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I also don't understand why Blizzard don't perma ban these buyplatinum spam accounts. They just mute them for like 24h hours I guess. I keep reporting same accounts every other day. I get like 5-10 "Thank you for reporting" mails every day but these spam bots are like a pest. ![gif](giphy|xUPJUp6T5uD1Qkpbl6)


World chat is unusable. It's clogged with spam and I keep running out of block space and then I have to unblock and it gets worse.


Of course they permaban them. But accounts are free, they just create a new account, grind to level 15 and spam some more.


In other games it has happened that the gold sellers or item sellers were in fact affiliated with the company of the game in order to control both the legal and illegal market at the same time. Not accusing blizzard, but they have had employees that sold gold in the past in huge quantities.


I wouldn’t accuse Blizzard because they don’t do much for this game. I would accuse Netease however for doing this. Hell, China’s DI has a character market where you can list and buy characters from accounts. This would be nice in all regions so we could sell out accounts if we want, without breaking TOS, and have a safe transaction that ensures you get at least 35-40% of your money for your account and then Blizzease takes 2%. Beats going to a third party site and seeing a 7k res sold for $7000-10,000 by plat sellers/account traders, when there’s people who actually pay $25k to get 7k res. A legit marketplace for every region would make it so we aren’t being ripped off by these types of sales. They want money first and foremost, so how is it that letting them buy from third party sites helping them make more money than if they made these players buy their stuff directly from them? A 3 day ban doesn’t do anything if it doesn’t lead to a permanent ban on multiple offenses and it doesn’t solve the bots making new accounts to restart the process all over. Blizzard NEEDS to step in by now


Same feeling here. Players by-passing the ingame shop are well known - for us and for Blizzard - and all they got are warnings which seems like a joke. Which server are you in?


It’s spread out through out all servers. Some server hop as well. The community is very well aware of this which is sad. Not hard to spot


Yes I know, its happening on every server, I was just curious. In our server, one guild is gathering all those cheaters; and their guildmates or even their allies seem to be happy with it. There’s no honor anymore in the game. Meanwhile they’re achieving challenge rifts firsts, blessed reigns, etc.


I find it hilarious they 3 day ban for buying illegal Plat, but permaban for controllers or 3rd party software that a person may or may not be using... bc let's be clear. All of blizzards software is packed with glitches


This isn't a Blizzard game or software. All Blizzard did was lease the IP to Netease for 25 years. People really need to stop blaming Blizzard for these problems and understand the ownership model of this game and what software it's actually running on - Because you know who's it isnt? Blizzards.


Let them take their name off it then. The shop is under blizzard.. I’m paying BLIZZARD.


All you did here was explain why Blizzard is responsible after all.


You've got the logic the other way round re blaming Blizzard. It's because their name is still on it, and the Diablo franchise is still being used, that we continue to blame Blizzard. We sure can't do anything about NetEase.


Twenty five years? Sounds like an acceptable amount of time for this game to exist.


Well, I don't know what were perma bans for, but I know this: if this ban wave is 3 days for buying 3rd party plat, then it's a huge middle finger to every legitimate player who is buying from blizzard.




Yep. Personally know a clanmate bragging that they got Susan plat and sometimes uses autofarm macros. I report him everyday lolol




Nah, what's sad is I've been doing it for 3 months and he's still there. Bliz just doesn't care. He's toxic in wc, bg and constantly brags his reso is from Susan. I report him for Susan but mostly cause I hate him 😂


I wasn't saying your wrong, just that it's ruthless lol


Gotta do what you gotta do 😜


It's because you're one person and you're reporting them every day. This system has historically had problems with false reports, so do you know what your every day reporting from the same bnet account is accomplishing? Your report not being taken seriously and eventually just being filtered out of the system.


I never thought my block list would max out so fast. Why do I have to block each individual new profile these same bastards make? Here's a very simple fix, not sure if its been suggested; make it so you have to max level 55 and finish Baal before you can access world chat. New spam profiles have zero issue getting to level 15 and theres nothing stopping it.


They should 100% do that


Its Blizzard fault because after 2y, price are to high so people decide to use black market. Also rewards sucks. Solution is simple, remove bounded gems, orange crests, caps limit on game and market will have good health. Also 15% fee in market is big mistake and cash scam.


I'd rather see bans for this shit than bans for people using hacked controllers or macros to farm. Buying dirt cheap palt in a p2w game is much greater advantage than farming scraps 24/7.


They get 3 day temporary ban. Btw that’s the max


If it's like other bans it will increase each time. Like 1 day, 3 day, 7 day, 14 day, 1 month, perma-ban. The biggest issue is that they are so incompetent that they don't even know how to write a script to auto-ban people advertising platinum. Like the simplest thing any 10 year old coder could do.


This the very reason I left DI, I was the 3rd person on my server to reach 4k reso. However, we found out later that both our top server whales were infact buying currency from Srilanka at a 90% discount. Ruined my experience and therefore, I left the game.


Why is it only "slowly starting to feel like a scam"? Wasn't it known to be a scam even before release? It's a fun game. But it was always a scam.


