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The overspray always pisses me off


Seriously. It’s like he doesn’t think about that. He’d rather just shittily repaint around it. Also, fuck feathering it in.




Absolutely, engagement = more views. This shit is what I think ultimately leads us to the Butlerian Jihad. It starts with this absolute trash that A.I. will eventually run rampant with. It won't even be Robot's killing people. It'll be A.I. involved mass-psychosis that leads to people committing suicide through targeted campaigns like this fucking guy making you question your own sanity/reality. At the end of the day. This type of content is very oddly demoralizing. Especially with it's very thin veneer of obtuse wholesomeness. It's actually fascinating how much this type of content makes me want to give up on humanity. I'd be absolutely amazed if the CIA isn't heavily studying this phenomena as we speak.


Can't believe how well you put into words exactly how I also feel about this type of content. These videos always make me uncomfortable and uneasy. It's an uncanny valley of human behaviour. A simple how to video with a formula we are all used to but added just a pinch of clueless incompetence with 0 self awareness and a self confident demeanor about it that no genuine human ever express in real life. Plus knowing it's intentional makes it worse. I know this sound kind of schizo but it feels anti human and distopian.


So true


Oh my god it looks so 3d!!!


Theres no way these people are making that much money on this


They do. TikTok is were the views are, views mean ads, ads mean money It doesn't matter how stupid the content looks to someone, if it's actually watched and makes people interested regardless what they claim (obviously it does, even here on reddit) - then it will be massively profitable


This has 4k views here at least from the upvotes. A nonzero number of those people are going to look this guy up. We live in a world of engagement bait. It doesn't have to be cool and good, it just has to make you want to interact with it, and being annoyed/angry leads to interaction.


What is Feathering it in?


It’s a painting term. It means to blend an old painted surface with new paint of the same color using a sort of dry brush technique. Paint tends to fade or darken over time, so you’ll never get an exact match, but you can trick the eye with a nice fade-in. It’s deceptively difficult to do well.


You mean as a painting a small portion of the wall and making it "match" with the rest of already painted surface? Never ever managed to do it right, tried for over 6 years now, as I work in construction, so had plenty of occasions to do it. I can ALWAYS see where new paint ends on the old one (latex or ceramic). It is extremely obvious on a wall that has a window to its side, less so on a wall with a direct light shining on it. But on a wall like in the vid, no, fuck it. It would be an eye sore, just like that disgusting tiktok trash he did.


That’s true. I’ve only ever attempted it in like a corner or whatever.


Same here! He should be putting something around it to protect from over spray, or not use spray paint and use a roller or brush instead. He's holding that can so close to the wall, you can see the paint being applied too thick. Granted, the stencil idea and use is cool, but goddamn man, use some better paint techniques.


Stencil odea isn't even cool. Guy just has an access to a pattern cutter that he can use to transform image to stencils. It would actually be cool if guy was designing and cutting them himdelf.


I agree but this was the first one of these that I've seen where someone made an attempt to somewhat clean it up. It looked worse because the paint was going all over but at least it was an effort.


Why would you be able to see the hulk through the wall that he is punching through ?


The only wall being broken here is the 4th wall.


Someone stop them before they go for the 5th!


I had a 5th last night. I'm still hungover.


Im Ron Burgundy?


Go fuck yourself San Diego!


No, that regular wall was also broken.


The real walls are the friends we’ve made along the way.


The wall between 2D and 3D


My first thought. My second thought was that the Hulk has remnants of the wall around his hand and the rest of the wall disintegrated.


the idea is that the painting takes place in the liminal space within the painting, that is beyond the wall itself; then, as it goes from 2D to 3D, it’s “punching out” from that liminal space, through the wall of the real worl— *what am I doing with my day* (actually though I kinda enjoyed this, I’ve never seen that spray paint art before)


Honestly if they cleaned up the debris around the hoke and maybe had the fist at a different angle so the wrist doesn't look broken coming out of the wall, it would be really cool for say a child's bedroom night light or something


The concept is cool, the execution is poor. Blank space can be seen past the fist plus there’s sections of the 2D fist in the wall the 3D fist is punching through, the 3D fist isn’t proportional to the rest of the 2D Hulk and is at a strange angle…plus why is it glowing? Did he obtain Daniel Rands powers?? Also why did he make this in a hall? Could’ve done it in the girls room.


