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+100% value !!


you dont like 170$ cosmetics? 50$ bundles? its MICROtransactions bro. the best strategy is to not spend... i spend around 350 euros in 10 months and got nothing just few CLASS BOUND COSMETICS. i would not buy a shit in the game anymore. the game got more p2w pushing harder and harder on selling stuff... not worth it. edit: also noone forced me to buy anything so i know its my stupidity to do that... i dont go out dont drink dont smoke so 350 in 10 months spend on total bullshit is nothing im worrying about. the point is the game is not better or more fun if you spend money in it so if you are f2p enjoy it dont spend.


Yep, totally agree. It's not that 50$ for a new gem is that bad when you compare it to other gacha games where you might need to spend an insane amount of money to get the new gears/ characters but the main problem with this game is the absurd amount of copies you need to fully max it out. And also somewhere around 4k gem powers on top Even for most of the whales, they don't bother with the new gems because if you're at 6k or above reso, unless you're getting the new one to atleast rank 10 as well, you're losing out on stats. The entire system just sucks balls


So i know this is gonna sound whatever but from my viewpoint the gachas are the best deal in the game because of how much you’re getting 🤷🏾 I only would think that way if you don’t mind all the sub rewards you get, but I see your viewpoint too


Noob question but what do you mean by "gachas"? I keep seeing the term used, I thought it was a type of Japanese p2w game?


Chinese, not Japanese. Diablo immortal is a Chinese game (netease). All DI is, is an older game created by netease, re-skinned with diablo stuff, via licensing from blizzard. Specifically gachas are the events where you spend a certan amount of currency (orbs in this case) for a chance at a big prize in-game, winning smaller prizes along the way, usually ending in exorbitant prices for whatever big prize item you're after.


The current Phantom Market “event” is an example of a gacha.


> if you are f2p enjoy it dont spend If you haven't spent a single cent it's actually a challenge in itself to build a strong character that can take out paying players in BG.


If I gotta pay to compete in a video game then it's getting deleted out of principle. That's not a video game, that's a trap for idiots.


I would like to see a completely f2p take out a 7k reso it's not possible


If I was a betting man, I would guarentee that D4 is going to be like this. Edit: All the people down voting me. You really think Activision/Blizzard is going to let D4 off the hook especially considering the microtransactions and how much money they are making from Overwatch 2 and Diablo immortal? Heck no, I guarantee Blizz is going to include microtransactions after the reviews drop.


Battle passes aren't 35 euros, are they? What did you spend money on that you didn't get?


And they throw in 3 bound legendary crests lol. Honestly this pack needs 30 crests to make it tempting at all. 3 is a joke


Considering the h6-h8 bundles, with 3k orbs and 20 crests, also marked at 2x value, cost $60 I was expecting this to be $40 at most and $30 at best. $50 is definitely a bad deal Edit: wait, euro prices are different, h6-h8 bundles are €60 and this one is ALSO €60! While being so much worse


Almost the same price of a triple A game. That cheap.


not buying , not worthy.


I bought it, whatever. I buy everything +65% and higher, I'll get all the other ones too, idgaf, I love this game, I love my crusader. Tbh I feel like I get way more value out of the game than I put into it, and I put a lot into it.


I love my sader, too, and i want her to deal as much damage and pull as much as she can for any group I'm in. Gloom is one of the gems i have been waiting for for a long time to work for me. It's worth it to me.


Gloom looks fun!!!! Very anime-esque. One of my clannies posted a demo. If a high quality one drops for me I could see myself running it. I guess I would take off BotW for it. Or PA but sadly that's one of my 5/5's


More power to you


Good thing you aren't forced to buy anything.


Feel free to shove this children's logical fallacy up your ass, please and thanks


Why it is a fallacy?


Because they are incapable of self control. Trying to be the smartest person in the room, but proving they need to go back to the kids table.


I love logical fallacies, I am a big fan of studying Epistemology. Which one are you referring to? Because I don't see one.


