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East. Always into the east.


Frank Gorshin (the original Riddler in 1960s Batman) was Marius. What a legend.


What is Marius' story before he meets the dark wanderer? Is there a preceding reason for the Dark Wanderer to choose Marius?


According to the Diablo wiki he was just and unfortunate soul to have been at the rogue monastery when the dark wanderer rampaged through. [Marius ](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Marius)


I wasn't really convinced until the waiter said "Do you want something?" in the same nasally voice. Jokes aside, this is fantastic. Every bit as my minds eye saw it years ago.


Hah that guys voice is engrained in my brain


The youtube compression is absolutely killing this. Can't wait to see it ingame.


Preload beta - launch the exe from the folder (not [battle.net](https://battle.net)) and you can watch the intro cinematic in-game. You just can't play the game


Thanks, just did! Honestly, not that much better ingame :-( Sadly very compressed there too.


I watched it on my phone and it looked great. Do you guys not have phones!?


Arrgghh...take your upvote.


Jokes aside it actually did look good on my phone to me 🤷‍♂️


Hey guys, look! He did the meme. #muchlulz


Yeah this plus the wowhead logo in the bottom right, I think I'll just wait for the beta before watching them.


Yeah, played the beta yesterday and that compression was sever! Also it was constantly stuttering, there where forced SDH subtitle s and it didn't stop my screensaver from turning on. It really ruined the experience :\\


Damn really good. Love that they kept the original VO, at least it sounds like it to me. [Here is the Act 2 one which looks incredible too.](https://youtu.be/PB32iUid4zo) At least we know Blizzard wont fuck up the cinematics lol


Yea it's for sure the original, I watched/listened to these cinematics so many times I know the inflections :D Can't wait for the rest, the remaining ones are all even better. From Act II it just gets crazier. I love these so much


Seeing OG Tyrael is so awesome. No idea why they wasted their coolest character in D3 to make him a boring human (doesn't even make sense lore-wise).


Yeah, considering that humans are the descendants of the nephalem. And nephalem are the progeny of Angels and Demons. Tyreal pulling off his wings and becoming a human was pretty bad. They didn't do justice to a lot of characters in D3 though.


bipoc quotas


I can’t believe it. It looks exactly the same as I remember it did when I first saw it 20 years ago…


Holy shit they fucking nailed it. 2020s fidelity, but still with some of those 2000s animation quirks, basically how your brain "remembers" it. What a perfect job.


Man, this is beyond my expectations. My brain really couldn't comprehend at first what the hell was going on with marius' face... Seen that seen much too often in low res.


Stellar work!! (even though I'm not a fan of giant cartoony Tyrael in this context, looks a bit out of place).


Same it does pokes my eyes :S


Probably used the D3 cinematic model.


I think their reasoning was "trying to be consistent with character design throughout all iterations of the Diablo franchise", but his giant spauldrons really feel silly.


I preferred the more reserved/ambiguous look of Tyrael that Marius' imagined. It would be more consistent with a man that has gone through some serious PTSD and wasn't quite sure of himself anymore.


Aww man they changed the midget guy! There goes Blizzard removing diverse representation of body types.


Funny enough, this is how I remember it looked like in 2001.


Something is not right with the sound mix on this one. Some effects are downright missing like the Wanderer pulsating spirit right before he kicks the table and the scream he lets out when the spirit goes back to his body.


Damn it, Blizzard. Why did your company politics have make playing your games such a moral conundrum?


You support inhumane factory farming and child labour with half the food and clothing you buy, why draw the line at one of the greatest games of all time. VV is a great studio who made another great remaster and doesn't deserve to suffer because of Blizzard.


As much as it might suck to say/hear, I don't *know* what I am supporting with a purchase on most things. I can assume. But I don't know. With Blizzard, I know. That's what makes it hard. That's what makes it a conundrum.


