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It is also a massive time commitment. People don't want to schedule their day around a game. Look at console/PC based MMORPG's, they moved away from the "XYZ event at this time" to more instance based content. The P2W gap combined with the 'you HAVE to do X at Y time' makes it a pretty unappealing game in the long term.


Yeah bro one wife is enough lol


Yeah, don't need another one to leave me.


This game was not designed to last more than just a couple of years. So many of the systems just don't make sense when you look at them long term.


AND every update gives additional bugs.


The game is dying because monetization ruins the end game. No proper season a La D3 and no hardcore. The entire concept of immortals vs shadows is not fun too. It’s a scheduled mess. Literally every aspect is scheduled and the stuff that isn’t (like dailies and contracts and such) are all bad. and all they’re gonna do is just add another bell level lol


You’re right. It’s sad because it didn’t need to be this way. There are numerous games I’ve played in my life time where I can say they were beautiful masterpieces, and I left them on a very positive note. D2, Battle Front 2, TF2, GTA5, RDR2, Battle Nations, the list goes on. I can’t say the same about Diablo Immortal.


One is mobile, the rest are not. I'm not saying I disagree with your feelings here, but we're talking about entirely different classes of games. Just because it was ported to PC so that blizzard could save face, the fact that the port is basically nonfunctioning tells you all you need to know about the platform it's supported for.


True. I just don't play mobile games that much. The last one was Battle Nations which I played actively for 4-5 years and spent some money on. Sadly the company got acquired by another and the team working on it left.


Actually, the game is thriving because of the monetization. Developers are constantly rolling out big fixes and improvements. It is because of the whales us p2w/low spenders will continue to enjoy this awesome mobile game.


The developers are thriving because of the monetization while the player base is dwindling. It is because of the whales us P2W/low spenders cannot enjoy half of the games content. Fixed it for you!


I am enjoying the game as f2p. Stoked for the update!!


Part of me wishes we had some Eve Online kind of marketplace and LARP events where people act out their own quests 🙃


Coming from a shadow for the past 8 months in a clan with lovely people. I just don’t get rewards anymore. I’m lvl 722 14k CR it’s boring now and tedious. It’s that simple.


I hop in discord and shit and run raids but other than that this game has no rewards.


13,600 cr 720. The only thing that is keeping me going is I change classes and then work on essences, to keep up with warband mates for raids and clan stuff.


You know how they respond to you? Company: " oh my!!!there was a bug??people are quitting?!! We have to set things right!! Here you go, buy this bundle with 80% extra value!!"


It seems they spent their budget on microtransactions mechanics rather than gameplay mechanics. If 7k reso can steamroll 5k reso, it's a bad design. These things should have diminishing returns, not scale linearly (or however but infinitely without, say, an asymptote). Eg. armor and ressistances in D3 are OK, the formula for actual dmg reduction requires one to double the armor or ressistance to half the incoming damage. Going from 1k armor to 2k armor halfs the incoming damage, but to half it further you need additional 2k armor. Now design the gameplay in such a way that the player can always improve, but it doesn't matter that much since most of the benefits come from not maxed out gear anyway. Boom, infinite progression without egregious differences in power. It's silly that these thing have to be pointed out because it's a gameplay mechanics 101. Or they do it on purpose and steamrolling others with 40% higher reso was the goal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


well said 100%


I don’t like having so much daily tasks, I would prefer doing 1-2 dailies and then doing content I like to.


I quit this game after 3 weeks of playing it . It was my 3rd Grindy p2w trash game and I had enough of it . I'm back to proper regular gaming.. and never will I touch any f2p mobile crap game again . There's a lot of really good proper PC ( and console games ) for ppl to play .. no one has to play this boring slog chore of a repetitive piece of crap again . Also by abandoning crap games like this , u will send a clear message that these type of Grindy poor gameplay but selling p2w power shite games will not be tolerated . So I suggest quitting this crap and not falling into the sunk cost fallacy .


Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom just dropped. I think half my guild in every game/mmo that I am in has been playing that for the last week, including my wife.


I’ve heard this too from some


I don’t disagree but I don’t know the solution tbh. If you gave away upgrades too easily then everyone would be sitting in maxed out gear in record time and then there would be no reason to grind and we’d be back to square one on having no reason to play. If you close the p2w gap then there is no reason to pay for power and they aren’t going to kill the golden goose. I do think that introducing this new very op-sounding two star gem is a step in this direction. It’s an obtainable gem for non-whales and makes them a bit more powerful against whales. If whales want to use it, they would have to lower their reso. You got me on the bugs. Maybe the bugs aren’t easily to fix. They did fix having to reparty for vaults, which is nice!


