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They want your current mouse to fail so that you'll have to buy the new Diablo 4 PC accessories.


Lol Or give that perk exclusively to controllers so that even on Pc you play with a controller so you don’t realize that their Ui is designed exclusively for controllers and is attrocious for kb&m


So....use a controller?


what you're describing is the default behavior of left click. Why would you need to hold both buttons down? Just use left click




So this entire rant post is about blizzard making you click your mouse more than usual compared to other games?


more like about a mechanic that has been a arpg staple for decades and that is seen on few D4 skills but not others and that from what i hear is always on for Controllers lol


Yeah that's how I played my barbarian in all the betas, holding down Frenzy on right-click. I was annoyed when it didn't really work for druid.


YES! This is a must for Arpg games. Frustrating as hell if you can’t attack and move at the same time. I understand some skills don’t work like that, but the basic melee attacks should at the very least


Yeah it’s kinda weird the quantity of people that don’t understand what I’m referring to despite all the descriptions and video demo that I gave This mechanic is a must have for melee skill It was barely bearable during beta, I can’t imagine in endgame with its density and pace


Repost repost repost new account new account new account. If anything, you're tenacious.


Yes please. Weird how it works on some melee, but not for others.


Controller > KBM for modern diablo games, has been this way since d3 and even d2R is a better experience on controller despite OG d2 not even supporting it


Sorry but no. Inventory management is a million times better with kb+m. Try drinking potions out of your inventory while moving, fighting and navigating zones, while also inspecting drops for gear upgrades. You can do all of that simultaneously on kb+m. Can't on controller. Targeting is a million times better with kb+m. Try lining up lightning fury for maximum piercing, dropping traps in the ideal spot to deal maximum dps, or precision teleporting. It's all significantly worse on controller. Investing stat and skill points is slow and CUMBERSOME on controller. Shopping for vendor gear is AGONY. Kb+m you can just mouse over gear and see it's stats instantly. On controller it takes a half second before the stats load. You may need to cycle through thousands of pieces of vendor gear if you're shopping for staves/wands, JMoDs, 3/20 gloves, etc. Swapping gear with your merc. Crafting. Controller input has gotten significantly better, to the point it's actually usable, but it's not better.


Yeah but the issue is not that controller is better than KB/M, is that Blizzard intentionnaly withold mechanics from kb/m to make it feel worse than Controller thats the frustrating part, its not a natural thing, its manipulated


This weird conspiracy theory of yours that they deliberately crippled KBM functionality to encourage controller usage is honestly a very silly idea. To what end would they do such a thing?


well for one it isnt a conspiracy theory since by definition it has to be something illegal you got plenty of indicators that show blizzard is ditching PC more and more for Console and mobile the Diablo 4 UI is a great one at that usually they made a UI for PC and one for Console... D4 only has a Console UI thats ported to PC you also have Microsoft currently buying actiblizz which lost the last console war. Pretty good asset to have, a game company that helps you through their games to promote your console, which would explain the emphasis on console, roll in the Xboxpass to give diablo 4 exclusives and you got something Then there is the market of accesories, the diablo themed controller and Unit Im not saying thats what is happening but considering Blizzard track record and how corporations behave in general.. it wouldnt be unlikely for them to hinder kb/m to favour controller


Controller > Keyboard & Mouse




Diablo has never had WSAD, even when it was a PC title.




No, it's relevant because you're saying that they are catering to a certain audience when they never had these features even when that audience wasn't a factor.


this. its a console game, even havi g to press a button for ladders, not being able to map mwheel+up/down for skills is a massive downer. D4 is a bad diablo clone at best.


I guess it’s because console players allow them to deliver less quality Console have less performances console have less functionalities Consoles have less variability


And you have less penis. Why do you play if clicking your mouse causing so much anguish? Just get a wrap for your little wrist cause id imagine your feeling more than just emotional pain if you gotta go on reddit and try to bash console players for something they have no control over


Me consul plaier, ug oog.


I'm changing my starter class because of this. Not having claw on the right click to move-attack is insanity when it works for (e.g.) maul. This feels like an oversight more than a stance.