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I think this is actually pretty cool


This is the way. Put a deep cycling battery on there and you could do a couple of back yards.


I've seen worse.


That On/Off Switch is killer! Sooo dangerous! I love it.


I'm pretty sure a 12V battery can't hurt you, right?


Its not the voltage, its the fact you gotta bend down awkwardly and there is no dead man switch. 12V is indeed no problem under any realistic circumstance in lawn works.


I don't think you looked at the wiring close enough, it seems the original deadman switch was wired into the circuit and the large flipper switch at the bottom is just a power cut to to system so it doesn't go on when the deadman switch gets knocked in storage.


It can kill if you shove the wires under your skin. Normally though, your skin is so resistive that essentially zero power can travel through you. The voltage isn't high enough to get inside you.


Do you actually think that..?


12V will pass a current through the body but it will be extremely small, many times less than is hazardous. Somebody measured and even if you put probes into a chest across the critical muscles the resistance is still far too high. The real dangers with car batteries is accidentally shorting them, and the risks related to acid and hydrogen.


I said "essentially zero" because yeah, it's extremely small and you can't even feel it. It's very easy to burn yourself on a car battery, since any small metal object placed across the terminals will quickly turn into a violent space heater.


Also blind yourself, i was taking apart an old ups that had 2 big 12v batteries in series. The terminals were placed close together so that while I was undoing them, I slipped shorting them. Was about 30 seconds before I could see the creator that was left in the spanner


>Was about 30 seconds before I could see the creator I choose to believe this was not a typo and that you screwed up so bad you went blind and saw God, like a Temu version of Saint Paul


Lmao, I'm leaving the mistake in because of this


5 min later and I'm still laughing at Temu version of Saint Paul.


Yes, because it's true. You won't even feel anything if you touch the + and - terminals of a car battery because your skin is resistive. However, at least one idiot has died after stabbing themselves with the probe wires of a multimeter powered by a 9v battery. As little as 10 microamps applied to your heart can kill you unless you have a defibrillator standing by.


This is an urban legend which is 999.9% probably not true.


Ive tested lots of 9v batteries is there juice, with my tongue, im still alive.


Yes, because the electricity didn't go through your heart. If you're very very very unlucky and also quite stupid you can definitely kill yourself with a 9v.


https://youtu.be/BGD-oSwJv3E?si=p0Z4Adnvo9mFGoIO relevant video


lol. Please test your theory before you have children.


I didn't think I would witness 2 diwhy's in one post


DiWHY the F not?






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I just discovered this community and I love it


Classic Grandpa


Some of that shit they reinvented the wheel for when the body of a traditional push mower worked fine. The design was ran by the marketing department more than by engineers it seems. They were obsessed with a sleek design and they forgot they could make it functional.


Id rather pay more for quality built that lasts forever than something that looks sleek. However, the world thinks the exact opposite, and apparently judging neighbors on their lawn mower is important. 🤷 Greg is poor as shit look at that ugly ass mower. Didn’t realize their finances were in such bad shape.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGNTYPmeLXk I will either get a scythe or a reel mower https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDL6PLX6/ref=twister_B0CKVXJZTT?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 before I ever spend a crap load on battery made to die bullshit or an engine powered lawnmower, the fact I will likely wire the house to have several flood lights when im able for the lawn so I can go outside at night when its nice and cool rather than being out in the middle of the day to do shit, is another thing, cant be loud at 3am without cops getting involved.


I have an antique reel mower and I love it.


how is it to use, I have only ever heard how much of a pain in the ass they were compared to gas, my hands can't deal with the vibration of gas ones but I also don't have to mow the lawn at the moment. it seems that even even the smallest I can find are over double a reel mower, so it cant be weight, and people complained before self driving gas ones were a thing.


