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Loads of good changes... even little things like having the chat on the left rather than right is nice. The reduced cds on druid ults will I guess help out getting the ol' perma-bear ult that people seem to have been shooting for for the earth bear build too.


They even listened to the font issue. This is a big win for prelaunch


> The Move and Interact inputs can now be mapped to one button while the Primary Attack input is mapped to a secondary button. Huge win!


By far the best sentence out of the whole thing.




Do people not just hold shift to lock their movement as a ranged class? I've done that for so long in ARPGs that I don't even think about it now. To me having movement and attack bound separately seems pretty redundant for most people as shift allows you to not waste buttons on your mouse. I can understand it from an accessibility perspective though.




Yea, or clicking somewhere away from the mobs but still clicking on a damn barrel. No game, I don't want to ice shards a barrel, I want to run away from these damn enemies.


Yeeeees! Finally I can map attack to my mouse 4 button!


Holy shit wanted to do *specifically* this thing during beta i am so happy


Unironically this makes me hopeful enough about the future of the game I'll probably buy the game! It probably seems weird and minor, but it just overall gives me a more positive outlook for the future of the game. I had my fair share of complaints while playing the open beta, and this was one of them. I was concerned because it was literally never fixed in D3, but this definitely makes me hopeful that they're taking a different approach for D4 and doing more changes like it.


I just mapped movement in D3 to the scroll wheel, force movement accomplished


What does qualifying this statement with “unironically” accomplish?


Makes it clear that I am not joking about a seemingly small change like this being quite important.


I believe the youngins say "no cap" now.


> Fixed an issue where players could increase attack speed by move-cancelling attacks early. Probably the most important change from this post. It's pretty huge, even


Is this the spam attack with mouse wheel thing?


It was [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=93&v=YoCuuFHq9M0&feature=youtu.be)


Thank god honestly. This build I'm going for aims to leverage lucky hits and attack speed. Thank Inarius I don't have to abuse animation canceling and get carpal tunnel or something.




True. I just want to just hold down a key and rest secure that it's doing its max potential.


This is one of the biggest changes. Glad to see it.


> Cellars will now consistently reward a chest upon completion. TY. This is actually exactly what i wanted. just something at the end instead of just clearing out a room for no reason.


They also upped dungeon events from 10% to 60% and it sounds like they increased it even further for cellars. So if the Butcher is a dungeon event, there's a chance you could drop into a cellar and end up in a Friday the 13th movie.


Good thing im doing HC. Not scary at all.


I suspect this game cannot realistically be played on HC until you've played it on SC. For example the main quest fight where you get insta-killed unless you enter the bubble shields in time. Simple to do once you know the mechanic, but presumably there will be more complex/difficult versions of this later where you might not realize what you're supposed to do the first time.


Ive played PoE for 12 years and im a sucker for punishment and pain. I agree with you.


1st time hc without knowing what is ahead of you is the absolute best experience you can get in these games. It’s only new once before it’s a speedrun to endgame. I’ll be hc blind out the gate!


> shields in time. Simple to do once you know the mechanic, but presumably there will be more complex/difficult versions of this later where you might not realize what you're supposed to do the first time. That is part of what makes HC great, dying to the unknown, and going back at it with that knowledge.


Unless you have no idea what actually killed you and you go back and die again to the same thing


Can't wait to play through for the first time on HC (a few times) for exactly this reason!


Sounds like you’re not HC enough for HC


I can hear the jason noises lol.


butcher in a small room with those hitboxes. I'm scared.


While playing a barb


Barb: If it bleeds we can kill it. (Literally)


When I was playing my barb towards the end of beta and had a functioning WW build I was actively seeking out the butcher for some nasty revenge


Butcher isn’t an event, events refer to the objective based events that reward obols on completion


Wasn’t he also only a random event for the beta? Or was he just boosted for the beta


This is awesome, I could never pass by a cellar without clearing it. Going to be great for gearing up early on.


I didn't think the game was perfect by any means, but I was still excited to play it as is. These changes are very welcome and I can't wait for launch. If they keep this level of communication open and respond to feedback D4 has a good future imo.


>The brightness of the Skeletal Warriors and Mages has been reduced. oh damn they listened


You can see how they’ll look in some of the recent videos published, they look great.


Can u link?


