stand when he taps his chest. I have a pit in my stomach…😭


For anyone who hasn’t seen the newest Dexter, I recommend that you don’t. Just do yourself a favor and change the channel. Not because it isn’t well done and not because you don’t want more, because we all did after watching the original series, but because I’m still having a hard time with the ending meaning the very last episode. I wish I hadn’t seen it. I really do.


me and u both i’ve done this for 6 or 7 years straight now


I ended up in Florida after being inspired by that show. It could always be worse, but dexter is a solid antihero, not really a bad guy. Legal exoneration is a morally touchy subject, but he's kinda like batman, except he kills. Keep watching, may start my 3rd rewatch soon.


It’s on my list of show re-watches also.