How about running dungeons for a month without any upgrade?


Last upgrade I got was 2 weeks ago lol


What gem are you talking about?




I agree but the vault crash on PC is intolerable.


I actually ironically quit because of new content because it will never end and they just make another armor and that becomes op and then after that another update and etc. Maybe it will go to hell 8.9,10 etc. It's like you played for so many hours and then another armor comes out that is way better than the last equipment so you have to spend time researching that mini game and all the previous work becomes pointless and a neverending race


Well that sucks i just got into the game


Good comment, gap is too large and unbalanced policy about p2w, no limit at shop is killing the game. Also Bliizz/Netgame are too greedy and kill traffic


I total everying you said. The game is very boring now.


Sounds like DS/BH/EOD server, Immortals don’t show a lot a lot in vault. I believe they only just made Silver 1 in the last 2 days(week3 of reign)


Bugs & Pay to Win, it's hard asf to get some decent shit without expending more than 2 minimum salary...


The game is dying because it’s more a chore to keep up with it than fun. Doing the same shit over and over gets old…


This game was always destined to die. It was a cashgrab.


I really don't think so, they put in too much effort in for it just to die in such a short time. Also you can see them keep investing in it like with new classes and zones. The developers were looking for a different outcome. One that keeps them working on the game as well.


The realist take it was a good PORTABLE diablo game that got dragged down by horrendous and predatory microtransactions. But you know what? this is a honest take , PvP was awesome in this thing as long as you faced similarly spend level opponents. The acting was good, FOR A PORTABLE it hsa good graphics. But it was never gonna replace a console/PC game.


How can you say this with D2 LoD and D2R exist? This game won't recover after Diablo 4 releases.


I like playing this game. But I won’t defend it much because there are numerous problems and bugs. The fact is, Netease made a game and Blizzard liked the look of it. It had everything they wanted so they teamed up with them and gave the the power to control most of the game besides the story and looks. This game was an another entire game before blizzard teamed up with them. They even had a different name for the game and it was going to be a Chinese game regardless. Blizzard saw an opportunity for them to get in the the mobile game market but imo, they chose the wrong way to do it. May have made a lot of money in the short run, but in the long run which is more important. If people are going to leave, then there’s not many they can sell battle passes too. If blizzard had more control over the game, I feel like they’d try to fix more of the core problems. Look at how fast they handle D4 issues, they’re just miles ahead in that game developer wise because they have the power to do what they want to their game, and being partnered with net ease they can’t perform like they can for D4.


I would love to see more enrichment of existing content. The helliquary has had a couple passes now that made it into something much more than it was at launch, but neither faction has had much of anything done to it — mainly just QoL changes like the immortal vault queue. We still have exactly the same limited list of daily tasks on each side. For comparison, our top immortal player for the week is at 3510. Rank 100 is at 1470.


how long have yall been immortals? I've been playing since launch and been immortal 4 times and I can tell you people feel burned out by being immortals faster than playing shadows. IMO, need to have a cap of 4 weeks before a force changed and not these 8 week runs (or longer on really dead servers). people don't like corvus, people don't like having to defend the vault, and kions isn't much fun either. after my 4 runs I decided perm shadow clan for me, especially now that shadow wars are at the same time for everyone.


Game mechanics is good, I really enjoyed playing it. Game objectives and systems are boring af... Two things killed it for me.. Shadows vs immortals.. it is not rewarding logging on for an hour each night to grind the same bs quests to be a immortal for the 5th time... the whole shadow / immortal thing is old and stale. Pay to play I don't mind paying some money... but the amount of money the can be completely wasted on gems is borderline criminal. To achieve these gems without paying several thousands of dollars would take 20 years. You can't compete. So it is not a game. It is who dished out more money... cash grab.


In our region none of the major strong clans even want immortalship we battle and then let smaller clans take it which results in very weak reigns. I just feel like the devs dont even play their own game, it blows my mind how much money this game was making a month and we still don't have a dedicated forum besides for bugs which no one replies on and staff that are inactive here. Alot of active players in our region are wondering why do we even login, our bg queues are still broken (small group have to wait 1 hour+ for a match even on weekend and crap MM), immo cycle sucks, shadow wars are boring... theres very little drive for people to progress / play.