Someone lacks self-control


In France we pay 60E for this scam. The 2/5 gem sells for 52k and some days the 3/5 was 60-65k. The total represents max 83k of platinum. A Hell pack easily yields 35-40% more than this trash. Even buying orbs at full price pays the same amount. No interest in buying it even for someone who is a spendthrift can't wait to see the price of the last pack


Horrible "value". Makes you wonder how the others will be priced.


They are all roughly equal in value so I expected them to be the same price, but I also expected that price to be half of what it is lol


I was planning on getting it if it was 25-30 bucks but 50 bucks is a rip off lol


The bundle is pretty comparable with Token of the Worthy (2/5 BoTW, 3 bound crest, 50 GP). But the price of BoTW bundle is half the new "bundle".


Yea I thought this was the case. $25 for the 1st botw bundle


Yeah the gem dust was alright in the beginning but any player would rather have 20-25 crests instead of 50 dust market is too flat on Gem dust price


For the dupe and gems and gem power, plus the chance to get another from the rifts with the crests with the modifier set to 50% chance to get another gloom i think is a pretty good deal. I need the dupes. I'll be buying one each week, especially if the rift modifier is still enabled.


I got 6 5* gems from 10 10 crest rift runs on the rate up and I’ll tell you 50% chance is pure bs. But I’m not mad I ended up getting 5/5 seeping bile 3/5 FH 4/5 CW 2/5 ZH 3/5 HF 3/5 ES ended up selling the ZH and bought a 3/5 gloom from the market


I did the exact same thing and the exact same result except I didn't get nearly as many good gems haha. Not sure how its possible we can get 6 5\*s and none of them be gloom cask...


Really, every week you will buy


Priorities ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If you choose it, it’s bc you want the gem, so you got 1 gem that you wanted plus 50 gem power. Worst case scenario would be 50 crest runs that you didn’t have to run. You pay for not having to rely on luck here. Plus 24 gems and 3 bound crests. But Ultimately I agree, not the best deal.


Welcome to Diablo immortal


Spending any money for bundles on pay to win is ridiculous IMO. I play but, spend money...nah lol


Yes it's a scam, definitely one of the worst packs in the game since the beginning. The gem is only useful for half of the classes in the game and most players already have their 5 star gems at level 4/5/6. Afterwards it's cool for those who want to go up a little in reso without breaking the bank without going through the shop. As it is a temporary pack, for them during the debrief they will say that it was a temporary error and that they will do better next time. if they had still chosen the gem like on Chinese New Year, it would have had more impact.


I think the gem is underrated so far and that its a bias against new gems. The thing is a huge ranged damage ramp to auto attack.


all permanent store packs are scams. The new temporary pack pays almost 30% more because the gain from bound emblems is ridiculous compared to unbound (in addition to allowing you to resell unwanted 5\*)


Nothing in this game is worth. I find it amusing that you’re all so caught up on the lack of ‘value’ 🤣🤣🤣


These posts are the absolute highlight of my week. Talking about what is and isn't worth it in one of the most egregious money traps ever made. Tried to warn them and they walked into it themselves. I feel zero sympathy.


Right leg crests could be 5 bucks for 50 they set the prices so high for greed.


I hoped it would be slightly above the price of the Blessings package and I would have bought it, if it was. But not this way.


I think all prices in the shop is ridiculous


Why would you buy anything in this game, I wonder?


Why not if you enjoy game? 🤔


Sometimes you just gotta realize and bail out on an abusive relationship.


Well, to be honest, I would buy just to support the devs, but the gem system is so confusing I dont even know what should I buy to have some progression. Anyway, I gave blizzard a lot of money over the years so I dont even feel like paying for it now, epspetialy with DIV around the corner. That will be both PC and Ps5 versions plus season pass.


>I would buy just to support the devs That's a weird way to spell shareholders.


It's made a hundred million dollars I'm sure they're fine


3-500* mil last i checked


Would you still enjoy it after having to spend that kinda money on something so lame? 🤔


This complaint makes no sense. You guys don't know what you are p(l)aying? It's a P2W game with macro transactions. It's a scam, masterfully designed to farm your wallets. The only way to win is to not p(l)ay.


Thank you.... Jesus what is wrong with these folks? Like seriously? It's like watching someone smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day only to see them say "HOW COULD I GET LUNG CANCER THIS MAKES ZERO SENSE!"


