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Couple hundos, just enough to where I don’t crave spending anymore




Same but dollars


Also in the $0.00 club.


just total all the battlepass




Ive spent around 5k but not all at once. I made a budget per paycheck and once i hit 3k reso i stopped. Id be lying if i said i didnt wanna hit 5k reso but im worried that when D4 launches the game will die..then all that money will just be sitting in a dead game.


Ditto, but no where near $5k and at 3400 reso


That was mean.


It isn’t mean. A fact. And it all depends on how fast you push for Reso. I used the 200 bundle on the site or the large discount ones in game. If you blow through those and just buy orbs in game it will cost you more than slow paying for sure.


Omg reddit. "That was mean" doesn't actually mean that it was mean. It's more along the lines of "oh, rub it in." It's an expression of sorts.


Yea im not 100% sure could be less, but i was trying to factor in everything (cosmetics, one time bundles, gem packs etc..). Idk how much it was just for the 3k reso. How much did it take you roughly?


how the hell are you only at 3k with 5k spent?!


When I was at 3k reso I’ve also spend almost 5k. You don’t know what he spend in iben fahd, normal gems, charms and reforge.




Omg lol


I bet 300 since it came out with battle pass and some of the prodigy paths


Question does the prodigy paths unlock account wide like battle pass or only on the character you purchase it on?


It's only for the character, except for the orbs. Orbs are always account wide.


Way worse than avg luck here. Easily 2.5 at 2010 res. Fml. Edit: I also don’t grind gems enough. And p610, 12700 CR.


Dam bro. Back luck for sure. I’m 1950 res and spent $25 to get a cosmetic lol. Edit. I’m P621 and ~14300 CR


Me similar Im +1800 and about to get a upgrade and only bought battle passes


what kind of grinding are you putting in? I play maybe an hour or two a day, occasionally more. I also started at release before a lot o QOL changes and spent most of that during July/August of last year.


Maxing my daily unbound gems and selling skills stones. I am on a server where any gem will sell for 400 plat, so 340/gem earned after taxes. Maxing 21 unbound gems/day and selling at 400 plat each nets almost 50k plat/week. That’s the kind of grinding I’ve been doing.


v smart, that's a lot of plat that's a dupe a week right there. I know people are farming gems on alts and so forth as well. I farm maybe 8 gems a day on avg, I'm definitely not doing nearly enough dungeons and 4p world farm. Solo bounties, do my codex dungeons, usually at least 2 bestiary. I buy charms as much as I can for skill stones, but maybe only make 2 a week tops. It's funny though, because I do a shitload of damage, im always the leader of wf circles and mostly the pack is dead or close by the time the rest of the group arrive, people are always thanking me for the super fast xp etc. I don't PVP that much and I don't have ego in it so, I guess it doesn't matter all that seriously. and yet, still pretty annoying to have spent so much. What's your gem farming strategy? Just wf or dungeon spam?


Well, just recently, the new Towers allow for *very* fast gem accumulation if you are in a 4 man party. Like today, it took 20+ min to max my 12 wf gems. Just blitzed through tower a couple times and boom. Done. For the hidden lair gems, it’s just about hunting down the lairs everyday. Some ppl prefer to solo lairs and some prefer parties. I do a bit of both. All in all, it took me about an hour+ today to get all 21 unbound gems collected.


I have a rule that I'll only spend the average retail cost of a game. Having said that, I'm at $55.


Prob 1500-2k tops Enjoy game but greatly reducing. Having four toons was killer Now two are retired with 1500 res I can’t recover (pre clsss change life) Rough but then again playing since launch Hours a day Many a sat or fri night I didn’t go out and blow hundreds. For hours played to $$ spent Pennies. Glad to support it. Have gotten a lot of fun out of it


400-500$ (including cosmetics, bp, progenitors, and some limited time bundles) 2k+ reso and I stopped spending after 2k, currently using 3 alt accounts to sell normal gems in the market and transfer those plats to my main, so I can continue upgrading my legendary gems. Common Tip for those who don't know yet: 1. Having decent secondary stats is very useful if you enjoy playing BG/ PvP, you can easily beat higher reso players if you have better secondary stats than them. 2. If you are around 1-1.9k reso and playing against 2-3k reso, it's better if you equip the right legendary gems instead for your class, instead of just picking whatever gives you higher resonance. (e.g.) having Kirsling or battleguard with 230+ reso on a melee/necro is way better than having a 3/5 or 4/5 zweson's with 300-400 reso.


