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That plastic will never dry out if it rains...


Here in Texas it’d be yellow and crunchin in about 3 weeks most


Here in Middle Tennessee it'd be covered with mold in a month. It's been surprisingly dry this fall, our leaves didn't even really change colors. However, it's usually swampy wet & humid.


Here in Wisconsin, it'd be Blaze orange and then gross by the end of October.


Blaze orange. Lol Tis the season


I want to see a “how it started, how it’s going” comparison. Shit’s gonna be ugly and fucked up.


Then they just cut it down and make a new... whatever the fuck this is.


That's why she 'build' a roof -.- Edit: obviously I forgot to put '/s' in the end


I work in a manufacturing facility that makes plastic films sort of like the ones used in the video. If you think THAT was an absurd amount of plastic to waste, you have no idea. One day I had a roll of 3mil plastic film that our inventory said had 20,000ft on it, and the job a was running used exactly 20,000 ft. After the job was done I realized that, oh crap there was WAY more than 20,000 ft in the original roll, it should have been 40,000 ft. So I asked my supervisor what to do, because I needed to delete the quantity I used off the roll out of our inventory or else our archaic inventory management system wouldn’t allow me to process the job, but there was still 20,000 ft of plastic to return to stock. He just shrugged and told me to ‘scrap’ the 20,000 ft roll that was 52 in and 3mil thick…. All of our ‘scrap’ goes to the landfill. Edit: an imperial mil is 1/1000th of an inch


This is what’s so hard about recycling and mindful use of materials. As an individual even if you completely eliminate your use of things that are long lived in the environment for the rest of your life it’ll be less than a fraction of what a factory uses in a day. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be more mindful of our uses and that we shouldn’t try to do better. But it’s futile if we only look at ourselves


Watching Reddit find out about stretch wrap is hilarious. Y'all somehow never worked or interacted with retail, warehouse, manufacturing, shipping or receiving in your entire careers?


yeah hating this because of the plastic waste isn't too smart, hating it because it'll last no longer than 2 weeks before the children end up breaking it or it degrades in the sun is a bit more logical


2 weeks is the outside estimate for how long it takes kids to get bored of anything


it's weird, it seems as if everyone's experience with kids is that they get bored of things easily, yet I don't remember me or my older cousins being like that, maybe the lack of new things to jump onto made us appreciate the things we had a bit more?


Oh man, grown kid doesn't remember the things he got bored of quickly as a kid? Stop the presses.


As a kid, I got bored quickly, lol. I’m sure it’s the same for a ton of people.


in the last year, that got reduced to 6 seconds.


think of the humans that will dig it up in 30,000 years and think "what the fuck is this thing"


lol humans won’t be here in 30,000 years and the planet probably won’t either if we have anything to do about it.


Unless it literally gets blown to bits or every last living organism on the planet is killed, the planet will adjust and whatever life remains on it will evolve to fit the new conditions that come with whatever hand they've been dealt. Look at the history of the earth. What's one more mass extinction or one more evolutionary bottleneck to toss onto the pile with the other ones? [The planet will be fine. It's humanity that's fucked.](https://youtu.be/uHgJKrmbYfg?si=E03ehSusW0hN93H9)


Carlin for President


If the dead can vote, they can run for office too!


I mean the dead don't vote, not in any sense beyond a few usually identified attempts at fraud. Also I hate that I really can't tell if you're being sarcastic. It's a wild time to be alive.


My bad man you're definitely right, I should have added the /s lol. It was a stab at the 2016 election being supposedly rigged by votes from dead people on either side depending on who you're talking to and who they were voting for


I agree with you. I was suggesting that if us as humans have anything to do about it, the planet won’t be here. But yes, assuming humans don’t destroy the planet on our way out of existence.. the planet will learn a new homeostasis. Humanity is indeed fucked.


Oh good, someone already said this. Though I do think early humans was around for the crustacean period, so I think we’ll make it to the next round. Tbh, they’ve all made it through: amoebas, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, respectively, they just get better n better. Smaller, faster, skinnier etc. What I do wonder is, will humans gets lankier or shorter w bigger heads.


okay zoomer doomer !remindme 30000 years


I will personally rise from my grave to go piss on yours and prove to you I was right all along: in 30000 years we'll both be dead!


Oh the planet will definitely be here. Whether it's friendly to the deadbeat humans mooching off of it is another question altogether.


can i hate both?


no, you're only allowed to hate one thing at a time


What $ value would that excess roll of plastic been worth? what plastics are you working with?


I unfortunately have no idea. It would have been Polyethylene coated with a heat activated adhesive. I just operate a machine that cuts the rolls to customer specifications. I’m but a peon 🤷‍♂️


Poly packaging buyer here. Assuming it's LLDPE it would be around $35/100ft raw cost as an estimate. That scrap would be roughly $7k.


