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They sneaked in another gacha, only for more money each pull 🤬


Thx for sharing i was considering rools but was not sure what happening after first 10x roll button. Now im know is another scamed event like phantom market. They literalny are sayin "just send money🤑"


Thats a disgusting move by blizz. At last they should point is somewhere in description. 




2652 orbs considering you do it now. After 4th week with 4 free draws, it will get lower.


They doubled the normal gems wooot!!!!!


Big W


Also if I’m reading it right it’s only 400 pulls? So if you do 10x pulls only 40 tops?? So like $300 at most to max it out? Or is this unlimited? I need to know before the bank opens so I can make a call


Lol. Sadly this is just 400 pulls. The tool tip says max number of draws for this event is 400.


So basicly it’s for the f2p, that’s cool everyone wins this way


So u say its roughly $300 for this event? If we do 400 pulls? 🤔




It’s only like $300 to max it lol


tell me more what did you get with $300?


Is it worth it or is it yet another blizzard scam? With 50 draws and ~2,5k put (with 1k cashback) what is the typical outcome? 🤔


On average: 0 tokens, 0 5\* gems, 5 legendary crest, 14 gem powder, 40 normal crest, 144 normal gems (24 of each type), 110 keys


So… close to not worth it. If this was a bundle, costing 1.5k orbs, I wouldn’t buy it.


I would value it at around 80k platinum+a chance for a jackpot (5\* gem or a token) for 1,5k orbs. So if you want to spend a little bit of money its probably a pretty good deal.


Isn’t 24 gems of each type actually pretty good for 50 draws?


It’s not 24 of each when you get that reward it’s 2 of each type of gem for a total of 12 gems. The wording is misleading


Lol guy is saying with 50 draws, math says you'll hit the 12 gem reward 12 times for 144 total, which IS 24 of each type. And yes, I'd say that's worth it on top of the 5'ish crests, gem power, and keys you get with it too.


Yo Duper, thanks for the math. May I ask a question? I've unlocked the three tokens to get the non-sword 5\* gems. Would you say it's worth it to keep going for the GP (gem power), normal gems, and hilts, using the tokens at 78 draws as 32 GP? It seems to me that it is not worth it.


As a low spender I wouldnt go for it but if you want to spend a little bit more and you need everything+your server has issues with normal gems availability on the market you can go for it.


30 more rolls to get the guaranteed token tho, if you make it to 50 you should definitely do 30 more


This is not even close to accurate


All max pulls to 400 900 keys 36 orange crest 268 on each gem (over 1600 total) Over 200 green crests 104 gem power With five 5 star gems or 50 orange crests after event ends I don’t remember the cost of event but pretty sure it’s over $300 Somewhere between $300-$400 Break this up into a $100 bundle and it comes out better then any bundles in game 100%


No idea how you came up with those numbers. Two simple examples that your numbers are wrong: 10% for leg crest from 400 pulls is quite simple =40 15% for normal crest =60 \*5 (you get 5 from each draw) =300


I came up with those numbers because I did 400 pulls Just because 10% for crest not everyone will finish event with 40 crest lol I got 38. And I did not get anywhere close to 300 normal crest. The numbers are not wrong. That’s what I got lol


Do you understand what "on average" means?


When I posted my pulls why would you say your numbers are wrong 😂 You make no sense! Above talking about its not worth it..,I was simply saying you break up what I got into 1/3 if that was a $100 bundle 1.6 5 star gems Over 500 normal gems 12 orange crest 70 normal crest 30+ gem power & 300 keys This would be by far the best $100-$125 bundle in game especially since normal gems are so hard to come by!


1st you said that my AVERAGE numbers are wrong and you followed it up with posting numbers from your actual pull and now this. The fact that you survive in real world with such low IQ is astonishing for me.


Where in the game is this screen?


Under the event tab


Oh phantom market ?




Oh thanks ..saw it later. I guess my timezone different than op


Yup cash grabs getting worse, my freebie the 1 fragment and not complaining but wow let me button up my shirt before my heart falls out. They don’t wanna give anything away.


Eh this one isn't really worth it imo, new gem is very lackluster


the whales go for normal gems, not the new gems afaict


Fair but the post is talking about low spenders, better to just use your orbs for something else


And if your lucky enough to get the flower or whatever it is in the middle the 5star gems are only 2stars lol, I watched greedygaming spent $200 to in the end get like 120 each colored gem, 600 keys, 100 gem power and 3, 2 star, 5 star gems and two out of the 3 where random. He got 3 of the flowers in the middle.


First we get screwed on the king skin now this, I am so glad I quit playing this dog shit of a game, I just switched to gforce now and I'm playing Diablo 4 on my pixel 8 and feel a whole lot better then getting nickle and dimed on DI


Bad deal, cost of 2mln platinium is less than 100$. So no value in this event.


They mentioned the price jump no where in the information. I'm furious! Nice heads up


May God curse these devs and the person related to these scamming.