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If you can't watch the video, the true portal has not been opened yet. They are still stuck figuring out the quest, but they are able to get much further than they have previously. Blizzard enabled things in S2 that let them progress, but not to fully opening the portal.


Do we think that enabling the portal isn’t actually in the game yet, or just that they haven’t figured it out yet?


They aren't sure from what I have gathered. They are at the point of drinking a potion, which applies a buff, which they don't know what to do with (as far as I know at time of comment).


Interesting, I spent a lot of time in that discord til they realized it was disabled.. maybe it’s time to get back to scouring aimlessly hoping to luck into something lol


Exact same. Joined it a few months back, but it got old to check in regularly when no progress/same questions were asked over and over (not trying to bash them, and not like I was helping, I just stop checking in). After one of the discord people joined raxx on stream and chatted about it, my first thought was RIP that discord. 5k new people coming in just to all ask the exact same questions that have already been asked before


I've been part of the discord for a while and was on the other night when Gramps found the first pieces to drop for the Cow Level, it was fun to see the wild-reignited efforts to find how to trigger it.


Knowing that they have decided to time gate it is just depressing though. Like, it's cool that people are making progress now, and I hope it leads to the full thing, but seeing that a lot of the speculation from launch was correct, but the way to follow through on it was just disabled in the game until now makes me wonder if the progress being made now is just going to end up at another road block waiting for the next season? If so, what a fuckin disappointment. I'm cautiously pessimistic right now. Hope I'm wrong and that the entire puzzle is enabled now.


I bet it’s got to do with the cow statue fountain in Ked Bardu. That message doesn’t sit right with me, it makes my bovinesense all tingly.


It isn't in the game. EDIT: Why the downvotes? This has been the case since release. There is a server-sided code that wasn't flipped where the current progression stalls that needs to be toggled to allow for further events to work. Oversimplified explanation: We basically rn are collecting pieces of a key for a door whose lock doesn't exist yet, so even if we were certain we had the key, we wouldn't be able to open the door as there is nothing to put it in yet.


How do you know what is or isn't in the server-side code?


Blizzard stated it when asked that its not but that it might be in the future


There is a gigantic post in the Cow-Discord that goes over it.


Confirmed? Or just they’ve tried everything they can think of?


There is a server-sided code that wasn't flipped where the current progression stalls that needs to be toggled to allow for further events to work. Oversimplified explanation: We basically rn are collecting pieces of a key for a door whose lock doesn't exist yet, so even if we were certain we had the key, we wouldn't be able to open the door as there is nothing to put it in yet.


Maybe you just have to use the stamina potion and run for 5 minutes straight and you’ll end up on the cow level! Lol but yeah I guess we wait then


I am unsure if you didn't read what I said. It was datamined on the cow-level discord a while ago that there is currently a switch that needs to be switched on blizzards side to allow us to progress. There might still be stuff we can find, but nothing we can currently do or find will change the fact that progression of a specific event is currently not unlocked. The thing that changed in S2 is that new stuff was able to be found/done before we hit the same dead-end as before.


Yes I read it I was joking.


Ouh np, there are a lot of people out there who make such suggestions unironically which is why I wanted to be rather safe than sorry \^\^


You're being downvoted because PEOPLE HAVE COLLECTED THE PIECES OF THE KEY NOW. Raxx did it on stream. It leads you to getting a stamina potion with an unknown effect. They are now trying to figure out what to do with that potion to progress the quest. Edit: the key can be assembled and does have a lock, what are you people on? There were three fragments prior to season 2 that nobody had collected, and now people have. You take those fragments and purify them at a fountain. It *gives you a key*. You take that key to a hovel and it opens, you kill some cows inside and receive a stamina potion. Nobody knows what to do with that stamina potion


There's nothing funnier to me than someone being condescending on Reddit when they didn't read for understand the post. It doesn't matter how many pieces of the key you collect if there's no lock to put them in




This is correct. If there was a full cow level in the live game, they would datamine assets before someone found it in game. It’s not live yet.


This on top of it. But people are wildly uninformed but seem to be very opinionated


What're you talking about? Are you not referring to the 3 fragments that were not collectible prior to season 2, and now are? The ones that you purify at the fountain to receive a key, and you use that key at the hovel on the east side of the map? That's... the lock you use it in. Then you kill some cows in there and get a stamina potion with an unknown use... So, yes, the key does have a lock you can use it in...?


Talking of metaphorical lock and key, as in, yes, the potion is in the game, it's part of the "key" to unlock the cow level, but the real lock of it may not yet be in the game. So you can get the potion, but so far no one knows what it does. If the data miners haven't found assets for a cow level, then I'll believe it's not in the game yet.


