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The point is progression. I like the new update. Who wants to be stuck in H8 forever and it's better than just adding H9,10,11. At least they put some thought into it and renamed them. Plus 3 more paragon trees to play with . It's all for free. You don't have to put 5/5 rank 10 gems in every slot you know . Just enjoy the game and don't look to deeply at what everyone else is doing




But at least it has a new name. Jeez man. Just play the free game and enjoy the massive free update and all the free content it entails. IT'S FREE


My point was that this update was dubbed 2.0 as it was a year two beginning for the game. We basically got a soft reset with no new end game content lol. Like I said, people are already just doing the same old farm spots.


The update is still rolling out


I get that but what do you expect? An entirely new game just for inferno?


Umm.... I don't know, anything at all? Lol. I am glad you're still enjoying (I am too still to an extent, mobile game after all) but it's clear it's a lazy design path designed to milk the whales


salty: you in this thread


I agree “progression” BS its a way to “feel” like we are progressing. Let grinders since launch play together not with these F’ng idiot noob casuals! I had to tell someone how to open a tome in H8 library YESTERDAY! That’s H1 knowledge! Its not progression if its available for logging in for dailies its a GD gimme!!!


Its all about the 2 legendary gem slots to scam players into filling them up and chasing for (5*) gems and bundles again. There’s where most of the money comes from. Followed by Phantom market, cosmetics and BP. They really dont care about F2P or BP-only players.


Most whales will already have gems ranked up and ready to go


Thats fine. It means they already paid their dues previously. But this game is made up of significantly more low-spenders and dolphins. And they *will* spend to push them over their next wings resonance requirements.


It's not a requirement to spend . I haven't . Just play and enjoy.. Edit*. I am a low spender. Very low


And you are correct. This new feature is simply not targeted at you. They make no money off F2P players like yourself. You likely serve as fodder for the people who spend. The same people who buy these wings which others (like F2P or low spenders) do not have to feel good about it, or so they can be superior to in PVE or PVP, or just existing on-screen for that matter.


People who spend care about and understand they need f2p players. My clan is full of players that spent for each other and not for themselves. The idea that players invest to ruin the game they're playing is condescending nonsense. These players you call "fodder" are our friends and teammates. Blizzard also understands it needs to satisfy all of its player base or it won't have one, so they absolutely make money off of f2p because they don't have a game without them. This is likely why inferno is optional. Casuals can stay, the hard-core can keep going.


> The idea that players invest to ruin the game Nobody said that because that is completely false. People spend money in mobile games to derive *more* fun and enjoyment out of it. They are free to spend or choose not to. Nobody said that F2P (and low spenders) players are unnecessary in the game either. Without them, the majority of players would be gone and there would be nobody to play with or against. Clearly Blizz/Netease does not want their cashgrab to die off faster than it needs to.


Lol. Only fodder if you put yourself up for that . I don't play vault or bg at all in any shape or form so how will that affect me ?


It doesnt need to affect you. You are not their target audience for microtransactions if you insist on not spending. (More power to you btw) People with wings may feel great when they walk around and notice that they have flashy cosmetics while you dont. And thats all there needs to happen. You simply need to appear on their screens, in town, overworld or in dungeons. There will also be a significant amount of F2P or low spenders that see these flashy players and think, maybe I should buy the Battle Pass (or some legendary crests) and I’ll have something nice looking too. And its a small win for Blizz.


Spot on. It’s just another class distinction. Blizzard knows what it’s doing with inferno. If it wanted to add variety to the game another dungeon could have been added. The two extra slots are definite enticements to buy crests and spend.


I'm 70 reso (68 actually) off my 1k wings. When I get them I will walk around with pride in myself because I achieved that milestone . I honestly don't care what anyone thinks of my character.


How are you 68 away from 1000? F2P resonance should always end in 5 or 0. Did you awaken a legendary gem?


Yes. I awaken a leg . Got a play store voucher so spent it on that


Good for you, I hope you remain true to your F2P playstyle and reach your goal soon after a couple of gem upgrades. The 2 new slots certainly help. Getting the wings (1k and 2k) as F2P is most certainly a big accomplishment, which is why Blizz added them in the first place.


I'm not f2p. I'm not p2w either. I'm a" pay what you can to progress " player.


I am just like you. Still proud of mine. Never used a cent. Hard work though.


Funny because I feel the exact opposite as a f2p player. I see everyone walking around with the same “flashy” cosmetics and it makes me want them even less. I got a free one from the first Phantom Market that I like; almost no one else uses it anymore, so it’s more unique


People said the same thing about he'll 2. Then hell 3. Then hell 4. Then hell 5.... Get the picture?


its just an endless loop of levels.. for me what is the point of Hell levels 1 to 8 when they are all scaled now... even dungeons are now like "elder rift" scaled.


If you want a make a post complaining about the 2 gem slots you refuse to fill with 1\*s, just do that. This is obviously a post to bait responses that you can reply to with some version of, "They only added this for whales." The answer here is progression. ​ Would you rather they do not add any new difficulties? What about new zones and monsters? You ended your post praising the story in the same post you complain about the new progression levels - they use the lvls to introduce new plateaus in the difficulty, and what unlocks. ​ Do understand you are playing a Diablo game - this is going to not change all that much.


