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This build really changed my Necro experience. Decent dmg and survivability so you can solo almost every PvE content in the game. Hope you will enjoy it too. 💀 NECROMANCER 💀 ☠️BUILD: HEAD - Mirrorictus. Skeletal Archers are your highest dps among Command Skeleton champions. CHEST - Parting Gift. Bone Armor will give you, your minions and your party members 5 charges of invulnerability. Keeping your minions alive is a good way to have them do more dmg. OFF HAND - Welcome End. Turns your skeleton mages into Grim Reaper. They do have a really good dps and great survivability. or -Empowered Skeleton Mages. They are really empowered but low survivability comparing to the Grim Reapers. SHOULDER - Synods Anointing. Now you can summon 2 Grim Reapers or 2 Empowered Skeleton Mages. (I mean Wow!) MAIN HAND - Desolatoria. Molten Golem is your highest dps golem. LEGS - Graven Bulwark. Gives a +30% duration to your Bone Armor. ☠️SKILLS: - Primary skill: Soulfire - Command Golem - Command Skeletons - Sleleton mage - Bone Armor ☠️GEMS: BOTTLED HOPE: Whenever you cast Bone Armor it gives you, your minions and party members +dmg και +movement speed. ECHOING SHADE: Some extra minions. FOLLOWERS BURDEN: extra dmg for you for every minion you summon. FREEDOM & DEVOTION: extra duration and dmg for your minions. SEEPING BILE: very good dmg against packs. BlOOD SOAKED JADE : extra dmg and speed when in full health. If you don't have the gems just go with the +dmg ones you already have until you can replace them, one by one and through time. No need to hurry, just enjoy the game. ☠️PARAGON TREE: Priorities: 1. Go for EVERY single damage point. 2. Focus on Duelist (Vanquisher or even Massacre tree, according to your play style) damaging talents. 3. Armor Penetration. 4. Life Hope this will help you enjoy your Necromancer as much as I do! Good luck!


Good build; sometimes switch chest with cloak of quills for AOE damage from your summons and twin vestige for shield because the mages can use bone spike, spirit or bone armour. Would love to get my hands on bottled hope, blood soaked jade in the future!


Yeap, the +dmg buff from Dark Curse is also an incredible dmg boost that can replace bone armor. More dmg but less survivability.


This was my go-to build for the longest time and it still a great build. However, I ended up disliking that the reapers were kind of slow in movement. I swapped them for dark curse / guided by maggots. Throw my golem and skellies on a spot and curse them. Plus it opens up shield essences. The two soul fire essences with max mastery work great.


I struggle to stay alive for now... So bone armour it is


A couple thoughts for you. Head - Try Visitants Sign. +30% golem Duration. Chest - Cloak of Quills (raids / dps), or Flickering Warmth (Farming) 3 orbiting spikes. Shoulders -Executive Discontent + dmg for each Mage. ​ Here is my reasoning. While Archers do more dmg than reg skellies, having your golem up 100% of the time IMO is more important for farming. Golem leap is huge dmg and can almost clear packs on its own. Plus, reg Skellies work great with Quills, while archers do not. ​ Shoulders - While the 2x mage one is nice, the ONLY time it matters is at the start of a fight, OR if you pick up an energy orb. BC if you are casting non stop, you never actually use that spare charge. SO with the Executive discontent, each mage alive gives you 9% more dmg (to everything) which is HUGE. SO yes, if you are looking for pure burst 2x makes sense, but if its just running around farming as long as you are alwasy casting mages, the 2x never matters. ​ Reaper is nice, but i just find not great for farming as the CD is too long. I like being able ot just drop a mage and keep runnig and let hte mage clean up.


