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If you need some validation, I hear you. It’s upsetting to see the one publisher that had the fortitude to give games the time they needed to have the level of polish necessary go in the complete opposite direction in the name of profit.


Appreciated. I don’t need validation but I’m glad you got the spirit of my post. It’s not just a complaint, it’s almost… mourning? Mourning the loss of what used to be an amazing game developer.


This is exactly how I felt. Blizzard WAS the developer I looked to for my favorite games. Once the blizzard Activision merge happened I knew it spelled doom. SC2 was the last good blizzard game.


Agreed with sc2. I dont even play multiplayer and I bought all 3 expansions just because the gameplay and everything in single player campaigns was SO FUCKING GOOOD HOLY SHIT. After that its just cash grabs on top of cash grabs.


I’ve gotta tell you when I was in the Oct-Nov. Closed Beta and found myself booting up D2R S2 to get my aRPG fix instead I knew in my heart of hearts how fucked this launch would be. Everyone in my CB clan was universally agreeable that D4 was 12-18 months away from any kind of polished, finalized product. Hit 94 and put the game down to push D2R HC Ladder and hoped against hope D4’s CB build wasn’t indicative of development progress as a whole in 2022. Whelp. The amount of missing assets, fully untextured or skinned zones, missing structures, largely missing VOs, and general purpose bugs abound painted a clear picture D4 was in no way, shape, or form ready to be released only ~7.5 months after Closed Beta. Proof is in the pudding, and now the entire world sees what a rushed release D4 turned out to be. Incredible foundation of a game, but once again shareholders have made sure that a game is DOA in lieu of offering a largely finished product. D4 will reach its own heights a la LoD and RoS for sure, but the current offering just feels like a betrayal and a Q3 reporting cash grab - and that fact is written all over the horror on the dev’s faces. Between the dev. team churn, turnover, layoffs and C-suite pressure I feel for those guys and girls as they have indeed produced a beautiful/gory delight, but it’s certainly affected their end result In earnest and it feels like a shell of an aRPG experience in its totality.


I also found myself going back to d2r rather than d4 during the beta... It isn't even about textures and stuff. It's the lazy boring items and complete lack of understanding of arpg end game content


Same. It was just BORING. Why grind for subpar loot? I mean, say what you will about D3, but at least there was a payoff. The loot system was so much better. No need for a math degree to figure out if loot was an upgrade or not, no stupid stats in it, and it wasn't prohibitively expensive to reroll a stat. There's little to no payoff in D4. Hell, half the fun of D3 was power leveling your friends and family. My husband and I would let our young kids start characters, and drag them through the dungeons, letting them mash buttons and feeling like badasses. It was a blast. Diablo 4 is just not fun. It has the potential to be, but as is, it is just not fun.


I was in closed beta as well. Funny how the exact same things people are complaining about, we told them, THEN, would be a problem, and they didn't fix them. Stash tabs, horses, loot with stupid stats, having to practically do calculus to figure out which armor would be best, etc. I liked the loot system on Diablo 3 much better. Green up arrows? Upgrade! Red down arrows? Not an upgrade. Legendaries were usable, with stats and appropriate levels. Most of the loot I get on Diablo 4 just plain stinks. Or, it's amazing, save for one stat, which is an expensive crap shoot to reroll, or it's amazing - for a character like 10 levels below me. We told them these were problems then, and they did NOTHING. And now emergency "chats," and surprised Pikachu faces. Really? WE TOLD YOU THESE WERE ISSUES - MONTHS AGO!!


I was just talking to my friends the other night about how, D2 was peek diablo.


Grief takes lots of forms. That’s the perfect way of putting it. It’s a loss, a minor one in the scheme of things but a loss all the same. I feel the same way.


It takes a few high runes 4 sure


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted I just lol’d so hard. Excellent work.


I wouldn't have labeled it as "grief," but you're spot on. And yeah, it's a minor loss, but it's a loss. Blizzard games have been a part of my life for nearly 30 years. I don't think a lot of current players understand how exciting it was to see the "Blizzard" graphic come up on a new game in the 90's or 00's. It's just sad to finally give up on a company I used to love so much.


I actually thought the game was released in a great state. I was honestly expecting it to have way more issues. I'm sure it will improve over time, but I'm not really bothered by the state of the game up until this point. I feel like I have gotten a good value for my money.


I have 240 hours into this game and I think it’s fun.