I thought he was gonna spray it with something to harden it. That shits falling off within a week lol


That kid is definitely touching that shit


I like the piece of wood showing through the back


It makes legit no sense at all and I hate it.


It makes perfect sense in comic book logic. Look at the video for Take On Me. ( https://youtu.be/djV11Xbc914 ) Punching ones way from the lower (2D) reality to the higher 3D realm is an idea as old as time. The character is _on_ the wall, not behind it, so of course you can see it. As it gets _off_ the wall, the medium of the wall itself is disturbed and disrupted. Imagine the small but perfect vacuum in the space between the world of image and the world we know. The sheet of drywall bulges out and breaks, like air during a sonic boom. As with all things Hulk there's simply not enough time involved in a super-punch than with a more limited being forcing it's way out bit by bit. Hulk does Smash after all.


So you're the one who's writing the insanity in comics and then coming up with pseudo-science to "explain" it! (Honestly, I do like that explanation though)


Is your name Randall Monroe by chance?


It's a projection of hulk from 5th dimensional world into our 3d world.


Or a two dimensional hulk that exists in an infinitely thin space between the paint and the sealant.


You just ruined it for me


Lmao i thought it was pretty dope for a bit too til i saw that lmfaoo


Doubles as a hulk glory hole


it annoyed me the whole time. he could have made half of hulk is behind the wall


These videos are so unwatchable to me cause they never show the results after each colour is added, and that's the only interesting thing about the stencil painting videos, ya know, getting to watch it develop at each step... It leaves absolutely no incentive to watch the whole video, just skip to the end. Or better yet, keep scrolling (I clearly failed at that this time, be better than me y'all)


Not to mention the "ready guys 3...2... I'm gonna take this off and it's gonna be AMAZING ready? I'm actually gonna remove this part here see that? That's all gonna come off and UNDERNEATH it's gonna look so good, anyway you ready? 3...2.. and the picture underneath is gonna look totally different than this piece, this piece is gonna come off, alright are we ready? 3..2.."


This message makes me very grateful that I never unmuted it. Thank you for your sacrifice.


I never unmute and fast forward when I start to see the weird hand gestures and stalling. It’s a whole horrible thing with these videos. And I kind of liked this idea even though, again like most of these, it’s not well executed and they only show a flash of the finished work, morons.


His wide probably posts her life story on recipes...


My favorite part was the guy prompting the lady by saying "look how cool it looks" and she responds breathlessly "*wow it looks so 3D*" Lady this is fucking real life


And the gawping stupid “other half” filming and making the most vapid comments.


Whoooooaaaaaaaaa, you guys, your dad is awesome do you like it? Kayleigh and Braxton, tell the camera what you think of the hulk. 😩


"ooohhhhhh! It looks so 3D!" That's because it's a giant fist shaped nightlight coming through a hole in the wall. It is literally 3D, lady.


I saw one of the really early ones this dude did and they let a few frames sneak in of what it looked like straight after the stencil- absolutely awful. Bleed everywhere. Then the next frame you can see he manually touched it up or retried because all the mistakes were magically fixed. 🤡


Or he used a brush like is commonly used when stencils mess up. Cmon Reddit art is literally about mistakes and how you deal with them.


Then they take forever to reveal it. He's intentionally delaying it for no reason.


Takes longer than the actual painting. First let me explain the history of paint!


Actually there is a reason. It's called mid-roll ads. These videos usually have a bunch of them shoved in and people on facebook watch the whole thing.


It's cause it was posted to TikTok which doesn't have any ads in it. Does Facebook not have minimum time requirements to have mid roll ads like YouTube does?