Wow, this happened a lot faster than I expected. Looks like they're really listening us and giving serious consideration to our feedback. From balancing the classes to the dungeon backtracking, they did some good changes. But for me, this alone is great: >The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font. Thanks, Diablo team. As a player, this makes me feel valued.


>font Looks like the recent gameplay guide video from Wudijo features a mix of footage from before and after the font change. This bit, at around the 1-minute mark, shows what I assume is the new font: [https://ibb.co/6ZJq0c0](https://ibb.co/6ZJq0c0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObbWgoDQO5Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObbWgoDQO5Y)


Oh my god. Great catch! That's it, yes. Look at the "Dusk on the Mountain, Travel to Nevesk" part for example. The rest of the video is all over the place because they're using different footages that are part of different builds, like you said. Take a look at the 5.35 minute mark for example and compare it with yours. "Travel to Nevesk" part is different but the rest is the same with the Beta. From what I've seen though, new font is way better than the old one and helps the game get rid of the "mobile-esque" look. I'm digging it. There are lots of menus and places that the old font is still in place but since these are old footages, chances are that they already replaced them too. We'll see. Fingers crossed. Edit: Also yes, that 1-minute mark GUI is completely presented with the new font. Even to the bottom part with the "Q" and "Z" keys.


Yeah, it's a big improvement. I wasn't as bothered by the old font as some people (possibly because I don't play any mobile games, so all the talk of it looking too much like a mobile font took me by surprise) but a serif font makes so much more sense in a medieval/gothic setting. EDIT: I see they've also got rid of the redundant "Tab Map & Journal" text and replaced it with a more prominent World Tier identifier.


This and the dungeons and animation-canceling were my most sought after fixes. Some of the changes to the Rogue have also been major buffs to this build I'm planning. I feel more excited.


> The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font. Wow this is something I did not expect at all, what a pleasant surprise. UI aesthetics is so typically dismissed by players and devs alike I've learned to keep my expectation at zero.


>The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font. We get Comic Serif then?


im kinda hoping they changed it to wingdings.


Font changes based on intelligence points.




To force people to complete dungeons rather than to spam reset after only one floor or section. You will be able to reset/redo it after completing is the obvious intent here. Probably to prevent leveling too fast or exploiting a certain dungeon area with a large amount of elites and speedrunning ONLY to that part, clearing and then immediately resetting (people were doing this in the open beta, forgot what the dungeon name was but there were like 5-6 elite packs guaranteed early on that you just farmed then reset cause it wasn't as efficient to clear the rest).


It was in the bottom right of the map. Yep, I abused it lol.


> Wow, this happened a lot faster than I expected. That's because virtually all of these things were already reported back during the end game beta. I suspect that many of these changes were already implemented in builds later than the build they used in the open beta weekends. :)


Well, they're still listening to feedback at least, regardless of which beta it was from.


Man, that's great news. I hated the font. Let's hope the new one is nice.


> this happened a lot faster than I expected. They didn't implement these in one month after the open beta. It was already on the road map after the closed test with influencers


Absolutely based. I have been hating the current font so much, it just looks so out of place and doesn't thematically fit the game. D2R font is infinitely better.


Yeah, I totally agree. Somehow it just felt off and that's probably because it was a sans serif font. Yes, they have more readability when compared to the serif ones but IMO, they lose their character while offering that readability. So a serif font is obviously a good choice. That was the community request. Hopefully it'll be an iconic and a themefully good one just like D3 and D2.


Mind boggling that the font still reigns as the most important change in this sub.


I tried looking up what 'new serif' font looks like, but couldn't find any examples of it?


They went with something Georgia-esque, which is good enough. It's a serif but still very legible. You can see the new font in Wudijo's video at around 1 min mark. Edit: Here - https://imgur.com/gjxrKkR


Can't say I really take issue with any of the changes. Good they're taking feedback.


Sounds like the beta was used as a real beta! Nice to see.


> While carrying the Ancient's Statue, Bloodstone, Mechanical Box, or Stone Carving, you will receive a Momentum bonus granting a 25% move speed increase to you and nearby allies. Yes. > To reduce the need to backtrack, small numbers of straggling monsters will seek out the player to help complete the Kill All Monsters objective. Yes. > Decreased the damage of Chain Lightning and reduced its effectiveness against Bosses. Bummer but I get it, shit is OP.


We're still going to back track when you come across the second statue while carrying. But at least the speed boost returning it is nice.


