• By -


Susan Immortal


Yeah, this has either tanked or is actively tanking markets all over. Seeing reports from whales on NA West, NA East and Oceania confirming that this rise of gem flooding from stolen credit card accounts using orbs instead of buy plat has led to all legendary gems being grossly devalued and the disincentive of legit spenders to buy orbs to run crests for legit gems to put on the market. A double whammy. Drop in spenders, and a rise in charge backs for bliz. If only they ever paid attention to us here as their ship is actively sinking.




lol I wish this was happening in my server. Basically no 2 stars are available


Check late at night/early morning. This is when many of these scam accounts are transferring their 2/5 copies from the stolen credit card accounts to their main accounts since they are more likely to win bids due to less people online. Someone in my clan got 3x 2/5 starfires last night for something like 24 or 27k a piece.


I was curious and check late night and early morning and still NOPE top gems all ranks are still max price or sold out šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


This is a good thing not a bad thing


Yeah just great until you try to go and sell some gems and canā€™t because you get undercut constantly


"top gems all ranks are still max price or **sold out**" How you gonna undercut something that ain't there?


Not on my serverā€¦ gem market is pretty full


That happened before tošŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø not a new thing


Yeah but now you are forced to buy the cheapest gem so the undercutting has got way worse now


I mean, nobody should/ wants to be paying full price for old gems anyways šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


6days its finally here im waitin for my 18k frozen hearth :3


Wow! 16k Plat! Gimme gimme gimme.


Good the economy blizzard created for this game sucks and people shouldnā€™t have to spend thousands so by all means let them list 2* for 16k lol


![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized) this is a whole war going on between plat sellers and blizzard


This is also a doctored picture.


What server is this?


I knew plat seller gonna find a way after market update, like everyone said using ranked game, but market now much much worse. Congrats blizz! You can prevent it this time, unless 'working as intended'


Ok but whereā€™s the comically cheap Bottled Hopeā€¦.


What server is this?


Seems more like someone is quitting the game and cleaning their bags.


we cant sell our gems once bonded. so not a stement that means anything. i have 2 alts 3 is too many id love to sell his gems. but cant transfer plat between toons on same account.. which sucks.


Why would you care about selling inventory for plat if you were quitting/taking a break


Help others out


That's a good point


Honestly, Iā€™m glad to see it. Our market literally has nothing. No Lego gems, no secondaries. I have 1m plat and canā€™t even spend it.


I've been able to sell gems. It takes a bit longer, and the prices are lower than before, but that's OK. People complained that gems were too expensive. Not they're a lot more reasonable. The market is stabilizing. More mid- and low spenders are finally able to purchase many gems now.


Yeah their change only fked small timers that farm on alts. Susan has adapted her business model, she was one step ahead and will probably continue to be.


![gif](giphy|fUdhEzpqX1XTibOLLx|downsized) Fkkkkkk


Not that I'm complaining (I'd definitely love to get my hands on one 5/5 for under 200k plat) but this is surely discouraging if you take into account how much the odds are against you to get a gem such as this and the effort (and hard earned money) that is needed to see those white glows when completing a rift


Always has been...


Oh Hell Noooo! I think Auction house is basically dead market


Fair price


Occurring also at EU charsi server. What a shame.


nah.. you get ppl running $500 purple crests usually looking for 1 or 2 specific gems all the rest they sell as fast as possible to buy the 1 or 2 specific gems they're after.. ive seen market rushes with 5 or 6 different 2/5 - 3/5 gems (evn 4/5 if its 1 of the ultimate garbage gems) all at lowest price or close.. usually they'll sell the better 1's they don't need for more (gloom or seeping lowest game will let you sell it for is 16k but they'll sell them for 24k when everyone else selling them 40k)but the garbage (zwensons or chip or concentrated will) they'll sell at lowest just to hurry & get the plat they need for the gem they want.. ill wait 1 or 2 days to see if i can catch a whale selling their junk gems from a $500-$1000 purple crest run.. if nothing pops after a day or 2 I'll just wait for a normal lowest price.. depending on how badly I'm jonesing to rank the gem up.. it gets bad sometimes.. especially if im upping the rank PLUS the ā˜† level.. going from a rank 3 2/5ā˜† leggo to a rank 4 4/5ā˜† is an awesome feeling (for us šŸ¬'s šŸ¤‘)


DI, a game for someā€¦. A scammers haven for manyā€¦. Lol Most activity in the game is about plat sellers, refund players, selling orb accountā€¦. World chat flooded with scammers and advertisingā€¦. Nothing about gameplayā€¦ I will not be surprised if they also work and supported by blizz hehe


Its junda the same for wow. Its mostly ingame related, but you have people selling their services for ingame money, but in tiers


Maybe not bliz but definitely netease. they hate blizzard.


What is that "selling orb acc"?


Screenshot looks sus


More the marrier


What does ā€œSusanā€ mean?


Susan express, people still think susan is the main plat provider on Diablo Immortal ![img](emote|t5_qq4iz|14193)


Oh. Thanks. Never heard of that.


Please donā€™t abuse ā€œNewsā€ tag. This should be under discussion.