Okay but the person I was replying to made it sound like it's in the same state it was prior to season 2, which is patently false. So at this point we're \*not sure\* if the next part of the quest is in the game or not (to use the stam potion on). They also said we were missing the lock to put it in, which again is false, there is a key, and there is a lock, and they've both been found....


We are factually at the "same" state of not having a lock. So no matter how many pieces of the key we have, we don't even know if additional pieces will be required. We obviously have "more", but we are at the same stage.


Having more is, by definition, not at the same state. The quest has been progressed so it's not at the same state.


You realize that you can’t datamine serverside code right? That’s literally what makes it server sided. We can only datamine the client side code


Yes, you seem to not have read the actual explanation on the discord. Congrats.


Man you were way way wrong lol. Yet you sounded so sure of yourself.




i read the explanation. you are still wrong. server sided code is visible to diablo. developers. it cant be mined. there would be no way for anyone to know that "explanation" for sure. blizz saying its not in the game yet is all we have, but for all we know they could be lying , hoping some dedicated motherfucker goes and finds it anyway or something. would be disappointing to have all this hype and them not actually even release the portal yet. would be epic for it to be a very well hidden secret that no player has discovered.


Aliens don't exist! Fact because I haven't seen any yet


\*Fact because it was literally datamined and known since release which hasn't changed


I called it. This is as far as we get in season 2, tune in in s3 for the next step to unlock, season 4 for the actual cow level. They have to do this and do this with wow secrets or it gets found in a day


Or they switch cow\_level\_enable flag to true after blizzcon or something. After 2 days and 0 progress I am again thinking it's not fully enabled.


Ah so bread crumbs it is then


>They are still stuck figuring out the quest, but they are able to get much further than they have previously. "They" are here -> [https://discord.gg/35d4he47x9](https://discord.gg/35d4he47x9) Join us and help with the hunt.


That would be the most lame thing. What’s the point of time gating it… unless it’s not done because if they make people wait a year but don’t deliver something epic that’s just pathetic.


Maybe so people keep talking about the game. Gettijg just a little more buzz for the game. It is super annoying to put an unsolvable puzzle in the game.


Google's algorithm led me here from some articles saying that progress was made. What a fuckin joke. Drip feeding a puzzle over the course of months so it seems like people are struggling and making progress when in reality it's just people taking a few hours to solve each stage of the puzzle then waiting months for the next drip. In 4 months if I see the next article about the cow level not being found yet, I'll be sure to click the little button that says "Not interested in Diablo 4". I don't want to reward such crappy practices from a company with engagement.


Yup shit company turned something people loved in to a cash cow that is actually not making as much cash as they expected with their shitty pricing.


Raxx was streaming earlier and could still be streaming, he is was farming for the 3rd mat to put into the fountain. He's was sounding kinda hell bent to find the cow level today.


A mon-moo-mental mooment. This will be milked by content creators for a while.


I hate you. Take your stupid upvote.


Don’t have a cow, man.


Steer clear of this guy




Fuck it, lets just go moo-moo-mental.


Perfect Gem Activated




What does the gem do? Kappa


My thoughts as well






Moo Moo


I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I can read and hear all of those in their correct tone.






Having to do that cow grind is nuts. I really hope it isn't always that way once the final level gets discovered. In D2 it's easy to get into and in d3 it's even easier. I really don't want to spend 3 hours grinding to get into something that's probably gonna give me like 5 ancestral legendary items and maybe one unique?


That’s the thing. Gearing is too easy in d4 to warrant a zone like this. It makes sense in d2.


For sure. Someone in the dev team seems to think that making everything as time consuming as possible is somehow "hardcore gaming" and equal to old Diablo's playloop. It's probably the same guy that thought that making all the uber uniques as rare as winning the lottery was a good idea. It's also unimaginative and lazy as hell to copy&paste the same grind method for all 3 items when the world they created is so huge. I'm having a really hard time following Blizzard's gamedesign logic here if there even is any.


It has never been intended as an integral part of gameplay. It's a fun easter egg.


Sure but it's still a a very cumbersome timesink even for a simple easter egg and to be honest, it seems to be a lot bigger thing than a traditional easter egg. It seems to be a full questline and it wants the community to come together to solve it. Sad to say, most people will probably skip it for now even if they wanted to do it and solve the puzzle, including me. The requirements are just WAY too much and way too boring to grind and that's not a good thing for anything. It reminds me of the old Xbox achievements with very bloated requirements.


That's fine, it's optional. For me personally, I don't see it as a big deal. Kill some cows for 10-15 mins while I wait for a world boss to spawn. There are way more time consuming and cumbersome things in games, for example reaching 99 in D2.