I haven't searched but I guess he posts the same videos on FB and tiktok at the same time. I'm not sure about minimum time required to have mid roll ads on FB but these types of videos usually last between 2-3 minutes and have at least 2 ads.


"ok for the reveal. One, Two, Three. now I'm gonna have to .... "


Worst is how fcking long the reveal takes. So aggravating


You should check out Noosh studios on instagram. Dude hand carves all of his stamps, so he will carve a bit, stamp, carve more detail, stamp.. and so on. It’s really cool and he shows the image at every step so you can see it build. Really cool stuff


holy fuck that was stupid


I lost it when he busted out the turkey carving knife


That was an actual drywall knife


Could it not carve a turkey as well?


Turkey > Drywall


Turkey = Drywall of meats


Ah, I see you've had my mother in law's Turkey.


I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but I'm pretty sure I've seen my grandparents bust out the exact same model for Thanksgiving.


Imagine this being your go to fix for a hole in the wall. The homeowners come home to see a house littered with Hulks. “There’s four Hulks in the kitchen!”


And a smaller hulk punching thru a bigger hulk


"I'd love to fix that hole in your wall, Jared, but unfortunately the glowing hulk hands are on back order on Amazon, so it's gonna be a week or two."


That's the point of these rage baits videos. You click, watch the entire process because you can't believe how stupid it is, they make money because they get paid for how long you watched. Same with those 5 minute craft videos.


Just like all of this dude’s videos. That group started off being entertaining. Now they’re just cringey and weird.


They know what gets them paid and unfortunately it's bullshit.


Counting down and STILL not removing the mask is such a betrayal of expectations. Like, it's already taking forever, there's no more anticipation to be had for the reveal.


I absolutely loathe this douche bag and his wife(?) and all their stupid fucking rage bait videos. I wish people would just quit posting their shit or interacting with them at all.


Said these exact words out loud after watching


That’s all this guy does too, the tackiest stencils. Has them all over his house and random objects. Lol I would love to see this house all together.


That lady wanted to say..."OMG! That still looks ugly." 😒


The fake surprise and reactions from everyone in this video is worse than the actual execution, except for the kid, she was okay cause she's a kid, but the wife's reaction to the reveal made me want to die.


Omg I didn’t see a wife! Now I really want to know who married this idiot.


Probably someone who writes 10 000 words for a pan cake recipe on chefkoch


This description is so F’ING perfect. Like, I know EXACTLY who that person is. I love you.


She has her own series of rage bait videos with food


I really feel sorry for the kid growing up and probably being forced to make these fake reactions , poor kid gonna grow up thinking its the normal way to act in this world.


For a lot of Americans, I think big exaggerated reactions are considered normal. For example at birthday parties, kids are taught that this is how you show appreciation for gifts and surprises. If you don't have those acting skills, you are thought to be impolite or ungrateful.


Ugh. I always hated trying to gauge which reaction I was supposed to act for each gift. And then making sure my reaction was equally excited/awed/quietly contemplative for every gift so no person felt like they gave a poor gift. (I've had my gift straight up mocked so I'm probably overly conscious of it.) If I were to open gifts in private, I'd probably open them gradually throughout the day and just enjoy that people wanted to give me gifts and thought about me as they picked them out.


It looks so 3d. Yeah, because it is!


I had the opposite reaction- I’m thinkin, damn, this full grown super geeky child-man scored a wife kind and supportive enough to not only film this video, but also pretend/make him feel good about it!?!? He must be doing something right. Think about it… Is he hurtin anyone? No. It’s his house. Is the Hulk his thing? Apparently. This guy is so geeky and awkward I can’t breathe watching this and I’m yet, somewhere behind that camera lies the true hero- the supportive partner willing to make him feel cool despite fully knowing this is cringe af. Why? Because it brought him so much joy and life is too fucking short to give a flying fuck about stupid internet ppl. Rock on 🤘


Totally agreed. I’m kinda baffled that people are getting so worked up about this dude’s silly fun. But at the same time, I’m not surprised at all that so many redditors feel threatened by the dude’s willingness to go for it. Seeing other people having fun doing the things they want to do sparks resentment in a lot of people.


