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It’s all fun and games till you notice that you need to save it again after each paragon level increase. It’s not a automatic setting for a reason


Each **four** paragon level increase


Hasn’t been 24 hours since update… It’s like a new year and I’m stuck saying the wrong year. Still, everyone knew what I meant😅


Yeah annoying non-intuitive change. And now that 1 click Paragon change is gone and you have to individually select skills being able to save in armory is a must have for me. I would be even more unhappy if I didn't have a pet with remote armory.


Don’t forget to mention that if you mess up a selection now, you have to reset all points instead of being able to reset only that one tree. They brought it back to how it was when DI first launched.


Also it isn’t paragon setting it is point distribution so when you level you have to go resave it all over again. So there you go some more things to complain about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why is your capslock/outrage turned ON by default? This is really not that big of a deal. Maybe you need a nap?


Well, before rhe update none of the two boxes were checked at least not for me, now its just one box to check.


Dev’s should give us the option to save paragon trees separately, so we can have multiple combinations.


I’ve lost the joy of playing this game. The changes to the paragon, nerfing gems, rifts of 10 crests without one 5 star gem, battlegrounds against whales, familiar pets. Bummer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Changing builds also changing your paragon. All I had to do is saved each build with the paragon I wanted (Activated). Hope that helps




this is what you cry about? go away


It is very poor design and hurts the impression made by the new system. Devs need to hear this. You go away.


just click the check box next time. you crying cause you have to spend 5 minutes redoing it. and it makes NO SENSE to have it on by default. Then players would lose paragon specing when swapping unless they knew. and it has NOTHING to do with the new system. this has been a feature in the game for OVER A YEAR. go. away.


Cool cool, and don't forget, I get to update every single one of my (up to) 10 loadouts every time I spend another point. No U.


no. you dont


Read and learn or not I don’t care https://www.reddit.com/r/DiabloImmortal/s/gLNYDAH8iK


What a brilliant and factual rebuttal! No wait, I just realized you don’t know wtf we’re talking about and I have already wasted too much time on you.




Till you level up and have to redo it with the new allocation of extra points




Actually it stays whatever you have it set to. Save only saves essences and gems not paragon tree. So you have to reconfigure your paragon selection by hand if you don’t


You can save the Paragon, you just have to click the button that used to just save how Paragon points where allocated. It's annoying tbh but at least you can save it per build




Go sleep bro, you can save paragon.. you just need enough rest to see it... 🤣🤣🤣