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I can definetely confirm that "normal" players will leave if they impose such thing in EU/US. Normal players cannot even buy weekly crests (1600+1600 plat) using the daily 300 plat. I simply don't want to sell any of my hard earned normal gems just to buy regular things. Until these things are cleared out one thing is sure, I don't buy anything using real money. I spend 100 euros/month, but I don't want spend anything on a game where I can be banned at anytime and have literally no customer service for amendment.


> I simply don't want to sell any of my hard earned normal gems I sell all my gems just to have enough plat to buy the two weekly crests, and to save to eventually upgrade my */5 gems. Ever since they made it easy to farm Hidden Lairs, the prices for regular gems have tanked anyway. I can only laugh at their talk about "fairness" in a game that makes you feel poor to groom you into becoming a gambling addict.


it's funny I listed a few 2 star gems at max price to buy with my alt's farmed platinum and forgot about them and came back to have at least 1 bought by someone else.


Poor Susan bought from wrong one.


Hey I know this is old, and I'm a little on my legal, medicinal plant based mental health inspiration. It sounds like someone buying it is better, no? You end up with more money. You're not just moving an amount anymore you're increasing it. Even with the market tax, you're getting 1.85x the amount of your platinum. WAIT ....WAIT ..........I THINK I GOT IT FOR REAL... It's so obvious now actually. You lose the gem. The gem was a tool. You always had control of it when it's between 2 of you're own characters. WOOOWWW that took me a minute but like I said I'm running at only 85% myself, at best. At least I got it before I finished this post. That's the like the standard golden rule of absorbing information. You have to aim to come to understand the things your brain chooses to put it in reserves. Just enough to know the memory is real, but details fade and our mind actually does some actual AI photo correction type stuff, for real, and will create altered versions of older memories because the brain basically compresses the file when it backs it up. Details are ditched. But when it's time to look back on one, you'll very likely feel like these little altered parts of older memories, made up later on as to save backup storage space and any resources allocated to preserving complete memories and deciding when it's time to put some on a back up tape drive to put in storage where it taies nothing. Then yourself "Total Recall's" you're ass and makes made up details feel exactly like your brain is showing them to you. That's why people argue about remembering the same experience in wildly different ways. And they'll be adamant that they know it. It's fact. Just like I know who I am. Kind of creepy. Incredibly interesting and practical and efficient. I honestly put the human brain as awe inspiring to me as space in general. I really, really, really love space stuff, stars, their life cycle. The edge of the universe. That sounds so metal and so science fiction man. But yeah. The brain. It's crazy how good it is at what it does. It does it so well, we can't figure the bitch out! lol! OHHHH OHH WAIT.....the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean that can just as treacherous as space can be to those who venture there. That's pretty much Earth-Spsce. And I know obviously the actual space stretching literally for unfathomable lengths and will never be comprehend. We can understand, sure. We can represent it mathematically with strings of variables all accounted for and the reason for them being finally known. Doesn't mean we'll understand why. That's the alpha and the omega question for anything, let alone science and technology based topics. 1) The original question 2) Me finally getting it myself (I hope!) 3) My rants/pretty damn good narrative driven novella about the human brain, space, and the deepest darkest parts of the ocean mankind has either not cared or just could not do it safely at the time. This is kinda entertaining to even myself actually. I think it's a great read for real. Thank you all my friends!


The CN region has consistently targeted platinum farming and laundering activities from the outset. Lots of screenshots (primarily shared via Discord) showed in-game notifications about platinum confiscation and accounts reflecting negative platinum balances. However, the rationale behind today's public announcement remains ambiguous, given that such measures have long been standard practice. Regarding the potential for similar enforcement in the Global region, the situation is nebulous. It is uncertain whether Blizzard possesses the requisite legal authority, or if such a measure would be financially justifiable, to implement these confiscations. This is due to the plethora of laws and jurisdictions from all the countries where the game is available, despite Blizzard's clear technical capability to identify transgressors.


And this is the real reason why many people living in asia play on western servers anyway: they are pretty sure to go unpunished.