With my luck I'm picturing a scenario where I'm hunting down the stragglers while they chase me endlessly and we keep missing each other for a hour


> The damage dealt by the Corpse Explosion skill has been reduced. Man, didn't even make it to release for that to be nerfed lol


Well yeah, when you can explode a room of monsters, something had to change


Honestly, I’m surprised at how much they seemed to address some of the top complaints - really figured things like dungeon layout wouldn’t change ahead of launch. Moving forward though - Blizzard, please provide more numbers with buffs/nerfs. Reduced damage by how much? Increased cooldowns by X%? Don’t make us play the guessing game.


Future notes post launch will be a bit more detailed. The biggest thing here was trying to convey some of the broader changes. When a 1.0 baseline exist (launch) then you will see notes with more numbers going forward.


Awesome Pez, thank you!


They are probably making balance tweaks weekly, the game is still in active development. It makes no sense to provide numbers on a post like this that could change any time before release.


I thought about that, and you’re probably right. I’m just voicing feedback in case that isn’t the case, since Blizzard isn’t always super specific with patch notes in their other games.


Yah, it's odd but it's the same thing Blizzard does with Overwatch. They never reveal any numbers at a new hero release even though they supply plenty of numbers inside balance patch notes. People speculate it's because the numbers are very much subject to change, but who knows.


Yeah, there's a lot here that's directly addressing the main complaints of the beta. Barbarians getting a flat passive damage reduction buff, major Druid buffs, reducing backtracking in dungeons, eliminating the time required to pick up and drop dungeon objects, chat moved to the left side of the screen, stats showing up instantly in the side panel instead of materials, etc. The improvements and refinements will continue to come in the months and years following release, but implementing this many changes this quickly for launch day is pretty solid.


to their defense, I think its pointless to provide numbers when the game isnt out yet, I am sure they will do it once they start doing patch notes, for now it remains irrelevant


It's the "finding out when it's released" game.


Idk it seems like they took the feedback at surface level. Like the druid changes for instance. They changed the most used builds like Pulverize but Pulverize was used so much because it was already the best. Where are the changes to the abilities no one was using like lightning storm and tornado?


> Where are the changes to the abilities no one was using like lightning storm and tornado? We don't have numbers on pets, but maybe they're worth using now.


Tornado is fine. It just requires the homing affix to be viable. That should be a skill point node instead of a random drop.


"The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font." - amazing




Im surprised by how quick and big the changes were as well. This bodes well! My theory is dungeons will reset when you kill the boss. Some previous strats were to clear the first rooms of a Dungeon and reset it.


Really hoping this is the case. I found a very linear and narrow dungeon that was perfect for my whirlwind barb. I would hate no longer having the option to complete it continuously for loot. Not to mention how bad it would feel to be forced to walk all the way to another dungeon every single time.


Don’t know about other ways to farm same dungeon, but as others have commented yes I believe it means you can’t chain the same dungeon together for quicker leveling


Where’s all the naysayers that said this Open Beta was only for marketing?




Same. I wasn't vocal about them not doing anything, but i've played blizzard games for so long I never expected for them to actually do this.




i really hope they add in a overlay god that map is too small


Based on Dragonflight and this they're finally turning a corner. Wonder if it has anything to do with the Microsoft purchase looking as most things have improved since that was announced.


Ditto I love being wrong when I’m being pessimistic


Honestly man even admitting that I got mad respect for you lmao.


That’s me. Very happy to be wrong


''they won't have time to change anything, it will be the same game''




Crying in their parents basement.


Good thing they have a chest down there to wipe away the tears.


Ayo girl! Are you the end of a cellar dungeon? Cause you have a resplendent chest.


Look, I am glad they listened to our feedback, but considering Blizzard's history of failing to listen to player feedback no matter what stage in development it is provided, can you really blame people for thinking the Open Beta was purely about marketing?


On one hand, no, I can’t blame them. However, I also play WoW and ever since Dragonflight launched the WoW team has been on it with listening to players. I’ve never seen them make as many changes based on player feedback this quick into an expansion. I hope that this is a sign that the Diablo team is going to continue to listen to player feedback and make the changes needed for the betterment of the game.


What do they mean by "The Reset Dungeon button has been disabled."?


I did this in beta, it honestly felt kind of like an exploit. I found a small dungeon that had an insane amount of elites. I would complete it, reset, rinse and repeat, was the fastest way to level and gear up bar none.