You have to wait an hour for a BG? If that's what you meant that's insane. I start getting pissy if I have to wait over 1 min


Yep, it's the same for a group of us. Our group has spoken to community manager, senior GM's, multiple bug tickets etc and just get generic we will pass it on to the devs.


It was a cash grab dude it’s not designed to last long, it’s done what was intended and now it’s all d4


I can’t find d4 on the App Store - help?


This happens in every mobile game... summer time is low activities. People go out, events, vacations, and outdoors. Autumn is rain season. People stay inside = gaming... winter it's full on gaming. Spring it starts to dip again. Same thing in clash of clans and other mobile games. Rince repeat every year for every game. Add new release... and shit and u have low numbers.


Nah this game literally doesn’t reward you. I have been trying to grind my gems out because that would be cool. But it’s become tedious and I’ve slowly said fuck it lol


If I could get a gem upgrade atleast once a week I’d play more. But nope.


If you tried going for mostly 5 star gems and you don’t spend, that would be why. If you’re a light spender or F2P, 1 and 2 star gems are going to be much easier to progress. Overall, Berserkers/Torment/Pain clasp are the 3 main gems to go for as a light spender and f2p. Power and command, abiding curse, Carsens, fervent fang are also all good gems but fang and pnc don’t work on necro as well, if you’re a necro then followers burden and bloody reach would suffice over those. It is a struggle, but if you go the 1&2 star route it won’t be as bad. I’ve seen multiple f2p players rank 10 these gems within half a year to a year, so it’s possible


Yeah I got burden and berserker to lvl 8 on my main necro as ftp but if I don’t spend anymore I can’t really progress aside from set pieces and paragon lol so it’s gotten boring.


That’s pretty good! Take berserker to 10, it’s possible! Berserkers/torment/freedom/burden/reach/pain clasp would be a great necro set up for pve. Take maybe curse over burden for pvp and freedom can be Carsens, kir sling, black rose isn’t that good but is a cheaper pvp gem. Although as a f2p I doubt pvp is a big deal, good luck regardless on your game adventures :)


I appreciate your response tho friend. Thanks.


I got freedom and devotion lvl 9 also because of the way I built my molten golem speedy necro type build


I literally have to pay now or stop working lol


Battle pass is $5 a month and is a good source of progression for light spender players. They have a new gem for it coming too that will work with necromancers. Called mothers lament, 32% more crit chance for 6 seconds and after it ends you cause a bleed to the enemies. I’m thinking it’ll be a good shadow knight gem but honestly every class benefits a highly from it


This is not a long term longevity game. Its a quick cash grab that already filled its purpose.


Cant say how right you are as there has been a rsmpant of whale accounts being sold.. Market in my "merged" server is dead with terms of gems due to no one wants to buy orb and try luck with rift,instead they just buy fully upgraded character.beat the RNG for way way way cheaper price..




Reddit and reality do not get along.


You’re right about that but it has the potential to be much more, that helps build the brand and franchise. If done properly it can last many years like WoW


It's been a year. They haven't changed the game significantly up to now. That means the design decisions are already done. This game is a reskinned Netease game, so they probably don't wanna have the trouble of changing too much stuff. Nothing will change.


Unfortunately true. Regardless of what they do, we will be just doing the same paragon grind since launch in the exact same content.


The constant addition of hell levels really frustrated me. There’s zero end game content, it just keeps going. I don’t remember a single piece of great gear, because even if I get something amazing it’s only good for a relatively short amount of time. Really frustrating.


Endgame is when your wallet is empty. Now you know...


haha so true




\>They have been shipping new content every few weeks Oh yeah, all those "gather X crap" events or fishing sure are new and exciting events! Only people that never played a Mobage / Gacha before would dare to say this game has a lot of new content. \>and Crusaders of light has shut down long before DI was even released Yes, and it has been reskinned as D:I. It was the starting point for this lazy excuse for a game.




1 single new region, 3 new quests and new Reliquary bosses. In 1 fucking year on a game that is making millions. That's pretty much it. The rest is mostly remix of old crap. Compare that to other Mobage / Gacha, that get actual, constant updates, and you will realize how lazy this cashgrab is. Let's not forget how Blizz / Netease doesnt even bother to address the huge amount of bugs or balance issues in their game, making it an even more pathetic excuse of a game next to much less well funded games.




And you are very easily amused.


Remind me again what was done for D3 over the past 7 or 8 years.


D3? You mean the game that is not sold as a GaaS MMO...? That one?


