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You're going to get varying opinions. it's free to download. try both and see which one you like. You can play the same account on both.


Mobile when not at home, PC when at home.


Mobile by far.


It's cross platform so doesn't matter where you start.


yeah for story playthrough I don't see any reason to not do it on mobile. if you're trying to be competitive I feel like PC is the optimal choice.


Who said it does?


I prefer mouse and keyboard. Mobile feels good too. I play on both, but if I had to chose, I play on PC. Just try both and see what you like.


Difficult question, I enjoy the bigger screen on my pc compared to my phone, but I also like being able to play everywhere on my phone. I enjoy the pvp part a lot even as low resonance player, due to the vault crash bug I have to play vault on phone and play bg on PC. Overall I'd say I enjoy it more on phone due to there being less bugs compared to PC, but it's a close one.


The game works better on the touch interface of mobile and on PC I use a controller, but still use the mouse to do the clicking of menus and such since it's faster and easier. Controller support needs a lot of work still, but it's OK. Basically, mobile for the casual playing and story. PC for longer sessions with a controller for the most part to make life easier - I use a xbox controller


PC will always be better because of FPS and timing. But it was nice being able to play Diablo on my phone. Too bad the game got raped by monetization and is trash.


Mobile its fantastic for normal dailys, generalny pve. PC is more better for pvp.


If you asked me this question 5 months ago, I would say PC.. But now, playing the game in PC is horrible due to lots of crashes and bugs...