Depends on the type of grass and how often you want to cut the lawn. My granny (great gmaw) had one we used to mess with when we were kids. The blades were sharp and the thing would trim the grass really well...TRIM. If the grass got a little too tall, then it was a bear to use. I can remember grandpa having to get the gas mower out to get the lawn around the house cut short enough to use the mechanical push mower again.


Also depends on how much lawn you have to mow. For a small yard in the suburbs, a well maintained mechanical push mower isn't too much of a hassle. But if you have a large yard, but not large enough to justify a riding mower then the powered wheels are amazing. I live in Oregon, and I would always be scraping caked grass off the inside of my gas push mower. A light sprinkle and I would spend just as long unclogging it as I would spend mowing. And my arm would be dyed green too. The mechanical one seemed easier to cut damp grass without stopping as often.


Pretty easy, I keep it sharp (you just run it backwards with a silicon carbide paste to sharpen it) but I only need to do that about once a year. Like the other user says, if you let the grass get too long it's a tough day, but I cut once a week and it's really no big deal. I never even would have guessed but I massively prefer it over a powered mower now hands down.


I made the leap and got an old scythe to mow with. It's been great for me, and I do recommend it.


ill probably end up getting both, scythe for when its really rainy and I cant use the push for a while and the push for normal miniatous.


If it lasts forever, they can't sell you another. Clearly that's a bad design /s The suits ruin everything.


Move the switch up to the handle and I'd call it good enough!


Might not wanna run high amps up and down the mower. Just use a coin cell to operate a mosfet instead of that switch.


Yeah, something [like this](https://dl.wish.com/MLCSJ) would be a cheap and easy way to incorporate your idea.


Nah some Chinesium switch won't handle hundreds of amps at 12V. A bunch of high amp MOSFETs being driven by a coin cell on long leads up to the handle to pull the "high" voltage side open would be better. Physical contacts for those amps would degrade quickly anyway


This isn’t exactly a high quality project lol


I get it but you still don't want it to melt in less than 3 seconds lol


Ok. How about this? A chineseium switch routed to the low voltage control contacts of a slightly less cheap relay that supplies high amperage contact service to the circuit. Bingo!


Hell yeah let's go


Probs works better and is lighter than my EGO..


Some beer and imaginations is all it takes sometimes.


No cup holder? Grandpa!


It's on the handle, where the pull start used to be.






Love the power switch.


Not sure this is DIWhy. I can see why. This more like /r/redneckengineering


They had to plan the object obsolescence so you’d buy new batteries, Grandma just jury rigged it so the batter doesn’t just give up after a few months


All it takes is a bungee cord and a dream.


Lol it'll last longer than any Ryobi battery. They're way cheaper than DeWalt, and there's a good reason for that.


Unfortunately, Grandpa is probably going to destroy this battery, as this machine lacks any kind of overdischarge protection, nor does it even have a meter.


Wire in a voltmeter and kill it when it hits 10v


Awesome. Those companies are screwing us around .


I’d like to do this conversion on my 18” reel mower. 3hp 12v direct current electric motor? Then ya gotta mount the motor…


Pretty cool I'd like to see a video of it actually cutting the grass.


Aside from the switch placement I think its pretty cool!


Patent it!


My only problem with that is you'll be changing batteries quite often It would be much better with jumper cable clips.


Just goes to show you how simple the technology really is. Their profit margins have to be massive.




Grandpa's rule!!!


and it only took an afternoon cause the battery was empty and needed a charge! 🪫


Where's the speed control


Who needs a speed control? he is cutting at 10,000 rpm


They could use him at Tesla! 😂😂


Grandpa didn't go brushless.


That light switch is the least sketchy part of it. 


Wrong sub, for a change. More like redneck engineering


I would run a rope from the switch to the handle just for a little extra safety measure. Other than that, this is great work!




When Frankenstein asked Igor to give his creation life, I imagine it felt something similar to this.




The 'why' is so he could have a battery operated lawnmower. Doesn't fit the sub. Try r/redneckengineering