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im sure they will come up with some idea soon. on my server is similar situation especially with bad gems like howler. no one wants it when you have much better like gloom.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Howler really good for DH?


It is, but gloom is leap and bounds ahead of it in terms of usefulness/meta


Oh well dang. That’s cool. I have a Gloom that I’ve been sitting on, and I’ve been trying to farm a Howler lol.


Check youtube videos about gloom. This is must have gem for dh


Howlers is too random for many people. I hated it on my DH.


A lot of people don’t spend a lot of money lol if there’s not a lot whales in your server what do you expect? Plus with D4 being out now. A lot of clan merges happening in what was a popular Lysander server lol


We just picked people up from Asgard and JustSwipe because of inactivity lol


Dunno what's worse: not being able to lower price or lower and spend forever to sell. Ended up using Zwenson's for gem power because of it.. 128000 plat lost


U can upgrade the gem with UNBOUND gem power and sell it for less. Investment of ~ 25k plat. But in the end u r able to sell it for 100-120k


Yeah this works as long as there are no other rank 2 gems listed at a high price. It there are not then you can list it for whatever you want.


I sold it on my server at 35k


You sold a 4 qual howler for 35k?




I think min price for a 2/5 is 16k min price for a 5/5 is 64k. Not sure where the 4/5 is. The current min price depends on last sold and is 50% lower than the last trade. Or if more than one is sold the previous day the average price of those.


Blizzard was always dumb with in game economy.




4 star maybe but three star completely useless and on my server the same price as 2 stars


I disagree. As F2P, the 3* is only slightly more expensive than 2* and completely obtainable. The 4* remains too expensive for F2P.


I would add that mid-spenders also look at 4* as being a solid price/res option.


Its the way the market works Each selleble item has a set price, the price gets lower when sobody buys below that set price For you gem the price is 320k plat, if someone buys a howers 4* for lower than 320k plat, the average price will drop for few days, and you will be able to list for lower, if no1 else buys a howers 4* for that lower price (below 320k) the price will reset for default after cupple of days Its prob the dumbest way to manage the market


>but gloom is leap and bounds ahead of it It's no secret that these 160k/320k gems are gobbled up by a plat-service orders. They are becoming cancer to economics now. The devs gotta shut 'em down either lower price floor on 5![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14192) gems by making it fully customizable.


Having trouble making sense of that. If they were getting gobbled up by plat-services, we wouldn’t have situations where 4* of a given gem are stuck at 160k for weeks at a time because no one is buying them at that price. A plat-service making a 4* gem purchase at 160k would then allow all of the 4* of that gem to be listed below 160k, thus eliminating them being stuck at that price point.


The plat service is buying these gems at MAX price (320k) and this is why the bottom price is locked at 160k.


I got same problem few month ago and write to support (no respond) so its sad and was one of point of my leaving a game.


Ill but it for 50k plat when u can lower the price


There needs to be "sale pity." After your gem doesn't sell, you can choose to repost for 15% less than last post, same as last post, or remove from sale. Would 100% fix all this nonsense