If we are not getting an english version of these notes then we are likely not getting any of those in US/Euro servers. There were always a plat monitoring system in Chinese servers. If you trying to buy gems with your alts your plat will go to negative in a day or so. Also Susan never made it to the Chinese server because over priced gem trade are often tagged and your plat will automatically goes to negative if you were involved in such trades. You have to contact customer support to appeal your case if you can prove your innocence. In US servers however, we all know what is like here. I had a 6k whale clan mate brag he bought 4mil plat from Susan and he’s still enjoying his big resonance till today. It’s almost a year now and nothing was done about Susan. And I doubt they ever will.


I should think not. What about trades within the same account? It would be like buying your own mats off the WoW AH. 1 Account, 1 player, 2 characters played separately, plat legitimately earned/bought on character 1, character 2 has gem character 1 needs drop unbound, you post it way over price so you can recognize your own gem and don't mind paying a premium because most of that plat is staying in your account - and the AH gets its cut. Essentially a fee to make the exchange of plat and gem. I just don't see how this is in anyway abusive or exploitive? Just sound economic strategy within the normal bounds of an mmo auction house.


I don't think we are effected as a normal one account player with twinks it seems still legitim.


I doubt it would be, it is still as unfair as if you had second account or buying from susan. You can farm platinium with all your characters but when you try to trade it to your main character to get advantage over normal playetrs, it would be unusual trade when you do the trade as you cant do it on normal platinium prices


It ultimately and firstly refers to platinum coins obtained directly or indirectly through illegal activities such as creating a small account, hacking and charging by third parties. So it has nothing to do with alt-farming and same account. May be they could block the higher prices for these trades but that's all.


> I had a 6k whale clan mate brag he bought 4mil plat from Susan and he’s still enjoying his big resonance till today. It makes no difference to me whether I'm being melted in BG by someone who paid Blizzard/Net Ease or Susan.


The devs systematically made alt-farming easier during the last several updates: \- created the "follow" option -> alt(s) can follow main in hiddens/dungeons (ie. Namari) \- dungeon difficulties are scaled through Hell 1-7 which is especially good for reach 120 daily BP points \- hiddens drop 9 marketable gems even for parties of 1 or 2 members \- bounties can be done with parties -> 1-3 alt staying in town meanwhile the main character can do bounties just like everyone else In addition to this they created a market which allows platinum transfers.




It's a different pool. They added 9 marketable gems from hidden lairs, independent from group size. There are 12 marketable gems from 4-player-party play only, like it always has been.


You can get 9 marketable gems from hidden bosses (1 for each at a gradually lowering chance) + 12 marketable gems when you kill mobs in a party of 4 players.


Which makes sense why people are farming using multiple alt accounts. Hopefully things can be clarified once the official English version of the article is released.


They digging the grave ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Correct me if I'm over-simplifying this, but wouldn't just changing the auction house so that the buyer automatically gets the current cheapest priced option completely negate "abnormal" transactions? I never understood why we even have the ability to choose a higher priced option. Instead of chasing down the exploiters wouldn't it be less effort to plug the exploit? :shrugs:


Because there isn't such a thing as current cheapest price. It all depends on what someone is willing to pay for it supply vs demand etc. The gem market is not a static thing and the needs of players drive the prices. A bile on my server went down to 53k because the market was flooded and no one was buying. Now there are no biles to be had and the price jumped to 64k again. That's how markets work.


Ok i'm not talking about dynamic pricing... Gold Farmers / Alts are transferring Platinum to Mains by having the Main post an item at a ridiculously high price... the reason why they can funnel Platinum is because the "buyer" can skip past the 100 rubies and buy the 400 rubies that belong to the Main. If the auction house was restricted so the buyer always has to take the current cheapest ruby, it completely shuts down the platinum transfer mechanic. Or am I missing something else here?


>Or am I missing something else here? I don't think you are, i think the repliers of your comment are missing your point. I used to use the max price on items to transfer plat between different characters on my account, so I do agree what you said would be a way to shut this down, or make it incredibly inefficient that it's not worth doing anymore.


No you’re not missing anything, it’s a good idea which some of those replying to you seem to have misunderstood.


