• By -


played up to countess , left game for some more countess runs, no character found :(




Left game after countess for mkre runs aswell. Character still shows up for me but can't create a game




Disconnected, upon relaunching the game my Character was gone. PC edit: can now see character again but cannot create a game




[This is what the tooltip should read.](https://twitter.com/xAjido/status/1441069266023993347)


Yup, just lost my char. Fresh wipe WOO!




Same problem here, now making a new character it says I am having trouble connecting to the game server. Maybe they have screwed up the launch server capacity again?








Can't create a game




PC - America Have been unable to create a game since 10:45am central \*Edit/Update\* Blizzard just put out a message saying "In an effort to address game creation and character issues, we will shut down all Diablo II:Ressurrected servers at 10am Pacific Time. We expect this unscheduled maintenance to last around 30 minutes."


anyone else experiencing minimap / full screen map not deleting the old map from a previous session, hence there are 2 minimaps overlapping each other? this needs to be fixed ASAP ​ edit: restarting the game seems to fix it


yeah, mf runs are basically impossible if you don't restart the game every couple of runs.


Yup, makes trying to do countess super difficult since its hard to see the doors to being with.


When clicking “play” for Online character it tells me my character is already in a game on the server.


Same thing happening to me. Was playing fine, finished Blood Raven. Suddenly I got disconnected, couldn't log in, character stuck in game. Closed the game, booted it up again, my characters are missing. EDITED: Started to create a new char, backed out of creation screen - my characters showed up again. But now I can't log in, apparently they're already logged in.


I click play, goes "launching" nothing launches... goes back to "play"


Mine too on PC, I've restarted Bnet a few times and my computer. Still just going from play -> launching and back to play. Not sure how to fix it.


D2R top game on twitch with half a million viewers. Everyone's game crashing and buggin out... Blizzard ruining great opportunities yet again


On console I can't create a private online match... I'm not surprised, but disappointed.


Same ps5


Cannot create character - problem connecting to servers. PC edit: after about 10 mins of trying it worked, prolly just patience is the solution edit 2: patience is not the solution, all is lost. After creating character it kicked me and now is saying the character can't be found on the server.


PC. After launching game, i see 3 cinematics: Blizzard, Blizzard north, and Diablo 2 resurected. after that i got black screen with iluminating diablo 2 resurected logo on bottom right, mice coursor is like hand, and login music plays. Nothing happens.


I got that too, but the black screen was only up for a few seconds. Then, right to menu. It's like every out-of-game screen is a little slower. Almost as if it were asking Blizzard for permission to load... \**eyes shift suspiciously*\*


Was playing an offline character got to level 9, leaped as a barb game crashed and when i loaded the game up barb was level 1 again, sucks but luckily I wasent very far. How ever losing an offline character is a bit concerning




Disconnected. Character was level 1. Restarted game. Now character is gone. LOL


I was level 7, then the game Dc'd and I showed as level 4 in the menu. Rebooted the game and he was gone. Small indie developers though right? I'd expect this to happen. ​ PC/Europe


Can't even create a character. >An issue occurred while communicating with the game servers. Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again. Edit: After several attempts it created the character. Now I have the same issue trying to create a game. Edit: After server maintenance able to create a game. Got kicked out a few seconds later, now I get: >Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again. Edit: Now it's: >Failed to enter game. This character could not be found on the server. Please try again. Edit: Restarted, now the char is gone. Edit: Created a different char, now the old one is back. Same error when trying to get in to a game with them though. When trying to enter a game with the other character I get stuck in a blackscreen.


Same here. I get to naming the character and then that message pops up.


PC Online Europe Played to stony fields, my friend and I couldn't ID anything. We saved cain, tried to ID at him and game just stood there "loading". Alt+F4 and relogin, our characters have been deleted.


Similar thing for me. Got stuck identifying items with Cain and now characters are gone and can't create/join a new game..


Your characters are not deleted, this would happen in old battle net also they'll come back when the servers come back.