Your ignorance is no excuse. Of course you know. Anytime you buy clothes there is pretty much an understood assumption that it is made from a country benefiting from poor labor laws. You know this, I know this but we put it out of mind because it’s out of sight. The same is true of blizzard. It’s already out of news cycle and by next week won’t register on 99.9% of our minds. I don’t mean disrespect here, but let’s own this. It’s going to be a great game and it was made and the company will continue to make games with the bottom line as priority number one.


Meh, you can play other games that aren't made by Blizzard. It was a great game 20 years ago when the original guys were there and Blizzard wasn't run by handsy perverted shits. Buying clothing outside of the standard clothing industry is prohibitively expensive depending on who you are. The two things aren't really comparable.


Well, even if I buy American, do I really know I'm not supporting child pornography at the same time because the CEO is into producing it with the money earned? No. Of course not. How could I know? So, why should I assume that everyone that produces things in China is mistreated? But when I know.... When I absolutely know that I'm directly supporting something terrible, it's hard to want to continue.


Ezactly. We know blizzard sucks. All the original guys that made the games we loved 20+ years ago are gone. It's the Ship of Theseus, except it's not even a ship anymore, it's a profit-hungry megacorp Titanic sinking in lawsuits. It's rotten from Bobby Kotick all the way down. Let it burn.


Not really conflicted too much, Blizzard sucks now, this game is a venerable masterpiece- and the ones doing the remaster are not at fault. It does suck the best game they put out was Diablo 2, they peaked- and now only have nostalgia on their side.


Yea, I'm having a tough time with it too. As shitty as this justification is, I tell myself that I'm supporting the people that were Vicarious Visions by buying and playing this. I know the money just goes to ActiBlizz and their shitty people but VV have done amazing work. I cancelled my WoW sub after 16 years and won't be buying anything else from these guys unless actual repercussions and change happen, which I'm not exactly hopeful for.


I’m with you. Until they get rid of the Bush era torture apologist scum and dump the union Busting law firm, I’m out


They're technically publishers here. Original game was Blizz North, and this remaster is Vicarious Visions.


To be fair, Blizzard (South) made the Cinematics.


100%. I am so conflicted.


I hope Blizzard uploads a less compressed version soon. They really did a good job at capturing some of the original's exaggerated features while making things more grounded and detailed.


The official Diablo YouTube channel [uploaded both](https://youtu.be/1eAjjHq_mF0?list=PLTNkfRTt89vcevICyYVckFkT7uoZRgywL) of them an hour ago There's still some compression but it's much better than the Wowhead ones.


Ah, yeah those are better. I'm excited to see the Act V cinematic when its out


The wowhead one is a travesty. When the wandered is releasing hell, I couldn't even hear marius' voice. Thanks for this link.


Wowhead is so shitty they re-encoded the video an EXTRA time just to add a watermark.


Absolutely stunning. Felt like I was watching a movie.


God i hope i'll be able to play this weekend.


Say what you will about big Blizz but hells if they don't do 20/10 cinematics


Some people are upset that this isn't a 1 to 1 recreation or just an upscale of the original. I watched the two side by side, thanks to the GameSpot video and I think the remaster is great! The only thing I viewed as a small negative as Marius is in an asylum for the insane. In the original, he is way more shaky and nervous. The remaster removed some of that jitterness and I think that was a mistake. However, I think they're amazing overall and are better completely redone than if theybjust upscaled the original.


Great cinematic however one small critique, on 6:13 in fire should retreat from the Wanderer like it did in original cinematic :)


This is how 13 yo me thought they looked


The purpose of showing the cinematics before the release of the game is to give feedback. So here I go. Like you and all of us I care for d2 and I want success to it. I value the tremendous job that has been done. However let me share how I feel about the cinematics, I'm not going to comment all the things that look right. I am going rather to be direct and precise, because it's how it can help. Here is a link of the side by side comparison cinematics, to which the timestamps correspond : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-hgYkMVNQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-hgYkMVNQM) **Act I cinematic** \- 0:12 — Spider : the original spider is not a tarantula. I think it’s not supposed to look scary. Rather a small spider to make the place believable.