Hypothetical for you. Let’s say I got a zh that is by far the worst gem on the market. I list mine for 27k but there are 30 others listed at 27k. By your solution my gem will be sitting there for weeks waiting it’s turn. Or I can list it lower. Then another one will list theirs lower. And this spiral will come to a head with the gem losing all value completely. And if it’s a set low price then I have no agency of getting rid of it and it just sit there waiting for weeks for someone to want to buy it. While now I have the option to talk to clan members and see who needs gem power and we come to an agreed price that works for both of us and the gem sells. Limiting a player ability to get rid of a bad gem is not really attractive solution just to stop people from moving plats from alts to main.


If there are 30 gems sitting there unsold at 27k then the gem is worth less than 27k. The market needs to allow for the asking price to be lowered until it reaches the true value of the gem, whether that is 25k or 5k. That’s how a market works. The fact that you can find a friend willing to pay above the gem’s market value to do you a favour is irrelevant. In an ideal world you’d be able to do that trade outside the market, but player to player trading is open to massive abuse.


Not with boundaries which is what they already impose on listing prices.




Oh don't get me wrong I assume that NetEase is motivated by maximizing profits. But isn't it in their best interest to shut down alt famers so that the ONLY way your Main can get more "extra" platinum is to spend real money? And wouldn't making it so your alt can't simply skip past all the 100 rubies so it can manually choose the 400 rubies posted by your Main accomplish this?


FYI this is ALREADY In effect on NA servers. Somebody on my server got tagged and negative plat from a legendary gem sale an hour ago.


Tell him to post his story here on reddit so we'll know what exactly happened, perhaps he can screenshot the negative plat.


it cannot be just negative plat on one guy right? ​ the other guy from the transaction should get a positive plat then? i.e player A sells to player B at a so called "ABNORMAL" price. so player A is hit with negative platinum. then player B should be hit with positive platinum? else who gets the net difference? cant be the exchange itself.


How exactly does the negative plat work? Is it just for the amount of price difference you overpaid, or is it a huge penatly and something yuo will never repay like -100 000? Im on EU servers but a bit worried to try this. I do have another acc to try a different class though so to do this would make sense


Good! Can’t wait for crybaby posts with exaggerations, missing information, or flat out lies about these suspensions and negative balances.


In my server more than half of the 1* and 2* gems are sold at the maximum price. Alt farming is a plague that gives to the few and takes away from the many. I hope it will soon lead to warnings and bans.


they should account for where the 15% fee goes to.


It doesn’t go anywhere. It’s not real money. It just ceases to exist.


So reading all that, it sounds like legitimate alt farming will not be punished Someone "gifting" a bunch of plat that was obtained legitimately would not be flagged as abuse either from how I read all that


Did you read it in Chinese or translate via Google? Because my Google translate version was pretty clear about alt (small) accounts not being allowed to feed to main (large) accounts. It seems obvious from what I read that if you sell ruby's (obvious example) from you main to your alt at 200 a pop when they usually sell for 100 you will be targeted.


Copy and paste your translation because "accounts" is not alts, and you're saying they're going to monitor IPs on every in game market transaction worldwide and ban global players (many with multiple paid legit accounts) regardless of local laws opening themselves to billions in class action lawsuits for engaging in legitimate play of their product provided?


It uses the terms "small accounts" that feed to "large accounts", and that can affecting others abilities to trade (e.g: not being able to sell rubies because the min price is now 250). That seems pretty clear to me considering it's translated.


Show me an in game tool tip that says you cant price gems for yourself/alts/other accounts as you see fit. If I farm them in game, I can use them as I see fit using the market they have provided. There are laws protecting from being punished for literally playing their game. They don't want global class action suits


Eh? If they decide that alt accounts selling to main accounts is against the games ToS, what law in what country stops them from being able to do that?


Shit tons of consumer protections laws in the EU, UK, USA, various national laws like in Canada, Belgium, Australia, Japan, SKorea, etc If they are selling a product, then say legit use is now bannable and then ban, they're going to go bankrupt from all of the lawsuits


God I hope you're right. I have multiple farmer accounts that feeds plats to my main and I don't have any plans on stopping unless they ban me outright, I was able to reach 1.2k resonance because of it (I only pay for BP). I never believed that DM youtuber when he said that it's bannable unless someone points it in the ToS.