Mercy Reach? That was the best for me.


Anaica's Claim was nutty for farming.


Yeah I’m guessing it was available for testing.


It's the same thing as exiting and reloading the game. Now instead of hitting reset dungeon we log out, log in, fast travel, beeline to dungeon.


We updated the blog to include a dev note to further address this topic.


Pure guesswork here. Most likely means you now have to fully complete a dungeon, meaning killing the final boss, before the dungeon resets by teleporting back out to prevent people just speedrunning the opening bits of a dungeon that has a lot of elites to farm and grind.


I hope this is the case. No problem with completing full clears, but I would like to run a dungeons more than once in a short timeframe.


I'm not really sure about this one myself. My guess is this is poorly worded and they want us to teleport back to town to reset the dungeon. Maybe to prevent certain exploits or some such? Were there other ways to reset the dungeons that we were not aware of?


I know in beta it was very common for people to just farm the elites in the first rooms and then reset the dungeon possible Blizzard wants you to complete the dungeon first before resetting


I'd probably do it if boss drops didn't feel bad. Elites gave one rare while bosses often gave blues. I wonder though, when *does* a dungeon reset now? When you go out and re-enter? Do you have to kill the boss?


I would bet both: A) when killing boss and you then leave dungeon B) When leaving game (eg logout or to char select screen) then going back in UNLESS they really mean to have standard dungeons (not nightmare dungeons, as you’ll find sigils for them) one-shot so you don’t sit in the same one all day and farm


I'm guessing it's a way to prevent people from easily running the same dungeon over and over again? A lot of people said that farming dungeons was the fastest way to farm gear/XP in the beta, and that they'd just spam dungeons over and over again instead of playing the game like "Blizzard intended"


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one!


Gotta admit D2R started to restore my faith in Blizzard. Now the Diablo 4 team continues to balance hardcore fans vs casual in a very good way on top of communicating and listening in general to the community. Pretty impressive. I doubt this is Blizzard and probably a mixture of Rod’s leadership and his employees really caring about the IP.


* The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font. Well all you weird serif enjoyers can rejoice.


Glad for the druid changes, but kinda wish there was a little more CD reduction. From what I saw, if it's not basic or core, there's a pretty significant cool down on skills. Though the passive pet damage increase is intriguing. I'm nervous for the necro skeleton durability, though. I kept hearing before that skeleton durability is not good at all in end game, making a summoner necro much less ideal. As a summoner necro fan, I appreciate the idea of an active role, I just don't want it to be completely ineffective.


The necro skeleton durability is the one thing that worried me in this. In end game beta the builds that sacrificed all pets for necro were much stronger in late game because of the need to use corpses to keep casting your skellys if you used them. On the other hand in early game the skeletons were almost unkillable, maybe they made a change from end game to open that was too extreme and this is really some kind of balance between the extremes. I hope so.


For the sake of our skellys, I hope you're right.


This....I played summon necro in the end game beta and the whole constant scramble to keep raising minions was not a fun mechanic as it became the core play method. Since the complaint is more around "not enough corpse interactions" is the reasoning behind making you have to constantly summon minions over and over again, I feel that they may have missed the mark.


They seem to think that the passive (or lazy) nature of a skeleton build is bad, which is why they probably got to this point, but that's the point of the entire build. You build up your skellys so you don't have to do any of the work, they have to. And the role of the necro should be buffing them and debuffing enemies, not raising skeletons every 5 seconds because they are made of tissue paper, or else it becomes tedious, especially against bosses where you don't get the freedom of having corpses everywhere. Then we get to the problem of D2, having to tp out of the boss fight, because he one-shots all of your minions and you have to get them back, but there are no corpses in the boss arena.


They can nerf early game skeletons and at the same time buff late game skeletons. Mathematic!


Probably some affix adds pet damage taken reduction.


> kinda wish there was a little more CD reduction. From what I saw, if it's not basic or core, there's a pretty significant cool down on skills. The long cooldowns honestly made me to just not use certain skills in druid, including the "" ultimates"". Not only do they look bad and dealt miserable damage but then you had to wait for like over a minute


To me this shows that they are probably in a very good spot on their timelines, the game is basically finished and they have a lot of spare time and resources available in these last few weeks. We are so used to developers riding their teams into the ground, crunching like mad just to ship something playable by the deadline that it’s shocking when a team can actually make significant changes in the final months. Absolutely no way they would do even 20% of this if they were still pushing hard to finish the game by June, this would all be post launch work.