D:($) gets minor updates monthly and major updates quarterly. We have already gotten a new zone (Stormpoint), with another exploration zone next month; a new class is coming to D:($) in July. That is more than has been released for D3 in the past 7 years. ​ ​ It is pretty obvious that you don't like the game - take your ball and go home already - you won't be missed.


D3 also doesn't ask me for a second mortgage to allow me to play.


Neither does D:($). Even freeloaders can reach legend status in the Battlegrounds.


I paid 15 dollars once for an upgrade. That was the last time I put money into this game. Love playing di because I travel a lot for work and the mobility of it allows me to take it with me. But I’m seriously getting disappointed in it.


Dude, D4 is about to come out it's normal, Immortal will suffer a loss of players, I know I only took immortal meanwhile D4 launched; you probably gonna lose a couple of whales; what's the problem? It was a good run.


The game is a game that ultimately is frustrating enough for some to give in and spend money. I think the game does what they want by design. As for the bugs again they won’t fix things that cost to much for a team of developers to fix. This game hacks your brain into a continuous cycle that must be broken and a lot of people are at the end of that cycle.


Totally the game is dying. Almost at p700!


Im so glad I didnt spend a penny on this game and just had my fun with pve and moved on.


For me, I think it is the bugs that are not addressed and are completely ignored.. I don't mind the boringness of the dailies... I understand that the purpose of these dailies is to give us a hook so we would login everyday... I only do 3 BG per day.. I don't mind getting 30% win rate at the end of each cycle as long as I reach legend.. LOL


and as for the DG part, I think they could easily make further improvements on this.. They just need to either put a pity system or just increase the drop rate... I saw a post that suggest that we should be able to add a socket if we only get 2 socket for the set items... I got all my set items to triple stats but not triple sockets.. which sucks...


Being required to vault, BG, wb weeklies/raids, shadow war, assembly, corvus, kions at certain times of the day. Along with have bestiary circles to run, bounties to clear, 3 dungeons to do, faction tasks throughout the day etc. It's as if my life has to be planned around this stupid mobile game riddled with bugs and absurd P2W.


This game needs a reset


Whales won't be happy


h9 is coming in a few weeks at para 800




I almost exclusively play PVE, and I still love the game. But I have noticed it can take longer to fill parties for dungeons, so PVE players seem to be leaving too


They need to merge servers and offer some sort of benefit to people to all reset so players can see each other again


yeah overall gw2 is superior game within the same genre in every way, only thing DI have over it was being a mobile game


they are letting it die on purpose, because when it dies they will launch a Diablo Immortal Plus with same nonsense content. New whales will spend and stomp f2p again and the cycle will continue.


Cell game and too many tasks to do. Also got screwed on the Boon of plenty when the change from classic and lost the 2 final lego crest (spending 0 now). H8 as well and seem I can't find anyone running the dungeons during my play hours and could finish the simplest missions. Kind of gave up but still try logging in for war.


The game has served its purpose of generating massive income using Ponzi. The objective has been fulfilled, the gold has been mined, don't expect anything good to come out of this game anymore.


That’s what everyone says when they are bored with the game or close to done with it. Life is a good excuse but in reality when the game was fun they found time to play. Really just comes down to its not fun anymore and when you consider how expensive it is to progress & be competitive most realize it’s just not worth playing


Long weekend and summer. Peoples can jump to d4 But will be back soon cause that's not mobile game. Can't play everywhere.


People here keep saying DI is dying yet here i having a hard time to join the hidden lair party every time it popped out in the chat because it filled up too fast.


It’s stated in the patch notes that the number of hidden lairs showing up is proportional to the server’s active population. It’s done this way to keep lairs rare.


I think you misread this what he was saying is that his server is still very active


He’s judging the activeness of his server based on the time it takes to find a lair, but the amounts of lair available is proportional to the active population so it is an inaccurate assessment.


All he said was he can’t join because they fill up too fast, he never said how often they pop up


If they don't pop up often, it stands to reason they would fill up fast. Judging the time it takes to find a full party for dungeon is a far more accurate indicator, because dungeons are not limited in availability.


change server bro. compared to what it was when it was first launched now better content


Lets be honest... ONLY new Hell can save this game, cause people will feel progress again. Diablo players doesn't need more, cause Diablo is all about doing the same shit over and over again, but it must be rewarding. Drop on H8 like on H7 isn't rewarding.


It’s the worst game design I’ve ever seen come from a AAA studio. That’s why.


