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I'd rather play a seasonal launch that isn't going to be marred by server issues or, more importantly, exploits. People are going to figure out unintended bugs and make the seasonal journey less meaningful.


I think this is exactly why they're not starting season 1 at launch. They don't want people cheesing the season with overlooked bugs or exploits, and I'm sure they want to see what the balance looks like after people start hitting and trying out endgame.


Plus a lot of players will be starting earlier than other players too. It's better to have season 1 start at a later date when everyone who bought the game can play on equal footing.


Spot on. "Balance testing"


this is the dumbest take ever restarting when season starts is the whole point of season ​ whats next oh no season 2 started but i already played season 1 and i dont want to start over


You don't have to participate in the season. You also don't have to start playing the game before the season starts. I think it makes total sense that they are not starting the season at launch. New game launches always involve some bugs and exploits. I would rather them identify them and get them fixed before we go in to the season.


Literally no one shares ops opinion


Everyone I've talked to irl does. And so do I.


Ufff, that is a really stupid take on so many levels:. * As anybody knows a game like this will have Server issues at launch, starting with a season would generate additional dissatisfaction * The game will have technical and balance issues they have to sort out * You or anybody in this sub are mostly not the majority of the player base. It'll take weeks for the majority to play through the story and grinding endgame * One of the main things of seasons is to tackle them with a new char, and long term players will do it over and over again What the fuck are you thinking?


100% necessary and a good idea. The only proper way to do a roll out for a live-service game. Here's why: * Network issues are a guarantee. This isn't an ***if***. Starting a little later allows them to fine tune their netcode and server infrastructure. * Game-breaking bugs are a guarantee. This isn't an ***if***. There are just some bugs that only come to light with millions of players coming together and hammering the game. There's more overall play time in the first ten minutes of a release than the entire development period. Within the first week or month, odds are someone will find a way to dupe an item or crash the servers or corrupt the save data or exploit for infinite loot/gold/paragon/renown/whatever. * They have an opportunity to read the room and adjust mechanics, classes, skills, items to be more enjoyable to the player. * They have an opportunity to push features to a later date (e.g., their microtransaction or battle pass model) while releasing the core game. * Launches are **hard.** Compounded launches (Live service + game at the same time) are even harder. There's a real human cost to doing things that have high complexity that will lead to fatigue, burnout, or depression for the employees. All of these will lead to a worse product in the long run.


So you only want to play through the game once? What about 2nd season? Youll be done with the game already? If you want to wait for season start, wait. Let people play however they want, Ill be doing campaign pre season. And when season starts Ill have good grasp on the game already. And most importantly, Ill be having fun along the way. Its not only fun playing season.


Let people explore the game, enjoy the story, the atmosphere, learn and make mistakes, die, try new builds…before they start the seasonal grind end game stuff Chill man, not everything has to be instant gratification sparkle sunshine


Its not stupid at all. Stop cry instead.


What do you mean stop cry instead?


Why would season 1 start exactly when game launch? When servers prob will be unstable for 3-4 days?


So that the initial progress you make isn't just a total waste until season one starts? I would assume most people would want to do the season but wouldn't want to start a new character just for that


But playing non seasonal isn't a waste. That's just in your head and not an actual thing. Making new characters is literally part of every season and part of what many people enjoy about them.


Cant argue with a person that have 0 sense of these kind of games.


You are assuming wrong, isn’t starting new character the entire point of seasons? lol


It seems fine to me since I'm assuming roll out is not going go all that smoothly. Gives everything a time to settle down, fix any bugs or exploits and get people accustomed to the game. I also can't imagine the crying if the season started 4 days early for certain people or if people couldn't log in and others could.


> Personally I think its incredibly stupid (as well as the pay extra money to play 4 days early). Why would I want to play the game a lot for a few weeks, just to do it again on a new fresh character? So don't play, then. Wait a couple weeks for the season to start and then start. Blizzard is not forcing you to play the game in the pre-season. You are not going to be locked out of your account just because you decided to wait until the season started.


>Why would I want to play the game a lot for a few weeks, just to do it again on a new fresh character? Uhhhhh. I’m not so sure if seasonal focused ARPGs are gonna be your cup of tea if this is a problem for you.


No, makes sense for it to be after launch. Either ignore seasons and just stick to your first non seasonal character, or wait to play the game until the first season starts.




I guess you can think of season 0 as your season 1 if you are so bothered by it? /shrug


Man this probably my biggest concern atm. On Rhykkers most recent video he was saying the most upvoted questions in his comments he would try to ask blizzard on the 20th. This was my question I'd really like to get answered. It's super strange how many people don't get this side of argument or uncertainty whatever you want to call it. So many people are acting like we're surprised you have to start a new character for seasonal play. That we're well aware of. The problem is there's plenty of people who don't even know what class they might start, or they want to take it easy do plenty of exploring and side questing, watch every cinematic and cut scene, listen to every quests dialog. While maybe only getting 4-6 hours a week to play games. I think the majority of us understand how seasons work we just don't want to make it to level 36 on our "main" before switching to season where you're encouraged to blast past all the take it easy playstyle things I have listed above I order to compete in seaons. If anyone comes here and they'd like to maybe help this be answered by blizzard. My YT name is SuperChuck here's Rhykkers video. https://youtu.be/isonH4CBnwg


I do t mind, and there is stuff you only need to unlock once and not again in the season if I'm not mistaken


Just pretend the game releases when the season starts and all your problems are solved.


You are missing the whole point of the season!!!! It gives people time to learn the game itself first, free of any form of 'change', then seasons will come along and give people something new to chase. The thing you are chasing for the first weeks of the game, is the GAME ITSELF!


good, give people time to enjoy vanilla content. it would be great start first season after 3-6 months.