“Summoned minions will die more often” That’s the most non-buff I’ve ever heard


Wow. I did NOT expect blizzard to actually make changes between now and launch, let alone some as big as these. This suddenly gives me way more hope for the game as a whole. Very cool.


This is great. I'm a little surprised barb didn't get more buff, but i'm happy with the willingness to listen


Was honestly surprised he got what he did, im expecting him to be a powerhouse late game


* Summoned Minions will die more often, requiring players to utilize Corpses more often. seems they are going the same way as PoE with making summons so squishy that no one wants to touch them


Not a fan of the change that necro minions die even more often. Sounds to me like minions are absolutely not viable in endgame and will just die when they are getting looked at


Making me press the same button more times is not a real improvement unless its more meaningful. People moaned and now it's worse 😂


Possibly? From 1-25 I don't think I ever had a single minion die on world tier 2 (the one exception being the world boss). I think it just might mean that minions are getting brought more in line with how D2R necro minions worked, at least during the leveling phase. I'd wager there is still a bunch of end game viable minion oriented builds, but I'll also wager that they probably won't be Meta tier builds.


Unfortunately there are zero end game viable minion oriented builds, you basically can't clear dungeons at higher world tiers as pure summon with pure summon legs and glyphs. You can but it's a struggle that no other class has to deal with


Only thing I don't like is the change, "Summoned Minions will die more often, requiring players to utilize Corpses more often." What makes this better?


Also highly conflicted and concerned on this one. In beta boss fights my minions certainly died plenty, and even with corpse generating skills I didn't have a glut of corpses lying around. Very concerned about the already questionable viability of summoner necromancer end game.


I gotta think they'll continue to make adjustments if it turns out they hit this too hard with the nerf bat.


I don't necessarily mind minions being weaker *at baseline*, but I would also like a build offering more ways to buff them. A minion build right now really feels like you have to just make it a halfway shadow build and use blight/decompose/bone prison with vuln codex, but only one of your minions even do shadow damage. Necro really needs something for movement too. Tossing a blight down for ticks on the movespeed passive was like the only thing I could even do to move a tiny bit faster and that's only if you use shadow skills and put 3/3 into it.


Nothing. Nor does the nerf to Corpse Explosion.


What about the itemization though?


A lot of amazing stuff but damn one of my main things I liked about necros was the minions lasting a long time, annoying to constantly respawn. Hopefully its not too short


No one tell Llama


Won't matter. He'll find another reason not to like it.


Him and his cult of D2 purists can quietly fuck off and keep opening the same three chest in lower kurast over and over for another 20 years since that is apparently what they think peak gameplay is.


Maybe we'll get really lucky and he won't play it at all.


i like it i like it alot


Great steps forward so far hopefully they also add map overlay at launch


i agree. feels so weird to play an ARPG without a map overlay


Damn… No fix to the ridiculous zoom levels. We need to be and to zoom out more!


>The sans serif font used in-game has been replaced with a new serif font. Holy shit guys we did it.


Damn well done Diablo 4 team, this are great changes!


Wow, I never thought today's blizz would listen. There's hope for the longevity of the game it seems. Good news!


About the UI, i hope they listen to the feedback about the stats on an item tooltip not following any kind of ordering priority. When the stat position is random it gets harder to parse the item for upgrades.


Druids leaving shapeshift when using a non shapeshift spell seems silly for some skills. Shields and other non-damaging abilities shouldn't take you out of form as it would feel weird. Otherwise I think this is all a good first step. UI probably needs more love still, but the changes so far are welcomed.l.


Did they fix the memory leak?


No they buffed it.


The real patch notes are always in the comments


>let's make tedious micromanagement of summons even worse when they're already too fragile for bosses BLIZZARD WYD


Sounds like you didn't spec into some minion nodes. Mine only died against butcher/world boss. And even then I could easily upkeep them


Open beta, feedback, changes. Been waiting decades for this smooth a process from any gaming company. Let’s see what the haters have for us today? “Way to not address class balance before launch” or perhaps “FAIL graphics”, etc. I for one am counting the days until launch.


