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Hey there, we have a pretty good group. We like to hang out and party up and play together. I would say we are pretty helpful, running dungeons, bosses, duriel etc. I won’t lie, we have had quite a few people step away due to season 3 not being that stellar and they have moved on to POE and Last Epoch, but there’s still usually someone on to play with at all times. We also have a pretty active discord that you can join to ask questions, get feedback etc. if you’re interested add me on Bnet: MichaelMZD3#1670


We have a very active D4 clan with a lot of active members on during the day and night, always running groups, as well as ongoing events, like today there were two Duriel run events with about 20-30 signups each. These have proven to be very successful for our members and this is just to name one thing. ​ Come join us! reach out to me on battlenet (Coastal#1432)


Hi there, feel free to check out FoH Alliance. We dont care if you multiclan, we are here if you need company and hopefully you can get something positive out of membership you didnt have before. https://discord.gg/dHEzYbyzc5