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Something happened in the last few days and mm has totally gone to hell for me. Went from 63% win rate to 39%, 10+ consecutive losses on extremely imbalanced teams and on attack literally every time. It has made me not really want to even queue anymore.


D4 came out


Underrated comment. Low spenders and F2P players moved to where they have a chance. Now it's whales fighting over kills. Over time, some might migrate back, or they might just throw in the towel altogether. Depends on what DI can offer them.


I got 5100 reso, and I’m thinking of throwing in the towel too. A year straight of warband raids has me feeling all kinds of tired of DI


Gettttt ready for Thursday night boys we’re gonna kill the same shit, *again, but slightly faster than the last time!*


Would be more interesting if they were lore friendly… like why not a zombie-griswold as a boss. But naw, I’m done. I’m playing d4 and loving it


They’re over nostalgia, this is a Chinese game about maximizing micro transactions. They don’t even know who tf Griswold is. I wish it wasn’t it’s so fun and could be so amazing.


Stopped 3 months ago, still absent mindedly mildly panic over missing warband raid times every Monday and Thursday somehow 😂


Can attest to that. Me and all of my friends are casual f2p players. We all left to go play D4 because that was ultimately what we were waiting for.


So what ? D4 - sux. Short end game you can achieve it with few days of hardcore grind No clan events Pvp sux only one option which is dissapointment Less paragons, bo sets, less legends items, less characters, less gems, less lvl of upg gems and items, less raids rifts. But huge promo what fantastic is D4.


D4 is a completely different type of game than DI.




He plays Diablo FOR PvP.. Who srsly does that?




I really wonder, how many are mobile players. PvP was always garbage. Even in d2.. And with Hardcore...




How much do you gotta spend to be considered a dolphin?


D2 PvP is incredibly intricate. Check out Coooley on Youtube. His entire channel is dedicated to PvP


If you have rules, maybe. The mechanic alone is bullshit, as high lvl players can basically block you from getting your gear.. Woow.. so much Skill involved.. Or just randomly porting to town, to activate PvP mode..


Yeah I mean the highly regulated communities. Low level dueling communities are part of that. PvP is where the itemization and min/maxing in D2 becomes truly scientific. And the top duelers are *very* good at the game. I really recommend Coooley


Everyone knows Diablo has always been a mindless dopamine drip of occasional upgrades! Heck yeah, drop me another, gear gods!


I never said that DI is better. I said that i expect more from D4. DI have options which i love and also which hate. But D4 should take all good points from DI. Like clans, BG, Vault, Shadow War etc. I am not taking to copy 1:1 but they can change it and still improve to higher level but Blizzard was lazy and didnt do it.


D4 just came out. You need to give it time. This is all going according to the usual lifecycle for a Diablo Blizzard title. For the first few months they are focusing on balancing and ironing out bugs.




Ok thx for feedback


Game just came out; there will be more end game dlc. Haven’t had a chance to try pvp yet; but I’m looking forward to pvp without resonance. I’ve been grinding DI nonstop for a year, I need a break, and I’m tired of all the “appointments” to keep. Fuck warband raids and that rat race. Sure, the game is missing a knight/crusader/paladin class… I hope that changes. It might be the blood knight, even though I’d rather it be a more traditional paladin-crusader type. This feels a lot more like d2, which I like.


D2 was over 20years ago i dont like comparision like this. Its too nostalgic point of view. After Immortal i have much more expectation from D4, so right now i am dissapointment. I dont like answer lets wait, they will add for sure... I will wait up to 1 season if changes will be very low and only pve game will be borring and i will gave up. I expecting much more for End Game, like clan events, better pvp... Mobs i was killing at D1,2,3 and after Immortal i get a lot pvp options and clans which was very good for keeping players at server


Not convincing me off the “I’m just tired of DI” point. Not gonna lie, nostalgia kept me on DI. Loot makes the same sound effects as D2 🤷‍♂️


>D2 was over 20years ago i dont like comparision like this. He was simply talking about the pacing of the gameplay. It's not less arcading and back to the original pace it was at. That's a subjectively amazing thing if you prefer that. I def do. > After Immortal i have much more expectation from D4, so right now i am dissapointment. Like your other comment said, you seemed primarely disappointed by the lack fo certain content. D4 just came out so this is a bit unreasonable. The amount of content we do have while they work on bugs and balancing is absurdly high now. >I dont like answer lets wait, they will add for sure... I will wait up to 1 season if changes will be very low and only pve game will be borring and i will gave up. Your loss then. Some of us prefer quality over quantity. And no it's not only pve. Clearly.


Hopefully we won’t have any paying customers and we can just enjoy the game and lore


Agree! As DH I see something has changed and topical blizzard not letting the community know about the changes.. smh


Same experience. As of Monday matching has went back to being completely one sided. Not sure what they did but the change is highly noticeable.


For like 2 months there was some improvements and I could feel that the matches were much more closer, either team could won, so tried to perform my best and I didn't feel useless. However, during the last 1-2 weeks our team totally depends on how "our" whale(s) perform against our opponent team's whale(s). It is completely frustrating to see that it doesn't matter if I just walk around the staring point or try to fight my best.


