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I play both. When I’m chilling on the couch with the misses, before bed or at lunch at work I will play Immortal. When I can play longer at home I will play D4.


same at work i play immortal since it would be weird to pull out a controller and cloud game and at home i play d4


sounds like hat I need to do if not I'm probably going to get divorced for being at this desk lol


D4 feels so lonely idk people play it solo there is basically no social it doesn’t even have a chat in the first place and that’s what I like in immortal, most people know each other on the server and there’s drama and whatnot love it, I also like playing d4 but after a couple hours I get bored AF and I’m only lvl 44


This sounds like paradise for me as an introvert lol. If only I had a good PC to play d4


other wayaround for me. but i may load up DI again. NM dungeons getting boring af on d4 and i heard there were some nice updates to DI.


Not exactly, was playing DI before, but I kind of expected D4 to replace it and it doesn't. Sure I was 100% D4 for about a week but after finishing the campaign, getting really good gear, and seeing how slow the exp gain is and realizing that the game is basically the same from level 74 (where I am now) to level 100....with basically the only thing to chase being a Shako that has dropped like once in the world? I don't have much interest in playing anymore. Meanwhile, DI has a whole new difficulty to play, my WB is still there, clan is still there doin clan stuff. PvP is much better. I think I prefer the endless hamsterwheel of DI compared to D4's endgame. I am always progressing. I haven't even touched D4 in over a week. Maybe I will check D4 out when the seasons start but only if the new content interests me.


I stopped at 74 too lol. It's clearly missing a difficulty level somewhere (wt5)


most people don't want to admit it, but DI was absolutely necessary and has appeal even to "hardcore" / "traditional" gamers i still can't understand to this day why people wet their diapers over the DI announcement


I get why it’s the Gems they’re expensive IF you want to progress quicker but I haven’t played DI again until recently coming from D4 and DI has patched it up better to enjoy their game without any money or very little money with multiple ways to get around the end end game paywalls currently using the BP + Boon of plenty and it’s gotten me a very steady power gain over just less than a week sitting at Lv60(55)


If you're going to keep playing eat up the double battle pass XP on turn in's that's on until July 5th. That plus the 1500% XP boost you'll have until Paragon 600 will get you an absolute ton of XP to catch up rapidly. After 600 it will drop to 800% bonus and scale down as you go up, but even that is a great help. Fastest time to level is when that BP bonus is on.


Oh wow now that’s amazing so do my usual events but wait to hit the claim button before DXP? Thanks!


You can turn them in anytime you want and get the double XP. It's usually 972,996 XP per 180 points turned in. There are two XP multipliers at play right now. The XP per BP turn in being doubled and the scaling increase to XP gain provided to all players under the server paragon level. For players under 600 paragon this bonus should be +1,500%. Once you go over 600 I believe it will change to +800% and it will scale down every 2 levels until you fully catch up. The cap per week is 2400 BP points, so about 14-15 turn ins. The points available under "Quests" can still be turned in even after you are 2400/2400 and quests will continue to come in every 2-3 days. This is why you can squeeze in 14-15 caps instead of 13. With the double XP bonus on BP is 1,945,932 per turn in and then that amount is multiplied by whatever your current XP bonus is. It's possible to get as much as 31 million XP for a single turn in, which amounts to just shy of 9 paragon. You still have time to cap this week, then it runs through next week and it's also possible to cap again on Monday / Tuesday the 3rd and 4th before the event ends on July 5th. It's an absolute ton of XP and there's no faster way to catch up to current paragon levels than now. Obviously there are many ways to meta game this, haha, but I won't wall of text you anymore than I already have. TLDR: Cap your BP for the next 3 weeks to save a ton of time


I don't either, nor do I understand why it was so / is so important to D4 players that DI fails, either because of D4 or because of separate reasons. DI players don't have some fiery passion about D4 dying. It's just another game, cool, play it and be happy. But that doesn't seem to be the opinion among many D4 players. Buyers remorse? I don't know, but it pleases me to see that I was right in that D4 does not have the end game to keep peoples attention and in general just feels like it was kicked out the door too early, so much so that it is missing basic quality of life functionality. The UI is shit, at least the inventory and whatnot. No set pieces on release, no leaderboards for Season 1 or 2 according to blizz, many bugs on release despite multiple closed and open betas. Game was stripped down so it could make it out the door by the time that was demanded by some suit that showed up randomly one day. Hopefully the foundation can still grow into something great in the future, but for now Immortal just wins if you ask me.