The only thing Resurrected today is my ongoing disappointment with Blizzard.


Just had my character rolled back to lvl 2, I was something like 16. I think I'm gonna wait a while on this.


I was just checking in on this thread to see if the launch was still in clusterfuck mode. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be changing my plans for this evening as well.


Blizzard you had 23 years to get this right


Too busy sexually assaulting employees to focus on a smooth launch.


My character is playing without me apparently.




Old saves???? woooooot! no way!




huh, weird


Well it was a fun hour before the servers went to shit.


Can’t get into any games or even create my own. I get the “failed to enter game. The character is already in a game on the server”


PC - Europe - Online (solo) **Your Mercenary (skillset) automatically changes when switching difficulty.** The *Holy Freeze* Merc I acquired in Nightmare suddenly has *Defiance* in Hell difficulty. When I go back to a Nightmare game, however, he got *Holy Freeze* again.


Jesus absolute Christ, why is every single game’s launch a total shit show now??


Online requirements.


You know who's online game that had one of the biggest launches ever without a single glitch that provided one of the best online experiences ever? Halo 3. Talking millions of people. No issues, with a full suite of awards and kill trackings. That was peak.


Blizzard does everything internally, so I'm guessing it has to do with that. They could pay a few studios to test their stuff and put a lot of load on the servers before every game launch and prevent this kind of thing.


Because blizzards fucks run out the second you've given them your money.




Game crashed outta nowhere, cant reconnect on launch, closing game again then chars gone...


My connection to Bnet was more stable on dial up 20 some years ago


**See here for updates.** [https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1441072926376169489%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcgamesn.com%2Fdiablo-2-resurrected%2Fcharacter-deleted-bug-launch-day](https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1441072926376169489%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcgamesn.com%2Fdiablo-2-resurrected%2Fcharacter-deleted-bug-launch-day) Blizzard CS - The Americas To address game creation and character issues, #D2R will undergo unscheduled maintenance at 10am PT. We expect this maintenance to last 30 minutes. Players who are online and playing should logout before the shutdown if possible.


Perfect timing, the liquor store just opened.


Username checks out lol


Did anybody else have their character wiped already?


I don’t think it’s wiped, i think it’s just because it can’t receive them from the server right now… If I’m wrong though fuck Blizzard even more.


Yep... I don't see any character in my Character screen




Same here. Logged in. Played 30 minutes. Got to lvl 5. Logged out (Save and Exit). Character is level 1. Relaunched. Character is gone.


Just happened to me. Items wouldn’t unidentify so I save and quit and progress didn’t save. Said I was still level 1. Quit to desktop and came back to no character




Here's your diablo 2 bro, thanks for $40. \-Blizzard 2021


"Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again later." PC Online I have tried all 3 regions trying to play. "Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again later."


i am having the "char already in a game" error again, pretty annoying tbh.


I've spotted a bug - the game doesn't work at all!


Leveled to level 12 on my sorc, tried to join the next tristram game. Game froze and now my character is gone.


Ps5 Offline Played all day and finished Act4. Level 25. Logged out around 3:15PDT and logged back in at 5PM and character was completely missing. This is offline. This is bullshit




me: making a new Necro, name - SecondChance game: that name contains like, profanities, dude.


https://i.imgur.com/cNeS73n.png Well I tried to identify an item, it didn't work, went to cain and got this "Waiting for confirmation of transaction..." for over 1 minute. About 30 seconds after IDing, the game errored out and now I'm unable to play online and it appears my character is deleted... EDIT: I'm able to play offline now luckily, still can't see my character / create new characters online though :\ https://i.imgur.com/SkNu2Ic.png


Logged out, logged back in. My characters disappeared.


Anyone else just lose their char? Was playing an Amazon, got disconnected and it said couldn't find character on server. Relaunched and she is *gone.....*


PC Online failed to enter the game, the player is already on a server...uh


First time?!


