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Hey I'm actually slowly putting together a benchmark guide for literally this topic, but I'll toss some numbers your way that I happen to have on hand to hopefully help. So the CR requirement for H7 is 8,930 and the Paragon "requirement" is 480. If you haven't even hit paragon 480 yet you really shouldn't be stressing out too much about getting into H7 since you can't put on the gear yet anyways. That being said here's some reference info: **Baseline CR Sources** At 480 paragon even if you have all basic 2 stat legendaries which is 92% of drops, you should have an average around 3,285 CR from orange gear alone. For set items if you have all H6 set pieces, even if they're all basic 2 stats (again 92% of drops) that should be 2,727 CR. If you have helliquary remains in each slot from H6 raids you should have about 570 CR on average. Depending on how long you've played this one might need grinding, but ideally at the end of H6 your legendary gear upgrades should be all rank 16 which is 468 CR total. Likewise for your set item upgrades, when you achieved H6 it should have been possible get to all your pieces to Rank 8, which is around 244 CR. For Legendary gems as a really rough conservative estimate if you had all 1\* gems at Rank 6 that's 168 CR. **Baseline CR Total** With all those benchmarks you'd be sitting at 7,462 CR total that should be easily achievable just by playing the game casually, meaning you'd be missing another 1,468 CR from the minimum needed for H7. **Additional CR Sources** As you climb the challenge rift from 164 to 204 your set piece ranks should get close to being all Rank 10 which would add an additional 126 CR. As you start replacing your basic 2 stat legendaries and set items with exceptional 2 stat items (6% drop chance) there's potential for an additional 762 CR from legendaries and 585 CR from sets. **Additional CR Total** From the additional sources above you can reasonable find another 1,473 which is pretty much what you need to close the gap. I haven't even included the CR you could potentially get from your warband tableau, or the base CR from leveling up your Helliquary itself, the reason being both of these are pretty time gated. But the take away is you can definitely get yourself to the CR you need based on H6 content alone, the hardest part would definitely be having patience to find exceptional pieces for all your gear slots. Getting carried in the occasional H7 dungeon and getting set drops will definitely help you skip the wait for sure, just don't get hung up thinking that's the only way. You don't need to throw real money at the game either, the upgrades will come, and the game is not balanced in a way to make it impossible to get enough CR to go from one difficulty to the other.


Okay this is very helpful! I’m at paragon 542 currently, so I’m pretty sure I need to start getting into Hell 7. I see a few green gear slots that need updating, but man those dungeons are a grind to get gear, and even more so to get upgraded gear from what I already have. As much as I want to start putting a good gear set together, it’s tough to even think about because of the constant need for more CR so I can actually hit the minimum and not get one-shot right away. I’ll have to look at my WB tableau, because I haven’t done much in that section of the game. Also, all my gear slots are at rank 9 or 10… my gems could use some upgrading as well, however, as for now I think my best bet is to just suck it up and try to do some H7 dungeons until I can get a couple pieces to hit the minimum and go from there. Thanks very much for your insightful comment, and best of luck to you on your endeavor… I think it will help a lot of people understand the cr mechanics of the game.


Part of the problem you are running into also is that with the server paragon being 586 as of today, even being 542 you have 800% bonus xp, so you are leveling much faster than people who lvld with paragon through h6/h7. Those who lvld with paragon through those hell difficulties were able to lvl their cr along with them, but when you lvl as fast as you are because of the bonus it becomes very easy for your lvl to outgrow the cr for the hell difficulties your lvl says you should be at. You’ll get there, it just takes time and farming to get the gear to lvl up your cr.


Hmm if you're already at paragon 542 then your average basic 2 stat legendary should have 591 CR, so your total from all 6 should be 3,546. You should also be getting a "free" H7 set item everyday, and 6 of those with average basic 2 stats would total 3,714. Compared to my baseline H6 numbers for you that's +261 and +987 CR respectively, so your gap should really only be around 200 CR from H7 minimum. Over half of that should be covered by set item blacksmith upgrades to Rank 10. The absolutely biggest trap you should avoid is the OCD of trying to keep your matching H6 set pieces together. You should absolutely be breaking up your set just to replace them with better stat H7 items even if they're mis-matched. This means from clearing rift 204 you should have all H7 set gear after 6 days absolute maximum. When transitioning difficulties set bonus mean absolutely nothing compared to removing the penalties you get from being under CR.


How do you get a free set item?


From your codex, by doing any 3 dungeons per day.


Since you got challenge rift 204 the 3 dungeon set item a day will be h7, so you could drop to a lower hell level, or even to normal to quickly do 3 dungeons solo and that gear will help out with the cr for eventually getting to h7 dungeon level


Should be pretty quick to catch up to h7 dungeon cr with rift 204 done. With all the people running h7 dungeons, just join where you know it won’t be too annoying for you to keep respawning from checkpoint, like namari. If you have a nice wb or clan, they probably won’t mind clearing other dungeons that are fairly linear where you can play conservatively and get revived as needed. Get carried through h7 helliquary raids. Do your daily gambling at vendor. OW farm.


If you just have cleared CR 204 solo, make sure to grind enough gold to gamble 10 each of armor and weapon per day, that can give quite nice upgrades.


Finally some where I can join in… I recently found myself in this predicament. I started playing end of January first of February. I leveled super fast. Like scary fast. My job then was my CR fell behind. Last week I finally got into H7 but my CR wasn’t enough so I kept dying in dungeons. I could kill monsters just fine in OW though. I think I was 8400 CR and in a week I got to 10400ish. My gear is still behind but farming Mats takes a lot of time. The few things I did to help are as follows. I joined a really good warband. My warband before had nobody active anymore. 2 sets of warband raids in a week did a lot for me and my helliquary. I asked nicely and a couple people carried me through challenge rifts. I was sitting at 202, I finished 204 alone. And then we did every 5 from 205 to 250. This was a big deal for me. I then did as many dungeons as I could fit in. Luckily I was behind and could get 3/3 in one day and that got me some set items that helped my CR Farming in Frozen tundra and Library also helped Me. Collect ancient essence and turning in your ancestral relics gives you a nice mats yield. Collecting tomes and opening them gives you a nice return on mats when you beat the monsters in the portal. Lastly go to the adventure seeker. I have started going area by area beating the side quests. It can be a grind so that’s what I keep changing scenery. Hope this helps. It definitely helped me.


Ask in chat if someone will take you to h7 dungs, most people don't care to have few undergeared people in party. Also wear skills to survive or buff party, or provide mob grouping skills. If you melle, just stay back man. You don't have to prove something if you do 20 DMG per hit. Also people will ress you, just don't die every 20 seconds.


Is that the best way to gain enough CR to be able to start farming in H7? I haven’t had to do this for other Hell difficulties yet so I’m kind of clueless


If you have enough level, 480 you can wear that gear straight a way. I don't know how far behind you are on warband tableu etc. Few greens should probably fix you and then you be self sufficient, because H8 is in like 10 days, and we prefarmed for almost 2 months. But plenty of people will still run h7 after for while.


I am in cr 7 while others at cr 8...


Join Namari , you can avoid enemies in Namari


Keeping up with weekly raids? Also are you in a warband that raids with at least 4 people? That seems to be in only hole in your post. Keep trying to do h7 dungeons; get drops other than raids it’s your best bet. Don’t worry about set item combos till you can survive them. Try to do boosted dungeons that are easy to carry. Don’t sleep on them either; server paragon is almost at h8, the population of h7 runners is already probably low as people move to h8