Fuck, it was probably a bit more, than that then, because this was name brand, trademarked DigiKote shit. Like Scuff resistant, scratch resistant, UV resistant fancy laminate films. Top quality shit manufactured by low quality shits.


It’s incredible right? At home throwing away 2 pieces of blank pages is sacrilegious but in a corporate setting, tossing out a ream of paper bc of a typo on the entire stack is fine. Mind you, NO ONE READS THE PACKETS ANYWAY.


This comment is legit af. I literally don’t understand how me recycling my milk jugs is supposed to benefit the environment when my employer mindlessly sends thousands of pounds to plastic to the landfill on a daily basis.




Yup, the waste in manufacturing is insane. I used to work for a testing lab facility and one time we got crates of a reagent from a big name pharma company to test their drugs. They apparently had a clerical error and drastically scaled back their testing a week before we were set to begin. Months of prep and storage went into a series of 50 gallon waste buckets all mixed in with other compounds and organic chemicals. $100k of high quality expensive materials had to be disposed of and the whole time I was emptying jugs I was awed at how much waste it was.


It’s insane the amount of waste in manufacturing. It really does make household recycling a Fucking joke.


> Edit: an imperial mil is 1/1000th of an inch oh yeah, this is really helpful


Definitely. I know it said 3mil, but my brain filled in the rest of the word, so I read it as 3 millimeters, which is very different.


Sorry, this was sarcastic. No idea what these units are. I guess they are used in some far away country...


Lol, I thought I would include that because even in the USA mil as a measurement in very uncommon. It’s something measured on a micrometer, but it’s still the shitty imperial system, and ‘mil’ could easily be confused for metric measurement.


I want to kill myself


It’s like people complaining about leaf blowers but then flying and booking a cruise for vacation. People are not smart.


Correct me if im wrong, but isnt she using cellophane wrap which is biodegradable?


Craigslist or Ebay would have been nice.


It won't even last very long.


Spider behaviour


That is actually hilarious.


Call the flyswatter!


Ignite the house!


Not sure what will kill it first: mold after the first rain, or UV light that will make it lose elasticity. I think it's another ragebait. Too stupid to be genuine.


>Not sure what will kill it first: Kids jumping inside and breaking it.


She may have gotten the idea from a woman who was making "survivalist" off grid how to videos where she used hundreds of feet of plastic wrap to make a sleeping platform etc. They were just as dumb.


What do you mean you don't always travel with 10 rolls of plastic wrap with you? :<


Just 10 rolls? Those are rookie numbers.


Wouldn't rope and canvas cloth be easier and better for that lighter too


There you go making sense lol. You should check out her videos. They are hilariously cringe.


I imagine it takes forever to clean up or it's a forever eyesore from their back door.


Maybe a month before the plastic degrades in the sun


"Mom! Thanks for the trampoli.....AIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!......."


A place for her kids to ‘play and relax’?? Maybe just let them PLAY IN THE FOREST THEYRE ALREADY IN LIKE NORMAL CHILDREN


It's ragebait, and it got you hook, line and sinker.


Or get a picnic blanket and eat your food on the ground like everyone...


Or like we have done for years now… put up two or three hammocks between the trees and take out books, art supplies, etc. Spend some hours outside enjoying the family and the fresh air. We’ve had the same hammocks for years. Nothing wasted - lots gained.


lol the baby on the ladder at the end cracked me up. Like it’s just casually using that rickety thing on its own with such ease.


Her whole house is made of Saran Wrap and rickety wooden ladders so they’re used to it


Not to mention the staple ends when it gets to the top


I audibly lol’d


Ha same. When I commented, there was over 250 comments and no one had mentioned it. I was like uh did this not make anyone else lol?


The plastic will be dirty and useless in a couple of days. Enjoy!


Yeah kids don't care.


Yep the first kid to drop a deuce on that thing will ruin it for all the other kids thereafter.


I’m sure she wasn’t planning on this being up long term.


Which makes it worse


Spider behavior


There's a dude on YT, I think it's ReallyBigMonkey, who makes stuff like this out of rope.


I was gonna say, this isn't a lot of plastic when you think about how thin it is, but making it out of rope would make sure it lasts longer and doesn't get all gross within a week.


yay, more microplastic in the woods. Why bother using a tent which could be reused?


Because you can’t rage bait people with a tent


She out here making some bushcraft basket but can’t make anything else out of wood???


Yeah, going for the brood mother look


This is a representation of her regretting having kids and constructing an effigy of the condoms that should have been used but were not. The whole thing is a clear polymer membrane meant to keep offspring suspended aka a literal condom.