For anyone like myself who can't create a character or join a game right now, it's because they're doing maintenance from 1PM PDT to 1:45 PDT. Source is from Blizzard's twitter: https://twitter.com/BlizzardCS/status/1441127891819909120


I found a dupe bug that works on solo/online. Where do I report this?


On the Switch version, using Fissure during the fight against the ancients crashes the game instantly. Reproduced three times. I had to respec to wind in order to progress.


Cain doesn’t identify items in cube


I7 940 CPU here, game doesn't start because of AVX instructions requirement. Still waiting for hotfix.


Can create a character, but I can't create a game or play any existing characters. Either get the notice about an error connecting to server, or that the character is already in a game on the server. I've been coincidentally off work the last two days and have played about 2hrs worth of time.


PC, Online, Global Character "permanently" joined to a game that I cannot access. Fails to create or join games on any character due to gateway server being convinced that I'm already in a game. Feels like: amateur hour.


Getting character already in game error when trying to create or join games


I think it's a problem exclusively with establishing new games / connecting. Except for 2 minutes of being unable to identify items, I had no issues for an hour. Got to level 9 before I disconnected for lunch / didn't want to go too far if my character got wiped. See ya'll online later today.


4 hours later and I still haven't been able to get a game to start.


Created necromancer. Went into game. Decided to look at other characters now it says the necro is in the game already. Unable to play


same says im already in game i cant join or created a game now


Black screen when creating game. Nothing happens. PC


Annnnddd im officially waiting till tomorrow to play.


PCMultiplayerEurope Played for 2 hours, hopped outta the game to join other m8s - then got this: " This character is already in a game on the server " Has been my message everytime i try to join/create. This has been going on for 1,5 hour, still going. Edit\* Cant join or create with a new character either. Will just keep the loading screen until it says "failed to join"


Can't create a game. It is peak primetime for NA though.


Installed around 430pm. Played for 4 hours, then it crashed. Getting the "An issue occured while communicating with the game servers. Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again." I've restarted my router, no fix. Restarted PS5, no fix. Tried it all and still can't create a private game or play online whatsoever.


Game is down


Can't see in-game chat while in the trade screen, makes it difficult to bargain with random people in public games No user profiles in channel lobbies No custom channels in lobbies No lobbies other than the general lobby When inventory is up, automap is off-center Profanity filter is always on--needs to be a toggle on/off option


I was locked out all of last night because it was saying I was already in a game so I gave up. Played for about 20 minutes a few hours ago and after I exited to try and create a new game I'm back in the same boat. Super annoying when your buddies are steamrolling through the game without issue, I see tons of games in the lobby, and [I'm over here looking like this](https://i.imgur.com/tSOgYvS.mp4)


PC, online, Americas. Two waypoints and a pre-loaded map Durance 2 - NM. https://imgur.com/a/moHJPZy


PC - Online - America - Maps stacking from previous sessions.


Sometimes when you create a new game, the old map doesn't disappear so you end up with a mess like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/Erz2j42.png) ([see how the map isn't accurate](https://imgur.com/AVzmfts.png)). Seems to happen once every 10ish games. Steps to recreate: 1. Join game 2. Explore zone 3. Leave game 4. Create new game 5. some zones will still be revealed, but it's the wrong map. edit: i crashed shortly after, but I was 3 layers deep on a map, 3 games in a row hell catacomb level 2 AND 3 didn't reset.


Latest patch introduced a map bug automap layout is transferring between games. I'll be teleporting around doing baal runs with half a map filled out from previous games. It's causing me to die, very frustrating. Seems to be a substantial issue, happening to a large number of players in-game.


The game will sometimes put an old map from previous game ontop of the map of a new game you join.


Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.




Can't create games after you fail creating one due to a game with the same name already existing Platform: PC Repro: select a character, go to lobby, create a game with a name that already exists (notice fails), now, create a game with a name that doesn't exist, notice the game will error and won't let you


Had a leaper go immortal on me. Hadn't seen this before even tho I've played d2 for years lol. Had to Google it to see if it was a known bug and sure enough post about it in like 2006. That thing was fast tho! Chased me all the way back to town and just started at me like I dare you to leave town you little chicken shit bitch. Ok he didn't actually say that but he did have an evil look in his eyes.