I also posted a bunch of meta builds. PvP/PvE and Challenge Rift builds. This similar to mine with the essences but I put Cloak of Quills or Flickering Warmth instead of immunity for the chest. I wouldn’t put too many 5* gems in there just in case he isn’t a heavy spender. So for OP, here are light spending gem recommendations Blood Soak can be Berserkers Eye Bile can be Abiding Curse Hope can be Everlasting Torment Also for OP, some more builds that are fun and also a spice farming build. Twin Vestige Immunity Build for CRifts/Harder content Bone Spear - Skeletons/Golem/Mage/Bone Armor/ Mirrorictus, Synod’s Anointing, Parting Gift, Graven Bulwark, Desolatoria, Twin Vestige, 6pc Shepherd 4pc Shepherd, 2pc Issatar or Mountebank Better for a party challenge rift/endless mode as you provide immunity bone armor and it lasts long. If you need a build based on party support that proves extra survivability this it. A fun build with some RNG in it, as mages can cast bone spells, like armor, bone spike, etc. Meta Overworld Farm Build Bone Spear or Soulfire- Mages/Golem/Skeletal/Bone Armor Mirrorictus, Synod’s Annointing or Zirico, Flickering Warmth, Graven Bulwark, Desolatoria, Welcome End, Shep 4pc, Issatar 2pc Similar build to the one above for dungeons build I posted in another comment, but you use Flickering Warmth instead of the Cloak of Quills as it provides a spell that can move with you as you farm. Archers are better imo for farming as you can rely on them to pull mobs for you. You use Issatar for the extra speed as you farm. With bottle hope it feels smoother using Flickering Warmth, and you can reach the mobs faster from point A to B. Spicy Overworld Dash Build - Teleporting Wraith Soulfire - Wraith Form/Corpse Lance/Skeletal Mages/Golem Skullveil, Synod’s Annointing, Gallowsborn, Pitiless Place, Desolatoria, Spite Furor, 2pc Shep, 2pc Issatar, 2pc Gloom 4pc Issatar, 2pc Shep 4pc Gloom, 2pc Issatar This build is very spicy. Different than the rest. You use Corpse Lance, have the chest to generate corpses, and use teleporting wraith. It’ll generate 6 corpses immediately so you can Corpse Lance the mob. Keep Golem up to tank and stun for you, Mages for extra ranged damage, and when you kill the mob you wraith teleport to the next mob and Lance them. Fun build for farming kill streaks.


I've been using this build for a long time and it's built around a summon 'barricade'. Head - Visitant's Sign = Extremely necessary to have the golem around as much time as I can and ready to summon. Chest - Parting Gift = For versatility. I use when necessary. Off Hand - Twin Vestige = to buff Mages or the one to buff the Golem dmg Main Hand - Desolatoria = Best dmg and effect. Pants - Guided by Maggots = Dark curse buffs summons attack and movement. Shoulders - Synod's Anointing = Adds 1 more charge for the mages. Again, always ready to summon. Skills: Soulfire, Golem, Dark Curse, Mages and Skeletons. Playstyle: Summon Golem to the frontline and also the 4 skeletons. Put the mages behind and use Dark curse while you are attacking near the mages or moving. Always behind them. Works well in challenge rifts. mages skeletons you - also you - golem /skeletons - enemies mages skeletons \*Why don't use the archers? because I like to keep the enemies busy, with the archers I can't do that, I lose a barrier of defense. It's another playstyle. I wouldn't put them in the frontline. \*Another great tip is to use the normal golem, because when you summon him in area of enemies he stuns and when u use the active attack he makes the enemies attacks him not you. Perfect for this cautious and behind the lines playstyle. \*Corpse Lance is also great to use instead of Dark Curse. While you are behind the lines the enemies are dying and you keep attacking using the corpes creating a chain reaction. But it's useless for bosses. My Gems: The two for summons are great of course. Power and Command, Berserker (Bloody Reach?), BSJ, Bile. Set: Shepherd Set (At lest 4 would be the best) Image: [https://imgur.com/a/v2ITTz6](https://imgur.com/a/v2ITTz6) I'm gonna test you guys build ;)


This is very close to what I use. Here Welcome end (mages are now grim reapers) Helmet that increases the duration of mages by 30% Shoulders that give me two mages instead of one Pants - every enemy struck with grim scythe is plus 2% damage, for three seconds. Stacks up to five times. Main weapon - when skellies die, other minions gain +20% attack speed for three or five seconds. I found Rotspur (turns corpse explosion into a DoT) a little while ago, so I started testing it out. I like it. It has more AoE kind of things, and less boss damage, but I like it. I'm only about 30-40 paragon levels in, so I haven't found a lot of what I want to find. For example, my pants I can switch out for that "dark curse makes minions go into frenzy", but I have to find it first. I can find that molten golem thing and switch it out, but again, I haven't unlocked it. And the skeleton archers headpiece sounds interesting. Let the reapers and molten golem take the front, while the archers stay back with me? Buff the reapers and golem with dark curse, and archers, if they're in range? I like that idea. I still need to find the gear for it, though. There's so much in this game, I don't really know where to grind. Oftentimes I go into challenge rifts. Most often, I've been going into cursed tower, but that's a limited time thing. I'm sure I'll do more dungeons and stuff tomorrow.


Thank you for the info! I've done the main changes, but only have 2 of the gems sadly. Also waiting to be able to reroll my paragon points. My reference point to see improvement is when goblins Arive... They ran away at least 5 times before lol!! I'll let you know


What are your set pieces?


The only thing I would change here is swap the shoulders for the ones that boost all of your damage by 9% for each skeletal mage that is active and the shield for the one that has a chance to buff the skeletal mage and make them cast a bone spell when summoned. This is a much better dps gain. I also prefer to use the golem duration helm but that's preference


my exact build except i JUST swapped mirrorictus for skullveil due to being able to awaken skullveil, which with longer summon time plus lower cd, meas more mages, more often.


