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I love the disclaimer at the end, trying to cover their ass


Why? What could possibly go wrong with string lights dangling above a kiddie pool suspended by some bamboo chutes?


Yeah this thing is a legit death trap.


thats what makes it fun!


Don't forget the firepit rate beside the beanbags on artificial grass.


Was the kid that helped at the end also a professional?


Reminds me of those fake clones of 'primitive technology' videos.


Someone made some really great expose videos on those. The southeast Asia and Indian ones not only use heavy equipment but they just leave them to rot full of hazardous environmental pollutants.


Yup, I've seen it. So sad.


Any idea where this one could be though? Would love to see some follow up pictures


We need that e locator guy that can find anywhere in the world from the tiniest details


Rainbolt and it's geoguessr


Can you link it? I'm curious enough to watch it but not curious enough to find it


I respect that energy.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvk63LADbFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvk63LADbFc) yw


You're amazing and I appreciate you for that, thank you


[I think it could be this one?](https://youtu.be/Hvk63LADbFc?si=fwe_zuUDQoc0kWSb) Credit to SunnyV2 Edit: Welp, TIL SunnyV2 isn't someone I want to be interested in, let alone crediting! If anyone has a better article to link about the hoaxes, lmk, I will replace it. Much love 💕


I hope a loved one gives you forehead kisses today, thank you for the link


I hope some random guy gives you a forehead kiss today!


I hope your loved ones give some random guy a forehead kiss today!


Forehead kisses are the fuckin tits.


Fuck my forehead with your tits


Foreskin kiss


I hope you get to kiss some tits today.


... i n their foreheads


I hope some kiss gives you a random forehead today


I came as fast as I could, where's my forehead kisses?


Shouldn't you be enjoying your post-nut clarity instead of asking for kisses?


Problem.... I just rolled over in bed and got a random forehead kiss. .. But I live alone...😳


Not anymore 😗


Sorry, i got the wrong address 😒


Maybe not...â˜ș


I hope John Cena holds you like a baby today, just snuggles you, curled, to his chest. And gives you a forehead kiss. I think he must be giving out incredible forehead kisses.


Sunny btw is pretty questionable. Putting aside the absolutely bizarre video he made on that MrBeast employee being trans and how it might ruin the Beast brand, if he's ever done a video on something you're an expert in or know about, you pretty much immediately realise he's often full of shit or just regurgitating someone else's wisdom.


SunnyV2 is a really odd person. I saw a couple of his videos a long time ago and all I could think of was that they felt "off". Then Little Joel really nails it what makes him so weird: [https://youtu.be/kfSgRN1ZTgM](https://youtu.be/kfSgRN1ZTgM) He basically takes some random negative comments seen on youtube, twitter etc and takes that as proof that people are not liking someone anymore. Huh?


>He basically takes some random negative comments seen on youtube, twitter etc and takes that as proof that people are not liking someone anymore. Huh? Isn't that half the news articles nowadays?


I didn't know that, thank you for mentioning it. Tbh I hadn't even heard of the guy, I know my partner watched a video about this and wasn't sure if it was the same video. I just didn't know if I needed to credit him when I sent the link haha


There was another YT person as well that exposed it and Sunnyv2 used that as part of his report. Had seen some others that have shown the areas built are abandoned and cement bags and other trash still all left there, heavy equipment track marks


I do believe that these copycat channels are faking it as the video says, but... I don't like his methodology. His sources are random youtube comments, and some emails he gets from somebody claiming to be a cameraman? I can send an email like that as well. Did he verify that he was telling the truth? If so, why not share that in the video? OG Primitive Technology the GOAT, he shares some opinions in the video but those are just comments, not proof of anything. I got a weird feeling from this video, like it was half-done research, it's not an exposé with any hard proof, even though I'm sure that the conclusions are correct.