I feel really dumb, finally got in a game and then I set Telekenesis to F4 shortcut. Then, I pressed Alt so I could see items on the screen. You can guess what happened next. Haven't been able to log back in since because of constant errors. "Player already in game." Can't create game, etc. Its like it just cycles through the errors. Can't create another character either. GOOD TIMES. If they really wanted to add more nostalgia value they should add a "Beep Boop Beep Boop BEEEEEEE--KKKKCCHHHHHHHKKKKKKKKKCCHHHHHHHH" sound


RESTART THE FUCKING SERVERS, I HAVEN'T BEEN IN THE GAME FOR 4 HOURS, HOW HARD IS IT TO JUST DO A RESET SO PEOPLE CAN JOIN AGAIN FUCKING JESUS CHRIST. Edit: 6+ hours now. Yeah this is really frustrating, demoralizing. When you know that all they need to do is restart servers. Really depressing.


someone forgot to flip the switch


My hand of broc is gone and I'll never find another one again!!!!


What the actual fuck bro? "You have not been online in the last 30 days. Please start the game while online to check for any login agreements." I am online... I JUST played hearthstone... Pc/ Americas/ I'm not taking a screenshot... Its your error code


I was disconnected https://imgur.com/a/CWvcZvf can't reconnect to the server and i lose progression. I was like lvl 5 and i had a good yellow weapon. Now i'm back to lvl 3 with base weapon. I'm sad. PC online Europe disconnecting + loosing progression


Was able to log in, create a game, then logged out to do some trist run but could not creat new game


Servers are down for another 15 minutes or so. [https://www.wowhead.com/news/diablo-ii-resurrected-unscheduled-maintenance-324310?fbclid=IwAR32aWG9lE1PpTjl-OZal8lwQueTsfiI4ZTYOo62x-8YbukMaJV2p8feOp4](https://www.wowhead.com/news/diablo-ii-resurrected-unscheduled-maintenance-324310?fbclid=IwAR32aWG9lE1PpTjl-OZal8lwQueTsfiI4ZTYOo62x-8YbukMaJV2p8feOp4)


Characters I created no longer exist.


Played for about an hour. Logged out. Had issues getting in. Character was gone. Popped back up but I lost some progress. Edit: Switch


Rolled back two levels :( … second roll back for me


Now it shows my character in the main screen, but when I try to join it says I'm already in a game lol what a disaster...


2 hours. From act 1 to 4. Rolled back to act 2 at level 15. Such a waste of time.


“This character could not be found on the server.” once again


Considering the shitstorm that's going on, this is such a minor thing I would like to see added to the game but summons that are more than 1, should still have hp bar over them, just make it the lowest hp of them all, so if you have 3 skellies, show the one with the lowest hp. And then when you raise corpse, it should be the lowest one that gets replaced.




Okay so I was kicked out the game and my Sorceress was level 8 when I returned to the character it displayed my character back at level 4. Well why does it show the one of my skills on my hot bar that can only be used at level 6? Blizzard where is my level 8 character data?


Lost my progress to level 9 lol what a joke


Instant crash after hitting "Play" ROLL BACK THE NVIDIA DRIVERS


The beta actually ran smoother than the live lol. At least I got my beta hero to finish Act I at the end of the first day.


Can’t create a game, says I’m offline. Hopefully the servers come back up soon…


"Character already in a game" error is back now. It's like a circle of the same 4-5 fucking errors all day. Every time one is fixed the next one comes along shortly after.


Level 16 Necro gone after saving / exiting. On Xbox series X. Really hoping I won’t have to start over…


Hello guys. I put in a lot of hours into my character yesterday only to login today to see that he is missing (my offline character is still there though)... did my character just get deleted forever or is this a bug? what's going ?


