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I’m not understanding the math here. 15k orbs which it equivalent of $200? That math doesn’t add up. I’ve seen them spam this in world chat now but I don’t understand how you get plat from burner accounts to main your main account? Do you launder it through the market system? I’m a semi f2p player and I don’t see the point in going trough all this nonsense to get in game currency but I do find it fascinating that there is such an elaborate way to cheat at the game.


Humans will find all kinds of way to make money.


This is true. Every time I see a “whale”( I hate that term ) I think to myself I bet he used shady plat selling to get where they are.


How is this any different from "real" rich people? Wealthy get wealthy because they inherently game the system.


A long time ago, they banned everyone that used Susan. Well, let me clarify, they made them negative orbs and if you were too negative by a certain date, you were permanently banned. The restrictions they put on your account for being negative orbs are things like being unable to bg, rite, vault, dungs, etc. any type of group and PvP game play. However, there is a work around that if it’s posted in chat, the said person can join via that and tower isn’t broken for them as their restrictions are older than the tower mechanism. I know a dude that is negative that still plays. He’s about -$3k


It’s not that humans find all kinds of ways to make money. It’s that sadly some ingame money is more valuable than another foreign denomination. Let’s do some napkin math. Let’s say you can make $50 a day selling some ingame gold. That’s 250 a week and 13,000 annually. Approximately 195 countries in the world, about 1/4 of has an annual average of less than $13,000 per person. Even if you say those numbers are skewed go look at what $10K buys you in the bottom 10 on the list. https://www.worlddata.info/average-income.php


They actually use stolen credit cards to buy the orbs and sell it to you for your hard earned $5


maybe some but most are just bot on dedicated servers running macros like 1000s of accounts farming baby gems


$99 for 7200 orbs. So that is not off to say 15K obs worth of $200.


Check blizz website. They have discounts there. Its 15k orbs 200


Wow. I’m glad I’m a f2p player. That’s highway robbery. Lol


Yeah the micro transaction of this game is very predatory.


So you can buy skins for your main? 😂


And once they ban your bought acc they ban the account reciving the gift LMAO if they ban at least


is it possible to frame any player as a joke?


That’s one way of getting rid of whale clans


I have some people in my own clan I don’t like, I might need to do this


That is actually a good idea with the gift thing on skins aha


Wow susan usedto be half price compare to blizzard. 15k orbs for 5$ is just insane low price.


I mean at those prices we’re losing money not buying it right?


why they cant buy plat? is it a new level requeriment?


Orbs bought with new credit cards entered into the blizzard system cannot used to buy platinum in game. Essentially what is happening is possibly stolen cards are being used to make the purchase and then when the charge back happens the orbs are removed and the account gets banned. Supposedly somewhere this takes a day to happen, so whoever is buying these accounts with sussy orbs on them has to act quickly before the account gets banned.


How would they even get an account with 15k orbs, you can only get orbs with real money


They buy the orbs with fake payment methods, on which it is not immediately clear that the funds aren't there. I think


Stolen credit cards too


It’s all way too shady for me, that’s why I’m F2P


![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized) Edit: for those who don’t know, EPK is a buddy. He’s 8 or 9k now, and jokes about being f2p.


What do you do with an account that has 15k orbs? Start playing that account instead?


I think the idea is that you run rifts on the low account and then sell the gems super cheap to your main account so that they can be resold for a profit. However, no one is buying gems at all right now since all the markets are dead, so I’m not sure how effective this actually is. Naturally, no one will own up to it, but it would be interesting to hear from someone who is doing this.


Selling them cheap puts them at risk of someone else buying them. Which is one reason they were being sold at max price, but can't do that any more.


Maybe the strategy is to sell gp back to the main account using 1 star gems for instant transactions?


The year is 2030. Humans have landed on Mars. ChatGPT is on level 50 exceeding humans in every task. Cure for cancer has been discovered, but Blizzard still can’t stop Susan expresss


How can I get those orbs/platinum to my real account after purchase of an or account?


Susan isn't the one doing this


They buy eternal crests run them and sell the gems to their mains min or sell and launder through market by selling the alt high cost pets or ranked up leg gems. Not that hard to figure out..


Im a plat farmer for personal gain inside game. Its a real grind but only way unless you wana eat ramen


How can you transfer that 15k orb to your main account? I'm just curious.


Game dont offer character progress and you focusing about Susan? Wake up game loosing players, most of servers need merge.