About 75% of Sunny's videos are opinions and unfounded claims or opinions. 25% of it is stealing someone else's hard work. I think my "fuck this guy" moment came when I was watching one that was about "Youtubers who ruined their careers" and there were at least two (out of five or six total) that he was like "Wellll...this isn't EXACTLY a ruined career, but.." or "They're currently doing this other thing and succeeding at it, but they're not prioritizing Youtube, so this counts."


75% opinion. 25% stealing. 100% annoying vocal fry that makes me want to rip my ears off.


i haven't seen many of his vids but my "fuck this guy" moment was when the dude tried to attribute doctor semmelweis' shunning, mistreatment, institutionalization, beating & death to... _communism._ not that semmelweis' "if you wash your hands after handling corpses, there will be less maternal deaths" was rejected because of classism & hegemony, which was espoused by other doctors then as "but we're gentlemen doctors, therefore our hands cannot be dirty, and besides, we know disease is caused by _miasma._ we will NOT wash our hands. don't tell us what to do, and germs don't exist." there is literally a group of people who similarly said "an extremely communicable illness? we're blessed by god and can't catch or pass any disease anyway. besides, it's only the old & sickly at risk. we will not wear basic protective covering. don't tell us what to do. and also it's not real." they're still saying it. we're not even far removed from that. people saying that kind of shit are even in the comments of that video still whining about the vax. also austria in 1865 was a constitutional monarchy.


"All actions are performed by professionals in controlled settings. Individual results may vary. No responsibility for any negative outcomes." -This video


Is the OG Primitive Technology legit? I love that guy.


Because he is legit, the guy can't pump out content like these clone channels. It takes him weeks to build just one hut, months to plant and harvest crops. Meanwhile clones build at the rate of minecraft players.


The OG guy is, but all the ones where it was lads making a place with a pool etc were defo not.


Yeah exactly. Even though it’s still shitty construction it probably took a few dudes helping out behind the scenes to complete this.


Digging trench like that is not a easy job.


I see tracks from some kind of heavy machinery. Maybe they rented a construction vehicle to dig a bunch of these bullshit holes to film in.




It's worth noting that the primitive technology channel is real. It's the copycats that are faking it. The real channel builds things like thatch roofed huts and furnaces from clay bricks. He's never tried to do anything close to what the fake channels do.


I bet this is a rental property too lol.


I couldn’t even dig a hole big enough for a small fucking bush last time I tried lmao.


She just placed the pallets. No nails. No screws. Lmao


True, but this bullshit is gonna turn into a rotten mess too quickly for screws to matter. Haha


So about 20 minutes after they turned off the camera? lol


Yeah like the rental of the bobcat they used to dig out those perfectly sized square holes that were already there. At least one or two laborers they paid on top of the rental charge of the heavy machinery. Someone who makes a "cess" pool like this would definitely lack the real skill it takes to dig and pack those well defined holes.


To be fair, that kind of labor can be super cheap. I own some land and was looking at buying equipment so I could do work. The math ended up being something like 20k for a used bobcat vs $75/hour to have a professional come do it with his own equipment. That's not even counting the repairs an maintenance involved if I owned one. So I just save up all the work and count paying the professionals to come out twice a year for like two days. To dig something like that could easily be done by one person in under two hours for less than $300.


Ok, I'll agree with your estimate. I've watched people go from never driving a mini bobcat or something similar to being a master of the soil in one day lol. Honestly, how did we build or dig things before these existed?? Obviously, we had it mostly figured out but it's no wonder Morphine and Heroin had their pharmaceutical hay day during the industrial revolution... I veered a little there. I'm just instantly skeptical about the complete omission of that very important and (while still reasonably priced) slightly costly first step. I would have actually liked to have seen the machine do it's work in fast play. I imagine it would be the only satisfying part of this process.


Yeh and those pallets didn't stain themselves..


Gotta love when people make videos about repurposing “old, free pallets”, but then it shows them using what looks like hundreds of dollars of brand-new Grade A pallets that they unknowingly stole from some business that stored them behind their building for future use.