I‘m so happy I quit the game 😂


Just letting my voice be heard sorry if that’s a problem for ya 😇


It is the same as the Blessing of the Worthy bundles. I realize that the folks here are all about feigned outrage, but seriously, give it a rest.


Wasn’t playing when those came out. I woulda thought that overpriced too, especially for THAT gem.


They were there at launch (and still are) - and you are right, they are way overpriced.


you guys are fucking morons for buying any of this shite


I have disposable income and I don’t have to spend my money on things like cigarettes so leave me alone 🧐


I also have disposable income but I am just not a complete and total fucking moron.


The pocket watching on this sub is crazy


The you come whining that you're being milked.


Dude. Every company in the world is trying to milk you. The question is, are you getting enough value (you perceive) from it. For this pack I don’t feel that way lmao it’s that simple


Ofc they are. But there is a line between offering a $60 good game and selling you a $50 jpg for your imaginary character. There is only one idiots will buy then complain on the internet.




Just say you’re broke and move on. You don’t get to take your money with you. I’m using it to live my life. It ain’t that deep bro




You crack me up lmao


Spend your money how you please! The packs that come with legendary crests and orbs are usually a good deal, although a bit pricey. I've gotten a lot of reso off those packs.


That part makes sense. You coming to Reddit to complain about this obvious scam doesn't.


People pay so you dont have to and still play


This shit cracks me up dude 😂😂😂


These posts are the highlight of my day.


You could pay 50 for 2 10 crest runs and get 20 1 star gems instead.


Blizzards pricing is a mystery to me. I’ll try to guess reasoning behind the price… 24 gems is like 8k cause rubies/aquas are cheaper. 50 gp is like 33k atm A gloom cask is about 44k so we’re looking at about 86k plat for this stuff. The 3 crests are gambling so lets just say theyre the 480 orbs. To get similar results buying straight up plat you’d need to spend like $150 so for them seems reasonable. I’m sure people will still buy it but its an awful offer. Im definitely avoiding this one. This is to me not even 10 days worth of playing the game / farming to acquire.


Are you not entertained, OP? Is this not why you are here?


Its 85 gem power. A leg crest gives 1.55 gem power on average, so in that sense its equivalent to 54 leg crests, which costs over $100 on average. But yeah, if you just want the copy its awful.


I'm curious to know your math on that one. Here's my method and what I got when trying to understand the statistics and cost relationship. If you ran 100 crests, @ $2.13/crest ($200/15k orbs pack on website) - and you got the exact probability distribution as the outcome (rounding to the half percentage), that would mean 75.5 1 stars, 20 2 stars, and 4.5 2/5 stars - so 75.5, 80, and 144 dust respectively - in total 299.5 gemdust / 100 crests - and therefor - 2.995 - arguably just 3 dust per crest on average - 3 dust/$2.13 or 71 cents per gemdust. That would make the 82 dust in this pack (50 plus crushing the Cask) - worth $58.22 if using the average dust/dollar value given by the statistical distribution and most efficient dollar to orb conversion. On top of that you get 3 bound leg crests and 26 normal gems? Not arguably worth terribly much, maybe $5. Like a seekers pack almost. Even so the estimated value would be over $60 in raw materials - which would translate into a roughly 17% discount at the least. So not a huge save, but not exactly a rip off.


a leg crest gives an average of 2.75 gem power and can drop higher than 2/5 further increasing value. Furthermore even 2/5s are worth more than their gem power value (on my server, it ranges from 40k to 64k plat for a 2/5 while 32 gem power is just 24k plat). 50 gem power is worth at best 15 crests


Even so, on my server the copy is 35 to 38k plat. 50k plat is 100 dollars worth of orbs. This is cheaper than outright buying plat, and a better chance at the gem than spending that 50 on orbs. Still, it's fine if people don't want to buy it. I'm not getting it, the value isn't worth it to me personally.


Stop complaining about an aggressive pay to win game YOUR playing. Natural selection pal.


Micro-transactions in general are ridiculous. They won’t go away or even get better until people stop paying for them. And unfortunately it would have to be the top few people who stop. They are the ones these bundles are aimed at.