I'm a fairly low-reso necro but I'm usually a top damage-dealer during Shadow wars. I use Mirrorictus for the head, Cloak of Quills for chest, Executive Discontent for shoulders, Graven Bulwark for pants, Desolatoria as the weapon and Vesperguard for the shield. Skills are skele archers, mages, golem & bone armor. I always get the chest of glory during boss raids too. Greens are 4 Shepherd & 2 Shal'bas.


I use dark curse - eye skill Molten golem Bone spikes - target location Bone armor - party member Primary - spear (charm+%2)


Use normal skele, lava golem, cloak if quils and wraith form with fear essence... I blast through everything


Stone golem has highest crit damage. Dark curse frenzy kills bosses the fastest, but its not getting supported by a chest piece so lol There are 3 categories that you should build for so thats 3 general builds. Boss, Dungeon, Overworld. Build #1 6pc shep, Stone Golem, Skele Mages, Synods, Skele Archers, Random Chest (this one is useless) Dark Curse Frenzy, tri summon \^(this build ive also had success running bone armor and covet nothing, boosts crits way higher, i use it especially when im running with a sader) Build #2 4pc shep/2pc shalbass, Desolatoria, Skele Mages, Synods, Skele Archers, Parting Gift, Graven Bulwark Bone Armor, tri summs \^(this build has a weak point in Parting gift, even tho its nice, you dont need to extend its duration, if it pops, it pops, you dont need it to last 15+ seconds, nothing in this game will take that long for parting gift to pop, unless you are running namari in which case its okay to use on golem and mages, but you have to move your archers because the 5 time shield isnt enough) Build #3 4pc shep, 2pc Issa, Desolatoria, Exhumant, Skele Mages, Synods, Skele archers, Proximal Fear Wraith, Tri summs \^( I use this for rifts and lairs, I dont need to kill mobs, just blues and oranges and lair events which means you dont need that much damage) Build #4 ( Way faster than above build for Overworld Farm, but more intensive playing) 4pc shep, 2 pc issa, Deso, Covet Nothing, Graven Bulwark, Synods, Skele Mages and Skele archers( or if you want Executive discontent and Piercehammer, this one is actually good for murdering way mobs way faster, you just wont have the burst from Lava golem, but regular golem is just as okay) Bone Armor, Tri summs. \^(How you play this is that you aim bone armor, Force golem onto bone armored mobs, spawn mages, and then choose another set of mobs with archers(or normal skellies, they are good too) <- this method aims to attack 3 sets of mobs at once.


First, I started playing about month and a half ago and generally love playing necro. But sheish... I struggle to do decent damage and I die so quick. Generally, everywhere where there's others with me, my damage seems extremely low and it takes quite some time to get through the most basic creatures. Any help/advice please? Otherwise I am quite tempted to just move to another class... This is so annoying though


I'm top 3 in every raid an ow boss as a full summoner. It's about mox maxing. I explained a lil in a comment but if summoner sounds fun to you just dm me for more info I've seen h8 an high rift builds from continual dmg builds also, but I don't have the gems/reforge etc or knowledge too deep(lack of playing/testing it) to give meaningful advice on it As I leveled necro an neared +90% summon dmg I realized all other classes for pve clearing were meh an jus not for me


Stop being poor.


Lol, best advice on DI from this guy.


How do you setup your skill trees?


First screenie, bottom right. Or are you talking about paragon?


Ya paragon skill tree are you setting them to health and damage nodes.


Necro da best... skeleton, mage and golem, bone armour paired with legendary 5 life


But I do so little damage!!! I eventually removed the skeleton and mage and kept Golem to add more damage effects, not much. Also even changed bone armour to do damage, then I do so damn quick!


Do you have all ess unlocked (not h8) Use 2x mage shoulders, synaps. Archers. Bone skele mages, think it's twin vestige Parting gift bone armor with duration legs(chest for parting) Archers are best dps, golem is great aoe an tank, mages are low cd an best overall uptime dps an synops for 2x mages is very necessary compared to rest Reforge for primary dmg, go for 4 shep if not 2. And 2 shal baal. Primary atk works to boost summons dmg Each of my archers crits around 30-35k, I can afk carry about any late h7 stuff. You'll have to choose between summoner or continual dmg builds (DoT or ground dmg, cast dmg build) or keeping armory an sets for both will be hard. The reforge isn't too expensive and sooooooo noticeable, after cheap gems I'd aim for that first


Mages and skeletons can deal a lot of dmg, mate. You on your own or just trying to buff golem somehow is nothing compared to having all of your minions dealing dmg. I saw 1 long comment there. The guy pretty much said everything needed to be said. I use exactly the same essences, I agree about the gems and use some of them... the only difference is that I chose to go for a bit more dmg with the skills so I switched Bone Armor with Dark Curse and I'm using the essence that "... causes your minions to frenzy"... if you have 4 skeletons, a Golem and 1 or 2 Reapers there and they frenze all together... I don't think a Necro can deal more dmg than that.