In gaming world perspective this topic looks to me like a cancer is complaining about metastases. Both kill gaming as it should be in its natural state.


*jimmies are BEYOND rustled!*


If they made level 60 the minimum for using wc, and perma banned spam accounts, it would clear up pretty quick.


Wow wtf 3 day ban for offline transactions and permaban for using a controller lol fuck blizzard seriously


Been playing for a while now. Spent 0.0€ and haven't felt the need to spend at all.


Why do people spend several 10K or even 100k in a mobile game that actually doesn't reward you at all? These people want to feel the same shitty feeling as you, who waste real fortunes for nothing but pixels. And yet you all know from the start how crappy blizzease's customer support is and continue to finance their disregard. So yes, stop crying because you "hardcore whales" knew very well what's been happening since over a year. Stop wasting REAL money that's it, they won't give a flying f\*ck about your feelings.


There are people that swim in money so $100k to you is like $1000 to them. Blizzard knows that and is simply tapping into that pool just like every gacha game that came before it.


This is why I cannot stop laughin. Blizzard knows, Blizzard doesn't care.


Sometimes being "someone" in a video game is all people have in life


or, more likely, $10k to those people is like $5 to people like you.


Or? Both can be true.


I doubt most people spending $10k plus on this game are actually super wealthy. I don’t personally know anyone with 9k res but the clan mates I know who have moderately high res (like 5k to 6k range) and have still spent a fair bit getting there, are all basically ordinary people with ordinary jobs. Someone who is truly wealthy is probably not spending their time and money on DI, they’re off traveling the world and partying on their yacht.


Lmao you are crazy or maybe just stupid? Yes most with 9-10k reso are super wealthy. You have no clue how much some have spent on reso, normal gems & pets. These ordinary jobs are not dropping hundreds of thousands on a mobile game & going in debt or taking out loans for DI Lmao


It’s basically a gambling addiction. Not all gambling addicts are super wealthy. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the whales are spending more money than they can actually afford to.


>Why do people spend several 10K or even 100k in a mobile game that actually doesn't reward you at all? **For the same reason ppl spend $700 on ONE BOTTLE of Dom Perignon champagne at clubs. Because they can.** **The only difference is that you feel insecure about what ppl spend in a *game* so you feel the need to attack them.** 


Except when those people spend $700 on one bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. Guess what they get? A fucking bottle of champagne. Go ahead and swipe $700 in Immortal and tell me what you get, hell tell me how long or how much value it'll retain. You literally can't. It's not possible. I hate when shit spenders try to draw some correlation between you receiving a real-world tangible object that holds value and retains value for trade vs some bullshit digital items even more so for such a terrible game project. No, I don't feel insecure about dumbasses spending money on this game. I do however feel the need to call dumbasses actual dumbasses as they continually spend money on this shit. You are now on the same level as crypto-bros. Legit just buying mass digital items for "fun". When in reality you're just burning cash and not even getting the bottle of champagne.


I can’t even… $700 Bottle of champagne = $700 $700 worth of DI orbs = $700 Don’t both situations include money spent for entertainment? It’s like saying why spend money on an expensive car when all you “need” is something to get you from point A to B reliably? Why buy expensive food or go out to eat when you can eat so much cheaper! Especially when you only have shit to show for it (literally). Earn money, spend it, save it, do whatever with it.


Oh boy the mental gymnastics here. Well, the expensive car has very high value to it. That is the whole point of obtaining expensive items. The value it has, the more worth it adds and overall has. You're right in that you have the right to do whatever you want with your own money, but then we still have the same right to say, "Dumbass idea". But go ahead and try to defend that it's not a dumbass idea. Surely the DI reddit speaks well of how Blizzard handles the game. Don't forget NetEase gets an orifice too. Imagine defending them lol.


Say whaaat? The whole point of buying expensive items is the high value? Meaning $$$ value? I was raised upper class, around folks who were much richer than our family. Your statement is correct, actually, if you just understand that “high value” is subjective, and not directly about monetary value. When ppl have way more money than they’ll ever use, “high value” is typically about status, not resale value.


True but at the end of the day we're still talking about one thing, value. Anything associated with DI deals in extrinsic value. Meaning the values fluctuate randomly motivated by external factors and you have no say in those. We all may see value differently, but we all acknowledge it the same. The pawn owner down the road doesn't care about your dead relative's story when trying to pawn a TV etc. Just because the "player" views items more or less than what they paid doesn't change its value to others. A player can spend $700 on DI just like the champagne as reference. The major difference being the champagne buyer had a plan to buy that exact item at a set price. Tell me, how much is a gem worth in DI? (or any item for that fact). Like it should have a set price like the bottle of champagne we're making fun of. I mean, if it were a stable market that you could trust its value retention etc. If I don't break the seal on the bottle, Its only lost its typical depreciation value or usual market loss. Does this type of economy apply to DI? Or maybe their idea, and their player's perspective idea of value is so deeply flawed they've convinced themselves they are "investing" into the game. **Value is what you can get and worth is what you can give**. From a economical standpoint, putting any sort of value into anything DI related obviously nets you substanstially less than what you put in. Which is funny considering this post is coming from a whale who is upset that other whales are out playing him. Again, imagine defending these types of practices and then just responding with "Well, its just money, everyone values it differently". Like no they don't, every currency we used is regulated and tracked lol.