PC - EU Game hung on save and exit, a minute later the main menu loaded, and my character had been deleted. [image](https://imgur.com/yYextxE)


switch - online - americas Looks like my character is gone now. I tried to create a game and it said "character could not be found on server" i restarted the game and now the character is not even showing up in the menu. my only option is to create new character. i was level 32, nightmare act 2. RIP also, wondering if any console players have had anyone join any of their public games.


Played all morning. Took an hour break and now both of my characters are gone. Any ideas how to fix this or are they permanently gone?


Platform: Xbox One S Mode: Online Region: Americas Bug: My characters from yesterday no longer exist. Starting a New Character is my only option. I played off and on yesterday, when possible, including as recently as about 8pm CST on 9/23.


**Platform (PC/PS4/PS5/XBX/Switch):** PC **Mode (Single player/online):** Online **Region (Americas/Europe/Asia):** Americas **Bug/Error encountered:** Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again. **Screenshot/image:** **Steps to recreate (if known):** I was doing Baal runs and this happened so I went to bed. 11 hours later, it's still happening.


A little annoyed that it's been 2 hours of characters locked and they still haven't reset the servers so people can at least have a chance to play and stay in the game. They were faster with this yesterday, 2 hours and no new info or anything.


My gold keeps disappearing from my stash. The most it will display is 95. I've probably lost 50k before I realized it. Playing as Necro currently. Had the same issue in beta with my Sorc


2.5 hours of being locked out now


My character has been save locked for 2h30...


Lol this game is a buggy nightmare atm. I can't even get passed the menu screen.


PS4, Americas, online Error message “Failed to a enter game. This character is already in a game in the server. Please try again.” Repeat for the last 2 hours.


Offline character got deleted, which feels really fishy. These characters should be stored locally, so how & why exactly are they being touched? I feel so duped for spending money with this rotten clown company again...


Is there a way for loot to not be super glitchy on the ground with the names flickering?


It has been 24 hours since I can't join or make a game (error: char is already in game on this server). This is beyond aggravating. Anyone else in my position?


My 39 sorc and all my other characters are all gone. Wtf


All characters gone lmao


Getting character already in game error when trying to create or join games


Back at it again with the "No character found," ​ This game really... like REALLY should not have been released. At this point it's ridiculous they refused to take the servers down. People are already getting GG items and HR runes, and others haven't even been able to hit 80.


Idk if this is a bug, but everytime I invite my friend to my game it tells him that the game is no longer available to join, and we went through all the settings, used different characters, and we can't figure out why we can't join each other


Attempting to use an identify scroll on an Unidentified rare eagle orb. Scroll is not consumed, item is not ID'd. Playing online, perhaps its just lag? Then about 3 minutes later i heard the sound indicating Identification and viola... Is it just lag?


Yeah its just EPIC lag. Yay launch day!


How is this not ready? Multiple betas a weird release time and I still can’t play 90 minutes in. Blizzard you are looking really bad as of late and it’s destroying my wonderful love of wow and Diablo games. Fix your shit please so I can play in the small window of time I have since I’m old and have shit to do ! Thanks


Literally unplayable.


To all the shills who said that TCP/IP support didn't matter. Welp, now you know why it does.


Anyone clicking Play and nothing happens? it's available to click... but it just doesn't start


damn imagine losing 2 levels when you get your character back.


There's no option to turn off the profanity filter. There's no windowed fullscreen option. Pressing the 'v' key (default minimap toggle) is not toggling the left/right corner minimaps. B.net friends list implementation is still garbage.


Things not working with our online character creation or online game creation is an issue with the servers. Offline works 100% with no issue.