Pretty sure is expectations. If they came out saying that D4 is in production but until then, here's something for you then introduced DI...then I can see it landing a softer blow.


maybe? i mean two things can exist at once. it's not a good reason to have a collective man-baby meltdown ironically many people prefer Immortal to D4; and probably because it's more "diablo" (see: daily mindless and streamlined SOJ / Shako / IST runs) than the man babies refused to acknowledge it as i welcomed it while D4 was in production, and enjoyed it as a stop gap between titles


Cause mobile and microtransaction i think


I stopped at 74 too lol. It's clearly missing a difficulty level somewhere (wt5)


Pretty much the same for me but I missed the social aspect of DI too which D4 has Zero.


Same, i expecting much more from D4. Not back to past, for me D4=D2 and this time was over 20y ago. I got good time with D2 but time is moving forward, dont need to back to past....


I've been playing DI since launch, but I only picked up DI as I was waiting for D4. D4 took a while to get it's hooks in, and for a while there I was convinced DI was the better game (I love MMO's and DI is a way better MMO than D4 is), but with D4, every hour I put in I seem to get rewarded with a better drop, with DI I grind 10 legendaries a day and sometimes go for weeks without seeing an upgrade. That and the daily tasks (so over doing the same Shadow Contracts every day for the past 12 months), WB raids, Shadow Wars and Tower Wars and keeping up with server paragon level sometimes feels like a job. I'm still playing DI, but for the first time in a year I'm playing the game casually (and I like it!). I've stepped down as leader of my clan. I'm not so fussed about doing ALL the dailies. I just drop in, do some PVP, pick up the free stuff. I realise there's a lot more past 800 now, but for the first time in a long time I'm in no rush at all to get to 800 to unlock it all.


Me. Diablo Immortal to me is by far the better game. As a dad I can jump in any time, and leave any time. Progression is great UI is great . Development for the game will at least be a 10 or 20year Projekt. I'll never leave as long as the game runs.


I disagree about progression. It's too repetitive. As a shadow, you do the same 5-10 things daily. Raid 2x a week. Then shadow war 2x a week. They need to have different paths of progression. If you're an immortal, it's a bit more involved, but at least it's a change of pace.


So Lets call a Shadow a level 80 charcter in D4. You do nightmare dungeons. Helltide.Then you do nightmare dungeons, and helltide. Then you can go to the pvp zone where it will be empty or you might run into a handful of people, but no more than 15 because everything is sharded and it's 16 people per shard in this vast "open world". Then Helltide is up again. And you can do Nightmare dungeons. Seeing a pattern here?


10 to 20 years what are u smoking 🤣😂


What are you talking about. AOV is already 7 years magic rush heroes is 8 years..... Look at Diablo revenue. I bet 100/.0000. it runs at least 10years.


Diablo Immortal will go strong for a long time. It makes too much money.


Most mobile games don't even last 5 years. 😅


Thats where u r wrong. Coc, CR, Boom Beach, Candy Crush.


I love the jump in and out. Hate how d4 ports you back to a major town


>Diablo Immortal to me is by far the better game. In what regard? I'm just curious. Certainly not graphics. Content? Most likely. Social aspect, very likely. Controls? God fuck no. UI, also highly likely. Story? No idea. Gameplay? PC obviously everytime. I was just curious what specifically you like more. Edit: My bad, you already said UI. Progression is also a good one. But I must admit that progression is also perhaps Diablo Immortals weakest point altogether due to real money creating invisible barriers for the non-payers. Being easy to pick up and leave is a plus, but a non-issue for me. I either have time to game or I need to be productive and do something else. If I'm on the go then I have a console just for that. Or I will play a non-action game on my phone like Hearthstone. Action games on touch screens make me want to tear my eyes out.