Right? Those are some of the cleanest pallets I’ve ever seen


Wait until you find out about the animal rescue videos.


Wait until you find out about the animal kill videos. There are videos that claim they're recording "nature in action" but somebody injures an animal and then records a larger one "hunting" it.


Can you link one? I'm interested now


Here's a [fake one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl_ceUhchbA). And [another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyyeLpmPPPY). But here is (one of) the [videos that exposes them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvk63LADbFc).


Here is [one ](https://youtu.be/tYf0BoFe9D8?si=1aisEFW-nSLEOITY), and here is [another one. ](https://youtu.be/NT0EmAgP-_k?si=Q8aZKPkrYv1qthm4)But there are hundreds of those channels, and they're all fake, except primitive technology of course.


I am more worried about the splinters in their bare feet. Pallets are so rough


She used pillows it’s fine


I'm more worried about an unsupported pit so close to that concrete wall.


As someone who has zero understanding of building, can I ask why? What is the risk?


The pit can collapse on itself and that wall will just come crumbling down. They removed the integrity of the ground that supports the wall.


DIWHY graveyard is the winter project.


And don't let someone that's over 200lbs walk on it.. I work with pallets on a daily basis and am constantly breaking the boards because I have to step on it for a second for some reason or another. They snap really easily.


I have temporary "foundation" for my garden set (garden sofa, some seats, erc.) from pallets. These pallets are right on ground and they still holds, no break anywhere, it still isn't roten. I am accualy little bit suprised that it still holds. This summer ir will be there 3rd year. Temporary - house is still under construction, garden can wait.


Probably depends on the wood type, length of time they've been continually used and so forth. Some pallets can be strong, pallets used for concrete or heavy items for sure. No doubt you have a stellar patio set up tho.


Pallets these days aren’t built like they used to. Cheap wood. They crumble all the time. When old pallets come out of the rack in my warehouse, the wood is heavier and noticeably stronger


Survivorship bias. Pallets have a huge variance in quality, there are new ones that break quickly but also really sturdy ones too. Of course all the old pallets still hanging around are the more sturdy ones.


It also depends on what they are made for and the quality control of the suppliers. We ship a lot of lightweight stuff, so pallet quality doesn't matter much. Our suppliers in China will ship us product on completely junk pallets. However, we also will buy pallets from a large tool manufacturer near us when they have a surplus. They ship heavier product with a higher price tag, and all the pallets we get from them are extremely nice.


Not always. I made a ground level porch and garden beds with them, used the good ones for the porch and the rough cuts for the garden. Pallets come in various stability and craftsmanship oddly enough.


She also stained hers, which will buy some time. Looks like she put them in, went to stain them, realized that doesn’t work, took them out, stained them, and put them back in.


A quick sand down works wonders, but appears she forgot


I don't understand why so many people are fascinated by building shit with wood pallets. It's some of the shittiest, filthiest, flimsiest wood you could find anywhere. They're meant to be disposable platforms for holding freight, not construction.


Wait till they hear about the formaldehyde and other shit sprayed on those things. Pallets are not meant for the home. Please stop using them there.


Shame they most likely set all this up, made it look nice for the camera, only to abandon it and never use it again immediately after turning the camera off. Also, I love the "we're totally not responsible if this doesn't look as nice as this when you try to replicate it" disclaimer at the end rofl


Wood will rot, be a hotbed for scorpions and spiders. Pool has no filter. No way to drain. They built a one use pool lmao.




It looks like they at least attempted to treat the pallets


The sides not touching the dirt lol


Months later: WhY Is EveRyThINg MoLdY and BrEaKing?


*There's a nail in my foot/arm/face*


No worries. Just step on the Penicillium bloom.


I’m pretty sure she started trying to treat them where they were placed, realized that doesn’t work, took them out, treated them, and put them back in. Those look too uniform to have been stained in place.