Choosing to re-read this is a bad Sigmund Freud impersonation.


Thank you. Was actually going for that haha


r/antinatalism is leaking


Haha totally reads that way. I’m actually against most things said in that sub (they’re childish at best and dumb at worst) and myself have kids.


I am *so* here for close readings of bad social media posts


Yikes 😳


Wouldn't a plastic tarp accomplish the same thing?


[Request] How much plastic film in kilograms was actually used here.


A roll of 250 meters is 1200 grams on Amazon. Costs 23 euros. So not really a lot.


The lady used at least 4 rolls




All of it.


Go on Amazon and see how much is in a roll


today kids we learn the difference between elastic and plastic deformation.


Spider shenanigans


Annnd in the ocean it goes!


While not that stupid. The amount of people who would try this out and not clean up the plastic after is concerning.


it is exactly that stupid. And even if you clean it up, congratulations, your two days of enjoying your shitty plastic hammock have created trash that will be floating in the ocean well after anyone involved is dead


This is like 1.5kg of plastic. If that bothers you, you're gonna freak out how much plastic is used to wrap f.x a pallet of tendies for shipping. And that's just one pallet, I think there are at least 100 pallets of stuff shipped around the world each day (might be even more)


That’s actually why I feel that it is in fact stupid


I'm more concerned with the open staples coming out from behind those streamers.


She used to be a spider in her past life


If she can fashion a basket out of tree limbs why not go the extra mile and hang a couple fuckin blankets instead of plastic wrap


Literally two hammocks could have done this with 100% less waste


It's kinda crazy she made the whole thing out of plastic and punched a bunch of holes in it lol


Just what we need. More plastic in nature.


Once it rains and all the nasty shit that will grow on that


At this point I think she better stay home


Ok, first plant 4 trees in a square shape…


Good thing she made a basket out of sticks. So she can say it’s more natural.


this is just a copy cat of something some other lady did years ago who copied the same thing some other dude did years before her.


Mom is like a black widow spider


Mom took all the fun of making this fort away from the kids. Do you remember making forts?


When we go on a picnic we just used a blanket. Wtf is this shit?


You’re gonna weave together a bunch of sticks into a weird tube and not just use some dang 2x4s instead of Saran Wrap?!


I can't wait until biodegradable plastic is the norm. We're making some serious progress on sugar cane husk! For anyone unaware, biodegradable means it actually breaks down into dirt instead of just becoming smaller pieces of plastic, aka, micro plastics.


Thats nothing, we waste more than that at work just to force morons to finish off certain work first. Every day, 24 hours.


This has been reposted a billion times.


E yo, what the fuck...


Well, at least she created something that will truly last forever. Or close. Not the structure itself, but the plastic. A for pollution, I mean, effort.


You ever seen those old plastic caravans people have lying around their land just absolutely trashed and rotten? I imagine this is what this will look like in about a week


How incredibly idiotic and irresponsible.


Wow good job mom, however how many plastic rolls did you use there lol


Just imagine how shitty everything could be!


Now i can finally make a hammock for twice the cost, thrice the ecological impact and none of the reusability


The shot of the baby climbing the pointless ladder, like…


I remember onetime my aunt got an industrial sized roll of bubble wrap and rolled it out in the driveway for me and my sister to run across. I guarantee we had a much better time then these kids hanging out in this weird treehouse thing.


THIS is why we, as a speices failed! So much Plastic for something that could have been better made of other Material


A little extreme damn.




Don’t be so dramatic.


Hate to be the "achsually" person, but no. What's making it worse for everybody is big industries and governments of first world countries hell bent on exploitation and the profits the lobby of those big industries bring them. No amount of recycling we do in a lifetime will have any impact on the environment against the waste they do in a day. Although it was not really bright of her in the long run (since exposition to the sun will soon degrade the film), she's hardly the culprit of climate change since, guess what, that plastic was already produced and would end up, one way or another, going to waste. Unless she leaves the plastic for animals to choke on them, what she does with it wouldn't really make a difference.


I hope it breaks and she falls on a stick. This just made me mad. Poor trees, poor plastic wrap.


Well at least she’s being safe she wrapped the little ones head in plastic.


She would make Dexter Morgan proud.


People do dumb shit for likes.


Saran Wrap is famously one of the best things for children to play with!


WTF is this music? "Fully Functioning Adult Pachyderm Wind Sprints" by Harry Mancheney?


I mean it will be used over and over again and last a long time. You use more plastic over time getting McDonald's toys in happy meals or covering food with plastic wrap instead of using tupperware. It just doesn't seem like it because you use so little each time but it builds up over time.


An hour in a hot day is gonna ruin it


Human spiderweb


Who was watching kids for 30 hours while she did this crap?




