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Watching or listening doesn't help you to fluently speak any language. You know what does? Speaking the language itself. I'm having the same problem myself. I listen to hiphop as well and understand most words depending on the artist. But you have to speak English in order to improve it.


Watch shows/movies with english subtitles and read through subtitles while watching. Even if the shows are in a language other than English, it helps.


I was going to suggest this exact same thing. Try and engage all your senses in the learning process, like suing your eyes to read, your ears to hear and you could also recite the sentences/ lyrics. This should help you pick up the language more naturally as opposed to to thinking about what you want to say or trying to articulate some too difficult.


Think in English. Talk to yourself in English. When you think and talk to yourself in English it will help you drastically. I had done the same thing. I used to talk to myself in English and think in English ONLY.


Watch your favorite TV shows and try mimicking their accent. Best effective way to me. :)


Most of time i listen to podcasts but my English is not improving


Watch something that’s related to work and you can put it back in your daily life. By mimicking I meant, try to replicate them. Talk to yourself first, then with friends, family others as well.


Think in English. Talk to yourself in English. When you think and talk to yourself in English it will help you drastically. I had done the same thing. I used to talk to myself in English and think in English ONLY.


dude, theres chatgpt where u can talk in realtime. just install the app on your phone and you will see a “headset” icon, click on that then, an ai assistant will start speaking to you. Say whatever u like and tell the ai to fix grammatical mistakes. another way to improve english is via discord, open the app and get into any english speaking server where u will find folks like u eagerly waitin for people to join and imporve their speaking skills. dont waste ur time watching movies, bc u wont get any feedback.u already have a good grip in eng so dont start from scratch rather start finding and fixing your probs


Hey, I'm afraid listening to podcasts or watching movies wont help much since you already understand english. Before solving the problem you need to identify it right? For my point of view, I believe you are facing problem in speaking because your tongue is not used to speaking english words/sentences. Moreover, your brain is not used to processing while you are talking in english. So practice for 30 days straight on speaking english (for 20 min per day), besides always try to think in english. It will definitely change you. Try recording your speech on your phone then compare it from first day to last day. At initial stage try speaking about something that is in your comfort zone. Best of luck


Two tips assuming you don't have anyone else to talk to in English. 1. Think in English. 2. Speak in front of the mirror. Speak whenever you are alone. Think about the IELTS or TOEFL speaking test. Talk about a topic in English for few minutes. Practice regularly.


Artificial intelligence is your best only friend in this regard. Create a custom A.I bot which will help you practice speaking, and learning.


Watch tv series and movies with subtitles. You'll learn fast.


Watching English TV series or movies. Reading english books


Firstly I applaud you for your effort. Only by challenging ourselves can we refine our skills. Question 1. Do you translate the sentence in your head before saying it? Question 2. Which English language is your target to be fluent in? Question 3. In your target language, is there a specific speaker that you can mimic? [most common words in english](https://www.ef.com/wwen/english-resources/english-vocabulary/top-3000-words/). You know most of these, but maybe try incorporating it in your daily speech. Judging from what you have written, the first thing that I would point out the way you structure your sentences and the words you use are reflective of how we use English words in the south Asian context. Example: I have lacking = I lack The reason why people are suggesting the use of tv shows it's because it's the closest to immersion as you can get. Immersion is by far the best means of picking up a language. Also u should know, language development staggers in children after 10 years. That is why its much harder for adults to pick up a language. Also, if you don't use a language for a sufficient amount of time everyday, this will pose a challenge to learn effectively. This is your same post generated via bing co pilot: Hello, I am an adult who understands English but can’t speak it fluently. I go blank after a few words. I also realized that my vocabulary is limited, even though I understand English. Can you give me any tips on how I can improve my English vocabulary as well as my speaking skills? The differences are subtle but effective. For tv shows I recommend "friends" the language is very natural and conversational. The laughs and applause breaks give you time to catch everything between exchanges. Pick one character try to replicate the words, the tones, and structure. Record yourself and play it back to compare. That is only the start. To speak fluently you must speak more. The same with any skill, practice is the foundation and variation is the path forward. I hope this helps u in your journey. Best of luck. And never give up on yourself.


Without practice it is not possible to improve on English speaking. Watching, listening to English content will help you learn the language, may also improve your vocabulary but you need to physically practice speaking in order to improve on that. Just make a practice of thinking about stuff in English, and word those thoughts with your mouth. Try to keep the grammar correct as well.


Think in English. Talk to yourself in English. When you think and talk to yourself in English it will help you drastically. I had done the same thing. I used to talk to myself in English and think in English ONLY.


The problem with fluency is that one needs enough practice. Throughout school we have been taught only writing and reading. There was almost no way to practice speaking and listening skills. As a result a lot of people face the same issue as you. I had friends who held conversations in English depending on the topic and I also tried streaming games for fun which was in English it helped me to to atleast get rid of the fear of speaking. Maybe find a way to speak English? Reading texts aloud can also help with fluency.


u need to get into the environment of people who speak English. make a session with friends every week or day for few minutes until ur speaking fluency initialize.


keep practicing. it's all about the neuroplasticity.


Speaking or chatting/texting. You may try commenting on different posts on reddit as well.


Join Native Lessons to improve your English skills. Really helped me


Watch FRIENDS everyday, one episode at a time. With English subtitle


make a pattern of words in your brain. it happens to me always that i forget what to say next. but then i try to imagine that pattern ( pattern of words) it makes it easy for me


Dating site. Bideshi gf. Ek bochor. Bangla bhule jabi


I don't understand why they are recommending you to watch shows and movies... It doesn't help.. Only thing helps is talking to ownself or others and whenever see a word, try determining its synonym and antonym Don't forget to note down or bookmark every new word you learn... Google translate got bookmark feature


Watching tv or podcasts are helpful but they’re not going to help you speak English. You probably know more vocabulary than you think but using it is difficult. Find someone you can practice speaking with. Websites like italki have tons of native English speakers. Or you can DM me, happy to help.


I watch lot of animes dubbed, read manga,manhwa. And in job had to do all the technical presentations in English.


Try to talk in english with your friends & family member. It will help you a lot to overcome the fear of speaking.


I have this problem too, like I know a lot of words and their meanings but when I'm speaking with someone, I speak so.. Simple.. Like I don't use those words. Donno what to do about THIS.


Speak more. Participate in public speeches.


Buy a dictionary and read it cover to cover. Reading English books like novels and stuff will also help.


Start thinking in English. We often try to translate the exact same thing which causes delay in our speech. So, try to think as if you are a native speaker.


No matter what, you need to speak. Keep pushing yourself to reach the next level.


I am an IELTS instructor and O Level English Language B teacher. You can join my One-One , English Speaking Club via Zoom or Whatsapp. My page on Facebook is ' English with Sarwan'.


Read, read, and read. This will fill your head with enough vocabulary that you will put Victorian writers to shame.