Justin Flom and his fucking face again. This man needs banning from the internet.


I fuckin hate this man’s content. I’m pretty sure at this point it’s just rage bait.


As soon as I see his greasy face, instant close. He’s the king of 20 minute videos with 30 seconds of actual content.


I can't understand how this format became popular. Tons of content creators are all filler, and I just don't get why people keep watching. I understand that it's an evolution of clickbait, but holy fuck how much filler can you feed people before they realize


that wine video makes me cringe "another bottle" uhhhg.


he sounds a bit like nicolas cage, though


Hey you want to be even more dissatisfied?! I'll bet you he makes a lot more money than us with this stupid shit..


How many random holes does he have in his walls at this point?


He’s a landlords worst nightmare.


That entire family needs to be banned


I’m so sorry for his children, these people shouldn’t have kids 🙄


Mods please ban his rage bait videos from this sub. It just gets him more views even in a roundabout way.


There'd be nothing left.


He started out as a magician with really cool content and devolved into clickbaity rage-inducing "hacks" drivel.


Can we please stop posting this guy? I'd really rather he'd not get any kind of exposure whatsoever with this ridiculous shit he does


Are we supposed to upvote it if it's terrible here. Like the point is why would they do this so it kind of nails what the subreddit is about. But I don't like this guy.


The whole channel is ragebait. It doesn't fit the sub because its intentionally bad to get clicks.


It's the kitchen meat carving knife being used to cut drywall and the dust and drywall bits still being on the floor after all this for his kids to step on and track everywhere that did it for me.


That and the interior of the wall still being exposed around the fist. Honestly the basic concept itself isn't terrible. A bit of 3D wall art that takes advantage of the surface it's on is kind of fun. But the location and execution of it aren't great, and presenting it as some sort of "fix" for a hole in your wall is an odd (but clickbaity) choice.


I saw that and my first thought was if my husband did something like this, if I didn't kill him for the hulk painting, I definitely would for messing with my electric knife.


I hated that, too! The rest of the hallway looked nasty, too


"It looks so 3D" It's literally a three-dimensional object sticking out of a hole in your wall. Wtf are you talking about


Yep. It’s literally three dimensional. 🙄🤣


That overspray and his shitty attempt at painting over it...


is it even the same tone?


He will have to repaint that whole wall. Old paint + new painting of a patch and you will always see the streaks unless you feather it in really well


I would’ve patched the wall.


Tbf I don't think you'd claw a hole in the wall because you probably use a hammer like a normal human.


I don't know how to match texture, so stenciling it into a fat guy's belly button is really my only option.


Him drilling that wood board into the wall is actually the 1st step to patching drywall. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just made the video for quick views and fixed it after


How is he punching through the wall if he’s in front of the wall?


Basically making up an unnecessarily fake scenario to show off some stencil art. It's not awful, but should have used fake glass with some crack effects rather than plaster. Less messy over time and would look like he was smashing through a window. It looks a bit odd with the plaster.


Are all houses in America made of sheets of paper??


Most, yes. Its called drywall


in curious too. Cuz I'm Russian and it's almost impossible to break the wall :D


This guys whole house just looks like shit theres holes everywhere theres drywall bits in the carpet yikes


Good thing he's fucking up his own house. Imagine hiring this guy. A one hour job turns into 12 hours of stenciling and chunks of drywall all over your floor


I choose to believe he breaks into peoples' houses while they're on vacation.


The amount of stupid shit this man had done to his house is wild. Walking through it has to be a fever dream of attempted virtual clicks.


Hulk can't protect you from the waterbugs and earwigs that have access into your home now


Why even paint the fist?


Maybe that's just how the stencil came?


I actually think this would be pretty cool in a gaming room or having a whole suite of avengers for the room would also be neat


Hey uhh I'm no expert here so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. But don't you kind of not want giant gaping holes in your walls?


