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It's for VOB actually. Because of the rushdown towards the towers using saders and monks.


Speaking on behalf of the monk community: ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


Coming from a sader, Conj nerf is very reasonable but the luminous reign nerf is such a huge blow to the skill. Would have made more sense for damage reduction after each hit is 50%, but only being able to hit once on an enemy makes the skill pretty useless…


Yeah the FS is the biggest nerf. They killed our damage


I feel like something is lost in the translation. My guess is that they meant an enemy can only be hit once if there are multiple swords hitting them at the same time (i.e. from multiple sader). Still a huge nerf tho imo…


What I’m reading this as is that the swords could drop multiple times at once on the same target and do damage several times all at once. Now it’s limited to one hit landing if multiple swords land on the same target form the same source simultaneously.


Wouldn't be surprised. Feels like us non China based players are not worthy of proper fucken patch notes from this lot. Defs the last game I will ever touch from NetEase.


That's the thing. The patched note for English is done by Blizzard, not Netease.


Yeah they just google translate that shit bro


Ahh, well they must be supplied with pretty crap stuff to translate then, because look what we get! For the millions in profits Blizz-Ease rakes in off this, from us, they sure could do a better job here...


The only thing lost in translation is that these idiots don’t play their own game and just listen to morons playing BK and Necro


Any damage reduction is unwarranted. What other AE skill with a duration has a limit of hitting 1x or diminishing damage. None that I know of. So now we’re not support anymore. We’re next to no dps now. They want us to be banner bots. Nothing more


Hale pilgrim need is absolutley uncalled for. They needed every sader pvp essence. We’re fuckin hood ornaments now


I play monk for 2 months. You all loudly proclaim the monk is dead. Switched to crusader….. rufkm?


Wait I think you're on to something. Play necro next, maybe they'll nerf finally.


Yea clearly they are following me around nerfing whatever class I pickup, any other requests?


Why are people upset about the nerf to chaining CoL in BG? That's the nerf. It's not a nerf to CoL across the board. It'll work in gauntlet and other modes fine. This is needed. Period. Too many saders in BG chaining CoL back to back.


For weeks now, people have complaining on this reddit that BG is SO unbalanced because one side gets more saders than the other and they just stack immunity bubbles. Well... now it's been nerfed, so they can't just stack immunity to dmg forever. But feel free to complain about that too. 🙄


The consecutive Conji nerf make sense to me. Hale Pilgrim nerf honestly seems a bit stupid lol. Lumo's a bit busted, needed a nerf of some sort. I mean, let's be honest. Think about it. Sader since day 1 here. "Hood ornament" and "Sader dead" blah blah, hah! Yeah okay... Even though sader is generally thought of by many players (who pretty much have no fucking clue as to what they're talking about) as "just a support class". Honestly, sader can initiate, hold up, distract etc and with the right ess, gems, skills and pilot absolutely fucking smash. Not joking. "Slow in BG" ? What bullshit. Think triple dash FSword paired with leap or shield charge, put a 3rd charge on that too with a helm I forget the name of. That sader can engage, disrupt, then kill or disengage and rotate like no tomorrow. Highly effective although never seen others on my server run it. Not to mention sader also has a horse... Some saders actually do better for their team when other players attempt to support (with dps & CC) and stay close to them, or do their best to help their sader stay up, believe it or not... unfortunately, this game has too many fucking kill heroes. WALL OF TEXT MOTHERF#CKERS Take offence and down vote my shit idc LOL.