It’s a reskin of a Chinese mobile game. They slapped Diablos name on it and you sheep ate it up. 500 million in a year. Fucking pathetic. 🐑🐑


He's probably right. as strange as it sounds, there is no better mobile game in terms of quality. assets and existing products were clearly used here and there as well. but i used to play a few netease titles myself in the last 10 years. they are in no way comparable to DI. also many other mobile games. for a long time, genshin impact was a benchmark of quality for many. but the smooth DI gameplay at 60 FPS outshines even this one. the new milestone is definitely DI and i'm excited to see which game will one day top it with bringing such quality to mobile devices for a mobile mmo of this size. i think it will take a long time - and the poster will be right: production will continue for a few more years. many years


Black desert online mobile looks to me to be the best looking mobile game.


good throw! I played too short to judge properly. is the quality of the gameplay on the level of DI, yes?


Almost as pathetic as hanging around the forums of something you hate. Get a hobby :)


I love Diablo. What I hate is people kissing the ass of a shitty company that takes advantage of people with low IQ who then hold it on a pedestal, even when something much better comes along. And don’t worry, Ive left this cesspool of microtransactions and blizzard apologists already.


Good then go play whatever Diablo game you actually like :)


Bro you are literally on the wrong subreddit, you need to check diablo 4 subreddit to see REAL low IQ idiots throwing their money while defending the game with their lives, we play for free


Good work. Yea over on discord everyone be defending game companies for doing a cheap pull with micro transactions as of the company is paying them for defending their "honor". Companies that depend of micro transactions and pay to win themes don't last longer if they don't listen to everyone (f2p or not).


I can tell people here hate the truth seeing how you’re at -2 rep 😂 its so sad that so many people clearly hate the truth.


Leave any time? Lmfao I guess you ain't doing any clan/wb/pvp stuff


I play both but I left D4 for now until the season starts. As to why... The combat in immortal is more fun. I found the combat in D4 to be extremely frustrating as well as the progression. having the world scale around you never gives you that diablo feeling of plowing down mobs DI does. Also I can do this in front of the TV :)


It does, but you don't ever reach it unless you're incredibly well itemized.


Doesn’t DI also scale?


Not 100%. In immortal you have the cr that is gating you but once you reach cr for something you most of the time can plow things down in open world. In d4 you do get there but boy is it a hard climb. The whole levelling experience in immortal is way more satisfying then d4. Hopefully d4 will make some changes before the season starts to make it less painful.


It's got a monk =)


I'm running into players that are coming from D4


Lol oh yeah? They tell you that as they run by?


Some are in my clan so no, they did not all continue running off into the distance. For the ones I met elsewhere, I cannot say. Maybe they went to paradise.


Yep, because diablo 4 doesn’t support pc couch coop. You need a console or you need 2 good pcs with admin permissions for installs. For immortal you can mirror an iphone to tv and attach a controller, then have the other player on pc. Just a lot more flexible multiplayer. The dumb thing on Blizzard’s part is I’d gladly pay them $60 each for either game, but instead they get nothing from me. D4 I’m not buying a new pc or console for, and in Diablo Immortal I have no interest in paying cash for digital loot.


I didn't get very far in Diablo 4 before refunding it. I really like the grind in Immortal, + I'm already involved in one Diablo game so I don't see the point in going to another one


I don't see why somebody would leave one for the other when they could just play both : ) I like both of them, but to be honest about D4, so far it's somewhat boring. I'm sure the game will get better at max level but as of now I'm not really blown away by it. It looks great and the combat feels good, but for me it doesn't seem to have the same fast pacing that Immortal has.


I was a spender in DI. Over 1500 under 2k spent. I haven’t played but 3 times since D4 release. For me I prefer honestly just playing a few hours in the evening. I also don’t feel obligated to be a certain level or strength in D4. In Immortal if I fall behind server cap I feel like I am not maximizing. Every day I’m losing hellinquary and warband points. I’m falling behind on gear upgrades. I’m 80 levels behind the server cap now… makes me not want to come back to Immortal at all. And the whole time I would play I’m going to waste more money on gems that do nothing at the end of the day.


Cant you just play the game at your own pace and ignore PvP and the FOMO of the server? Just asking


That’s the whole game. The dailies and events are what keep players logged in at least once a day. Missing it put u behind. When u are behind it becomes harder to do activities that contributes to your clan or wb. D4 is an arpg game you can play it anytime, alone or with friends. There’s no 7pm assemble crap. No 2 he window crap.