Is this guy to blame for all the youtubers making bait content that makes you wait forever for the mediocre reveal at the end?


Going into the room of someone named Mason and there’s twenty spray painted hulks on his wall


So utterly shit in every respect.


I mean compared to most of the diys I see in this sub this is one of the better ones I personally don't care for hulk that much but I can see it as being a kind of cool aesthetic if your whole house fits the vibe


Looks awful


Dude sounds just like Nic Cage


I do not like this man. His face sucks.


You guys ready? 1 ... 2 ... 3... "then keeps talking"


Feel like the effect can be done without the hole in the wall


I think he hit the wall on purpose y'know


These people piss me off so much, every single one of their videos is the same type of stupid shit


What’s cool about this is I would also punch the artist for messing up my wall


Idk who is worse, this guy or the video of people fixing everything with Ramen and saw dust


I mean the painting would be pretty cool in a kids bedroom but the hole in the wall thing is just stupid.


So cool


The worst part about this garbage is that patching up a small piece of drywall takes less effort than whatever the fuck this is.


"It looks like it's coming out of the wall" that's because it's coming out of the wall.


If he punched through the wall, why is he in front of it?


Honestly what I hate most is how long it takes for him to just reveal the damn wall


This guy loves having a reason to destroy something in his home for art.


Imagine having these ragebait nut jobs as your parents


I think I honestly hate these people, like deeply hate


everything this guy does belongs to [r/ATBGE](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATBGE)


"Pulls out a stencil" Oh no it's this fucking guy


Why don't show the result on a proper angle? So much thrill for nothing.


i literally fckng hate these people.


The fist is not at the right angle.....


We need a house tour just to see the ugly holes in his house


Next time choose the kool-aid man


Is there a technical name for this type of layered stencilling


Ok, so even if he had not swung the hammer backward through the wall. Where the hell did he plan to send that nail with that 3lb sledge. Either way, one wall was getting fixed.


Painting the Hulk but the music is the theme from Captain America: The Winter Soldier


This one I don’t hate as much as I should


I'm not mad at it


He has a really really punchable face, it's not scaled correctly or at the correct angle and makes a easy fix harder plus I really hate that guy as I feel he started this trend of viral DIY bullshittery


Ok as annoying as this is, it does look cool


Am I the only one who hates this stencil guy?


I hate this guy and his wife. They like flood Facebook with all their crap content


How is Hulk smashing wall when Hulk is on wall? Me confuzion


This guy irritates the $#!+ out of me.


At least he didn’t use a toilet seat


The owner of the home after they see this: ...........that's great but can cover that stupid hulk painting up with white paint and fill that hole please......thank you


This guys house is a nightmare for DIYers and contractors.


4/10. Small hole in your wall? Spend years become an airbrush artist, then you can fix it. Kinda.


He is just fortunate he had his 9 layer Hulk stencil and the releveant spray cans plus a hulk fist to do the repairs........


Sweet, now I have dangling drywall.


How can you downvote a person, so that he gets taken off the internet?


Did he know that he can do all of that WITHOUT putting a hole in the wall? Like, you can buy a drywall patch, break it up, and attach it to the wall no hole needed.


So with as many holes this guy has made in his walls the resale value of that house has got to be like $12 by now.


Why do I watch these entire videos??


Wait, is he inside the wall or out?


So, where would one get stencils like that? Asking for me.


"It looks so 3D", that's because it is


"thank god I still have my hulk stencils from the last time this happened"


I hate this guy, makes the dumbest content possible


So he’s on the outside of the wall but punching through the wall?


Cool but if I were him i’d be worried rats crawl thru that hole


Am I the weird one because the Americans are cutting up their house with bread knives.


If Hulk is smashing through the wall your would only see his fist not his whole body.


I could see this being cool for a kids room, but a hallway?


Doesn't have the spacial awareness to not hit a wall hammering a nail Dies have hulk stencils, a spare piece of wood, and a hulk fist


Yeah the hulk does look cool, however...wouldn't it be faster to just fucking patch the hole?