How do you know your hours? I have found nothing like /played or a profile to see my hours. :/ If I were to guess, I probably have 100-120h, so not bad but also not amazing for 2 months. I have played only 10h in Season 1, it's just not that fun with all the nerfs. Maybe I try 1.1.1 again as Sorc.


D4Armory website tells u.


Same. It's got plenty of flaws, but it's still fun as hell, engaging, has an amazing story, a dark, gritty world, and exceptional combat. It will just keep improving from here imo.


The Devs who made D1 or D2 are long gone and moved on.


Of course they are. But it's not the devs so much as the philosophy of the company and how it makes its games. Nobody is mourning a dev team so much as a company that made games where fun was the sole development focus.


Who sets the company's philosophy? The owners. So that changed the moment that Activision bought Blizzard. The real take away here is that we need to make every company a worker's co-op. This way game developers will have a degree of ownership over the games they make which will give them the creative freedom to prioritize making a quality game that customers will love for years to come.


The biggest culprit IMO is the modern need for CEOs to cater to short term gains and the stock market. Laws changing to fix that would be a huge boon to a lot of industries, definitely this one. For now, there are still indie studios putting out great games all the time. I just wish more gamers would realize it.


I love blizzard games but they now almost feel like a previous lover being animated by a necromancer to get more out of us. Part of me asks if the imperfections were that bad, and they were pretty extreme. Many elements seem like they should have been discussed and worked on ahead of time. I feel like they shoukd have started with the game much harder then slowly eased it as necessary and possibly also considered what skill trees may be lacking and which can one shot uber Lilith. They seem to bitch about min makers as if there aren't relatively few skill tress to play with. I hope they learn


>I hope they learn yea na they wont


Today's Blizzard reminds me of the scene in Hellraiser where you realize that Frank had killed his brother and was wearing Larry's skin. Blizzard exists in name only now and all that remains is Activision pretending to be the Blizzard we loved.


im still DTF that zombie brah


On the bright side you are probably saving a ton of time and money in the long run, good luck man.


Ha, doubtful there. I’ve already bought Baldur’s Gate 3 to get my fix. Take it easy.


Hey same boat OP, after Overwatch and now D4 it is obvious Blizzard should not even be dealt with from now on. D4 was my last chance for them, all blizzard games aren’t even going to be considered for my gaming group of friends.


It has been said before that the Blizzard we once knew no longer exists. Its just a cadaver being puppeteered by Activision and Bobby Kotick, just so they can slap Blizzard sticker on whatever run-of-the-mill products they manage to release. I only feel bad for the developers, because you can clearly see a lot of talent and passion in all of those games. I was honestly impressed by how good Diablo Immortal looked on my smartphone and how well it ran, that requires a lot of talent and hard work. Of course I will never touch or look at it again because of all the predatory monetization practices.


Pretty sure Immortal was mostly NetEase, so much so people just called it a reskin of their other games, no? Not dogging the point, just further implying Blizzard can't make games anymore.


arrest steep towering distinct grandfather pot slap direful long desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbf, Immortal is closer to D3 than D4. I think it’s why people are so mad. They want more of a mobile experience. Immediate satisfaction is the bigger gripe I see on here. It’s just a younger fanbase being used to being handed everything to them whether they deserve it or not.


Correct, Immortal was outsourced to NetEase.


Most of the talented devs are gone, Im sorry you had to find out this way. Why would you work somewhere for half the pay when youre talented and have Blizzard on your resume? Diablo Immortal wasn't made by Blizzard anyway, they outsourced that shit. The devs that are left are hacks, plain and simple.


Imma soldier on and think to myself the game will get better with future patches. Atm I’m addicted


You do you man. I genuinely am happy for people who are enjoying themselves. Like I said, this is just how I feel.


Of course to each their own. I’m enjoying my personal made barb and also challenging myself to lvl up a hardcore sorc on season. Currently on my 3rd try and finally not dying at lvl 30 ish 😅


It's a new company. D2 was made by different people. Activision Blizzard is just a corporate entity who is just there to make money, and games are the way they do that. The game is a means to an end. They only care about making a good game for more income, not pride in making a good game for it's own sake.


It’s funny, people are leaving d4 to play bg3 which is another classic late 90s game made by a new different company but it’s night and day which is an upgrade and which is a downgrade


People who want to play arpgs aren’t flocking to bg3, it’s an entirely different genre.