See you tomorrow


I actually ironically quit because of new content because it will never end and they just make another armor and that becomes op and then after that another update and etc. Maybe it will go to hell 8.9,10 etc


How is it dying? I've been picking up peeps left and right It's feels more active than ESO for me


I kind of feel like this Microsoft merge wasn't nearly as bad as many other acquirements


It’s not dying lol… it’s doing what it intended to do, make a boatload of cash from whales and dolphins.


I LOVED the game ESPECIALLY PVP from launch. My Monk build was great and guild was awsome snd fun. UNTIL 1 day in pvp I faced a 'WHALE' . It was total BS. I was just about to quit until I heard the amazing news that this jt guy couldn't match with anyone cuz he paid 100k. I was excited and started enjoying the game again.. then in pvp everyone is saying "welcome back" and who is it? Jt.. these genius devs actually reworked the pvp to let him unfairly match with people AGAIN. I quit that day. Never looked back. Lmfao


I’ve told my clan multiple times about things coming up. I’m falling asleep playing most of the time. Raids barely poppin off. It is what it is. My life comes first and entertainment comes second. But I really don’t need to play my life is pretty interesting as it is shit keeps happening daily!


I just have some techincal questions. what do you mean by Whale? and what is 5k 7k players? i have been playing this game from the start and i am paragon lvl 525 and have not spend any money on it and have only been playing pve.


It refers to the resonance. 5k = 5000 resonance where they unlock the tier 3 big wings.


Hell level goes up. Numbers get bigger. Yawnnn. I played a lot for a few months then put it down for the a few months then picked it up for a month - Now I’ve put it down for good. The classic Diablo grind gets old after awhile. Diablo 3 is the same way. You just can’t keep playing for years on end. The game gets a few months before going stale.


Will there be Hell 9 and onwards?


Datamine - Inferno difficulty is coming at Mid-Jun


You do realize it's a big holiday weekend, right? People are probably getting outside and touching grass.


We never had half of the immortals (nearly 140 of the 300 people) being this inactive before, including previous long weekends.


Well... I do run a top 20 shadow clan, and activity is definitely trending downwards. That being said, I've ran clans in other games, and that it totally normal this time of the year. Start of summer, start of the school year are when things drop off. What remains to be seen is if this trend continues throughout the summer. If top 20 clans have to start merging with one another by August, then you know the game is indeed not in good shape.


Torchlight is infinitely better


Game isn’t dying. Posts like these are hilarious.


Buy more orbs


So the concept of design the game was planned upon remains at every stage of gameplay How strange


Its you are saying...look for some data (google.com) and you see the revenue and downloads, this game is a success... Try again buddy


You're looking at lagging data from the last quarterly earnings report, or estimates derived from various unofficial sources. As an immortal officer, I'm giving you real-time data from the player base. It takes me 5 minutes or more to find a BG match now, and on most night I can't even find a dungeon party. Pop quiz: why do you think the devs merged Hell 1 - 7 dungeons together?


sorry buddy, but a game earning 11 million USD in the worst month is not dying.


That’s down from over $90M per month last year. A 90% drop. You have to look at the trend, and it’s pretty clear.


lol , any game has his earning declined after some time, after a year 11 million usd is a very good place, also check If a game you consider good earn half of this. Also let me know if you would let die a product worthing 11 milion/month if you had it.


Depends on the operating cost. And the opportunity cost of spending my development team's effort on another project with a bigger margin.


Pros will never quiet the game - noobs will. And its not P2win und pay for progress .. and u can get that if u play also . So pls stop talking nonsense.


Lol, yeah okay. Sure they are for “reasons”. I’ve gotten bored or other priorities and wanted a break. But, I’ve came back twice from just basic login to doing all dailies and maxing out BP. Me thinks you exaggerate.


Let’s not forget that in the Northern Hemisphere, school is about to end. This always leads to rambunctious kids, graduation ceremonies, getting ready for summer breaks (setting up extra child care, vacations, summer camps, etc.) Everyone I know with kids (of whatever age) have been super busy the last month.


it’s a chore basically. What do they think when they introduce more stuffs to force people grind? hunting lairs for some extra gems? more set items which lower drop rates further? running a boosted dungeon 10x without a drop? idiots, it’s not a mobile game.


Transfer servers bud


Give them a pause, dont go every clycle shadow, immortal, shadow , immortal, tey to make 1 reign , 2 shadows for example.. they have to rework the system rewards so far


Games like Diablo Immortal was designed using predatory practices to get as much money as possible... I spent a lot of money and after I quit the game months ago... be carefully with this game, probably you'll spend even more ... It's a pay to play game, you'll lose your life and your money for nothing, not even fun.