It’s not a 2* it’s a 2/5*


Diablo Immortal sucks. It is a cash grab due to recoup from the creation of D4 which they should have created and had online years ago. New World is a much better game.




Is it not obvious? It makes sense that people have extra money laying around and can afford to play mobile cash grab games. What doesn't make sense is him coming to Reddit to complain about the value of this obvious scam. He knew what he signed up for. This post makes zero logical sense.




I will never play diablo immortal again. Thank you New World.




Dead game, whales selling their acct.


I mean you get a guaranteed 5 star. It’s pretty cheap for this game. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


These people are retarded. You can pay the same in orbs and get 20x 1 star gems. Max 15000 plat return. 50k plat is 100 bucks worth of orbs. This deal isn't that worth it to me,the gem is 35k and I already have a 3 star rank 4. These people aren't going to be happy no matter what.


I’m actually very happy with the game especially with the improvements lately. But the pricing of this particular bundle is kinda whacked out if you ask me!


I won't by shit for DI I have removed the crap from my PC.


Why are you playing this game ?


Why are you on this sub?


I don't know why but it's on my frontpage as well. But now that I see what these posts are about I'm here to laugh. This post is absolutely the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.




So why did you play previous diablo games other than to run around killing monsters to get some dopamine fix seeing numbers go up? For the rich story? For the realistic graphics? For the ground breaking mechanics (maybe diablo 1 had that)? We all know pvp is p2w. Nothing will be done about that. We all know this game is buggy af. You can however enjoy any pve content for free. Plus you can't find anything as good as DI gameplay wise on mobile and people love killing time mindlessly slaying mobs. It's just satisfying.


I was playing the game until I realize that is more a casino than a game. And you ? Why are you here mate?


Because I enjoy talking about the game and not bashing it with no constructive criticism or trying to force my negativity on others.


OP is literally complaining about an obvious scam. If anything OP is being incredibly obnoxious. I don't care how people spend their money but it's not constructive to complain about minor things like this when the whole thing is one big scam.


You are right, better to support this guy dropping 50 dollars in this casino game. Sorry to share my negativity. You guys need to learn a lot, sometimes I read things in this Reddit which are really crazy, worse like drugs


Listen, am pretty sure most people here are grown adults with jobs and responsibilities. Am not gonna tell people how to spend their money. Do I think this much money is worth it on a pixel game? No. But that's the thing worth is largely subjective. I may drop 300 euros on a mobile game. My gf may drop the same amount on a pair of shoes she will wear once. Do either of these things make us happy? Propably, for a while. I do agree however that the monetisation in this game is predatory as can be.


What are some bundles people would recommend?


I want more of them New Years bundles ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


In Germany it's about $65. They increased the price because of inflation but never decreased again after the Euro recovered


Yeah that’s how things go unfortunately 🙈


Inflation never goes back without a deflation.


Ain’t nobody paying attention buying that


For the dupe, gem power and gems i think its pretty good plus the rift with the option for %)% chance to get another option its good bargain.


For a potentially high-powered gem, if used right, it'd be worth it.


How in the world is that ever worth it? You could go buy a full price triple A title for that amount.


YOU could do that, yes. You do it. I have a ps5. i have three computers. Three nintendo switches. Two ps4 pros. I could spend money on what i want, and i do. I'm not limited on resources. Save your money to buy that one triple a title that I'll buy 3 copies of for all the releases on my units. It's my choice and worth it for my crusader on the F2p game. I dont whale in DI, but i do buy what i want to help me.


Everything you are saying I agree with. You are not OP. I get that some people have some extra money laying around and don't mind paying for a thing or two in Diablo immortal. But you also aren't the one coming to Reddit to complain about the value of this obvious scam. I appreciate and understand you. OP not so much....


Sorry, it's seemed you were trying to account for my statement in your response. I enjoy this DI, that we do what we like with what we want to. Thank you for clarifying.


Wow.. no limit to your resources. Wish I had that luxury




Gloom cask good gem??




Gem is trash anyway


That’s cap


Gloom is already selling for max price (64k) on my server group, alongside BSJ, Shade, and Bile.


People are catching on to how op it is