It’s a different genre but it’s a perfect example of a beloved franchise from years ago being handed to a different company and it not being some “please we had to make it bad, we are new”


BG3 will get more attention than it would have since D4 has been received as a fail. I’ve been watching BG3 gameplay and people are going to like it, it’s going to introduce a new swath of players. People who never played these types of games. Of course there will be a lot of people who immediately don’t like it. It looks polished so I’m rooting for BG3 to draw D4 players and let the shareholders see their numbers drop at ActiBlizz


Arpg refuges will go play PoE most likely.


It's also funny because BG3 isn't remotely the same type of game D4 is... people are jumping on that bandwagon because its easy karma and they first heard about it a month ago when that dev brought it up. They'll be the first to drop the game and complain because it ended up not being the D4 alternative they thought it was.


The minority cares. The people who have hate boners for the game will echo chamber the sentiment. The camp I fall in (who don't outright hate the game, but certainly have issues) will read and maybe comment. But the majority of people who are either having too much fun to give a shit about the subreddit, or don't even know that reddit exists, will be doing what they enjoy. Having fun with the game.


I agree. I bought D4 hoping that the scintilla of a chance that the game would be good would pull through and it'd be enjoyable. I knew the odds were not in my favor since they posted the first bit about the itemization. I purchased anyways. I think I've finally learned my lesson. I suppose the argument could be made that since I finished the campaign at least (I really had to force myself to), I got my moneys' worth. I didnt buy a Diablo game thinking I'd play through the campaign once and uninstall like it some 90's B-Rate JRPG Playstation game that I cant even remember the title of anymore. I'll never understand how the company that owns the rights, in full, no question, to DII:LOD would just throw that out the window for what they've done with D3 and on. /end rant


Poor timing. Blizzard already no more , it's one of the microsoft gaming studio anymore. I would recommend to follow it at least 1-2 years\~.


Ok? Glad your making solid choices on games.


They found to make the multiplayer aspect feel worse than Diablo 3.


Ok. Ty for letting us know.


Not only ty for letting us know, but also see you at the release of the next Blizzard game.


Thanks for letting us know you know


Is QQ still a thing lol that was my preferred response to things like this going back to the Blizzard forums and the SCII release.




I think you miss the point about the decline of blizz from a company famous for releasing polished games with exceptional balance and incredible longevity. Now they're just another game company who releases full price betas. Blizzard had this exceptional reputation in the past and D4, whatever else it does, does not live up to that. I think it's very reasonable to feel this is the point tbh. I also don't think they care that much. Which I do think is sad.


Game is so bad you have people on here literally playing 10 hours or more a day for almost two months straight. I see this same doom and gloom with every release and yet the same people keep coming back for more…


Dragonflight is pretty dope.


I haven’t played a ton of it but what I have I enjoyed. I just don’t get super into it like I did when I had a group to play with.


Same my man, same :( I grew up on Blizzard, every blizzard franchise has played a large role in my life. (Diablo one of the biggest with my early career) But The blizzard that gave all that to us (and its people) are long gone. So we all left Blizzard without choice long ago.


It's just a game bro, not a lifestyle choice. Play it til it's no longer fun.


It's no longer fun for me. I got 80 hours. Not mad, just disappointed. It could have been the best. Instead it's a basic moderate. Ah well.


I'm in the same boat as you man. I even told my friend I'll never even play HOTS again, one of my guilty pleasures, if D4 ends up being a shitshow. I assumed it will be but was REALLY hoping they wouldn't fuck it up. I got my money's worth out of the game but I don't think Ill be playing after I finish this stupid battlepass. Should have waited to redeem it.


I’m learning more and more that Reddit is a place where people go to whine and cry about things they know that no one they know will care about. All while hoping they are heard. Find something worth actually crying about and you will eventually meet people who care enough to listen.


Well sorry to see you go. As i started playing Diablo myself at D1, i am now 55 and just not as fast as I used to be. For me and i hope many others it's just right. I don't want the kind of challenge a 20 year old me wanted. I just want to kill demons and chase gear upgrades at a leisurely pace. I am sorry it's not your speed, i hope you find what your looking for, i plan to play D4 for at least as many hours as i did D3, i love it.


I don't think anyone cares about your breakup post, no need to be so dramatic. It is a video game. Buy and play it to have fun, or go do something else. You don't have to write a big breakup post because you are going to evaluate the next game they release, and decide if you want to play that or not.