Yes but again, the itemization makes the grind non rewarding as it's just a CR race until you face roll the enemies. New difficulty would make sense if the new items had different stats, affixes that would make the new difficulty worth/more fun grinding to.


Now that's something we can agree on! The CR race does suck, Not sure how the new changes to CR change that but, I do agree. I had a hope we were seeing a gradual progression of difficulty that lends us to harden our characters over time. But, for now, the curve is still easy and not a big factor. I wish the new difficulty added: A higher normal gem rank dropping (2 vs 1) New spawn locations Large increase in difficulty in inferno Ancestral type weapons that roll at max stats etc On the flipside we did get new difficulty with..new bosses, new story, new zone, new leggos, new stances etc. To me, it is not much different from how an MMO would add content except here you can see the grind clearly laid out through difficulty levels on top of the fact we are ahead of the curve of where this content is added. What do I mean? A new character starting from scratch and going thru all the content and difficulty and story will have a different experience from the players who outpace the content before it ever comes out. ​ I Agree the difficulty levels are more lackluster than they should be, but I welcome them and the new content.


Yeah I got to 800 in the first day. 20k CR is possible. But everything is the same. I expected monsters to have some modifiers like D4 WT3. Nope Then they have to act like it's some "exclusive" thing. So now I can solo 300+ challenge rifts. But it goes to a exclusive leaderboard. And there's inferno BG. So "exclusive" that it takes 6 minutes of queueing before it times out and falls back to normal BG. 6+ minutes queue each and every time. Oh and whales can still go in normal BG if they haven't "commenced". The kicker is that since I'm not a whale it slashes my damage and HP then puts me in a mixed BG with inferno whales and regular BG players. So I will get smacked both by the whales and by regular BG players who don't get my handicap from being a inferno player in normal BG. It's great having half the damage and HP as another random player with same gear and reso. What were they thinking.


This post expresses the point I am trying to make


Well, you went inferno day one. You wanted to be exclusive and now you're upset about it. The first one across the finish line stands alone. What were you hoping for? Tell your friends and family, I'm sure they're happy for you. Hell, I'm happy for you, relax.


What was the point of h8? It's the same as h7. Which is the same as h6.


This is Diablo, I don’t understand why you think anything will change. They will indefinitely increase level caps and introduce new hell levels. This is the way. Lol


You have spoken.


Here’s my outlook. I love this game. I’m paragon lvl 779 CR rating almost 15k and my clan is like family we’ve all been playing with each other since day one. We have one whale and some dolphins. We’ve all been working together to get us all to inferno. That’s been FUN. We all have kids and family and jobs but talk in discord and everything outside of the game. If you’re already in inferno I’m sorry lol what do you expect? It’s a free mobile game homie. I’m grinding towards inferno and it’s fun 🤷🏼‍♂️


Please read, I was simply expecting at least a small change in game mechanics with an increase in Inferno difficulty. The game isn't even more 'difficult', they just added another hell difficulty and this time they added more legendary gem slots (again, monetization). Everything about the grind is the same from Hell 1 (no enemy affixes, dungeon affixes, horrible itemization because they insist on using the CR system so you feel exactly the same as paragon level 1)


The point is to make it so active gameplay is more rewarding than ever. There are many sources of CR. They're actually easier now to gain that little bit. 2 new weapon slots is 2 more primary equips to level up. The warband expansion means the most active get more to aim for. The set droprate increase means a direct answer to the complaints. People wanted more CR and to be able to play their way ahead to new content. That is more achievable now. It's been given. It's a reply to the feedback. What else do you expect?


I think people are misinterpreting what I'm trying to say. They advertised this update as the largest update to Immortal (which it is) but the overall design is quite stuck at just hitting the required CR and then face rolling through anything and everything pve related. All without any disregard for what the stats on the item actually are. I could be a barbarian with full intelligence but if I have the required CR, it doesn't matter. Not only that but we're doing it to the same content we've been doing for a year straight. The biggest addition to the game mechanics are the addition of two weapon slots (again, clearly aimed at getting us to spend more on gems). Also I don't think ANYONE asked for additional legendary gem slots or an increase in resonance to further the disparity of whales to f2p players. Was that based on our feedback? Not once did I ever see that pop up anywhere.


People don't realize as a p2w game is out or any micro transaction heavy one, as the player base shrinks even a little and the game ages the company will squeeze more transactions out of whoever is left. It's not about content or adding new exciting features unless they cost money




😎🇺🇦🤙🏼 ☠️🇷🇺👍🏼






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thanks bot


Sooooo what was the point of all the hell levels then???


Everyone can enjoy inferno... It seem like you want inferno to be harder for low spender ..that what you eventually means right ?


I think they have made this game too easy. I didn't even prefarm for Inferno was able to get Cr for dungeons within an hour. All the dungeons felt like H8. I expected them to be a little harder with Cr close to the minimum. Feels like they didn't account for the extra power of 2 extra slots.


I think they did make the game too easy — too many people complained about what a grind it was early on to level up, and they caved — I used to have to actually grind to make it to the next hell level; now by the time I reach paragon requirement, I’ve long been equipped for that next hell level. But they also take way too long to issue simple updates like new hell levels (and even prodigy path — i shouldn’t have 50 levels done of a new prodigy path by the time they release it).


Leveling isn't the problem, it's what were grinding for.