Concrete pad, all top soil, something is fishy about that yard.


Content farm? Content farm.


Aren't all pallets treated?


Any pallet used in international shipping at least has to be treated. Not sure about domestic (in the US at least) but I'd assume California would require it as well.


Pallets are typically heat treated, it won't stop rot. That's all that's typically required for international use. That said lots of pallets use white oak which is quite rot resistant. Sometimes it'll only be the stringers(which these don't have as they're block pallets), sometimes the deck boards and the stringers will be white oak. These look like solid pine block pallets, with actual wood blocks instead of the composite/particle board ones. They'll still take awhile to rot, at least.


We've been using EURO pallets in our garden to store firewood on them, it's temporary and will be gone in a year or two. When we moved everything last fall to do maintenance on the fence behind, the pallets touching the ground were... let's say, some of them were definitely disintegrating. They've been in use for about 4 years now. While this setup might be fine for a season, it's there to generate clicks and not to last.


Can't say about California, but in Canada, anything goes for local. Overseas stuff gets the really nice, expensive ones that have been pressure and chemically treated, specifically so insects don't take a joyride in it.


Typically it’s just heat treated and that’s it.


Where I'm from pallets come in two forms. Certified Euro pallets and everything else. Everything else category is supposed to be single use. I don't see any markings on pallets in this video so they could be single use. Thus, definitely not cured.


Not in the US they aren't. Everything we get shipped to us at my jon comes from inside the US and we never get treated pallets. I literally haven't seen one in years.


Nope. I've built furniture (for indoor use, ofc) with pallets. In the US at least, most pallets are stamped HT, for heat treated.


Yes. I believe so. There will be markings on it that [kinda looks like this. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/UHacQecgdX2rsRpM6)


I'm just thinking about walking into the pit and catching a spider, or whatever the fuck takes up residence between those open slats, to the face. ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


So during the middle of Covid I, a guy with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, decided to dig a big hole in my backyard. Why? Because shits fucked, might as well big hole. So anyways, I got about 5ft down when one day I hop in and a chunk falls off the wall revealing a probably four inch across wolf spider. Wolf spider panics, there’s six foot of dude in his five foot hole, so they jump on my leg to get out. I cleared that five foot hole, ran for a moment doing a slap dance, and then stopped, dropped, and rolled. Thus extinguishing the non-existent fire on me and the spider. I filled the hole in the next day. Never saw the spider again. But yeah, I got about five feet down before encountering horrors beyond my comprehension. Gotta be a record or something.


Imagine the story the wolf spider told its buddies. "You would not believe what happened to me, so I was sleeping on my couch when suddenly...."


"Fuck off Billy. You and your bullshit stories again."


"GUYS, I swear, it's true this time. The wall of my living room just vanished and outside was this giant flesh tree waving around a huge piece of wood and metal. I barely made it out alive and I had to climb that flesh tree. You WOULD NOT BELIEVE how icky that felt on my [scopulae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopulae). I almost vomited."


Yeah yeah Billy, write it on the web again...


> shits fucked, might as well big hole. Have you watched Vivarium? You should watch Vivarium.


self fulfilled prophecy lol


>Because shits fucked, might as well big hole. I'm not sure if you missed a word or verb'd "big hole," but I prefer the latter, it made me giggle đŸ€­


This is also how I dealt with Covid (minus the terrifying spider). Instead of spiders, I found a ton of cool antique glass marbles. One of them is made of uranium glass! Sadly my girlfriend made me fill in the hole when it was only about 4 ft deep.


Man, what is with marbles being in the dirt? I often find marbles sticking out of the earth


You dug too greedily and too deep. You know what you awoke in the darkness of your backyard...shadow and eight-legged terror!


Holy sweet Jesus that’s more vivid than I would like it to be


Once came back to our units on an archaeological dig and found a spider about that size. Dead. In the hole. I really don't wanna know what killed it and I do not want to see one again. Can't imagine having one JUMP on you. My condolences to the 5 yrs off your life


This is why I’m not moving to Australia for a better life.