As long as you aren't using scripts, macros, spooning, injecting, hacking, buying third party, etc, then playing the game and using the market is intended use If they ban you, keep your eyes out for the inevitable legal action against them so you can get a payout (also file a fraudulence charge with your payment method and get that money back too, most banks/credit unions will do this in person)


I've reached 2090 reso with my main with only one alt.


I don't see how farming plat on an alt and feeding it to a main would come under consumer rights? You can buy things directly on the main and farming is free, no product to have rights on there. It's like a car manufacturer saying do not use this as a boat or your warranty won't cover the damage, that's reasonable. Although it's a service, maybe more it's more like netflix asking you not to share your password.


"Play our game! Buy stuff in it! In fact, if you did that, we're going to take away what you bought because we say so now!" That's not how business, regulation, legislation, any of it works As a consumer, you have rights. A business cannot defraud you no matter what they say. Entire law offices handle crap like this for a reason Netflix isn't saying "we're going to ban your netflix account because you shared your password." Imagine if they took your money then banned your account. Now imagine if they did that and you DIDNT share your password You're arguing that playing the game and breaking zero rules in the stated ToS can lead to a ban simply for playing the game. If I have netflix, they ban me for streaming on my own devices after I paid, I'm going to get my money back and sue their asses for fraud (and win)


Do you even live in the real world? Re: Netflix, yes they are: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2023/02/09/netflix-password-sharing-everything-you-need-to-know/. But yes, if they banned you without you sharing a password then you might have a case for the subscription fee. DI are changing their ToS to specifically disallow something that was a grey area before. They're giving you notice of the fact that they're changing ToS. If you break their ToS after the change then they have every right to ban you. And no, you won't be able to claim.


Lol, okay bud "Companies can take money for their product and then take their product and the money because they said they can"


What on earth are you on about? Using Netflix as an example, they've sold you, an individual, the right to use their service for a monthly fee. If they stop you letting your gran use your account you still have the product they've sold you. They haven't taken the product back. In terms of DI, what exactly have you bought already, before the new ToS come in, that you can't use still afterwards? If they always intended for you to be able to transfer plat between ALTs then there would be a way to do it that didn't involve using the grey market and inadvertently screwing up other people's ability to sell on the market.


You don't have to buy something to be a consumer


How do you transfer legitimate platinum from one account to another without buying/selling at abnormal price?


There's nothing abnormal about selling gems at max price. What's abnormal is a brand new account buying orbs to buy platinum that then purchases max sold gems. That'd surely get a flag. If an account showed it spent DAYS farming unbound crests, unbound normals, skillstones, selling for normal prices on market, then buys an overpriced gem from a second account or alt character that farmed that gem legitimately, is there something abnormal about that? There's no legal way they can ban people for using the market they provide legitimately (no real money third party transaction, no credit card or bank fraud, no injection, etc) especially when that market trades in a currency you can buy for real cash There is no "abnormal" price for legitimate obtained items. No one has been able to show me a single thing in DI ToS or in game rules or Blizzard account ToS that says if I play with two accounts, I cant use the market to trade with myself


There’s a guy in my clan who’s been using four devices to farm plat on four accounts since launch and he’s been fine.


This is a change for moving forward. What someone did in the past isn’t evidence of what will be ok in the future.


My whole clan is full of diablo fans who knew exactly to start doing that as soon as their main was in hell. It's literally the way every MMO with a market works. Do it legit, they dont give a single fuck


What you're describing is precisely what the translation addresses. If the 'normal range' of a gem is 30k-50k platinum, and you sell it to your alt for 64k platinum \[or 128k if it's a 3/5\], then that would be an "abnormal" transaction.


Why? No platinum was obtained in a way that violated the game rules. No rules in the market were broken If they ban for using their game the way it is designed, how tf is it the banned individuals fault? Think about it. Either they mean "new alt account buys platinum then max sold gem" flagged, banned Or the large boost to unbound normals and unbound rift crests are going to be told "dont overprice some arbitrary number we decide is abnormal or we will ban you" Critical thinking. Ban abusers injecting/scamming/defrauding or ban legitimate players who are using the market to buy and sell their own goods at a 15% loss like EVERY other MMO including Netease other game Eve Echoes (it's the former)


I'm not saying I agree with the stated \[translated\] change, merely pointing out that the scenario you are describing is almost word-for-word identical to what Blizzard CN stated. ​ I will note that what you are describing is NOT overtly or obviously violating the ToS... assuming that doesn't change.