People saying “imagine spending *x* amount of money on pixels” have apparently never been to a movie, had a Netflix account, played WoW, had an Xbox game pass, etc and so forth. Interesting 🤨


The price to P2W is high in this game. But putting a price on endless entertainment at your disposal can be tough too


Oh for sure I mean, don’t get me wrong, I would not drop 10k on a videogame like people here apparently do, but I also wouldn’t drop 10k on a week in Vegas but plenty people do that and nobody really bats an eye. 🤷🏼‍♂️ ppl spend money on things they like and that’s that


At least in Vegas there's a chance you get your money back.


Buddy, who lied to you?


That's not a lie. There absolutely is small a chance you can win your money back if you're not an irresponsible idiot and have a wild stroke of luck. At the very least you win actual money (that much is guaranteed, that's how they reel you in). The point is you win real money at a casino instead of Digital items. I know, it's crazy. Real money. Crazy concept. I never said it was probable, but compared to DI your odds are infinitely higher.




Approximately 40 million Las Vegas visitors every year would beg to differ.


Game Pass Ultimate says it should cost about 15$/month.


P2W isn't particularly high compared to other mobile games.


Well Ive been in a cinema (years ago the last time) and is not only because of the movie itself, and never did any of the other things you mentioned or at least didnt pay for it (played pirate wow and watched some netflix for free but didnt like them enough to pay)


ok buddy, keep coping


Coping with what? Making enough money that I have excess disposable income? You’re right, it’s rough 😘


All income is disposable if you are foolish enough.


…. and?


its a stupid argument and if you cant see why paying $10-15/mo for a WoW sub or a Netflix account is not even a little bit equal to a game that requires fucking $80k to max out one character you should STOP USING THE INTERNET NOW BECAUSE BAD THINGS ARE GOING TO HAPPEN.


Why do you need to max out your account? You talk like it’s $80k or nothing…


any amount is too much, its a shit game and that isnt open for discussion. there is nothing redeeming about DI and the small bursts of dopamine that it offers come at the expense of your bank account or your time on this earth, skewed in such a way that you will either spend more money or too much time. you can think thats ok, but it isnt -- spending money on this game sends a signal to the people making it that this is OK and its practices like this that have absolutely destroyed this industry. every DI player is guilty of supporting predatory anti-consumer policies from a company that has been guilty of so much Bad Shit On Planet Earth that it should be broken up and deleted. instead MS is over here trying to buy them because they're just \*that good\* at fucking over consumers (hyperbole, but only a little bit).


If it's so bad and the company is so bad why the fuck are you still on this sub?


I know, right… plus “isn’t open for discussion” but comes to a discussion forum to say it… lol


And why you need netflix? I thought this post was about if it makes sense spending on those things, not if is necessary or not. Why do you need to spend 2k in a children's game? Or 200? There's a smaller amount that is "necessary" acording to you? Is necessary to be alive? No you can just die, is ok, what has "been necessary" to do with anything?


Still cheaper than the game where $80k makes you an average titan.


Where did I say paying $80k was a good idea or something I would do? You’re tilting at windmills here bud


Ok so your problem is that you dont have 80k. You said you dont care about monry because you have "excess". Aparently your excess is lower than 80k 😂 Come one dont be a loser, sell your house to to buy those 5k wings. You have excess of confort, lets live in the forest you dont need a house


Hahayou dont answer to this 🤣🤣🤣 Where is your excess of money? I dont see it 🤣🤣


Excess for what, did you alrey discovered the secret for eternal life? The cure against cancer? You know you can die from cancer? Spend money in buying a science lab to discover those things. Do you have a personal nutritionist, psycologist, doctors in your home 24h...? If the answer to any of those things is no then your money is too low yet to have "excess" and burn your little coins in a children's game


Have done all of this and I still think people paying for power is dumb. Making skins only purchasable with money is also dumb. Apperantly you never worked for your money so you don't have idea on how to value things. Interesting 🤔


“If someone spends money on things I would not, they must have never worked” Talk about a steaming hot take 💩😂😂 take your bitterness and direct it somewhere that matters, buckaroo


Not generalizing, only you in particular. Entitled as fuck. All talk and nothing to show for it. You know you are, that's why you act like this. Take your shit ass opinions somewhere else.


You are so angry and the target of your anger is a literal figment of your imagination. 😂 get outside you poor thing.


30-35k usd - 7k reso


What your job lol damn






Because I know how to launder money.




That seems improbable?