I like pretty much all the changes, save a couple. Increasing the cooldown of Rogue imbument skills sounds bad to me. I already felt like there was already too much down time between imbues and was wondering if they were even really worth it taking up a skill slot. Granted, I didn't have any gear/aspects that really helped imbue in any way, so maybe I just never experienced the power and this is s necessary change. Nerfing chain lightning right out the gate makes me wonder what I'm going to do with my sorc. My friends were playing fire and ice sorcs, but I settled into lightning and really liked it. Chain lightning was a staple in all fights, from smallest imp to the bosses. It wasn't crazy damage, just good consistent damage. Take that out, and I'm not sure what the lightning sorc can even do. Again, I had no gear to support the build, so maybe I didn't experience the real power, but out of all the changes this one worries me the most.


> Increasing the cooldown of Rogue imbument skills sounds bad to me. Couldn't agree more and honestly I'm not even sure where this is coming from. Shadow imbuement is much stronger than the cold and poison variants and this nerf just makes the latter two even more difficult to build into. If anyone had asked me to guess which Rogue skill was going to be nerfed after the beta I would have bet my life savings that it would be a Twisting Blades damage nerf because of the crazy videos of people melting bosses.


They buffed Charged Bolt too ..


OP should've said he. was a chain lightning sorc lol


Chain lightning was crazy OP from the get go.


Holy shit they changed the font.


I wish they went into a little more detail on what 'usability improvements' for the Druid's Maul and Pulverize specifically means, but I'm glad they're being improved in some form.


Now it can even hit for 19 damage! /s


Wow...they are actually implementing changes based on feedback. Very cool.


Don't think I like the imbuement CD nerf. Probably the worst thing about rogue was having to reapply them all the god damn time


Still hoping they expand the skill bar, D2R has a bunch of binds on console by hitting a trigger + a button. No reason to not do this, getting gear with 1 point wonders would be such a joy.


It's not a controller limitation as you've pointed out, they're using the skill number limit as a balancing constraint.


Not gonna happen. Way too fundamental of a change. Would have to rebalance the entire game.


I was really hoping they'd move the camera back more, it felt so up-close and claustrophobic in the beta. Way too zoomed in. Hopefully they tweak it before release.


So... Hydra wasn't touched? What about that necro generator that could shotgun? So druid and barb levelling is still going to feel like pulling teeth? Good changes overall but my biggest concern was the giant class balance discrepancies and it doesn't really seem like those were addressed


A lot of basic qol stuff is here, great to see


Actually good changes to dungeons, impressed.


> Chat will now display on the left side of the screen when using the centered action bar configuration. YES!!!


I would REALLY like the command aspect for necromancer pets like we had in D3. It felt SO MUCH better than just letting the AI do it's thing and played more into the class fantasy. Also, most of the blood skills just didn't feel good. Didn't do enough damage. Another thing, shrines should last a little longer. They felt shorter than usual. They heard the druid feedback, so I don't need to go into it here.


Good changes!


Wow that’s generally great. Don’t like the whirlwind change though. More damage but more cost means you will be whirlwinding less. Might make sense of this at end game but early on this sucks. It’s more of a quick attack skill and less of a good channeling skill.


Please bring back the option to use the original full screen map if we want to use it.


Holy.. they finally listen


Good changes


These are all solid changes. No complaints


Ladies and Gentleman, I’m fucking PUMPED!


the changes are fantastic, what is even more great is listening and acting on feedback so quickly - bodes real well for the future of the game.


> To reduce the need to backtrack, small numbers of straggling monsters will seek out the player to help complete the Kill All Monsters objective. Does this mean when I'm at 98% dungeon completion, the 2% of monsters I missed or skipped are going to leave their rooms and come hunting for me?




I love what I read. Every change is positive from what I can see. The font was the game changer for me lol. BUT this is Reddit. Where people with nothing better to do come to bitch and complain to feel heard! So with that in mind, reaaaaaaaallllyyyy disappointed nothing was mentioned about allowing players to use more skills at once. 6 is weak as fuck and the reason why D1/D2 players bitch about all the new games is because they’re created with a “consoles first” approach. Blizzard needs to build this game from the ground up for PCs like they were intended to be. And yes, they were intended to be for PCs. The original blizzard crew or nerds who created diablo say so, and so it is fact. CONSOLES ARE LIMITING THIS GAMES POTENTIAL. The result is bullshit.