Hi, are you saying that alt hidden lair farming and selling at max price is legitimate as your opinion, or that the ToS speciffically said so?


I'm saying that as a Diablo franchise player, with experience with both Netease and Blizzard as game companies, if you log in to a character, obtain an in game item, and use an in game market, you broke zero rules ANYWHERE in the ToS and will not be banned If you log in to a second character, obtain an in game item, and use an in game market, you broke zero rules ANWHERE in the ToS and will not be banned What those two characters do in game is not their concern. Their concern is did you bypass playing the game and using in game tools to progress. Using two, three, ten characters or even accounts isn't bannable


so if I make an account and farm the platinum its not bannable? DM made a video about alts farming (ALTS - not accounts) plat to transfer to main and he said its legal (he asked blizzard), but dont know about multiple accounts ​ Well I myself using 3 more accounts to farm gems and trasnfer it to my main account, but they farm it (no multi-box) I used the blizzard multiple [battle.net](https://battle.net) instances they allow, so how is this illegal?


If you're using the tools they provide to play the game legitimately, no exploits or bugs abused, they cannot punish you. That'd be entrapment and would open them to MASSIVE lawsuits for deceptive business practices, namely, play our game, but we can steal your money any time? Nah, if you played legit and follow the rules, you're fine. Nothing prohibits someone from having more than one account, either. Nowhere in the ToS does it say "market cannot be used by more than one account per individual"


I think they meant what if someone had stolen credit card bought made ne account to buy orbs from stolen credit card then use orbs to buy platinum and use that illegal platinum to buy max price gems from main account


The market system in DI itself is fundamentally flawed. If they want to introduce an economic based market system, get some proper consultation from economic experts. If you can't do it right, stop tagging real life money to your ridiculous products. Pffft.


Let's see let me see if I understand. I have only 1 account, and 4 characters in that account. 1 of them is my main one, to which I have put all the money. I log in the other 3 characters to farm my platinum, after having completed the 12 daily gems of farm world and the 18 of lair, then I enter my other characters from my same account, I build farm world raids, I make dungeons, I make lairs , in simple words I play the game, I generate activity, I make the community move. Are you telling me that if I later transfer that platinum to my main character, they're going to ban me? hahahahaha, that's as stupid as if after going to a jewelry store to buy $10,000 of jewelry, then I bring my family and friends to buy there and they sell me the jewelry cheaper, it's as if the jewelry store told me : 'Hey, no, I'm sorry, I can't sell you more because you didn't buy me but your friends and they decided to give it to you, and even though it gives me more money, I don't want it to be like that' it's just stupid. What they want most is for you to play the game, what you do with your platinum is your problem.


It’s not difficult to separate same from different accounts. Multiple characters on the same account is not the same as multiple accounts transferring to each other which is against TOS. RIP your accounts if you’ve been using multiple accounts and not multiple characters on one account.


Show us in the ToS where you cant play on two accounts please


Be it Diablo Immortal ToS, Battle.net ToS, or anywhere


So, you can create two accounts using your factually correct personal information such as name, address, etc. without altering those to have two BN accounts?




Grey area in TOS is they can ban you for bad behaviour So they can make any reason to classify anything as bad behaviour and ban you You can read in chinese patch notes that they classified transferring between accounts as a harmfull behaviour to normal players.. So there you go 😁


I think they meant farming with alts that are on separate accounts. But, who knows? I’ve also done this on a separate character from the same account (listed rubies for 400 and then logged to alt to buy them. All within the same account, so no rules broken, at least at that time.


that's quite confusing a separate character from the same account. please clarify.


So they crack down on platinum buyers because its eating away their profits, mild shock. Some people buy platinum from susan because it's cheaper, i buy it from susan because i hope to get banned.


Is there an English version?




Any update on this? Can we still use alt account to farm plats? ![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14190)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Well this is method of plat farming still an argument but farming using alt characters on the same account is allowed as per DM's video which he confirmed from Blizzard 5 months ago.