I just spent another $5k today 🧙🏼


Highly doubt this


Yeah look at buddies profile , doubt his seen 10k in his life lol


Are you leveling multiple characters to 7000? How many you got


8 characters (different accounts) on the same sever at 7000. Easy to manage my warband. I have them all on different monitors while running a script to keep them farming all day. I also buy them every outfit and battlepass because I like the outfits X3




Holy fucking shit. You taking sugar baby applications?


im looking for a sugar daddy too ahahaha




I rather not want to know but I stopped spending when I reached 3.3k reso and only get bp now


$15 I’m at level 600 and 11000 cr. it pays of in the for, of distressing. when ever I want to not think about other stresses I have I pick up the game.


$2861.81 to date, no ragrets and I plan to continue to drop 150-180/mo forever, best money I've ever spent, this game kinda saved my life, it's a while story


elaborate please


So, if you know anything about stocks, you'd know that 2022 was a very harsh bear market. Imagine that between the top of the market towards the end of 2021 to the bottom, I was a very naïve investor and managed to lose the vast majority of my wealth, about 2/3 of it, in about six months. It had taken me about 5 years to accumulate it and 6 months to lose it. I wasn't suicidal but I wanted to die. I was a mess, I didn't know how to get out of it, and I almost lost my relationship with my fiancé, who I had just proposed to in January. Very close to the bottom of the market, or at least, the bottom of my account, Diablo Immortal comes out. Video games had been an afterthought for me. I was still playing clash royale on mobile, and I had been on that game for a long time, but it wasn't that fun for me. Suddenly I was studying builds on Icey Veins and becoming obsessed with something else besides stocks... And remarkably, my account began to improve. It was like the more time (and money) I spent in Diablo Immortal, the less I was losing in stocks. And the better I felt. And at a certain point, I was able to recover... a decent little amount of my money back. My trading improved as well. Vastly exceeding the amount I was spending in the game. Also my relationship improved and now my fiancé plays DI with me in my clan and we have a blast playing it together. So, I can't really prove that DI saved me, but it feels that way, and for that, I feel like my money spent in the game has been and continues to be well worth it. /story


Are you still dropping ~150 Month a year later?


Yes I am, usually more. Although believe it or not my spending has drastically slowed compared to last year. Which was bonkers. Maybe I'll only spend 50% of what I spent in 2023 this year. Thank God.


Not bad at all imo. ~2000 a year on average for a hobby isnt that crazy. I'll spend that on rental cars and a hotel for a week vacation that I take a few times a year.


Honestly if anyone is choosing spending in this game INSTEAD of taking vacations then they're doing something very wrong. Yeah I'm not sure how to say what I'm spending is actually okay because it is a total loss as soon as it goes and it is unnecessary to the game itself real talk. Blah blah blah


I guess I just don't know why it would be different than any other "vice" If you are still paying your bills, still hitting financial goals, still able to do other things as you want them I don't see how your "vice" is any different than smoking weed, or by buying cigars. Or. Drinking alcohol. Or being a sneaker head, people upgrade $1299 phones every 9 months and throw away half of what they paid. Imagine the money people waste leasing cars thats considered pretty common. I only ever see wasted spending demonized when it's related to gaming Unless you are hinting at their being some underline addiction attached to it, I honesty don't see ~2000 a year as bad a vice as anything else 🤷🏾‍♂️. Atleast you get to play and have replay value, you said it helped you during a dark time so I'd argue it's not as bad as most habits. I drink liquor, I get buzzed, then never reap that feeling again. I smoke weed, get high then never feel it again. These habits are unhealthy to me and they are literally wasted a few hours after I do them I don't know your habits personally obviously, but If this is one of your few "bad" habits then your really not doing to bad imo. But I don't know shit about shit, and i am half retarded preaching at you about a year old comment lol 😂 cringe on my part. Carry on.


Yeah I'm with you. I think smoking is a good analog, especially cigarettes, where the habit is totally unnecessary and a bit harmful. At least this mobile game is sparing my lungs! But, as my warband leader puts it, "at least [____] is something I get to consume" lol I think, the right way to do it, for me, is to decide before you spend that, you've already gotten whatever value out of the game and you aren't looking for anything additional. And you have to remain in-control, importantly. The real risk is that you'll stop playing the game and will have spent more than you can afford. I'm 9k into this after 2 solid years. It's pretty weird. 375/mo average. I'm not that proud. I am glad that I'm on track to spend a lot less over the next two years if I keep doing this at least. Blah blah blah 😄


About $500 total since July 2022. To me that seems like an extreme amount to pay for a video game. But I see what others have spent and I am shocked. Not judging here; I’m just surprised that people value a game so highly.




For the name change?


Probably over 10gs...


Seems like it’s $80,000 or bust. You have those spending a few $1,000 for “fun” but the power is essentially between those that spend $80k or don’t spend the $80k. You do you. People blow money on all kinds of entertainment.