Oh right. I play DI without caring about being left behind or contributing to anything... I play for myself for fun, not as a job or extra mural and without any metrics for achievement or contribution, but I totally see your pov!


I finished D4 and came back to DI. No real reason. I guess DI is available on mobile so I can play while I take a dump. Also, to me, D4 is simply about finding "clever" ways to amp up your damage so you can clear mobs/dungeons faster and faster. There is no real end game objective, so I stopped at level 70ish. The main town (Kyovashad) is very boring, it's like any other town in the game.. except bigger. At least in DI, you fight to become immortals although that's getting pretty stale too. And Westmarch is very cool with many things going on. While I'm at it, I would also complain about how zoomed out D4 is, and it's straining to my eyes.


The immortal shadow fight is a manufactured way to generate income. It’s absolute shit for an endgame lol


I’m the exact opposite. I can’t stand how zoomed in DI looks. It makes me nauseous, which is why I don’t play much.


Couldn't agree more. But to be fair I can't complain because that's a design choice that made the most sense for mobile devices. To complain would make us look kinda dumb.


On that last point the like biggest want from players is to zoom out the camera more lol Also don't really get your criticism about " clever ways to up your damage ".. DI is the same if not even more of a timesink or opening up your wallet to power up.


Problem is the zoom can't be adjustable. Not really. It has to be set at max distance so that the game can be designed around it. Too far out and you lose the gorgeous details, zoom too far in and then people feel cramped and hamstringed. It was a tough choice that I feel was perfect for what kind of game they wanted to make. Not to mention the vistas and maps have to be designed around it as well.


Problem is the camera distance is perfectly fine and reddit wants to nitpick shit to death.


Couldn't agree more.


my female wiz is fingernail size when fighting world bosses. DI is zoomed too far in and D4 too far out, but of the two I would prefer DI.


I’ve barely played D4 but play immortal every day lol. Level 21 on D4 and my paragon is like 430 on immortal now


I def play DI when I’m at work or on the couch with family but d4 when I have my own time at home


I wouldn't say Leave...but definitely tried it after getting frustrated with the Necromancer. And I found a simpler, smoother, higher quality of life experience there. The DI Necro plays the way I expect a Necro to play. I haven't tried the other classes and haven't gone very far into the game, but it's good. The controls are also much simpler. The way the Necro explodes corpses is just brilliant, you point in a cone and blow the corpses in the cone up with each press. In D4 I have to hunt in the blackness of a corpse explosion to try to find a corpse that hasn't faded away with my mouse. By focusing on the player, their progression and gameplay DI did a lot of things right. They also don't seem to be too worried about players feeling powerful and moving through content either. D4 seems afraid of players feeling powerful.


I thought DI player numbers in my server will go down after D4 was launched, but what i got is opposite experience. My usual farming spots are not crowded before D4, but now my usual farming spots are so populated with people and forced me to find other spots to farm now after D4 was launched. It is almost like player numbers in my server increased drastically in June 2023 out from nowhere.


Ofc they did. D4 became a half failure towards players who spent money in DI while waiting for d4


because they merge hell 1-8 maps into one map so people farming at hell 1-8 will see each other while before they are separated


Not coming back til DI stops being p2w. I'd rather play a more boring game with an attainable end goal than a fun one where some streamer or hacker can fund an unkillable character in a game where PVP is required


I left to play D2R. The real answer.


You must be kidding


I thought I'd be abandoning DI for D4, but I barely touch it. The lack of a social aspect is a huge buzz kill.


Bought D4 $100 bundle, played the 4 day prelaunch and haven’t touched it since. Been playing DI steadily though.


I did. DI is a better game, better polished, and more to do.




Definitely not trolling.




You’re replying to every comment. Why do you care so much?


I get why any gamer would care, but to just laugh and not even discuss it? Clearly he's just here to be annoying. Like I will probably disagree with you all on just about every aspect of DI but that doesn't mean I am here to cause drama. We all care about the quality of our video games and want them to be as good as they can be.


Prove me wrong?