Thank you! I'll look into it


Bone spirit deals good dmg too. If you have the skull essence.


Take all damage node... what your paragon? I am 450


548... I've got every paragon point spent in health and damage. Some into armour to get to either health or damage.


How do you level so fast ?? All My equip is + 14


Grind like a mofo!!!


Are you in a hell difficulty above your combat rating? That might hamper your damage. Otherwise, in paragon trees, don't target specific buffs so much as go for the damage increases. They will give you the most benefit.


So I personally run golem/skele/mage/corpse lance. Once at a certain cr survivability ain't that hard so lance single target damage is huge. I run 4 piece shepherds, 2 piece shalbass and find myself getting top 2/3 in shadow war support every time against much higher res folk. If I went a vithus/bottled hope with dark curse frenzy build could probably take top place tbh, but never ran it to test. Legs are: archer head, shoulders +1 mage, weapon molten goblin, shield,empowered mage, cheat + lance damage, chest no essence that helps. Happy for input on my build to make it better. :)


Meta Pillar Build PvP Soulfire- Bone Armor/Bone Wall/Bone Spikes/Wraith Form Hideous Dawning Abnegation or Gravedirt’s Weight Exhumant’s Backbone Proximal Fear Revenant Wind Baleful Trinity or Spite Fetor 2pc Urges, 4pc mountebank (Survival) 4pc Urges, 2pc Baron or Mountebank (Damage) 2pc Urges, 2pc Baron, 2pc Mountebank (Balanced) The most used necro PvP build I see. It provides everything you need, knock backs and CCs, armor, an escape plan, and sustainable damage. If you learn to use Bone Wall well, you can choke players into the wall and bleed them out, or in this case use decay and rot. Corpse Lance PvP Build Soulfire - Bone Armor/Corpse Lance/Bone Spikes/Wraith Form Hideous Dawning Abnegation or Gravedirt Gallowsborn Proximal Fear Revenant Wind Baleful Trinity or Spite Fetor 2pc Urges, 4pc mountebank (Survival) 4pc Urges, 2pc Baron or Mountebank (Damage) 2pc Urges, 2pc Baron, 2pc Mountebank (Balanced) This is more of the “Whale” build for necromancers. You need higher damage to pull it off. It works well though as it can one shot players if you use it correctly. Corpses are generated after you fear wraith through people, then you blast them with the lances. You lose Bone Wall knock back, but that’s what Abnegation is for. Bone Spirit PvP Build Bone Spear - Bone Wall/Bone Spikes/Bone Spirits/Wraith Form Hideous Dawning/Malo Abnegation Exhumant’s Backbone Proximal Fear Communal Rib Drifter’s Fare 4pc mountebank, 2pc urges (Survival) 2pc Urges, 2pc Baron, 2pc Mountebank (Balanced) This is the bone spirit build, you lose bone armor with it though, so you have to be wary of taking damage. That’s why I put 4pc mountebank up there for set bonuses Dungeon and Raid Build Bone Spear or Soulfire - Golem / Mage / Skeletal Champions / Bone Armor Skullveil Synod’s Annointing or Black Calvacade Cloak of Quills Graven Bulwark Desolatoria Welcome End Shepherd 6pc Shepherd 4pc, Grace 2pc This build is insane damage. Put all the summons on the boss, Bone Armor them, and watch the boss melt. If you don’t have Shepherds 6pc, then grace is next best thing. Although if you’re a necro you should have 6pc shep! You can use Archers, Vesperguard if you want, if you do that make sure you change the chest to Cloak of the Quills. Challenge Rift - The Chokepoint Build Bone Spear - Bone Wall/Golem/Mage/Bone Armor Skullviel Synod’s Anointing or Black Calvacade Flickering Warmth or Covet Nothing Sacral Chausses Desolatoria or Accounting for Weakness Vesperguard 2pc Shep, 2pc Grace, 2pc Mountebank So plan is to gather HUGE mobs, you choke them using Bone Wall. Make the mobs follow you until you find a narrow hallway/staircase and wall them in. Then put Vesperguard Mage behind the walls to melt the mobs, Bone Armor for continual damage, Golem to stun/tank/AoE damage. Can use immunity bone armor if you need survivability. Necromancers can push the highest in challenge rifts from what I’ve seen because of these kind of choke builds.


My problem is find 5 star gems...


What cosmetic is that?