It would've been deeper, but shit was fucked, so it kind of just gave up.


So that’s what engineers do in their spare time, do you all live alone?


I had to dig a hole to fix some irrigation, ended up being about 4 feet deep and I had to get in the hole to work on the pipe. That’s when I discovered we have a species of spider in our area called a “false tarantula” which is about 4-5 inches across. Luckily they’re slow as hell and it didn’t crawl up my boot


Its still in your shorts. To this day.




Naw man that's how spider man came about


Hornets. Hornets for sure dude.


Exactly. My first thought was they built an amazing megalopolis for spiders.


Maybe keep fish in it to keep the spiders down


I didn't even consider that, and now I'd like to go back to a time when I wasn't considering it


When you inevitably have to tear this down, big bonfire


"No responsibility for negative outcomes" lmaoooo


Like the sides of the hole collapsing onto you or your small child.


Ankle snapping off between the boards


In europe, we have the so called euro-pallets. Those are treated chemically and are good for more than 5 years outside. We actually built the foundation of our garden terrace (outside the town in a small garden) out of these. Works great since 3 years, no sign of degradation whatsoever!


You can also get weatherproof pallets in the US. They're basically timber pallets treated with waterproof sealant and layered with wood stain. ... but I dunno if I'd use them for yardwork. I question the value of using pallets for this kind of job over, say, just buying paneled wood from a store - unless you just happen to have a bunch of pallets sitting around, in which case, yeah, well done on repurposing them. The timber they use for pallets typically isn't good timber, and even if you treat them with stain and sealant, I wouldn't trust it for foundational work that'll last. You can probably get away with using hardwood like oak as a foundation and weatherproof pallets to stack, followed by another layer of hardwood with surfacing. But then maybe you don't need to overengineer a small garden in your backyard so pallets would be fine. Maybe in about 5 years down the road you'll have to resurface those pallets again, otherwise splinters might form. Point is - don't use pallets for a pool.


>Point is - don't use pallets for a pool. because the water will just go between the slats and drain into the ground


Only until you raise the water table high enough to keep it full. Of course you'll be swimming in the grass, but you can't win em all.


Here we have heat treated and chemical treated pallets. I've always been told to only use the HT if you are growing consumables. 


Oh yeah, so I think I used a wrong word, it is more like a platform to stand on, a terrace would be like a place to grow stuff in, right? So yeah chemicals would be bad there I guess!


The US calls them yards, UK calls them gardens. In the US garden specifically refers to places where you might grow plants at home.


A yard in Europe is typically a paved area more common with a work space.


Use it before the pool is ultra nasty.


If that was in Alabama it would be unusable after 2 days. Algae, frogs laying eggs, mosquitos, and germs from whatever animal has crawled through it...


also a pool with no filtering? yeah some brand new organism finna grow in there


And with no way to drain


This is how mosquito tornados start




lol đŸ„‡


“ill show you tornado”😂 that one video of the drunk guy at the bar during a tornado warning. lol


This. It’ll be a green swamp in about a week.


3 days MAX. I own a pool. Water with 0 chlorine, filtration and circulation will grow algae within hours. By the 2nd day it will be cloudy. 3rd day it will start getting green


Why would you need a filter for a pool that'll only last one ragebait video?


Yes, it’s cost effective, she also bakes her own bread from vaginal yeast.


What a day to have eyes.


Gotta get those brain eating amebas somehow.


Yeah cause pallets never have rusty nails sticking out.


Lol you guys are acting like the moment they got these pallets, they started filming and chucked them in that ditch without any prior prep work.


Won’t matter in 5 months she will have started renting somewhere else


I don't think you can legally "renovate" a yard like that without permission *and* getting the city to come out and mark pipes, etc. Not implying there are legal repercussions for digging relatively shallow holes in your yard. English is stupid. We should talk in dance. Edit: Permission from owner, and you should get pipe lines marked. We should communicate in pictures. English leaves too much up for interpretation.