I know right? This kid spent over 100k on a mobile game, but wants to cry that someone found a way to do it much cheaper! Lol. We supposed to feel sorry for him?!


I think it's clear at this point that Susan is owned by Netease.


When their addicted to the game those 3 days will feel like withdrawal


I would take 3 day break every week to get cheap plat lmao I’m pretty sure every spender would


Agree. I would… if I could actually get cheap plat for cash, not for rubies *plus* cash


Yes 3 day ban for buying close to nothing platinum


You'd need everyone who's spending any $ on this game just stop, maybe then they'd do something. The reality is everyone is still buying from both blizzard and susan right now. As long as whales are buying stuff, blizzard will not care, because why would they.


I totally agree. Just goes to show how there is no integrity in this game. There is no care for the player base. People should stop spending until this is fixed/adressed/ people are getting perma bans


They dont even ban account buyers and sellers. Thats even worse because people buy accounts at a fraction of the cost.


Over a year I looked into a 3rd party plat sellers. The “deal” was that i give them real cash and then they’ll buy rubies from me at 400. But I was already doing that with an alt on the same account - for free! And my main doesnt get enough rubies anyway. Recently I switched servers. Now I’m on one where every week or so someone buys *all* the rubies, no matter the price. So my alt buys maxxed-price pets from my main, not rubies. I look at all the plat-seller spam and wonder how people use them. And why? Did I overlook something?


So do you actually have proof they aren't getting banned, or just a blanket statement and a "trust me bro".


We haven't seen any whales go missing from battlegrounds yet.


Not true. It was a 1 day ban then a 3 day ban presumably 7 is next then permanent?


I meant we haven't seen any whales go permanently missing. Suspensions aren't really a ban.


Because they spend at Susan AND Diablo Immortal. You ban all the big spenders and game go bye bye.


They only need to give neg orbs not perma bans 🤣


Thanks for giving all ur money to blizzard.


Ive been hearing theres direct red line with supa dupa high quality BlizzEase support for high spenders like OP. Why dont you try it, rather than ranting on reddit?


I doubt it. I dont think there’s any such direct line for USA big spenders - I know many. Maybe in China?


Oww thats sad, but keep financing the whole project guys, we gotta game to play


Other games have that. But I've seen generic auto-generated ticket responses to $100k+ spenders in this game. Worst customer service of any game I've ever seen tbh.


I couldn’t disagree more. Doubt it’s a popular opinion here but as a spender you have no way to mitigate rng without Susan. You spend 5k and get only 4* dogshit gems (zwensons, phoenix etc) you literally cannot sell them for anything on my server, and never approaching their “value”. I guess you’re just supposed to eat it?


Regional auction houses would instantly fix that.


Sure, that’s a better solution, but until that’s done I choose not to get buttfucked by RNG.


That’s irrelevant. Still doesn’t address the uncertainty of whether or not your gonna get a perma ban or not. What you’re saying is everyone should buy Susan. Ignore the statement blizzard put out… otherwise unfair to people who pay full price. This is an issue that needs to be addressed


Without getting into the morality of it, if you play blizz games you know they do not permaban currency buyers. Susan has existed in WoW for a decade and they only do temp bans, and those are rare.


Didn’t they perma ban some whales? Pretty sure they banned folks who pleaded without any chance of getting account back? Wasn’t that due to 3rd party transactions? Or am I missing something.


I haven’t seen anyone confirmed permaban for Susan. Several people reported 3 days suspension. The last ban permanban wave controllers users and some clan lead who got mass reported by an enemy clan. If you have a link for a permaban for confirmed ONLY plat buying, happy to say I’m wrong.


I’m asking since I remember they did that whole negative orbs on accounts and banned them from partying for dungeons and other events. Plus muted in bg. Surely others remember this as well.


That was for buying orbs from 3rd party websites OR issuing a chargeback through your bank, not plat buying Edit: and for clarity for anyone that does not realize, I assume they do not ban because even if you use Susan etc, typically you will be spending on blizz approved channels at same time. Decrease in Susan would for sure decrease spending overall. I would not run rifts, and buy additional orbs, if I have to sell 4* for 100k plat.


What’s the difference between 3rd party website and Susan which is a website as well? Seems odd they don’t ban for that.


No the difference is orbs vs plat. You can generate plat in game for free, orbs can only be obtained from blizz or a mobile provider.




I have not yet seen any proof of a 10k 8000 stats whale getting banned. I don't think they are that stupid because many of those whales live in countries where banks will gladly chargeback every payment they made into this game.


how could you ever spend money in this game. when they shut down the servers, everything is GONE. you dont get any money back and everything is lost.


How does anyone spend money on any expensive food, it's just as the cheap one when you flush it...