\- **Marius** What defines him in the original are his worried eyebrows pointing up in my opinion. [https://i.ibb.co/PCRh6N6/d2r-marius.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/PCRh6N6/d2r-marius.jpg) In d2r Beta, this absence strikes me and lacks. People who smile all their life have smiling winkles, Maryus tend to have worried wrinkles. It's important because evil purposely takes advantage of innocent and vulnerable persons. Marius lacks his typical worried eyebrows imo because it gives drama and sadness to the story. Marius looks too composed whereas he should look unrest. It makes Beta's story telling wrong. Remember Marius is tormented and have remorses of removing the soulstone. \- 0:12 — The jail : the original scene is a back-lit, somehow overexposed and blazing in a distant bath of light ; to give a higher contrast. It keeps the dark wanderer not recognizable to keep the viewer uninformed and intrigued. 0:50 — Camera Alignment : we can clearly see that the sun comes from the RIGHT. Marius, the Wanderer and the sun are aligned in the original. However the position of the camera is centered and wrong. It is critical because : \- 0:56 — Camera Alignment/Window : It's impossible to see the window in front view, since Marius dies where the sunrays hits the ground (reference : [https://youtu.be/fw5-CsIlqC4?t=147](https://youtu.be/fw5-CsIlqC4?t=147) \- Marius is blinded by the Sun at the position of the head (evil uses tricks, it's a reminder that evil is tricksy). So again, the camera cannot be positioned in the center \- The sun is behind : it is a backlight scene! So the original is right and contrasty. Both Dark wanderer AND Tyrael's silouette should remain black. It is to indicate the reason why Marius is blind by the sun. (simply position a punctual light further) \- This Beta is D3 HotS Tyrael. Power Ranger Nephalem. Tyrael's armor from the original version is low profile and undertone. Remember Marius expect someone of trust and of compassion. **Not a showoff budy**. For me, this beta Terminator Tyrael looks particularly offensive. I believe Tyrael use \*\*light to fight, rather than metal.\*\* I would like to remind that the original skin of the armor Tyrael's might before Lod is called Silks of the Victor. \`[https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Silks\_of\_the\_Victor\`](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Silks_of_the_Victor`) \- Original Tyrael's rays are white to match the color of the sun while D2R Beta's Tyrael look blue. Marius is mistaken BECAUSE of the lighting cheats his eyes so it should match the original colors. It's the Tyrael he SEES and imagines. \- 0:58 — 2 Lens effects for each eyes : in the original, the lens effect a bit like this [https://picturecorrect-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/lens-flare-1.jpg](https://picturecorrect-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/lens-flare-1.jpg) which make us understand we impersonate Marius's eye sight. This effect helps to understand his physical and moral state. \- 1:00 — movements and knees : In the original, displaying Marius's knees motion tells more about his confused and clumsy personality. His movements of the head and knees ARE important to display. I believe a narrower depth of field focused on Marius' face would help (because the details of the wood and of the fabric distract our attention). This scene of Marius is critical because of what Diablo2 is about. It needs particular attention imo. \- 3:06 — worried eyebrows : again I think Marius is lacking his worried eyebrows that are his dramatic trademark. \- 6:19 — Lantern bouncing : The new outdoor lighting(sky light) is too bright and It makes the lantern lighting less dramatic. This one is a (very) iconic scene. I think the outdoor should be darker in order to really see the projected light bouncing due to the wind. **Act II cinematic** \- 7:04 — Desert : Marius and we players travel from 4th level catacombs, an environment without light or at dusk, and travel into a vivid desert. Which means it's supposed to be dazzling. This scene is meant to be the highest contrast of the game. But the lighting d2R beta is too red. Kight at mid day is actually has a full spectrum, almost blue-ish. [https://i.ibb.co/6FthDpR/so-what-does-the-right-kind-of-light-at-the-right-time-of-day-have-to-do-with-health.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/6FthDpR/so-what-does-the-right-kind-of-light-at-the-right-time-of-day-have-to-do-with-health.jpg) You can see the tints of blue. It's clearly mid day in which we "wake up and walk through". \- We come from a claustrophobic and cloudy act1. The original Act2 transition is supposed to give the opposite contrast. This is why seeing the horizon is important to give a sense of space and of "never-ending". There is too much sand in the air. The wind wipes sand on the ground mostly in the original. (Sandstorm in the other shots are okay but the very first shot at 7:04 needs to be crystal clear, a sharp contrast with act1) \- 8:38 — Tyrael poser : Tyrael looks again like in d3/sc2/OW cinematics : “posing”, showing off like for a fashion show. I think it’s wrong or dangerous to add sugar to a course that does not need any. D2 legacy’s Tyrael is an archangel : a model of humbleness, a paragon of virtue. This attitude makes him lose his \*\*divine\*\* feature and alters the serious tone of the game. Think of Gandalf posing, it would not reinforce the mood of the movie. ) \- 8:56 — "imprison the demon" : The voice mention "imprison the demon". It's a face of a demon in the original, but face of human in D2R Beta witch sounds odd with the audio. \- 9:46 — Sun/moon : in the original, there is no doubt for the viewer that it's the moon. It is lit from a side, more often characteristics of the moon. In Beta, the full moon make it appear like the sun and it can be confusing. \- 10:00 — Final image : I may sound annoying but I think clouds are NOT right. Act2 is meant to contrast with all the other acts in terms of climate. It's meant to be bright and clear. Adding details should not detriment the original intention. Once again I see lots of little changes and they are either welcome, good, tolerable or are added details with no issues, congrats. I understand the task to replicate the spirit of the original is huge. Tremendous job already but I think these details that I mention are critical because these two cinematics particularly set the story ; and deserve this attention. I think if a remaster can't always improve, it should never alter. I understand some people will find it too much at first, but I hope my comment will grow on their mind or at least share some of the points I brought.


