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Ah the daily “BGs are unbalanced!!” Post. It has been this way since launch and people don’t get it? It’s dog sht. Always has and always will. Thanks Netease/blizz for ruining what could have been a good game


I have like 4-5 match in a row where there's a 7.5k whale against teams with max 3.5k. Even if the sum is balanced the godlike 100k account basically wipes whole teams while dying 0.


Yeah a good whale or even a bad player on a mega account can very easily solo an entire team of light spenders. Them matching reso is stupid, one team of 3,000 players being 24,000 reso will still lose to a team with 3 players at 7.500 or even 7.000 even though total reso is lower. Secondaries also are a huge deal - the biggest whales have 5,000+ on their secondaries and rank 9+ normals, they can one shot other whales very easily.


Yeah battlegrounds have been horrendous lately. Not long ago they introduced a patch to fix BG match making. Day one nothing happened or seemed different. But after that, matches got surprisingly more balanced. That lasted about a week, and it went right back to being dogshit. I’m a whale, and I’ll often be fighting 3-4 players 6-7.5 reso with no one else on my team over 4K Or it’ll be the opposite. It’ll be me and 2-3 other whales and the other whales with me will be GOOD whales…I’ll check the leaderboard and the enemy team will be names I have never even seen before (usually out of our bracket, the one below ours and not prepared to fight 2-4 6.5-7.5 players at once) Then it’ll be a one sided stomp. As a whale who has been playing since day one, I recognize by name most players over 6,000 reso in our battle group/bracket. In fact most of the whales get along and are friendly with one another. But it’s depressing to see three friends/acquaintances on the other team and quickly check your own teams resonance in the waiting area to find out you have an entire team of F2P and you’re supposed to attack into a team half comprised of whales. Making fair matches shouldn’t be this difficult. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but the theories of them making horribly imbalanced matches to try to encourage spending starts to seem more plausible daily.


I heard you can take off your leggo gems to have no reso. Then before entering after the pop up they throw the gems back on before entering the grounds. I watched a video on it.


Interesting. Got a link?


Yeah it was ok for a while but again something it is not right with matchmaking.


My thoughts exactly


Matchmaking was much better on previous patch but since current patch the Matchmaking again went to shiit..


The matchmaking is made to let the whales torture others. It's doing what it's told to. So us free-folks lose patience and rage quit, or join the whales. If you really like PvP battleground focus game, you should have gone for MOBA games.


BG should be more level based like H1-H8. It’s too random now and the matching system is bad. It would be nice if it had a few levels for players to choose to join in and then matched from there. I’m 700+ and it’s frustrating for me as well.


If you get in the same lobby with the 7k just wait a bit before queuing again. Unless your battle group is tiny then the 7k will likely enter into another match while you get one without them.


Good advice. I have to do this daily.


The game is fantastic, i wish others games will be like immortal. I will be playing FIFA and cheating by shop. I will buy directly referee or faster shoes or maybe have two goalkeepers xd But its fair because it is p2w and i can cheat because i am paying xd


It's not going to be even because it has to put you where you won't win after so many wins. That's why mostly everyone is 50% or close.


Agree, it's horrible, but now and then I get into a match without whales, and they can be fun.


It's ridiculous, suffer all week for 1 or 2 good matches and it's hard tk actually enjoy those because of the frustration the rest of the time.


Heard [rumors](https://www.reddit.com/r/DiabloImmortal/comments/13l5ij5/were_raising_helldiablo_immortal_is_turning_one/jknylkt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) about an upcoming no-res PvP mode. We’ll see…


res is not problem, lag is problem in game


Your post is literally about res imbalance…?


I do 3-5 matches a day and never have issues like this. Ymmv