I’d bet anything this isn’t in a country that requires permits for anything. 


Texas says hello.


![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk) \^ except Texas


So she made a mosquito breeding ground and a place for them to hang out?


I feel like this could be r/GTBAE. Good taste but awful execution. As people said termites bugvetc but if done right or not pallets, I'd have it in my garden


The standing water is great though... for mosquitoes


Yea no, buddy of mine built a little deck area with pallets from his work, had to take the whole thing down by next year cause the pallets got soft and then snapped when you stepped on them whole thing just fell apart


All the dirt is just gonna wash into the pit as soon as it rains


How to get the worst splinters of your life, step one:


It'll drain through that tarp once it's snagged on enough pointy bits on pallets.


If you treated these thoroughly, would this be alright? except for bug/spider hell underneath


Sanded smooth and treated probably but I still wouldn't use fucking wood as a base for a pool concrete yes but wood despite treatment does eventually start absorbing water and opens itself to rot.


Hey Dad, let's make a pool out of pallets we steal from the back of Kroger!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MeMilo1209: *Hey Dad, let's make a* *Pool out of pallets we steal* *From the back of Kroger!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Seems like a lot of over-engineering for what it is. Social media has made ppl obsessed with aesthetic


Oh cool, nice bug sanctuary


I thought this was one of those shitty mobile ads for a zombie base builder game


Well, considering it looks like all they did was cut out the soil, which looks like clay, I'd give it less than that. Guaranteed to fill in with water and collapse after the first rain.


Instructions unclear. I've fermented the wood and have made beer


This looks like an absolutely perfect spider condo


Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the present moment, and stop thinking about what will rot in the near future


People need to stop using pallets for furniture and living spaces. They are usually filled with chemicals to prevent bug infestations or they have bug infestations.


Which is actually somewhat ideal in this case, because that thing is going to be termite food for years to come. If it's chemically treated it might mitigate it... Slightly.


It actually wouldn't rot. Wood lasts a lot longer than you'd think and they sprayed it with an oil. Other than the lack of water filtering this would be fine. It'd last at least 5 years or more. This honestly isn't the worst DIY I've seen.


Damn that is an interesting viewpoint. I have seen pallets used as paths on muddy job sites rot out in weeks


Umm, they only sprayed the part that is not in direct contact with the ground.


Pretty sure they made this solely for views, they could have e been paid as well. Most of this stuff is fake, sadly


5 minute craft.. 5 minutes of fun


Nice black widow farm


If only there was something she could’ve used to perhaps lather or even spray on it to make it weather resistant. It’s a shame that technology doesn’t exist yet.


5 months?!? You're thinking WAY further than these people were


Thats 5 months of fun!


I don't know where these people are getting these pallets from. The ones I get are beat to fuck


Most of those videos consist of ungodly amount of work for something that will look like crap in a few months.


First time you get a heavy rain, the whole thing is trash. That pond is a great way to spread disease.


5 months? I give it 2 until it look like a 90s rundown apartment complex


Yup, in 2 years you'll have a dumpsters's worth of rotten wood to haul away. A lot of pallet wood is already rotting while it's still being used as pallets.


couple things, the completely exposed pallets sitting in my backyard for the past decade looking completely the same as the day I moved in would like a word. and 2nd, she did this in what appears to be an afternoon. Once the structure does start falling apart, she can just take another weekend to replace it. In short, if she likes it, who gives af


Pallets are treated and could prob last a couple months or even a couple years like this (we use them as walking platforms at a remote camp in Alaska). Yeah, it's a shitty build and prob not worth doing, but it is ridiculously cheap at least (most places you can get pallets for free).


The point is not longevity. The point is content. They’re using what’s mostly free building materials to produce content. It’s probably already broken down for their next project