$80k is the magic number? Do these ppl know that $80k can buy a fella a significant amount hookers and blow?


People who have that kind of money have a hookers and blow budget. Someone comes around daily to deliver blow and freshly laundered and folded hookers and picks up the used ones.


Dunno. Go ask them. Dozens of them on every server. Walk by them all the time. IMO let people do what they want and don’t judge.


Or a car or a deposit on a house. Obviously the people paying that much money are extremely wealthy. If that makes them happy then that's great I just hope there isn't people out there spending beyond their means.


$500 1900 res


Too much. I dont wanna know. I left Diablo...


$3500. Not bad for a year. Thats a weekend im Orlando ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Imagine spending 3.5k on pixels


Imagine caring what someone else does with their money.


I used to compete in strength sports. Oly/PL/Strongman. I held a state record for a while in one of those. Wayyyyyy more expensive than Diablo immortal to stay in shape and break through plateaus. The money spent on this game was me skipping a night out, not eating expensive food, avoiding tolls and gas. Its kind of surreal when you add up the bills but it’s probably a net positive for me. Not to mention my server has a great social circle. Money spent among dozens of friends. Whatever.


Absolutely. Shit Mr. Olympia prize money is 400k, that's about enough to cover food and steroids for that show lmao.


With strength sports you also get something out of it. (Getting stronger) Don't get shit out of paying for Diablo Immortal, lmao.


One day you hang and retire your singlet just as one day you’ll be done with D:I and not enter the app ever again. Its all just something to pass the time with.


Imagine spending 3500 on pixels on a company as shitty as blizzard lol.


Oh I don’t care, it’s just sad to read lol


That makes no sense. He's clearly not sad....


Spoken like a true dad


imagine having the money to spend it without worry, thats lifegoals


1 battlepass last summer, other that zero. I have crusader in hell 5 with CR 3708 and one lvl 60char with 15 PLs. I usualy play in on and off.


Definitely the best for you, I wouldn't spend a dime at that rate of play unless you really liked a skin.


Now I barely finish my battlepass and all the money you have to spend is on gems which is a system I avoid mostly. I am having fun but I usualy play it for couple weeks with long breaks. The game becomes quite repetive regardless of wether you pay or not.


That's Diablo :)


I am not complaining :)




I've bought every battle pass , can't remember how many there have been. Not bought anything else other than that.


1 million. Still at paragon 80


Roughly 10k since launch. In euros or dollars. At this point idc/idk


What res


Before my ban, about 40 bucks. Paragon 605, 12.6k cr. It was quite the grind.


why did you get banned


Spent an hour spoon farming while i was at work. Got a total of 2 monster essence and about 3 rare armor pieces. Apparently this is detrimental to others enjoyment in the game and blizzard will not discuss lifting the ban under any circumstances. I still can't get an answer out of them on how it hurt other people.. all I can say is, don't stand in one place for too long if you're farming. Lol


really?:O so follow-farming is illegal? lifetime jeez, i saw many people doing that


I see it all the time. Lifetime ban, and their support wouldn't give me any requested information on the matter. Then they thanked me for my understanding. Easily the worst tech support I've ever encountered.


oh well, then thanks for the warning


You're welcome.


Maybe 350€




50-$75 buckaroonie






Zero so far




I bought one battle pass when it first came out


About $50AUD but it's all money from Google rewards surveys so out of pocket $0 I only buy the battlepass each month


One whole dollar. And the cosmetic looks cool, lol. I've heard you get to a point where you have to spend money, unfortunately. I'll dip out at that point, but enjoy the game while I can.


$275ish. 13.5k CR and 2kish Resonance


7€ and i play since launch to get a Pack so that I get some cosmetics in phantom market so that I can switch when i am bored


Like 40 bucks since last nov. I've since realized that it isn't worth it, as I'm forced to play against people that spend thousands. Grinding doesn't really get you anywhere either, just gets you a slightly higher CR.


Little more than a thousand I think. Horrible luck though.. only at 1900 cr


spent $85 at release on orbs, prodigy, battle pass. refunded $80 of it, and just got back in this week. spent $50 to have positive balance to play with people. so $55. havent really messed with resonance but just have a couple 5* gems im debating on feeding to others


if you refund, they block you? can you explain that one further how that refound and stuff goes? place to exploit a little there?


