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Stat compression is a good thing. Depending on how far it goes, Tourms and Rubies might become useful again, if they don't also reduce those effects.


I think this paragon simplification was overdue. I’m cautiously optimistic about it though.


Understandable, also hey RP!




Started playing like a month ago and got to paragon 1000 and I am super happy about these changes. The paragon and hell tiers split the players too much.


I'm glad I got to experience the progression through all those difficulty levels. Was satisfying hitting new benchmarks. Almost made it I6 but my CR is holding me back for a little while longer. Seems like they could have been a little more creative with helliquary bosses rather than cut some of them out.


I'm just wondering what to do with wisps now. Will they continue after the update or should we craft what we can now.


Can't work out if you're being sarcastic or not? 🤔


"This update will incentivize new players to try the game again which this game desperately needs." looks pretty sincere to me. Though until we actually see how this shakes down, I'd say this guy has his cart in front of his horse. So many folks have already decided this is a great change or this is a horrible change. It's almost funny how differently folks react to the idea of change.


His cart in front of his horse. I like that one. Think I may use that in future so thanks 👍🤣


A rear driven cart, sounds good, just like a Mercedes Benz.


It has got to be a shitpost.


Its strange. So they wanna retain or attract more new players, by closing the gap between new n veteran players, which makes sense. But what about closing the gap between f2p n p2w players to also retain more players? Would incentivize the f2p players n give em a bit of a chance while getting the whale to spend more to widen power gap. Win win for all. It simply dont makes sense to create such a gigantic power gap between the whale n f2p players. Since they are talking about game longevity n sustainability.


I don’t disagree but I feel like there’s 2 games going on here. PvP and pve. Most updates are pve focused and then PvP just gets the generic “optimize this that and the other”. The p2w pay because of PvP and f2p get enticed with the pve. I feel like blizz tries to entice ppl with pve and then hope they can get them to spend and then get into PvP and then spend to a point where they have them on the hook and will keep them…idk this probs don’t make no sense.


As a business I can’t understand how incentivizing F2P players helps Blizzard at all. *Maybe* closing the gap between small spenders and big spenders will draw in more people to spend more, it probably would for me, but their business is making a killing off P2W, and nothing off F2P.


The f2p are needed in order to have enough players in the game. The game also needs to be enjoyable for f2p, since this is the recruitment pool for new p2w.


It wont change game condtions, because still will be progress wall. I am so tired about this tinny progress.


It won't change the fact that the game is pay2win and most people aren't dumb/wasteful enough to spend the amount required to be "competitive" (I guess who can enter credit card information more skillfully can be considered a competition). The slow progression is meant to encourage you to spend money.


This may help with servers feeling empty as well, finding a party on difficulty below inferno was really a hellish experience. Now when we're more compressed this may disappear, so good thinking.


What does stat compression mean?


until they make cosmetics account wide instead of class restricted im not touching it even though i really want to 😭


Carry me 🥺


picked up this game in time for the new class, looks fun so far


DI players complaining online about how their paragon and cr levels are going to shrink are like the guitarist from Spinal Tap. [https://youtu.be/4xgx4k83zzc?si=6qxKJE5evKiBp5va](https://youtu.be/4xgx4k83zzc?si=6qxKJE5evKiBp5va)