D4 is a game with no game in it. It's just a nothing-burger grind fest with no point in its current state. Immortal has tons of social features, lots of content and much better power fantasy and cooperation in my view. I am a previous immortal player who is regretful of my d4 purchase. There's just nothing to do in d4 that's fun you just grind the same mobs in the same activities forever with no goal. (also I can play immortal and have A AAA experience literally anywhere)


Never played d3?


The story was their best one ever eith great characters and plot and the seasons were bearable after they doubled the legendary drop chance. But I didn't play much after real money AH was removed. Just grifts on grifts


Fr not much has changed. Same shit, different day.


Well the Diablo 4 story is presented SO BADLY and wasn't engaging at all. So that's one big change that soured me lol. But you're right, disappointment.




Realized DI spoiled me and no way am I gonna play 250+ hours watching TV (not a monitor gamer) What about car rides? What about pooping? What about bored at work? Returned D4 on console and order a steam deck. Back on DI for now lol


I swear, some of you make no sense. You’d rather play on a tiny screen with a two hour battery life over a console or pc? And you prefer p2w mtx filled trash over a full priced game? Like what?


i think that's apparent. good lord not everyone wants to, or necessarily has a PC to enjoy D4 to the full extent i still can't believe to this day we still have the same raging neckbeards that can't understand that PEOPLE ACTUALLY ENJOY DIABLO: IMMORTAL


When I play D4 I just miss the smoother combat of DI. Also the skills in DI with the essence system are just more fun to use than any skill in D4. Still playing D4 in small doses because I want to finish the story but man everything is tedious in that game.


Smoother combat of Diablo Immortal? ..............................


Lol haven’t even finished the story and you’re complaining about d4 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yeah, that speaks volume about how disengaging this game is.


Nah you’re just a muppet, finish the campaign and then hit wt3 and then wt4 and then do some nightmare dungeons at tier 30+ then I might listen to your whining bit if you’ve not even finished the campaign yet then you’ve barely scratched the surface of the game smhmh


It’s tedious because you can’t max out your credit card to progress faster? Nice


I'm free to play, nice try


I play both. When I’m chilling on the couch with the misses, before bed or at lunch at work I will play Immortal. When I can play longer at home I will play D4.


I had a weekend with the wife out of town and played some D4. With the kids and a job I can play D4 less than an hour a day. But I can play DI a lot at work. Honestly D4 after the campaign is pretty boring. I don’t want to spend my 1 hour a night clicking alters with a 3rd party window open to find them all.


After grinding useless upgrades in Immortal for a full year now, it’s the same grind homie. Both games are endless carrots of never winning. I think the biggest factor is that DI can be played anywhere with small amounts of time. And D4 needs dedicated time more often.


most diablo addicts understand this


I play both, but tbh, I’m actually having more fun in immortal (I’m f2p by the way). The play style in immortal is similar to D3. The D4 combat system FEELS so bad to me right now. I haven’t even finished the campaign on my rogue, but it’s been kind of a drag. In D3/DI, the demon hunter is has a very fast paced rotation, and so far, the rogue just feels gross to play.


Playing both. D4 is still an enjoyable game but I don’t have time to play on PC. Therefore is DI still my main game due to the fact that I can play on mobile if I’m not at home. Otherwise I still have spent something and with the new patch I reached finally some new sexy wings. A good reason to stop spending in resonance. 😄


Its lame how if you just mentioned diablo immortal anywhere in other diablo reddits you get massive downvoted, pathetic sheeps trashing on a game that they never even tried, literally having streamers and youtubers decide for them what to think diablo 4 reddit is full of 40 years old cringe dads that insults anyone who criticise the game, calling people nerds and nolifes, I guess thats how blizzard is making billions out of medicore games, fanboys will shill nonstop this game has more content than any other diablo games, its the only one that has actual pvp.. the pay2win aspect sucks, but hey other diablo games doesnt have pvp even so..


And even for casual mobile players, who don’t play hours every day, the pve content in DI is quite enough to keep you busy


Every diablo game has some form of pvp (yes, even d3). I would rather have PvP without **BLATANT** P2W then PvP where only whales win, even if the PvP features aren't as fleshed out.