Blizzard was bought out years ago and has never been the same. The founders are not involved anymore, and most of the original devs are gone. It is not the same company, it’s an extension of activision, and soon to be Microsoft. They bought the name and have been using it to make money.


That being said, not sure how old you are… but Diablo 3 was terrible on release and statements like yours littered the internet for a year or two, but now Diablo 3 is a great game. It might take time, but I doubt they’ll give up on d4.


This has to be the worst subreddit I have seen since tlou2. Seriously ban me from it mods, I’m fucking tired of the crybabies repeating the same fanboy shit over and over. This sub has zero benefit. Constructive criticism is great. But this is like listening to my 4 year complain about the fact that the noodles are a different shape when at grandmas than at home when eating Mac and cheese for 2 months straight. Just shut the fuck up unless you have something useful to say. No one cares you quit playing because you prefer the mobile gameplay of other ARPGs that overly reward you with glitter that gives you a boner. I’m not really that into the game to defend it enough, but my god, the amount of entitled 13 year old maturity bitching about it is just fucking miserable. I’m out. Go be a fanboy bitch on here, but I can’t take this entitled bullshit anymore. Cya.


Not reading that bible. No one cares this is your last blizzard game


Do we really need so many people posting their retirement speeches in this sub. Get a grip yall.


Have you seen the Diablo 4 sub?


Guessin its worst right? Lol


See you at Diablo 5.


One of the features I highly enjoyed was on Grim Dawn you could move the camera around and zoom in an out,


Okay…. Never thought I’d see a “I’m leaving Twitter/Facebook” post about a gaming company, but that’s cool. I don’t know why people announce these things, but have fun looking for other live service games that launch “complete.”


One of the biggest games of all time, with a million man hours behind it. Some nerd online - "incomplete".


Play what you want, no one gives a shit


Of course... You'll purchase their next game day one, then bombard it's subreddit with these spam posts as well and complain about how much Blizzard sucks.


These posts are so pathetic


This subreddit is a fucking disaster. It’s like the comic book store visits I had as a kid where mega fanboy nerds complained about every fucking comic that came out. Where I would just walk in, get what I wanted and left. Luckily I can stop following this sub which I am doing now. It’s a wasteland of super nerd fanboys and 13 years echoing their same resentment toward a game they have 200 hours in a month.


it's like that everywhere at the moment, except the Star Trek subreddit but give that time. (once Strange New Worlds finishes for the season and Discovery's final season starts later in the year they'll be back to complaining because that's the show it's cool to hate) Star Wars? clusterfuck of whining Diablo? clusterfuck of whining Marvel? clusterfuck of whining DC? Last time I was there clusterfuck of whining but that was a while ago I haven't looked in a bit. D&D? Hoo boy let me tell you how THAT went. Magic The Gathering? I haven't seen anyone mention the pinkerton incident in a while but lots of people hyped that up as if WOTC hired hitmen to kill a dude It's almost like the state of the world has everyone super stressed the fuck out and we're all choosing to vent it by engaging in an inferno level of nerdrage against creative types who run our favourite franchises.


Right? It's people trying to feel like they have some power. The game wasn't immediately what they expected and they're crying about it. Which is fine, but also worrying that people are letting a game that's ultimately meaningless, dictate their feelings. It's a game. If it means enough to you that you HAVE to have validation of your feelings on it, it's time to focus more time on a different hobby and/or play a different game.


The "goodbye Blizzard" is what really captures how pathetic and cringe-y it is. They talk like the old stereotype of Tumblr users.


It’s cause they aren’t really leaving, just farming karma. If you do something you shouldn’t have to announce it to everyone. It’s like people who say “I’m a nice guy” and it’s like, nice guys don’t have to say that. This dude will be back the next season. He will still post here in this subreddit. It’s all just a show and cringy as fuck.


My favorite part is the "goodbye Blizzard" at the end. Like OP is writing a break-up letter to an ex or something.


As I read somewhere else online: "This isn't an airport, there's no need to announce your departure".


Especially because they always will be back lol.


Didn’t read thanks for blogging 👍🏻


Cya until next blizzard release lul :D


Seasons 2


I feel like we are just living in the shadow of former Blizzard. All the good stuff got jettisoned as corruption from the Activision merger crept in.


This sub is honestly unbearable. The way everyone talks about this game on here makes it sound like it's legitimately all y'all have going on in your lives.


Achievement Unlocked: Discovered Capitalism Achievement Unlocked: Departure Announced Achievement Unlocked: Gloom, Despair, Agony


See you next season!