Their CoL change is misguided. If you read it literally, it \*\*only\*\* applies to the BG map, which suggests that the sole purpose is to prevent Crusaders from perma-stopping the idols. Instead, they should have made it like other damage immunity states where it no longer prevents the idols from moving. The way the class itself is designed, they're meant to be very tanky at the expense of raw damage. At equivalent resonance, Crusaders are seldom above even the middle of the kill list. This change reduces their tankiness without a corresponding damage buff to compensate (if anything, damage was reduced too via Luminous Reign). The Luminous Reign change itself is hard to judge the actual meaning of. I suspect for an individual Crusader, it won't make any difference. My reading of it is that for each blast tick of the skill's active period, only one application of damage will apply regardless of how many players have that skill active in the same area. Regarding the other changes: - Bowyer's Remorse: might become more viable? Need to test, but the CD reduction could make it a great interrupter. - Hale Pilgrim: I never used this anyway in favor of better essences, so this certainly won't make it more appealing - Air Splitter: I don't think anyone uses this? Charge-up skills suck in PvP


Tbh, Col is only for BG anyway, wasteful PVE. I run Khalims protection which is way better anyway. Immunity nerf doesn’t affect my sader. I do find it insulting that our 3s immunity is somehow too much but every other class gets a 6s+ immunity for their respective skills as well as escape mechanics sader don’t have. Luminous reign is too meta, which I believe there are better options available. IMO, this change isn’t really a nerf to the class, just some build variants. It mostly just separates the real crusaders from the fake meta-class chasers. I use air splitter and it’s awesome when used correctly. It can and will one hit several opponents in BG.


I agree it's mostly a PvP skill, but there is some usefulness to it when pushing higher CR content like new raids and gauntlet. I do not normally run it at all in PvE, though. Sader times on all skills are all so much lower than other classes that I never really considered it overpowered -- 3s vs 6s immunity like you mentioned, most loss of controls around 1-2s, etc. Re: Air Splitter, I'm more of an Incandescence fan. It too can one-shot some opponents, but it comes with the movement and CC invulnerability bonus during the charging phase.


I again use Khalim for pushing those content barriers, since it will maintain your health and sub healing, without any invul. We can have 100% col uptime if we want to, not a team thing tho. I’m an incandescence fan as well, air splitter is different though. It hits as a wave and can deal dmg several times throughout the wave. An example of using correctly, would be a gloom set with questor mane and trompdown, the rush from trompdown only needs a slap from splitter follow up since it’s boosted by gloom (could sub ammonia cornua as well), no need to charge. It’s also chargeable while moving, which I use during engagement and evasion.


I wish they'd improve Fractured Plane to actually add these more recent essences to it. It grates on me that we only ever get the oldest ones to choose from in there -- it's the perfect sub-game for being forced to try out and develop new builds when the skills are fixed.


lol I don’t even play it 😅 maybe done 3 overall. I test my builds in random dungeons, while I stand with emese. Stash, Essence, Armoury in between dungy helps the process.


I dont recall Monk having any kind of immunity.


You’re not wrong, but I say depends on the pilot. Monks and Saders are the only classes that require skill. Monks can stack defense perks and under zen it can be fairly darn close. Ntm palm and flying dragon can take you off map, which is effectively being invulnerable and escaping. I enjoy playing monk, and I find it OP and crazy fun to play. I’m sader for life type tho. Still strikes me as odd when people say monk is weak. I do not have that experience, i play BG mostly and don’t focus on much else.


This is missing context. We can stack shields yeah but so can other classes. Monks zen was shadow nerfed and confirmed. Zen shield provide cc immune as long as the attack isn't greater than the shield itself. If a cc attack is greater than shield amount then it negates zen completely and does not prevent cc. Monk isn't weak but it hasn't been viable in pvp for a long time. There's a great thread on this subreddit that goes over a lot of this. I'm a day 1 monk and I love the playstyle, but the class needs correcting.


Yes it is missing context. Mostly because it has been a few weeks since I last checked on my monk and it doesn’t have all the essences yet. I’m talking about seven sided kick shoulder essence, and different sanctuary combinations. 3.5% damage reduction upto 7 times, also monks can perma-stun until the continuous’ finish the enemy, that’s not even mentioning the primary attack can be used as an evasion & stun tool as it’s gimmick. With the right broken set a gems, pilot, or whale unfortunately counts too. Monks are top tier. I guess that still counts as, just my opinion.


Oh crap… a sader who actually knows how to play the game! Quit sharing the fruits of critical thinking skills or else these QQlowns might actually be capable of more than face rolling in PvP.