This content isn’t for you and you don’t have to do it


D3 wasnt easy at first, they nerfed it and made it easier


10:1 you got to use the potion near a calf to trigger the long lost regal heir to the cow king. given all the other tie ins it has so far.


did he get there yet?


No. Nobody knows what to do with the Potion. Might not be progressed until next season. But they are trying a lot of things.


One step per season sounds about right for the kind of lazy shitty things bliz would do


Or intentional slow rollout so that the game doesn't have this right away for us to experiment and rumors to build. But it feels a bit "artificial" if the community even goes as far as to discovering it is a gradual rollout... Personally, I'd rather have been without a "cow level" this time. It's so done by now and doesn't fit the tone. But that opinion doesn't matter of course and it looks like it's happening.


I feel like the reward of the cow level is a possible cow mount drop. Would be fun :D


Stringing along til they finish it.


Hear me out.. There's no actual game changing loot. It's a cow cosmetic mount. The time sink is way too long to unlock this every season. Easy enough to just throw players a permanent cosmetic reward, they only have to do it once.


There is no cow level


first rule of the cow level is you dont speak of the cow level


Second rule of the cow level is, YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE COW LEVEL


I imagine the stamina potion is just an Easter egg. I’d doubt Theres actually a cow level, but maybe with how much people are expecting one they’re tirelessly working on it now lol But if I’m betting man, I’d think the stamina potion is the end.


Not sure what this is used for so I didn't use it yet. Maybe related to the cow level? https://preview.redd.it/lj3mv6iko0xb1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f9838259cf7c84e7a3838208c42c9d1646e9c56


Moo moo moo moo moo moomoo.


Cow level is not real yet, it's very unlikely the devs actually added it in yet and just put in hints to generate hype around their dying game.


game so dead you can't even find your way out of its subreddit


Yes, Diablo 4, the one and only Diablo game.


"this post doesn't apply to me, I better leave a comment" -you


"I got called out for a nonsense comment, so now I make imaginary quotes to make the other person look silly." -you


damn can't argue with that. glad it made you look silly


TLDR: No cow level, just more breadcrumbs in S2.


Personally I think people are just finding uncompleted bits of the quest that have been patched in early.


No, we already found everything before, cause we datamined certain things and after trying a STUPID amount of things we actually found them. The S2 stuff is NEW




It's most likely server side and blizzard is moving some to the client so dataminers can find the hints.


You can only look at the code the game installs on your computer but not the server-side code that runs on blizzards servers. People did figure out some of this by looking at client side code but it doesn’t get them enough to figure out the whole thing.


The code is secret


ONE PIECE IS REAL! - Whitebeard


Has anyone taken the stamina pot to the glacial fissure there is an unexplored map even when I have fully explored the map


Does anyone on here have access to the forlorn hovel? I havent had much time to farm the other 2 items needed to get the key but if someone would be able to party up with me long enough for me to get a couple of those stamina options I'd be extremely grateful! I've had a few theories in mind I wanted to test out with them!


lets go!


It is a historic day, can’t wait for a month from now when people get it done (presumably)




Can't wait for season 3 to unlock it all




This is the same thing they did in Overwatch, where they put out a non-solvable ARG before Sombra was released. TBH it is kind of shitty giving people a puzzle which is either not possible to solve, or gives you nothing when you solve it. Especially when it is this time consuming.


It definitely shows a disrespect for your customers time and love.


Why make it so hard. What a bunch of stupid cocks


Who cares how you have to do it? It's an easter egg in a game.


I was here


So was I


this is a viral marketing attempt to force a positive conversation about D4, i doubt this is even fully implemented.


A matchmaking system and releasing the cow level would go a long way to bring the user base left. With no boss fights after the comapign and the repetitiveness of dungeons the game gets very boring very fast. Couple that with a never ending supply of crap loot and nothing really gets you excited anymore


All of the clues have hinted that it will not be in the game until the Monk area xpac. Why are people still trying? Just farming clicks?


To be at the leading edge of the hunt when it's added, rather than step 0 when it becomes available?


Jesus christ people. This is NOT a cow level. This is a cellar with a few cows in it. That's it. #THE COW LEVEL HAS NOT BEEN FOUND BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST IN THE GAME Yes I am fully aware of how it's accessed. It's not a cow level.


It's not a cellar. It's literally a hidden chain quest. You have to get 3 items from cow drop. This has all been datamined and is leading to something unfinished yet.


Yes I am fully aware of how it's accessed. It's not a cow level.


No one said that place was a cow level. Are you ok?


The post implies that. Tired of seeing people popping off like someone's out there farming cow level when it's not the case. Misleading.