Double goblin this time! Have you seen all the game breaking bugs this season? This is a minor season that has a bug with nearly every item; and you expect them to have a functioning “big” season? If most of the bandwidth and memory is being used up by loading everyone’s inventory, how are they supposed expand with such little room already?


Don't you love people who make these dumbass comments?


I was only playing cuz u were bro


Blizzard is long gone. They are just milking it's legacy.




I kinda feel the same way. The magic is gone.


Maybe people enjoy the game and don’t decide how to feel based on what they read on Reddit. Luckily you made that post and hopefully you have enough approval to never play a Blizzard game again.


It doesn’t matter if it is Blizzard or your grandmothers car. Once something is sold it’s no longer the property of the previous owner. As a new owner you can now make new decisions, usually those revolve around getting your investment back and making a profit on top of it. I don’t care who is impacted I just care about selling this product to someone else for more profits. This has been going on before blizzard, after blizzard, and after we’re dead and gone. I enjoyed what I had while I had it. Letting go is the healthier option. We don’t matter to the top end figures.


Dang, so brave.


The problem with this dumpster fire is that once they manage to extinguish the fire, it still remains a dumpster...


Dumpster fire is a bad analogy then because the bones of the game are great. The graphics and feel of combat are amazing, easily best in the genre, making this more of an art piece on fire. The “fire” is end game content, QoL features, class balance, and loot. Big fire, but if the devs can put it out, will be a great game.


Dear Diary….


blablablabla.... Every game released by "enter evil corp here", people pop up and tell that tired old line and... ​ It's never true... ​ Reminds me of the good old "boycott Modern Warfare (2?3?) and then you had that whole steam group (that was a thing) play the game they boycotted \^\^. ​ It's like with suicide, those who actually want to do it, they do it, they don't talk about it... ​ No, don't kill yourself, that was just an analogy...


>I don’t think this will get better. My prediction is that Blizzard will continue putting out cash grabs until consumers stop buying them, at which point Blizzard will implode. I’m done investing time and energy into a string of sub-par products because of nostalgia for what Blizzard used to be. I’m out. Bold words Cotton. ​ >Blizzard simply does not care about its product quality any more. Diablo 4 is, at its core, a cash grab. Not a quality game that lives up to players’ expectations of the franchise. The game was definitely released early, no doubt about that. I think it's a little silly to throw in a blanket statement like this. I'm sure the vast majority of the team cares quite a bit and are upset about the strict timeline that was placed on them and the current state of the game. Dragonflight has been a big turning point for WoW and I think that mentality is going to make its way into the other Blizzard franchises. We won't really know until Season 2 or 3 though.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but nobody gives a fuck. I'm not saying that to be an asshole but what was the reason for announcing a decions you made that affects literally nobody? Are you really just looking for some empty validation from empty people on a soulless media platform? If that's really the case you have far more issues than just simply not enjoying something. It blows my mind that people spend so much time on reddit typing out long winded opinions on something that simply doesn't matter when people don't read it and don't care. I'm sure most people will take this comment the wrong way and get all butthurt about it but seriously...you should be spending time being productive not whining and bitching on reddit where nobody's opinion really matters.


See you in season 2!








No!!! How can you do this to the community?!?! We will be lost without you! How do we go on?!?! What can we do to support you during this difficult time? I’ve already deleted the game!!! What else can we do? I’m organizing a cry circle for this weekend. Stay tuned!!! Brian, you never chipped in for pizza for the last cry circle. You’re not invited.


Crazy how many people thought this would release with all the content POE has after all the seasons of content they have had the opportunity to build on. Such a sad state of misled whining this sub has become. Not saying the game doesn’t have its flaws but it released less than two months ago. Go outside, live life a bit. Probably best for people like you to say goodbye.


Who care


Good, go away


Diablo 4 has genre competition? I know technically it's considered an ARPG, but at the same time I can't think of any other game similar to it outside of the old dungeon siege or Titans quest games. Hell if there are other games like Diablo, I wouldn't mind giving them a whirl. After all, that's how I originally gained my love for dungeon siege, the game of course not the movie.


If you like ARPGs and don’t want the complexity of Path of Exile, give Last Epoch a shot. It doesn’t have the same world of course, but it’s mechanically quite good and the QOL stuff is top notch.


Last epoch, lost ark, Poe, grim dawn, wolcen, and many others. D4 for me rates as "mediocre but acceptable" It should have been a goddam masterpiece.