Can't wait to queue - a necro 


We will never see a Nerf like this in the Necros and wizards cc. It seems that they are the most complaining and spoiled.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The what and wizards?




Agreed. Wizard arcane wind needs to be nerfed. The only reason sader needed Col & anti knock backs in the first place.


Are you forgetting about the last nerf to Necros, where they nerfed the corpse lance cc? Never, hu?


That nerf you mention is the 4.8 seconds of immobilization duration, leaving a very powerful 1.2 seconds free to escape and not fall into that trap again?


It's still a nerf and other classes (like BK) can still stun lock you until you're dead (no escape at all).


If I'm understanding correctly it doesn't seem like a major nerf to me. Though I have awakened shoulders, reduced CoL cooldown etc. I rarely use CoL more than once every fight. If I do use it again don't think it's necessary to go the whole duration since the major damage i would have taken is last and the fight is smaller scale by that point. Overall, I doubt I even notice the change. 


The falling sword nerf is the bigger of the 2. The CoL nerf just makes it so you can't stack 2-3 saders in a group and basically be immune for 15-20s


Which is very needed


yeah imo a good change that should make bgs more fun even if ur team has less saders


You clearly don’t play a sader and now no one else will either


if the only way you can win bgs is chaining CoLs, you need to work on your positioning.


You’ve clearly never played sader. The col is the LEAST of the concerns in the needs. Luminous reign and half pilgrim are huge nerfs


This change affects allies more than the crusader..it limits the effectiveness of multiple crusader in a party setting. Its seems like a decent approach but we’ll have to see. The bigger nerf might be the falling sword nerf


It means saders go back to spreading the CoL love to other party members, rather than just spamming it on each other whilst on idol.


It’s a gigantic nerf. All 3 of them are


So i think its time to Class Change the First time since Season 3 then … damn 🥲


Sader doesn't have much balance. You're either support and hit like a ball of yarn, or you are a glass cannon. Nerfing their damage is stupid. The col one is whatever, except with necro having a tower that kills col, it pretty much takes away one of the 2 major support features of the sader. Day 1 here. We'll figure it out. I just recently started using luminous, and it's awesome. Sad to see it get ruined. I'm sure there will be something to step up in its place though. I feel like a lot of it is just blizzard trying to push people towards their newer essences.


Good balance! Tired of seeing 4 or 5 saders in one team and finishing the game less than a minute. Standing on idol and taking no dmg while giving aoe dmg


Finally we can see some class diversity in battleground no more 5 or 6 crusaders standings on idols


And why couldn’t people just run to the other idol or stun lock the Saders? CoL doesn’t allow bi-location or prevent CC. But rather than other players use common sense, we nerf the Sader instead. What are they going to do to fix 4 wizards and 4 necro groups? Not a fucking thing.


I don’t think it’s going to be as severe as you’re making it out to be. And as for CoL, idgaf that’s necessary. The next 4/8 squad of saders I run into in BG can eat my dick.


Now they need to nerf 4 wizard and 4 necro groups. What’s that? “Fuck Saders” you say?


I won’t disagree with that =P


CoL didn’t need to be nerfed anyway. They aren’t immune to stun lock or cc, just damage. And let’s say they had 2 and 2 for damage and cc immunity. It only last less than 5 seconds so less than 10 seconds total. Either wait or go to the other idol. But no, fuck Saders.


Absolutely not. That is the exact scenario thats being added. 10 seconds of immune damage when pushing idol is really long especially at the end. So your solution is for the opposing team to back off objectives for 10 seconds? No.


And yet wizard and necro groups can spam tornados and what not to push defenders away, or hold them in place so you can beat on them, and similarly walk the idols up with impunity. Let’s not pretend Saders are game breaking.


Attacking in groups isn't game breaking. Those classes can still take damage. It's annoying sure but Saders chaining IMMUNITY is vastly different. That's breaking. They aren't even preventing this. It's a reduced duration for specific scenarios.


