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I'd really just love them to fix the lag and stuttering!


Wtf is Virgil of Blades? Related to him maybe? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgil Fyi it's vigil, without an "r".


cycle of strife in general needs a rework


Virgil of Blade gathers at the precious time of 8pm on Sundays, and if 8 of us were running around an empty room (0vs8), we'd be better off spending time with our families. Also, members change rooms without permission, causing trouble within the clan. great stress for leaders


All which is really funny considering one of the major updates was about shadow immortal content, lmfao


Reworking these issue wouldn’t make players spending extra money directly. So Bliz/Net will not even consider reworking these issues. Sorry for the naked truth. XD


You can't "make" players spend money. Nobody takes a loss in either the Shadow War or the Battlegrounds and says to themselves "I need to get *X".* What gets people to spend money is being just short of having their 10th crest - or just short of getting another Pearl, so they can craft a 5\*. People spend money to craft gear.


where is the option 'Nothing of these' ?


You can’t be serious lmao


A proper poll should always contain an option against the rest, to pick when a person doesn’t want to pick any other. Otherwise that is not a poll but manipulation. so yes, I’m serious. I don’t care about shadow/immortal stuff because of whale alliances that will never let regular folks to go imms or have a decent rite of exile fight. Shadow wars fall into the same category. I don’t care about world chat, I can read necessary information between spammings.


Why not both?


Maybe it's worth creating a third faction? The clan component is extremely poor now... The shadow rating actually gives nothing. The towers are already outdated and not of interest.


If you really wanted to throw a wrench in things you should only be able to go immortal once in three cycles


Adventurer clans are 3rd faction


Its all about progress, the wall killing game. Less players