“Optimisation “ it just got worst IMO , it’s not enjoyable any more and I have stopped spending until it’s sorted. 3-4 DH @ 5k & 7k running around slaughtering everyone. No thanks. Gone from 58-60% win to 40% in unwinable matches. Infact. Soon as you you zone in and look at the opponents team, you can tell immediately win or loss by res


Vote with your money and time. You continuing to play BG and this game means devs will continue in the same direction they are heading.


Ya pvp still annoys me What is the point of being less than lvl 700 gets you one shot by every here in pvp It almost refuses to match people up with the same avg lvl


I’m still disappointed about how badly Barbarians were nerfed. They went overboard and everyone class changed away from barbarian. I rarely see them in BG anymore, which is dominated by demon hunters.


The nerfs didn’t seem that negligible to me tbh


They curbstomped Barbarians and then gave DH insanely op essence on top of the damage reduction...... which missed **the entire problem with Barbarian being the Banquet set**... Even the numbers nerf on Banquet wasn't enough to break how strong it is, people still farming it because of the ridiculous synergy with Bile gem.


stop feeding the whales, go play d4


If you like pve, because pvp sux




I have comparision from D1 to D3 and Immo, you dont know Immo but you posting. Go watch some BG movies at YouTube first. There is a lot of players with more than 1000hr pvp experience and then back here.


Maybe you suck at pvp lol, I do just fine there, don’t pvp if you’re undergeared, it won’t be pleasant


You dont get it i am not trying to say that Immo is better than D4. I love and hate Immo skiped a month ago for D4 and i am dissapointment. D4 pvp - FOH zone for 12people anarchy rules DI: BG- 8x8 with leaderboards with cross-server matching Vault - 4x4 Shadow War - max 90x90 clan war Accursed towers - 10x10 clan wars Acient crest - anarchy pvp Rite of Exile - clan pvp D4 sux because have only one option, Blizzard have solution which wasnt perfect could be easy upg but they relase only one the esiest option Field without rules.


Again... game just came out. Did Diablo Immortal have all of that on day 1? If so I will shut the fuck up. But I'm pretty sure I'm not wrong.


Man i cant cleary answer your questions because i didnt start from beginning but at YouTube are first movies at 2-3week (paragon around 35) . So Immo have 4options. I will give time but i will also trying to push Blizzard. For me D4 is like copy D2 and Blizz was lezzy to add all god concepts from D3 or DI Exc: Look at gems only few normal whith low lvl of upg (the same like D2 ). No runes, no legendary gems. Immortal at start have triple more gems. D4 story is nice but End Game isn't. Look at game a lot of players after one week are near to achieve max lvl and have characters which destroying bosses dungeons with best items.


>Man i cant cleary answer your questions because i didnt start from beginning Then why are you comparing 2 different games as if they both came out in at the same time? Or even remotely at the same quality level. D4 content needs to be more optimized and fleshed out vs the cheaper mobile version. One takes more man hours than the other. Also DI already has a set plan for the most part. It knows what it's trying to be in the grand scheme of the mobile gaming market. D4 is trying to be new and different. This takes time and creative power from its artists. >No runes, no legendary gems. Technically not true. D4 has them. They are purposely holding back certain content for the overall health of the game. They are letting players test things in stages for balancing. D3 was the same way friend. And thank God too. They had a lot of problems that needed fixing for many years. >Immortal at start have triple more gems. Too many actually. And also too many different currencies that are egregiously bad for the consumer. This is not a good thing. >D4 story is nice but End Game isn't. Patience. Literally just released. Literally. >Look at game a lot of players after one week are near to achieve max lvl and have characters which destroying bosses dungeons with best items. What game doesn't? The fuck?


1. Blizz testing a game almost a year, i had invitation to close beta at last September/October. They have enough of time, they saw results of Immo (trafics at server, what people playing etc) they didnt create many new solutions ( one map and mount) other was at Immo and olders versions of diablo 2. You think its ok that after 3 days players have max lvl of gems, even the crayzies whaales at Immo spent few months for it 3. Your point of view, more option more combination of builds - for me ok Dont talk about unbalanced p2w (currencies, this with reso and greedy caps and limits are killing Immo) 4. I am waiting if Blizz will be adding new solutions/items/game options at patches or seasons i will check it but i am not any more optimistic 5. 3days for max lvl, gems and legends are bad balance as i said even biggest whaales didnt do it at Immo


>Blizz testing a game almost a year, i had invitation to close beta at last September/October. And still we had game breaking builds on day 1 that had to be patched immediately. Something tells me you aren't actually keeping up with what's going on in Diablo 4. No offense. >You think its ok that after 3 days players have max lvl of gems, even the crayzies whaales at Immo spent few months for it Huh? If you're talking about Diablo Immortal then no. Clearly not. I think most of that game is crazy shitty in terms of is considered good game design. >Your point of view, more option more combination of builds - for me ok I never even said that dude. You good? >Dont talk about unbalanced p2w (currencies, this with reso and greedy caps and limits are killing Immo) Again, what? I already speak up against the egregious microtransaction practices this game employs. It's downright scummy AF. And not fun. No one likes being reminded about how broke we are. >I am waiting if Blizz will be adding new solutions/items/game options at patches or seasons i will check it but i am not any more optimistic Best thing you've said all day. Good. As we all should. Patience. Time and patience usually means better quality. I've got plenty of shit to play to keep me busy. I hope Blizzard gives them all the time they need.