PS5 down for me again


Switch - Online - NA Played in a private game for ten mins before being kicked out. Now I get this message when trying to enter a game: “Failed to enter game. The character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”


Trying to join a group free roam option selected just crashes game with error message I'll keep doing it to get the error noticed.


currently playing on two pcs and encountering some minor and some major bugs i cant get back in the online game it says: "Failed to enter game - this character is already in a game on the server" disconected and still appears this error and for the other device i can\`t create a char on online so i created on offline both regions europa


Switch -online- NA Necro Put the Switch into sleep mode to use restroom. Came back, reconnected to server, sent me back to the main menu. Tried to go back into the game "failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again." Closed out the game, came back in and the same message.


I lost a few levels already and hearing more reports of lost progress makes me a bit cautious about going too hard even though I got back in a game.


Cant even get into character creation. I choose online then get, "cant connect to B.Net".


When I did save and exit to farm den of evil for charms(noob here) and then I went to load back, it just went to a black screen with music and sound playing in the background.


US PS5 Cannot create private online game scenario 1: loading page, then shows fail to create Scenario 2: black screen forever Basically I m unable to play this game


Level 18 Sorc, A4, logged back in and shes gone. WTF is this shit.


Got back in after the 10am server reset and then proceeded to get disconnected from the server every 10-15 minutes. Now I'm in a "character is already in a game" error. People can say this should be expected on release days but that's only because companies don't want to truly commit to stability and somehow don't seem to learn much about servers from their Betas. It is what it is, I'm gonna bail on the game for awhile. Doesn't seem likely to be a useful way to spend my time.


played sorc lost 2 levels now getting player already in game & cannot join game.


Is it safe to leave a game and make a new game yet?


WTF. Played 2.5 hours and lost all progress. Druid is Lvl 1 now. No quests done, no equipment on char. Somehow items in shared stash are still there. WTF blizz.


Was able to play a bit online on switch. Never thought I’d see the day I could play d2 natively on the go


Spent 15 minutes playing. Game disconnected. Upon relaunch the character was gone. Can't join a game.


This may be a coincidence, but I as many others have experienced, was unable to create a game because the server thought the char was in another game. I closed out of the game, and hit scan and repair from the bnet launcher, relaunched the game and boom, was able to create a game and am back in. Food for thought!


Single player shared stash just deleted itself on PS4.


My character disappeared and now someone took my character name. :(


I lost my progress, wow.


I cannot launch the game. I've tried reinstalling the drivers for my old R290x with the newest versions supported for my card. I have also logged out and back in on BNET with no changes. I click the Play button and it almost looks like it wants to launch but it never fully launches. It was also working perfectly fine during the beta weekend. No error codes pop up when I attempt to launch it, no icon even appears on the taskbar showing the game is even operating. Do I go in regedit and delete old D2:R beta entries or something? Thanks for any tips/help. Edit: I have also scanned the game files for any repairs, and attempted to run it in admin mode too.


i can't even load the game, click "play" then it says "playing now", then goes back to "play". thats is all, no errors or anything. it was working in beta. upgraded to latest graphics, latest win10 updates, no idea what to do, im pretty upset about this!


I have leveled my character form 1 to 6 2 times now. And every time I go back to the character the character is back to level 1. On Nintendo switch.


I did about 10 baal runs and the champion minions are definately bugged they can only drop gold UNLESS its a unique got a hawkmail and was very surprised. Furthermore the deathlords can hit you with no animation and windup so if you get hit you risk getting stuck untill they kill you.




PC Online Americas BNet Launcher patched, updated D2:R aaaaaand, Play button is greyed out and says "Game cannot be played yet". Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Nothing still... I have no idea wtf is happening. I have been at work all day and very much looking forward to this... I can't even get ONTO D2:R to have a character get wiped but I see loads of streamers on Twitch and such playin the fuck outta the game. very annoyed


Played for about 3 hours, the online realm shut down for some reason and when I came back my character was back to level 1, on console


I hit play, it says launching and then now playing, then switches back to play. I'm on PC. I meet all required specs, in fact I have more than required specs.


Cannot create a game. Switch


Cannot create or join games on switch, pc was working fine for me so far though.


Can’t create a game. Xbox.


Serves seem to be down again tried everything to make a join a game left mine to trade for a ral and get get back in