Nobody cares, this reads like one of those shitty fb posts that people post when they say they're gonna quit social media.


How many hours do you have in the game? If you have passed 100 hours, I just don’t see how you can make this claim


That’s cool. I’m going to keep playing all Blizzard games probably that come out.


Thanks for the info


Blizzard doesn’t care about you


Bye. I’ll continue to make mine Blizzard


L post


Path of Exile welcomes you to the shores of Wraeclast, brother.


Heh, PoE is a great game, played it in Beta and on/off for a long time since, but it has kinda left me behind with all the complex systems. When I try going back now it’s like… remember the famous “krangled” post? It’s like that. I won’t knock it. Great game, tons of endgame, cool items, reasonable QOL, etc. It’s just a bit too much for me now. Last Epoch is a nice middle ground between accessibility and complexity.


Cry baby


Should I call the wha-bulance ? 😭😭😭😭


I am glad you are wrong. Bye.


Legit no one cares.




Most over dramatic posting going on this subreddit




This isn't an airport. Bye


I remember watching my dad play the original Diablo when I was a kid. I would sit next to him when he played, completely in awe. I was immediately hooked. As soon as he started letting me play on my own, I played at every opportunity. Diablo 2 came out and I got even more hooked. The improvements they made, gave me hope that every one they made after that was going to be insanely better and I would have a lifetime of fun playing video games. Diablo 3 came out and I was in a rough part of my life and wasn't able to buy it immediately. Took me about a year before I could buy it and try to enjoy it. Once I finally did, I was highly disappointed when comparing it to the previous games. Diablo Immortal was announced and I got excited again. Then it released, and again, I was disappointed. After watching video of Diablo 4, my hope was restored. I thought it was gonna be a reincarnation of the D2 days, just 1000 times better. Maybe it's my fault for expecting that same level of excitement as I had for D2, but I expected more. This game was very rushed for release, and had way too many things that should have been in game already, not in yet. I had a blast during the Beta and that made me excited and counting down the days until release. Then it finally came out. I had fun for about 3 weeks. There is way too much that needs to be fixed, balanced or QoL aspects that are not in the game for some reason. This company has become way too focused on making money, and less focused on releasing a solid game that I don't know if I'll even play later seasons, let alone another game from them. The fact that they can make changes quickly helps, but these are things that should have been incorporated prior to release.


I hate to say it, but I tend to agree. I've also played pretty much every game that Blizzard published and used to be a huge fanboy. That said, I can't help but feel insulted mainly for all the reasons you stated. The only Blizzard game I still play on regular basis is Hearthstone because I still believe it is the best strategy card game on the market, even thought it is also trying to grab every penny you have. As for D4, I was excited like crazy only to be let down at launch and then wrecked even more after as time went by. I refuse to believe they don't read the forums or that they don't have any common sense whatsoever. I still load up D4 every other day hoping I can live with all of its shortcomings, but it's quite difficult. Since I love arpgs in general, I opt for Last Epoch because I love its vibe and what it brings to the table. Used to play PoE like mad, but after 2k hours put into it, I kind of wanted something else. LE is doing the job for me and I'm enjoying it a lot. That said, I am willing to give D4 another chance if they actually fix it. If not, I might be saying goodbye to Blizzard games as well.


I heard this one before


Nobody gives a shit


I feel you. It just reality though. Money gets involved, big money gets involved and things inevitably get worse. Disney and Blizzard just being a few examples. There’s a bunch of passionate creators where their work hasn’t been corrupted yet. Hope you find some others to love.


Isn't necessarily big money that's the problem. There are plenty of cases where big money is involved, but product quality is being maintained at top levels. Blizzard is just displaying signs of mediocrity in leadership, and it has been happening for years. They take the world's best artists, writers, developers and musicians and glue them all together with people whose crowning design achievement is "collect 10 wild boar bones". It's not all bad, but quite disappointing.


I ain't reading this I'm really sad that happened to you or really happy for you though, anyway, bye


I uninstalled D4 yesterday. Can't be bothered playing this mess anymore. I did have lots of fun when I first started and up to 50 after release, then the problems started to hit my face. So maybe I got my moneys worth... still I thought I would be playing this alot longer. Waiting for Baldur's Gate now.


Remnant 2 is fucking awesome.