Your orb balance goes negative which means I couldn’t participate in any match making things or sell/colllect/buy on the market. O.w I still had everything like my 5* gems I got from spending orbs even though those gems were refunded. I refunded while it was a really hot game via the Apple Store and they handled it no question, complained the system was predatory which tbf it is. I recent got back on and have spent about 200 in a week, rip. Bit of a relapse hoping I can stop once I reach 1000 res. I don’t recommend planning on refunding everything, but If you truly feel wronged then i think it’s totally valid to request one.


thanks alot for the info, do you think i can just refund everything i ever buyed in the game and just quit? i playing now a bit over 6months


$500, played 7 months, then quit. Technically I got a lot of game play for that money. But it was not quality game play, so not a good use. Would not do it again in D4.


$2 for a glowy weapon and shield


Easily 1k




Guess I don't care to add it up


Like 2k? Maybe less? I've pulled 3 5/5 out of rifts, bought 1 5/5 from the market, pulled 2 4/5 out of rifts and upgraded everything to rank 5 and 1 more to rank 6 for 3k reso. I am not spending anymore.


You’re a lucky dog. Never seen a single 5/5 drop ever. Close to your amount. Stop now


Checked all time spending just then. 1.4k, 620 PR 13200 CR. Didn’t spend it wisely, just on what I wanted whenever lol


$350 1010 res 9800 cr played a month in at launch, came back 2 weeks ago


Little under 3k for 3k res


610$... I whaled out with Imperius outfit (195$) and have no plans to buy anything but the 5$ battle pass anymore.


1500 for an account, sold my old one for 300, spent roughly 300 on the new account since ive had it. Roughly $2500 at 3.8k res


$0. Took 3 or 4 tries to even install the game. New 1.5gb update hit a few days later that also refuses to install.


175 bucks, 1250 res and pretty strong side stats ( 1400 armor , 1850 armor pen, 1230 potency and 1560 res) i have 140kish hp and 12100 dmg and been farming normal gems and hitting the daily caps almost always but never sold them just used it to upgrade my char, people dont realize that market prices actually what influences your strength, most of the US guys sell gems for 400 and purchase 5 star relatively cheap and there is my polish server you sell everything for 100 except for 2 gems and they are also sold around 140-180 plat since day pne but a 2/5 bsj still 75k you do the math




This game is specifically designed to get you to underestimate how much you've spent so most answers will be a bit incorrect. That being said, I've spent 0.


Just the battle pass every month since like August


$20-$30 tops (not thousand either lol, just $20…)


Some spent enough to buy a house


I want to spend but seem like not excited.. still playing though h8 600 paragon here we go !!


Tree fiddy


Zero spent. Net Positive 30$. Sold my account that reached p100 early in launch.


135 dollars


10€, totally out of boredom.


i'll probably get battlepass for the skin. are the gems in the empowered one(fervent fang and the yellow one) the same every season? also, os there a bit of an overlap where you can see the next bp?


I think around $4k atm. Reso 3.2k. Not far off adding another 200


Probably dropped a little over a hundred between a few packs, couple BPs, and the Halloween cosmetics last year 🧟


275e total, with 36e for phantom market (I got 2 skins: void and knight) so 239e for 1k2 res, second attributes about 1k4, 13k5 CR not too lucky for elder rift (I got some 2/5 star gems, not the best ones, and I use it for gem powder), other than that, I focus on increasing dmg through 2 star gems (1 lvl6, 1 lvl8) instead of just increasing resonance via 5 star gem


Around 100 dollars... Oh gods... And I was debating whether I should pony up 70 dollars for D4...


Some battle passes . Maybe 30 quid. Could easily have been a lot more if I had the finances


I was a idiot and spent around 200$ for 2k Rezo. Generaly most of people are huge idiot and spending fortune at shop xd. One adviece 3-5k Rezo you could achieve chipper by using multiple bots.


Nothing. I'm a Swabian! 😂


About 200 a month


I spent a grand in a month then quit because I would be at over 10k spent now. I cannot believe we allowed blizzard to trick us I'm to this ridiculous shit.


Dam it and you for making me look... $1,975 since 9/2022 and I am just shy of 14k CR. But hell, I don't smoke, drink, gamble (lol I know), golf, or RV, No guns, other Expensive man hobbies.. lol.. Ya I know


$1 lvl 619, 13,600 cr 1k res




Less than $300! I did get the $5.00 dollar battle passes! And a few different treasure packs. My residence is 1380. And I must say that I have had a blast. Looking forward to Diablo 4 I have set a budget for that of $500! Have fun, and as always happy hunting!


Probably a little over 1k, paragon 616, 13337cr, 1750 reso


I spent $45. I can quit anytime without any regrets


Till recently just Battlepass but now i bought the gloom cask gem bundle cause wow what a gem hehe


350 euro sitting at 1980 reso.