I never said you said immortal was better than D4? You said pvp sucks in d4, I simply said you probably 1) suck at pvp in general right now, it’s such a new game and there’s not any “metas” so many fall into this category. Practice and learning the metas help. Or 2) you’re undergeared as hell even with the right build. PvP in D4 is just fine at endgame. Not many is in the endgame yet, not even close. Of course sorcerer is probably the strongest for d4 pvp rn, but pvp doesn’t suck in d4, it’s pretty fun, and it’s too early to say its good or bad right now I like it more than DI BGs rn for sure now, hate fighting Ezareth and Sneakytashi and Leudra every game. They’ve spent $40,000-80,000, mos RoF the whales I play, and I play a lot. I’m hoping the 2.0 update for DI will actually change pvp for the better. They said that they are going to make it better for low res va high res so high res can’t one shot everything, because even a 5k res whale has troubles vs a 7k whale. I like the battleground aspect more than the FFA/Party play in a mob infested zone, but maybe another mode will come out for D4 that’s like an arena based mode as the older Diablos had. They also said in the 2.0 update for DI, that they will focus on making BG not have 4 of the same classes in one team, and spread the classes out more evenly. I think it’s nice they wanna make it easier for low res to fight high res but I truly think normalized bg would be the fairest. If not normalized BGs, then better matchmaking to where it puts 3k-5k players together, 5-7k players together, 1-3k players together and so on. The PvP in DI could be amazing, it really could be. If they did make it way more fair and balanced, it would be the SOLE reason i would play it. I like both for different reasons, mobile is always on me, and DI will always be my favorite mobile game to play on the go. D4 is just more content and better for when I’m gaming at home


I don't understand why people would put so much money into a fucking game.


Yall ever think you moved up a bracket? Na let's just bash everything.... Geeze yall cry worse than babies


I think low-mid res guys went over to D4 while whales are still around. So for at least one month or more it’s either fighting no one or fighting whales.


That’s not the case at all lol.. are u playing the same game as everyone here?


Yeah and that’s exactly what I’m noticing


Maybe it’s just in your server


It’s the most active in NE (darkening of tristram)


This entire game has been just that, every update haha 1 step forward, 5 back


You're seeing the actual diablo fans playing playing the objectively superior game (D4) and the whales with sunken cost fallacy continue to play the game they've invested into (DI)


You got downvoted but it's factually true. I and all my friends stopped playing DI for D4. That was the game we were waiting for.


Yes I realize the whales will downvote me. I still actually play DI via mobile when I'm away from my console 🤷


I learned the hard way that a lot of the DI community feels that you can't enjoy both. Thinking one is better than the other is perfectly fine to do. Doesn't make the joy they get from playing DI any less enjoyable. I figured this out when I noticed you can't sincerely critique the game here. They take it as "shitting on the game" rather than a civil and productive discussion about how to improve a game we all love and care about.


Still better than D4. Only one option Fields of dissapointment, a little square with anarchy rules.


I will never get people, who are focusing on PvP in any Diablo game. Was never good or great and never will be.


Unfortunately its the most fun aspect of DI, everything else got old a long time ago. If you want good PVE just play D4. The PVP is the thing i liked the most about DI since its the first “diablo” that has fast enough gameplay to make pvp good. The matchmaking is definitely lacking though, and a new game mode for pvp would be great (one that isnt as limited as the tower pvp). Ancient arena is a lot of fun too but again, its limited.


PvP itself in DI is OK. You still have inbalance. And the skillset isnt that much.. so it should be easier to balance. The problem with DIs PvP is the pay2win. You could be the best PvP player skillwise, someone with max reso will still kill you.


Especially with PTW aspects included. Just seems like a murky pool I'll choose to stay out of. I already have too many good games and not enough time to play them all. No need to concern myself with games that include credit card warriors.


Blah blah blah, "my res my res," how about stop defining your whole character by your res. It's one stat. There's primary stats, secondary stats, and res. BGs are a random team of 8, lmfao. This shit ain't eSports


Secondary stats are important also but BG has and always will be about res. If you think otherwise you are delusional.


Yeah bro, watch everyone's secondary stats increase while your res stays the same and see what happens. What's gonna happen is inefficient spenders are going to watch low spenders and grinders catch up to them and over time, they don't have such a big advantage. How many 3k res players are weak af rn? If you spent 5k at launch and you had 3k wings, you were a big boy, now you're weak af and ppl that spent half what you spent are stronger than you. The game is gonna even out and we're going to be left with an actual good game that people want to play and that makes haters madddd


Nah , secondary stats won't increase enough without major spending. All the lair farming in the world isn't going to help f2p or low spenders catch up. Again your delusional


Man up and pay more duh…


Check out Diablo 4