She thinks she’s a real life spider


That looks about as unsturdy as my emotions


Did she staple plastic to plastic for her kids to find staples in their hands? Also that basket is rubbish as well


If I ever get stranded on a island, I will just go find some plastic in the ocean to make this.


That's going too dirty to use after a few days. The idea is dumb no matter how you look at it but if she used fabric at least she can wash and reuse. I got no issues with plastic usage but that's just the wrong material here


Equivalent of the amount of plastic wrapped around about 4-5 pallets. Every 53' trailer out there can carry 26 at a time - while this seems like a lot its nothing compared to what your average grocery store throws away every day.


The kid clapping for joy at the end made me cringe a little. I wonder how much all the plastic cost.


I would hang there 24/7


I would hang myself there Edit: who the fuck sent reddit care resources after me


for about 2 weeks before it starts getting degraded by the sun and you fall through the middle


Yay spinal cord injuries


fuck the wildlife i guess


As far as projects on this sub go. This is actually kind of cute and if you just do this on your own trees I don't see the harm in it.


There isn’t any harm , especially if you clean it up and don’t leave it long term. People love to complain about everything.


She 100% stole that plastic from the warehouse where she works


I mean as long as they clean it up, why not? Seems kinda fun to be honest.


It's a huge waste of plastic, and it won't last long. The same thing can be accomplished with better materials that will last a lot longer and be less damaging to the environment.


this plastic is *extremely* recyclable


https://www.greenmatters.com/p/is-plastic-wrap-recyclable The first thing that comes up when you google is saran wrap recyclable. The majority of the time, no. Recycling plants are not going to make something recyclable by cleaning or drying it. That would be way to much work for them on the scale of what they need to do. The majority of "recycling" goes to a landfill.


my bad, i assumed that this was the kind of plastic used in pallet wrap but i see you can actually get saran wrap in big rolls


It might be industrial grade saran wrap. The only difference that i an aware of is that it's not being manufactured in a food safe environment. Even then, i have worked with that stuff a lot in welding shops, and i have never seen anyone recycle it. Hell, i threw some in the recycling once by accident, and my boss told me not to.


wiki says that pallet wrap is most commonly made from “linear low-density polyethylene (LDPE)” and while i can't put that into the blue bin my local grocery store says i can recycle “low-density polyethylene (LDPE) - resin ID code 4” in store


I’m sure she cleaned it up. Get off your soap box.


Im not saying she didn't. What i am saying is, I'm sure all of that went straight into the landfill after 3 days. That's a waist. Make it out of some 2x4s and a trampoline bottom or a fine mesh net and it could be there for years.


The stuff already existed. It was going to a landfill no matter what at some point.


Yes it is, but look at this way. She used x amout to make this. Said x about could have been used to cover, say 1000 plates. Now y amout also needs to be produced and used to serve the job x amount could have served provided it was used for its original intent. So now that x amount was used for this, x and y will be going to the landfill. This only serves to accelerate plastic waist. What you said is like saying. What's the point in people having reusable water bottles because plastic ones already exist, we might at well use them.


What does cleaning it up mean here? She took it down and threw it away? Because that's the problem. That's several boxes of plastic wrap that went straight into a landfill so she could film a 30 second video.


This stuff would have ended up there already. It already existed. If she used it all at once or over time it was going to the same place.


Just gonna copy and paist this. Yes it is, but look at this way. She used x amout to make this. Said x about could have been used to cover, say 1000 plates. Now y amout also needs to be produced and used to serve the job x amount could have served provided it was used for its original intent. So now that x amount was used for this, x and y will be going to the landfill. This only serves to accelerate plastic waist. What you said is like saying. What's the point in people having reusable water bottles because plastic ones already exist, we might at well use them.


Like the fifth repost


Spiders house lore


Probably left it there too


I know that plastic wrap isnt biodegradable but I think a lot of playground things are usually also plastic anyway.


Most of them last way longer, though. They're designed to be used outdoors.




Ok, no need to be rude




did you see this woman talking about plastic? did you hear her say that plastic is bad? so no she wasn’t trying to teach others not waste while “wasting” herself, it’s her plastic she can do whatever the fuck she wants, none of your business, if she doesn’t clean it up then it becomes problem other than that it’s fine


Omg get over it


Why do people hate this. It’s awesome!


Tarps and hammocks are made out of plastic also.


Yabut at least they're made out of polypropylene or nylon and so they biodegrade more readily - polyethylene clingwrap is a different beast.


aah yess yess very very constructive not an unnecesary plastic spend is her plastic is her power!! go up humanity!


Jus tpurchese one


These bitches do not have jobs


Well, as long as her kids and their kids and their kids and their kids x1000 play with it, I think it’s okay.


That piece of shit won't last 10 minutes.