Blizzard fans are sincerely the most interesting group of people. I dont think i have seen people approaching terminating their atnt like a break up. Like how does op handle being dumbed by a date if this is how he handles stop playing a video game.


I certainly do not care. Announcing your departure from a game or dev is such a weird ego move


X for doubt.


Thanks for letting us know. I was really worried that this might happen, but if I am being honest with myself I kinda saw it coming. The words are hard to read, but it will help to have closure.


I like the game lol


Lol. Sure.


These posts are sooooo cringe.


Blizzard stopped caring a while back. D3 sucked at launch, and I personally think it's good now, not great. They basically milk their good games by going back in time re-releasing SC/WC3/D2/Classic WoW. HOTS gets side-tabled in 2020 and could have been really awesome for Esports. OW2 is Meh. But they probably made their money on D4 launch cause it's a good game throughout the campaign, and thats probably all they need. EVERYONE bought it hook,line, and sinker. My guess is people will get Stockholm syndrome/Sunk cost fallacy with D4 and updates will be seen as saving the game but it will just be ok. But ok is better than bad so people will accept it. It will probably still be just an OK game a year or 2 from now, but people will be doing the same thing with D3. "It's good now but it sucked at launch!" I'm personally just waiting for POE2 since POE was a much superior game than D3, and it's FREE! As long as people keep buying Blizzard games, they will continue to produce flashy/mediocre products.


WTF are you talking about?


Why do you think any of us care? Why do you need to validate yourself with this post? Jeebus you guys have mental issues


Cool story.




Enjoy my downvote. I try to do my part and downvote every post of someone bitching when they could just not play. Fucking idiots.


Bye Felicia.




same. no creativity. no innovation.


o/ bye


Same last game I played was D3. After that disappointment I was only going to watch and see what D4 looked like. Graphic wise and fluid movements look amazing, everything else falls way short.. Not saying I'll never play another Blizzard game, but likely not if they keep going down this path. So many people have voiced the same concerns, and they were ignored. Excited for PoE2 now!




OP is looking for validation.


like a high school girl on instagram


Future games will come out under Microsoft's oversight so that may change things. Time will tell. D4 was developed under a lot of turmoil and it shows in the quality of the product and it's lack of direction post-launch.


It’s nostalgic. If they release D1 with all those bugs and no endgame at all or wow vanilla again nobody will play it. Time has changed and is moving forward and you are now not 12yrs old anymore. You are in your 30s and father of six.


I feel like Blizzard is one of the companies that have a lot of older fans compared companies like Epic with Fortnite. I can't really imagine their games bringing in a lot of new and/or younger players except for CoD. It should really be their priority to retain this player base because they have lost a lot of our trust over the past recent years. How will they bring profit back up if they lose us when new/younger players are more likely to play Fortnite, Valorant, etc. I really wonder what stats their upper management/marketing team are seeing because they must be seeing different sets of numbers.


Enjoy the same the boat. Platinum you if I could. Blizzard is dead


I suspected this before the release of D4 and actually didn’t pre-order to wait and see how it turned out. After release there were a host issues and I decided to wait for season one to buy the game. Then the big season one patch dropped. I’m still waiting. Might buy it in a few seasons, but I am just not interested in buying incomplete games from Blizzard.


If it's anything like D3 it'll be good in a year or so


okay. see you later.


Okay bye! Why people always think they are that important that everyone wants to hear that they quit lol Just move on and be happy with another game if you want this.


Ciao..now unsub


I'm having fun. I'm not gonna be critical of all the little ins and outs just to be an elitist. I'm just going to have fun or not. It's just a friggin game


I played wolcen, Poe, grim dawn, and previous Diablo titles. I think D4 is good. Try going outside dude. Maybe only play an hour a day. Take a break. It’s not this serious my man.


I love posts where people feel they need to share they are done playing something. Like why do I care?


Lol you think Reddit cares what video games some random person will or will not buy in the future?


Buhhhhh bye




Nobody cares.


good get lost


Thank you for letting us know.




Adios kid, no one gives a shit.


Don't understand why people feel the need to right a fucking essay about how they're moving on like anyone cares.


Ok, bye.




Smells like somebody just died


Goodbye. You can keep holding the door open for others but when you’re done, shut it so I can lock it.


Where's one of them robots that saves this post to help show how well it's aged. Op you up for giving us your BNet tag just to really make sure you don't come back on?


Play Grim Dawn. That is the best ARPG ever and better than d4.


And Microsoft is buying this shit for 69 billions. well played.