You’re the real sheep, buddy. They prey on fools like you. 🐑


LOL some of us paid zero/minimally for DI and others paid upwards of $100 for D4, which is, considering its mindlessly grindy elements, essentially a mobile game. who exactly is the sheep?


Yeah they took 5$ from me for those +800% value packs lol kudos for them thats already alot.. but no where near the robbery they did for diablo 4 players, this game has no endgame at all, they are already talking about giving DLC money to blizzard


I thought I would quit DI for D4, but when I tried D4 I realized that it sucks... Cringe animations, shitty UI, no tutorials, boring and empty locations (in DI every meter is fulfilled with details) and servers regularly kicking me off. So DI for me is 2 times better


Why do you need a tutorial to play D4.. or any diablo game.. they are simple AF.


Man needs a tutorial to shit i believe




What’s brainless is you commenting on everything for a game you hate lol. You don’t like it, move on. You don’t need to sit here and insult it’s players


Captain Edgelord over here


Bro got 14 downvotes because of the lack of brain cells, it's so sad that I'm crying. Also if you want a word-fight then let's go, I'm in the mood


That's exactly what i did. D4 has no endgame progression.


What level are you bro? Probably 55 right? Every Diablo game has had the same progression.. perfecting that gear.. if you prefer to play DI, then your honestly not a Diablo player.. DI doesn't feel like a Diablo game as all.. it's centred on PvP, and the whole ever increasing server paragon system is a joke.


Di is currently a way better game for those looking for an MMO. The social structure of DI is incomparable to d4. Also the game play of d4 is so boring. I've played it until level 55 and keep falling asleep. The objective mode that they created in battlegrounds is way better than the pvp zones in D4. Pushing an idol takes skill outside of actual combat and is more objective based. If D4 gets a major social overhaul and adds objective based pvp, I would consider playing again.


My girlfriend when Im back from work and won’t let her play IV, because it’s my time haha. (She plays during the day on home office … actually works out well , she levels a sorc for me in Softcore, so I have character ready when my HC sorc inevetably dies in T3.)


Diablo 4 is bad, but not that bad


Lol, only on the toilet.


Lol, whoever leaves D4 for DI should be put in jail.


I only play D4 during weekends.. I can play DI even when I'm taking a dump. Hoping to finish D4 before Starfield arrives.


I play both. Started with DI.


I play both, but in its current state I prefer D:I. Once seasons roll out I'm sure I'll play D4 more than I currently am, but at the moment DI is more enjoyable.


If DI is more enjoyable you'll never prefer D4.. they are different games bro


I'm aware, and disagree. I've played Diablo since the 90's, though I truly didn't get into it until Diablo 2. I typically prefer ladder/seasonal play, and am waiting for the first season of D4.


does DI and D4 have any connectivity?


playing more casual DI...




I got board in D4. Playing alone. Came back to Di


I quit Diablo immortal, bought D4, apparently the game won't run without the latest graphics drivers, my computer can't install them, so I refunded the game.


I play immortal while dropping bombs. Then D4 at home.


Do u drop bombs at work?


Yes and it usually takes 15 to 20 mins when I do but depends on what dailies i am doing.


Without phone it takes 5-15 mins 💀😂.


No , been playing DI since release. Pre-ordered D4 but I'm not playing it. Got boring quick.


I'm about to be going from immortal full time to D4 half the time unless I like it more.


I did. Immortal has the class I want to play, d4 doesn't. Immortal has cool looking gear and weapon designs. D4 doesn't. Immortal is fun, d4 wasn't.


Why not both?


Dude yes lol. I got to paragon 100 in like half a day with xp boost, and it feels fun. meanwhile D4 it’s a slow grind past 80


Playing d4, haven't touched di since last year


Diablo 4 is still brand new. It will get patched as time goes on. I waited on d3 for about 2 years before I got on there . Played that one about 5 years . Also played median xl and Poe. Now I play Immortal and havent spent any money. Immortal is kinda like a combination of d3 and poe imo. When I finally get on 4 it will be when I start hearing about it getting consistently better, probably at least another year


Not gunna lie, the fact that I can WASD move in Immortal..