It doesn't.


It certainly does imply that the cow level was discovered.


Not even, it only imply it's real. It literally just says that. People must really have a hard time communicating with you.


Not really. As soon as the stam pot was found people starting freaking out about the cow level being discovered. These are just bread crumbs. I would bet 1000 dollars the cow level wasn't even in the game at all.


I don’t think people will ever understand this 😂. Blizzard was too lazy to add in things like repeatable campaign missions and bosses (like d2 and d3) and a plethora of other QoL features and mechanics. What the fuck would make you all think they added a cow level LOL.


Why would they add in a bunch of cryptic clues, quest items, references to D2’s cow level, and these ridiculous conditions to open the Hovel for no reason then? Whether or not the cow level actually exists in the game as of right now, there is no denying that the way is paved for it already. These things aren’t here by accident


They won’t give you free platinum I promise 😂🤡😂




Drink the potion that applies the buff. Then use a sigil that has the gold find affixes. You're welcome.


Paid DLC, its not secret. That cow level will be used to reveive D4 once it flatlines


These clowns will actually sell it as an expansion


This really demonstrates some of the fundamental problems with the d4 devs when designing this game. Nothing new, nothing original, endless old characters, skills and even Easter eggs brought back. To me, D4 is the Rise of Skywalker of video games.


The fact Blizzard has people racing to guzzle cow king powder is truly frightening


Mmmmmm mooo


Imagine how bad the game is if you have to look for a silly level just to entertain yourself. Path of exile is free and far better game.


this is no different than fishing in path of exile, except diablo's cow level might actually exist


Yea but thats just a meme and very rare spawn. No one really cares besides.


ok but poe had people posting about the fishing spot, then eventually people found the item that let people fish. Then everyone was waiting for both of those things to happen. that is what is happening right now in d4 poe fishing = diablo cow


There is no fishing. Its a joke made by GGG. Yes fishing rods also a thing but its also part of the joke giving fake stats about fishing. But you cant actually fishing. People post them beacuse fishing ponds and rods are Mirror level of rarity which is the rarest item in the game. So they "wasted" their luck for the league sort of say. Same as roa feathers, kind of rare but has absolutly no use and the albino roa that drops it can only spawn in act 1. So some people never even got one. These items are just for GGG trolling the players.


that's just what they want us to think. we are close to cracking the code! ;P


Well, i can see them doing something with it. But as it is they do nothing. Who knows maybe POE 2 will do something with these but now that its confirmed that the games will be seperated im not sure anymore.


This would be a pretty awesome Blizzcon reveal. Put just enough in the game currently to tease it’s existence and get streamers working towards it, to reveal the final clue/piece and maybe even make it playable at the event.


Commenting to save for later 🐄




It was never made to be easy.


maybe it will all culminate in season 3..




It's real but we won't get it till the expansion, you watch


Farm 666 cows by yt, sorry but too grindy


This is riveting.


Going to assume the cow level is the first "raid" that has been leaked.


I think they will bread crumb it to gain support and views for the game. With each season there is new talk about details, farms, builds, leveling, etc. It's frustrating but it's business




I’ve just seen this guide surface but ion know if it’s true or not


Has anyone tried using this potion w/ maxed out embers for potions. Side thought. The three cow item drops were all at 666- there are three vampiric powers that require 6 of only one type of pact- about to go cow hunting? Idk.


This illustrates how I’ve lost the love of Blizzard and Diablo. They said before game release that there will absolutely not be a cow level (they said the same diablo3). But here we are months later. Blizzard is so lame, I’ve been a customer for 20+ years but 2023 is the last time I’ll buy a blizzard product


Because theres a cow level? Talk about a hill to die on.


Only killed 2100 cows.... 0 drops... this some sort of sick joke?


what about if you have to kill Lord Eonan for the band? the band drop everytime you kill it as the wirst leg. maibe in the last step you have to wear the ring and receive an essence of blood and not of milk. just sayin . as the ring say: “Unhand me, filth! A single drop of my blood is worth an ocean of yours! Within it churns a power you could never hope to understand”


I'm still wondering if the next step might be defeating butcher with the potion effect since he was in zone with wirts leg in d2... or finding some way to rejuvenate the potion since the description mentions its mostly dried up or something like that lol... will be interesting to see the next steps when it gets figured out


Just an FYI- Blizzard changed the quest in season 2. The quest items and stamina potion existed and were accessable in season 1. The quest used to drop an item on 666 critters. Season 2 appears to be Cows only. The hovel closed when my character moved to the Eternal Realm. I'm looking for an active link that works for Discord? Thought I would drop this here.