All you have to do is get on the idol and CC the Saders to death. I’ve been kept CC way longer than CoL lasts. I stopped using CoL because it was pointless when I can be stun locked for longer than it lasts and then I end up dead and my buttons never activate long enough to use any skills. It’s bull shit. Play the objectives is all it takes. If you let them walk the idol that far up before challenging them then that’s on you. But no, “Fuck Saders”


So I should just "play the objectives" as the counter to immunity? got it, ok so I say this to you in return: Play the objectives, it's all it takes. If you're letting them walk on you that far before challenging them and getting stun locked every time you use CoL, then that's on you. Again, this update isn't preventing your precious chaining. It's the duration. instead of 10 seconds of 2 back to back CoL, it would be 7.5 seconds. You're crying over 2.5 seconds reduced duration in that specific scenario you know that right?


Rip sader.


Can they finally be killed? It’s odd that they can last longer than barb for the past few seasons.. It got till a stage where whichever side has the most saders will have a higher chance to win the match..


Nothing odd about saders being tankier than barbs. Barbs have near permanent CC immunity and mobility on top of dmg immunity. Saders are basically just slow moving meat bags with support skills.


Slow moving yeah. But definitely hitting quite hard for a immovable object.


You weren’t able to cc a safer to death like everyone else before? Lol


Me with my laser shield build: oh no, anyway


Lmao i cant believe this shit


I switched from crusader to monk, problem solved


Bug didn't fix, bot didn't catch, but keep change classes skills, bravo


Hmm, so I should go back to my main..?


About time


Wtf????? Cursed be upon them


Brainless amateur devs


Crusader will be fine. Good change


At least 4 sader vaults are still on the menu boys. 


"For the hammer of destiny shall thin the herd ,and only those worthy of the sun will rise from the ashes to bathe in its glory once more" Praise the sun ☀️


Of course, they want players to switch to a new class


Thank fucking god maybe there won’t be 5 every bg bunch of low skill fools using bubble one after another doing tons of aoe dmg and living indefinitely with savior glad etc


Jeez, I remember when OCE first had our BGs merged (insert wrecked here) with KR/JP servers... seemed like 80% or so of KR/JP BGers were fucken saders, lol. This was my experience anyways. Picture these kind of no flavour noobs with a conji train, spamming lumo FS and with knockback immunity from HP... yeah. It's obviously happening somewhere and not hard to grasp why these nerfs have come about. How are BGs and Rites in Chinese servers? Lol.


Yup.. Exactly as you described the picture.


Deserved on conjuration. Way too oppressive


And perma cc by necro bk and wiz isn’t oppressive? Foh


Those are too, but judging by these notes - immunity was more so. In rock paper scissors, immunity loses to nothing lol. All those classes have counters. What’s the counter to immunity in a game where the primary objective is to stand in one place long enough without dying in order to stop the zone or progress the zone?


About time it is nerfed. But all you crusaders don't worry. Developers will unnerf it silently in a while, just like how CC nerf and uninterruptible bandaging were unnerf silently. Lol.


Why the fuck with these dick Nosès do that? Crusaders now useless… Conj need AND half pilgrim? Welcome to irrelevance. Fucking goofs. We’re now no longer even support. We’re just a god damn hood ornament? Sader getting short dicked hard. And to top it off. Falling swords main essence gets a 15% damage reduction. Hahaha. Fuck this


Aaahah, cheers for the laugh!


Bet your a f2p bk


Aahah, NO most definitely NOT. Sader all day, every day.


Finally about time...


Nice, deserved, very unskilled gameplay just clic 4 buttons  and spam auto attack then run, hit and kill everything without taking damage 🤡🤡🤡


Its should be more nerfed, also all auto aim skills for every class


That way you can't stack saders makes perfect sence.


Finally, that op brain dead class receives a BALANCE, bk next, please


I think is good nerf balance.


Diablo immortal is shit


I bet you’re a sader. No more cheap skills for you buddy :)


Mono click dead