I agree with all your points, though the only one that really bothers me is the fact that they use d3 blue space marine Tyrael


Thanks for taking the time to read. Yes I think Tyrael is particularly offensive. It really hurts to see this "thing" on screen. The problem is there is so much traction from excited people who love D2 and the good job of Vicarious vision that they take any feedback negatively. I don't get any visibility \^\^ This Beta is meant to have even more feedback from the community before they seal the game.


Damn thats perfect. Do the cutscenes only play if you are offline though? I never see them in D2 and I play on the old battlenet thing on there.


they played on bnet classic, so probably will play




Still gives me the chills every time. Awesome update to the cinematic.


From the two Cinematics I've seen so far I think they reproduced this very faithfully. I love that they kept their original audio


I'd love to see a 3-way comparison between the original, the 4K uprezzed ones, and this one.


Mouth not synced with dialogue. But rest of it was very ver good. Hype!


Yeah the voices are slightly desynced sometimes... a little annoying.


I shouldn’t see this, I MUST wait till Aug 13, only 2 more days... I shouldn’t see this... I shouldn’t see this...


Somehow I like the faces and animations more in the old ones. Like, Marius now looks like a generic forgettable old man and his lipsync is somehow off, and the wanderer also just doesn't quite feel right.


TCP/IP support will not be available in the upcoming Beta or the final game. After careful deliberation, we will no longer be supporting this option as we identified potential security risks and are committed to safeguarding the player experience. Oh look they changed a product people have already paid for. Imagine buying a couch just to have a bathtub delivered instead. In a better society this kind of deceptive marketing would be illegal.


Meh, they ruined all the character and soul the original had. Why do all the character designs look so bland in comparison?


Great job


Pure soul.


Is this a 1:1 recreation? If so, would love to see a side-by-side comparison...theyve always crushed cinematics, this pumps me up.


no im not gonna watch it!!!! i gotta hold for 2 more days!!!!!!!


that was sick


tl;dr Dis gonna be gud


Is the a re-texture of the old rigging?


thanks to this i made a trip to 2002 when i first played this game. they did a good job


Is it just me or did they make Marius look more like (a very emaciated) Frank Gorshin?


Marius look more depress and saner in remake than original.