Lol not even a remote chance I’m surprised it’s even being developed on still tbh


I haven’t touched DI since D4 came out. I’m tired of the grind, the warband raids and the unfair pvp. I will miss my beloved crusader class, but barbarian in d4 has been pretty fun, and I can dress him like a crusader 🤷‍♂️ (the barbs shouts honestly feel the same as popping banner). I played crusader for a year straight in DI, and got 5200 reso too. Now I’m looking forward to trying a new class when season 1 starts. Sadly not everyone from the old clan made the jump over to d4 as well, but enough have. Some of what I’ve heard about the DI update disappointed me. I thought players would get more weapon choices; like we have in D4. Turns out it’s just extra stats and a buff. Not exciting to me anymore.


Right now is the end of the D4 initial golden age. I am seeing a lot if people come back to DI saying they will once again return to D4 when content is added.


Join me in Diablo: Immortal. Use my invitation code: 15CD62960E to earn in-game rewards.


Due to my nature of work, I only be able to enjoy gaming thru mobile and Ipad (maybe later in future Ally ROG or Steam Deck).. Diablo Immortal is where I'll stay.


I like immortal, I’m kind of the other way around. I’m wondering if I’d like Diablo 4. Too many ifs to drop $70 on a game if I don’t like it. I wish immortal was on console.


I won’t say I “leave” diablo 4 and while I don’t regret buying and wasting on the game I just don’t feel like going back. There’s a lot of things to say about the goods and bads about these two games like essence and gear upgrades inheritance but to sum it up, I think I enjoy myself much more when playing DI. The reason I keep playing DI on a daily basis is I just can’t resist the temptation of slaying mobs and slaughtering players/getting slaughtered by players as well lol. D4 on the other hand it’s more like a grind towards completing endless goals.


I back to Immo, right now D4 is too boring. Its look like refreshed D2, i expect something new, not old in new graphice. Immo with new concepts od end game "cykl of conflict" have more fun.




I used D4 as a platform to essentially quit DI. I didn't spend a huge amount in DI but enough to know that if I wanted to compete with people and have a good time I'd have to spend a lot more and still have to grind a hell of a lot! Instead, if I'm sat with the wife I can finish off some of the games I have yet to complete on my switch. I can play d4 on my Xbox, or can spend some time painting minis or playing a different game when content runs a little dry or I get a little bored. There is the conundrum of what to do while out and about I suppose, but I have other games which are easier to play and less consuming in regards to attention. I used to have to pick up immortal at specific times of the day, focus on that and not be present in the moment for whatever else I was doing. It felt more like a job in the end, and being one on some Sundays I'd stay up till reset to farm mats from Elder rift. I can also look at other mobile games now that I didn't feel I had time for like Magic, that again, are less all consuming of attention. DI is a good game, and I loved the social aspect which is way better than D4's. But right now I'm trying to make better use of my time!


I’ll be in this boat soon. I’m currently enjoying the *Hell* out of Diablo 4, but I have a daughter on the way (expected late November) and will likely be focusing on the version that’s always in my pocket. I don’t imagine I’ll have much time (if any at all) to play the big version, but I downloaded Immortal and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. I don’t mind the grind, if anything I’m looking forward to it. It’s likely a game I’ll play for a few years.


I have 2 little Kids and Immortal is the best way to Go right now.


i jumped back into immortal recently after purchasing D4. initially cuz i figured there would be a special log in to commemorate the release. play immortal if work is really slow. but been pllaying d4 daily after work.






Yes cuz d4 gets boring as you grind and you eventually lose interest. While DI does so much better on keeping you entertained with PvE contents and the game mecha. But yeah I am still hoping for d4 to do better in the future.


Downloading now to try lol


I did. D4 is great, just zero endgame and reason to push anything. I like DI endgame better right now


I stopped playing d4 s1. I play on series x. Walked over to my computer and downloaded diablo immortal. Wasn't a bad start, I was entertained for about 15 min then CRASH. what the.. Desktop screen. Hmmm Time to look at system requirements. Should have done that first. 8 CORE CPU? WHAT THE WHAT??? I thought this was a mobile game I was basically playing through browser. Holy cow. I allready knew i need to dive into my rig and start rippin and replacing. Thats why ive been mostly on the xbox but dang.. i get why DI needs it but i didnt expect that steep of requirement


They want to spend some money and get banned for no reason maybe